  • 8/9/2019 Microfinance(1) of Indian


    Microfnance in India


    Micro-Finance reers to ―small savings, credit and

    insurance services etended to sociall! and

    economicall! disadvantaged segments o societ!,

    or ena"ling t#em to raise t#eir income levels and

    im$rove living standards%

    T#e main aim o Micro-Finance is too $rovide loan

    to t#e $oor $eo$le or to "elo& $overt! line, o

    are not a"le "orro& rom ot#er sources and to

    ma'e t#eir living standard "etter%

    One o t#e greatest c#allenges "eore t#e Indian

    su"- continent ic# accommodates more t#an

    one-t#ird o t#e $o$ulation is $overt!% India, one o t#e (RIC nations &it# more t#an )%* "illion

     $o$ulation is seen "! man! develo$ed countries as

    an emerging econom!%

    India+s economic gro&t# #as ailed to ma'e a

    signifcant im$rovement in its $overt! fgures &it#

      millionmore t#an t#e total in t#e $oorest

     .rican Nations- still stuc' in $overt!% /overnment

    o India &it# its concern started various $overt!

    alleviation $rograms "ut t#e! #ave ailed to

    deliver t#e o"0ectives to t#e level ic# is desired%

    T#e reasons ma! "e man! suc# as ailure to reac#

  • 8/9/2019 Microfinance(1) of Indian


    t#e target grou$, loo$#oles in t#e s!stem,

    develo$ing a ro"ust mec#anism to name a e&%

    Man! countries including India e$erimented &it#

    su"sidi1ed credit ic# onl! led to increase in t#eN2.s%

    T#e microfnance #as come or&ard to fll u$ t#e

    ga$% (ut t#e outreac# is too small as com$ared to

    t#e re3uirement and $otential% 4o&ever t#ere is

    some $rogress in t#is regard ater active role

     $la!ed "! N.(.RD and ormation o 54/s grou$s%

     . num"er o N/Os and MFIs #ave also delved intot#e "usiness% 5ome o t#em #ave also started in a

    "ig &a! and #ave started ma'ing $roft "! issuing

    I2Os 6Initial $u"lic o7ers8% (ut certain

    develo$ment in recent !ears #as "roug#t a res#

    ocus on t#e $ro"lem o regulation in feld o

    microfnance% T#e $a$er delineates t#ree distinct

    as$ects o microfnance, frst gro&t# omicrofnance in India and some ot#er countries9

    secondl! it discusses t#e role $la!ed "! N.(.RD

    and ot#er National (an's in gro&t# o 54/s and

    /rameen (an'% T#ird, it deals &it# t#e role o

    government in raming legislation or $rotection o 

    rig#t o micro "orro&ers% T#e stud! also deals &it#

    t#e need or a regulator! "od! to regulate,develo$ and guide t#e numerous MFIs and N/Os

    o &or' in t#e feld o microcredit% T#e $a$er

    discusses t#e actors and t#eoretical $osition

  • 8/9/2019 Microfinance(1) of Indian


    associated &it# evolution o microfnance and its

    role in glo"al scenario%


    (usiness Model o /rameen (an', 54/;s

     Formation o /rameen (an', 54/;s

    Role o Micro Finance in t#e current econom! 

    5tud! a"out t#eir interest rates

     Role o &omen in t#e econom! 

    Understand t#e (usiness Model o N.(.RD

     .nd researc#ed man! im$ortant t#ings

    related to Micro Finance%

    Researc# Met#od:

    T#e data constitute "ot# $rimar! and

    secondar! data% T#e $rimar! data used in t#e

    stud! &as collected t#roug# intervie&

    sc#edule and 3uestionnaire%5econdar! data are collected t#roug#

    internet and data availa"le rom $revious

     $u"lications in leading 0ournals%

  • 8/9/2019 Microfinance(1) of Indian


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