  • 8/14/2019 Missouri Demo Days, Crat Fnc.


    MissouriDemo ratDays, nc.P.O.Box 893

    Hannibal,Missouri 63401-0893


    2.2 mileswest n Hwy36,ExitShinn ane o South uterRoad, ast /2 mile. Just ack fFiddlestiks.



    FRIDAY, ARCH thRegistration nly; $15.00. Begins 2Noon, riday, ndcontinuesthru aturday. Lobby)EarlyBird Party, FREE with egistration,:30-5:30 anjoBand, ood nd Fun! Pre-FunctionAre

    (Compliments f Ral/s Co. Democrats nd MO Democrat Days)Missouri's Great Wines & Gheese Pre-Functionrea) Compliments f9th Dist.Rep. PaulQuinnFREE withRegistration,:30 PM - Fish Fry & BBQ Compliments f 18thSenatorial istrict

    Hosted y Senator Wes Shoemyer Pre-Functionrea)Hospital i tyRooms (19 ast year!) FREE with esistrat ion,pen ? unti lMidnight

    Dance and Mixer, FREE with egistration,-7PM& 8-11 M,music yRachel ringer ndVagabond



    Early Coffee, Rolls, & Political Discussion, FREE withRegistration,:30AM, (Pre-Functionrea)Compliments f RobinCarnahan, ecretary fState nd Candidate or US Senate, 010

    Volunteer osfs: Carl& Charlotte hompsonMedia Conference, FREE with egistration,:00 M and4:00PM, BkfstArea)BRUNCH,10 AM, Individual icket $20.00, includesegistration.Speakerobeannounced)anquet m,Youth Panel , FREE to invited art icipants .Various Meetings and Happenings FREE withRegistration,:00-5:00 M, including:Young

    Democrats'Auction, ith ots of politicalmemorabilia nd other nice tems. Pre-Functionrea)Hospital i tyRooms, FREE withRegistrat ion,ti l"BigMama" ings.Closed ruing runch banquet .BANQUET, ndividual Ticket, $25.00, inctudesegistration,:00 PM, Speaker BA. Banquet oom)

    COST Only $30.00 for EntireWeekend! Complete ullTicket overs l!events ncludingRegistration! ndividual vents are priced n the eft and back of this lyer.A ticketpurchased or!!ny event covers egistration lso! Security equires egistration/name ags o be worn at all times!

    PHONE NFORMATIONlan Dunlap, o-Chair 73-248-9238JohnYancey, o-Chair Program 73-221-4161

    Neil Utte back,Hospitalty Room 57 3-221810BJoe F ese, dvertising 73-406-150Lesfers eters, rotocol,73-2219036Tracy mith, larence annon ward 73-470-4618

    JanieThomas, ickefs Workers 73-594-2669MaryAnnLovell, ickets Workers 73-754-6103Debbie ackson, ccounting73-2211836Jane Carnahan, ccounting7 -7 9-47 7Rachel ringer, ccou ting 7 -7 9-4661Marty ocher, outh anel 73-248-0796

    Ryan obart

    - Press ersonMODemocraticCommiftee


    AREAMOTELSQuality nn & Suites, Hdqtrs Tom & HuckMotel,573-221-0422 Econolodge, T3-221-1490

    573-221-4001 Super 8 Motel,800-800-8000 Howard ohnson, 573-221-7950Hotel Clemens, 800-523-1234 River Front nn,573-221-6662 Travel Lodge, 800-578-7878Days nn,573-248-1700 Comfort nn,573-221-9988 Holiday nn Express, 73-406-0300Hannibal nn. 573-248-8000

    Come oin the Festivities, isitwith County, tate,NationalElected OfficeHolders, nd Grass Rooters oo !Don't forget Sunday Morning: Ralls Co.'s Eye Opener and Country Breakfast

    NewLondon Lions Club Building, Hwy 61 South, 0 milesBalls Co. Democrats: 7 AM - 1 PM


  • 8/14/2019 Missouri Demo Days, Crat Fnc.



    TICKETNFORMATIONFull icket or $30.00--Covers ntireevent rom FridayNoon untilSunday morning.Tickets are available rom Board Members, dvisoryBoard Members, emo Days Doers",GentralGommittee hairs & Co-Ghairs, tc. Do Not Separate hese ull tickets n an effortto make ndividual ickets, t won't work! (See below.) Make he Sale, Order he Tickets!

    Individual ickets are as follows; mailed or held at doorRegistration nly-- $t5.00. Covers verything xcept Brunch and Banquet.

    Brunch only -- $20.00. Covers everything xcept Banquet.Banquet nly-- $25.00. Covers verything xcept Brunch.

    These ndividualickets reavailable t he dooronly, r hey an be mailed f requested,and f t ime allows. Otherwise, l l mailorder ickets will be held at the Registration esk.

    Do not separate ny ull tickets, and please omplete he nformation tub. We must havethis information f your county s to receive redit or the sale!Please se he order orm as supplied ere.F

    T T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T T i

    ! rueea More nformation?

    Il Address



    lcountv zip-l

    Write:Mo.Demo ays, nc.P.O. ox 93Hannibal,O63401-0893



    Brunch Banquet Register nly II $go.oo $20.00 $25.00 $15.00 |L--rrrrrrrrrrrr--rr-rr-r-rrr-r--J

    !no. eqo.IlFullTicket

    Amount Enclosed

    Any ticket purchasedincludes egistration

    CLARENCE ANNON WARDNOMINATIONSMail o TracySmith, c/o Demo Days,P.O.Box 893, Hannibal,MO 63401

    YOUTHPANELPARTICIPANTSOpen o any young person hat you know hat might have an interest n Governme nt.Please end names o MartyKocher@ Demo Days,P.O. ox 893,Hannibal, O 63401

    (The Youth Panel willbe Demo Days'guesfs or the Brunch.)

    VENDORS - $10 erfoot f36"wideables Entire vent PoolsideseeAdv.Chai

    ADVERTISINGlf we are to continue o enjoy the very low prices or tickets to Demo Days, we really needto increase our advertising ncome. Please at least make an effort to sell some advertisingin your community! (Elected Democrats?) Egry elected Democrat should participate!Advertising nformation s as follows:

    FullPage $1501/2Page-$ 801/4Page-$ 55

    1/8 Page business ard) $ 30SuperBooster-$ 2

    --Payment s due on submission f copy.--Joe Frese s Advertising Chair again his year. Please mail direct o Joe Frese,212N.8th St . , Hannibal ,MO 63401. Phone or fax messages o 573-406-1350.

    E-maildirect ly o printer: asprintplus@sbcglobal .netRemember he deadline or advertising s February 1st.

    DEADLINE ORADCOPY FEB. stFor best results, photos should beblack and white,and paper opyshould be originals.

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