
1. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN1 Microservices with Apache Camel Claus Ibsen (@davsclaus) Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat 2. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN2 Agenda What is Apache Camel? A little Example Microservice Demo Standalone with Docker with OpenShift / Kubernetes More Information 3. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN3 Your Speaker Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat Apache Camel 7 years working with Camel Author of Camel in Action book Contact EMail: [email protected] Twitter: @davsclaus Blog: Linkedin: 4. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN4 Agenda What is Apache Camel? A little Example Microservice Demo Standalone with Docker with OpenShift / Kubernetes More Information 5. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN5 What is Apache Camel? Quote from the website 6. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN6 What is Apache Camel? Why do we need integration? Critical for your business to integrate Why Integration Framework? Framework do the heavy lifting You can focus on business problem Not "reinventing the wheel" 7. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN7 What is Apache Camel? What is Enterprise Integration Patterns? It's a book 8. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN8 What is Apache Camel? Enterprise Integration Patterns 9. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN9 What is Apache Camel? EIP - Content Based Router 10. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN10 What is Apache Camel? from newOrder 11. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN11 What is Apache Camel? from newOrder choice 12. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN12 What is Apache Camel? from newOrder choice when isWidget to widget 13. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN13 What is Apache Camel? from newOrder choice when isWidget to widget otherwise to gadget 14. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN14 What is Apache Camel? from(newOrder) choice when(isWidget) to(widget) otherwise to(gadget) 15. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN15 What is Apache Camel? from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget); 16. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN16 What is Apache Camel? Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget); 17. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN17 What is Apache Camel? Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget); 18. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN18 What is Apache Camel? Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"); Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget"); Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget); 19. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN19 What is Apache Camel? Java Code public void configure() throws Exception { Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"); Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget"); Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget) .end(); } 20. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN20 What is Apache Camel? Java Code import org.apache.camel.Endpoint; import org.apache.camel.Predicate; import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() throws Exception { Endpoint newOrder = endpoint("activemq:queue:newOrder"); Predicate isWidget = xpath("/order/product = 'widget'"); Endpoint widget = endpoint("activemq:queue:widget"); Endpoint gadget = endpoint("activemq:queue:gadget"); from(newOrder) .choice() .when(isWidget).to(widget) .otherwise().to(gadget) .end(); } } 21. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN21 What is Apache Camel? Camel Java DSL import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder { public void configure() throws Exception { from("activemq:queue:newOrder") .choice() .when(xpath("/order/product = 'widget'")) .to("activemq:queue:widget") .otherwise() .to("activemq:queue:gadget") .end(); } } 22. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN22 What is Apache Camel? Camel XML DSL /order/product = 'widget' 23. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN23 What is Apache Camel? Endpoint as URIs /order/product = 'widget' use file instead 24. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN24 What is Apache Camel? Endpoint as URIs /order/product = 'widget' parameters 25. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN25 Standard Java or XML Java DSL is just Java 26. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN26 Standard Java or XML XML DSL is just XML with XSD schema for validation/tooling 27. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN27 What is Apache Camel? Camel's Architecture 28. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN28 What is Apache Camel? 150+ Components 29. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN29 What is Apache Camel? 150+ Components 30. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN30 What is Apache Camel? Summary Integration Framework Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) Routing (using DSL) Easy Configuration (endpoint as uri's) Just Java or XML code No Container Dependency A lot of components 31. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN31 Agenda What is Apache Camel? A little Example Microservice Demo Standalone with Docker with Kubernetes More Information 32. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN32 A Little Example File Copier Example 33. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN33 A Little Example File Copier Example 34. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN34 A Little Example File Copier Example 35. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN35 A Little Example File Copier Example 36. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN36 A Little Example File Copier Example 37. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN37 Agenda What is Apache Camel? A little Example Microservice Demo Standalone with Docker with OpenShift / Kubernetes More Information 38. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN38 Microservice Demo - Overview camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web Java Standalone Apache Tomcat HTTP 8080 from timer to http to log from http choice setBody 39. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN39 Creating new Camel Projects Using Command Shell From Eclipse 40. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN40 Creating new Camel Projects ... or JBoss Forge 41. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN41 Creating new Camel Projects Maven Archetypes Archetypes Archetypes camel-archetype-activemq camel-archetype-groovy camel-archetype-api-component camel-archetype-java camel-archetype-blueprint camel-archetype-scala camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-scr camel-archetype-component camel-archetype-spring camel-archetype-cxf-code-first-blueprint camel-archetype-spring-boot camel-archetype-cxf-contract-first-blueprint camel-archetype-spring-dm camel-archetype-dataformat camel-archetype-web 42. