Page 1: Migration  data for bulgaria

General secondary school

“Hristo Botev”, Aytos, Bulgaria

Bulgarian migration movements

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EmigrationEmigration ImImmigrationmigration

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Push and Pull factors



Religious intolerance

PullLack of freedom

Political reasons

Economic factors

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WarWhen? 1919

Event: First World War

Country of destination: USA, Canada

How many people? Over 100 000

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When? 1945

Event: Second World WarCountry of destination: Western Europe, North America

How many people? 150 000

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When? 1990

Event: Democratic changes

Country of destination: Western Europe, USA, Canada, Australia

How many people? About 1 000 000

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Religious intoleranceWhen? ХІV – ХVІІ century

Event: Ottoman yoke

Country of destination: Moldova, Romania, Russia

How many people? 250 000

When? 1989

Reasons: political and ethnic

Country of destination: Turkey

How many people? 200 000

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Relative freedom and political reasons

When? after 1917

Event: The Great Revolution in October

Country of destination: Bulgaria

How many people? 20 000 – 30 000

When? from 1878 to 1944

Event: the Liberation of BulgariaCountry of destination: Macedonia Country of destination: BulgariaHow many people? 250 000 – 300 000

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Economic factors

When? after 2005

Reasons: The different living standard

Country of destination: England, Russia

Country of destination: Bulgaria

How many people? 10 000

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 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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