Page 1: Mississippi 4-H On TRAC “ T aking  R evitalization  to  A ll  C lubs ”


Mississippi 4-H

On TRAC“Taking

Revitalization to All Clubs”

(insert county name)Mississippi State University

Extension Service 4-H Youth Programs

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What is 4-H on TRAC?

A program planning process designed to strengthen the local and county 4-H program by making it educational, interactive and fun.

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Successful 4-H members and clubs require:

Families involved in supporting their 4-H member’s 4-H project and participation in local and county programs.

All families and 4-H members share in leadership and responsibilities of being a member of the 4-H organization.

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Local 4-H Programs should develop life skills.

Decision-making skills Cooperation Leadership Group communications Try new ideas Gain new knowledge and skills Pride in group endeavors Build self-confidence

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A 4-H meeting should be: On a regular schedule Run by youth officers &

supervised by adults Organized Fun Educational Providing recognition and peer

support Supported by positive contact

with adults

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Parts of a 4-H Club Meeting

Opening CeremonyMonthly Business

MeetingEducational ProgramSpeeches/demonstrationsRecreationRefreshments

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Another look at a4-H Meeting

BusinessCall to OrderOpening with Pledges and RitualRoll call/sign inIntroduction of GuestsMinutes & CorrespondenceTreasurer’s ReportReports of CommitteesUnfinished BusinessNew BusinessAnnouncementsAdjournment

Program or EducationTalks & Demonstrations by MembersJudging Activity or Project LessonOpportunities to Learn by DoingGuest Speakers, Films, etc.Special Tours or Group Activities

Recreation & RefreshmentsRecreation & RefreshmentsGames, skits, plays, parties, songs, etc..Snacks or meal

Education Business Recreation


RecreationRecreation Education



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A 4-H meeting should: Start on Time End in less than an 1 1/2

hours Run by youth officers Adult supervision Use parliamentary procedure Be educational and fun Providing for member


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Local 4-H Club Team

4-H Member Local club officers Organizational Leader Project Leader(s) Activity Leader(s) Parents/Families

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Today’s Task: Break into club teams and plan

the year. Use the Monthly 4-H Meeting

Planning Guide. Be sure the following are done today: Educational Program or Activity County Event

Preparation/Lesson Club Community Service Project

Following today’s meeting complete other information on the guide and follow-up with responsibility assignments.

Taking Revitalization to All Clubs

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4-H Plan of ActionComponent I

4-H Mission and Vision Role of Parent, Volunteer

Leader, Youth Officers and Extension Agents

Components of a Good Meeting

Available Resources

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4-H Plan of Action Component II

Schedule meeting on a regular date

Plan 6-8 educational programs

Plan a Service-Learning project

Plan a fun activity (party, tour, picnic)

Determine leadership needs

Plan a visibility project

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County & State Expectations

Club completes yearly program plan

Yearly plan is duplicated

Plan is distributed to members

Officer training is provided

Taking Revitalization to All Counties

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Extension Agents Provide:

Resources Orientation & training Support and

encouragement Follow-up and


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Certificate of Training for 4-H Volunteer

Complete volunteer enrollment application

Behavioral guidelinesThree trainings per

yearVolunteer Organization


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