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN42 Creating new Camel Projects camel-archetype-cdi To run from CLI mvn clean install exec:java 43. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN43 Creating new Camel Projects add http component Adds the chosen component to the pom.xml file. CMD + ALT 4 44. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN44 Creating new Camel Projects add change route to call http://localhost:8080 45. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN45 Creating new Camel Projects add change bean to return a name 46. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN46 Creating new Camel Projects camel-archetype-web To run from CLI mvn clean install jetty:run 47. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN47 Microservice Demo - Overview camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web Java Standalone Apache Tomcat HTTP 8080 from timer to http to log from http choice setBody We are ready to run standalone 48. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN48 Running Standalone camel-archetype-web Start Apache Tomcat with bin/catalina run Copy the .war to Tomcat deploy folder (myweb.war) 49. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN49 Running Standalone camel-archetype-cdi mvn install exec:java 50. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN50 Monitor using hawtio embedded in Tomcat Copy hawtio.war to Tomcat deploy folder 51. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN51 Agenda What is Apache Camel? A little Example Microservice Demo Standalone with Docker with OpenShift / Kubernetes More Information 52. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN52 Camel and Docker Dockerizing your Camel Projects Using Roland Huss's Docker Maven Plugin .. by manually adding to pom.xml and configure ... but we use the Forge 53. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN53 Camel and Docker Dockerizing your Camel Projects with JBoss Forge From CLI Add FORGE_HOME/bin to $PATH 54. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN54 Camel and Docker Dockerizing your Camel Projects with JBoss Forge From Eclipse IDEA NetBeans CMD + ALT 4 55. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN55 Camel and Docker Build Docker Containers mvn clean install docker:build ... Images now in your local docker repository camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web docker-maven-plugin uses $DOCKER_HOST Fabric8 w/ OpenShift 3: DOCKER_HOST="tcp://vagrant.f8:2375" Boot2Docker: DOCKER_HOST="tcp://" 56. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN56 Camel and Docker Run Docker Containers docker run -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8778:8778 The 10.000$$$ Docker Question What the f$QRC#%A%%EG is the IP address of the container 8080 = Tomcat 8778 = Jolokia 57. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN57 Camel and Docker What is the IP Address of the Docker Container 58. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN58 Camel and Docker camel-archetype-cdi I would need to change the hostname to the docker assigned IP address 59. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN59 Camel and Docker camel-archetype-cdi .. and then build the docker image And then run the docker image docker run -it SNAPSHOT 60. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN60 Camel and Docker Pheeew isn't this easier? Yes !!! 61. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN61 Agenda What is Apache Camel? A little Example Microservice Demo Standalone with Docker with OpenShift / Kubernetes More Information 62. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN62 Microservices Demo - Recap camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web Java Standalone Apache Tomcat HTTP 8080 from timer to http to log from http choice setBody 63. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN63 Microservices Demo - Use Service camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web Java Standalone Apache Tomcat from timer to http to log from http choice setBody Service Kubernetes Service 64. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN64 What is a Kubernetes Service Kubernetes Service 65. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN65 Define Kubernetes Service Define in pom.xml in Apache Tomcat from http choice setBody Service Container Port = Inside Docker Container (e.g. the port of Apache Tomcat) Service Port = Outside Consumers of Service to use Name of service 66. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN66 Define Kubernetes Service ... generates into kubernetes.json using fabric8:json plugin Apache Tomcat from http choice setBody Service 67. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN67 About using Kubernetes Service Discover Kubernetes Services Java Standalone from timer to http to log 68. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN68 Client - Use Kubernetes Service Use {{service:name}} in Camel ... you can use default values {{service:name:host:port}} Java Standalone from timer to http to log host:port would be default if service is not discovered 69. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN69 Microservice Demo - Ready for launch! camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-web Java Standalone Apache Tomcat from timer to http to log from http choice setBody Service Service defined Ready to deploy to Kubernetes 70. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN70 Deploy - camel-archetype-web camel-archetype-web mvn clean install docker:build fabric8:apply Apache Tomcat from http choice setBody Service 71. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN71 Deploy - camel-archetype-cdi camel-archetype-cdi mvn clean install docker:build fabric8:apply Java Standalone from timer to http to log 72. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN72 fabric8 web console http://fabric8.vagrant.f8 Easy by configuring the replication size 73. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN73 OpenShift 3 CLI oc get pods docker CLI is also possible docker images docker ps 74. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN74 OpenShift 3 CLI oc get services 75. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN75 OpenShift 3 CLI oc logs -f 76. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN76 Scaling up / down ... by changing replication size on controller 77. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN77 Scaling up / down web console shows we now have 3 pods 78. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN78 Scaling up / down and the camel-archetype-cli pod is load balancing the mycoolservice among the 3 live pods 79. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN79 Agenda What is Apache Camel? A little Example Microservice Demo Standalone with Docker with OpenShift / Kubernetes More Information 80. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN80 Where do I get more information? Apache Camel Microservices Fabric8 chat room #fabric-8 on freenode OpenShift 3 Kubernetes 81. PUBLIC PRESENTATION | CLAUS IBSEN81 Any Questions ? Contact EMail: [email protected] / [email protected] Twitter: @davsclaus Blog: Linkedin:

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