  • 7/24/2019 MLA Vicki Huntington - Submission to Massey Tunnel Replacement Project, Phase 3, Public Consultation


    Legislative Office:

    Room 145, Parliament Buildings

    Legislative Assembly

    Province of British Columbia

    Vicki Huntington, M.L.A.

    Delta South)

    Constituency Office

    4805 Delta Stree

    Victor a, B.C. V8V 1X4

    Phone: 250 952-7594

    Fax: 250 952-7598

    Fax: 604 940-792

    www.vickihunt ngton.c

    Delta, B.C. V4K 2T

    Phone: 604 940-792

    e mail: v cki.huntington.mia

    January 28, 2016

    Project Office

    George Massey Tunnel Replacement Project

    Ironwood Plaza

    2030-11662 Steveston Highway

    Ric mond, BC V7A 1N6

    To whom it may concern:

    Re: Comments on Massey Tunnel Re lacement Pro ect, Phase 3, Public Consultation

    Please consider the following comments on the proposed 10-lane bridge to replace the existing Massey

    Tunnel as part of Phase 3 of the public consultation process.

    I would like to preface my submission by noting that I support many of the objectives of the George

    Massey Tunnel Replacement Project, as stated in the Project Definition Report PDR). However, I have a

    number of outstanding concerns about the scope of the project as it relates to the larger transportation

    system in the Lower Mainland.

    The PDR notes that funds for the new bridge will be raised through a combination of bridge tolling and

    funding partnerships with the federal government. However, there is little meaningful detail. This

    information matters a great deal to the residents of Delta and neighbouring municipalities that rely on

    the corridor.

    I believe the provincial government needs to engage in broad-based consultation to solicit feedback on a

    region-wide tolling system that would distribute costs more evenly across the Lower Mainland. The

    current system of tolled bridges and free crossings creates an imbalance for people living south of the

    Fraser River, and my concern is that these inequities will be exacerbated by a new tolled crossing.

    In terms of federal contributions, I believe it is important that Port Metro Vancouver pay its fair share of

    funds for the tunnel replacement. The PDR notes that daily truck volumes along the corridor, which are

    already significant, are predicted to double by 2045. Much of this traffic is destined for terminals under

    the Port s jurisdiction. Port contributions should make up a significant portion of the funding formula.

    It has also been noted that the new bridge will result in no net loss of farmland for the region. While this

    is welcome news, the government must act quickly to publicize in detail how this goal will be achieved.

  • 7/24/2019 MLA Vicki Huntington - Submission to Massey Tunnel Replacement Project, Phase 3, Public Consultation


    Finally, it has been noted that the two-lane on-ramp from Highway 17A may include an HOV lane. The

    Ministry s draft concept drawings show these lanes merging into one, as traffic crosses the proposed

    bridge deck. I am concerned that access to the new bridge via Highway 17A will not result in meaningful

    access improvements for residents of South Delta, including traffic originating in Ladner and

    Tsawwassen. The specific benefits for South Delta passenger vehicle, transit, foot, and bicycle traffic,

    should be clarified prior to proceeding with further design and procurement stages.


    Vicki Huntington, ML

    Delta South

    cc: Geoff Freer, Executive Project Director, Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

    Massey Tunnel Replacement Project

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