Download - Microbiology lab 1

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Microbiology Lab 2421-104

Thursday 1:00-3:50

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• 1. What is selective medium?

• 2. What is the definition of resolution?

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• What is selective medium?• Allows the grow of some bacteria and inhibits

others.• What is the definition of resolution?• The ability of a microscope to distinguish two

entities as separate bodies.

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• Cameron Martin • room 214• [email protected]• Interest in microbiology environmental

microbiology.(ex. Alcanivorax borkumensis )

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Lab safety

• food and drinks • Lab safety• Proper attire • MSDS (material safety data sheet)• Chemical shower• Eye wash

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Macroscopic view

• Petri dish and agar• 7 different bacteria on agar• Observe the elevation , margins, appearance,

optical properties, pigments, non-pigments, and texture.

• Also if it has a capsule.• Serratia marcescens, Micrococcus luteus,

Kebsiella pneumonia, Mystery colony.

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Special media

• 2 types of media • Enrich and selective/differential.• Enrich media to grow fastidious organism.• Ex. Blood agar• Selective media allows for some organisms to grow

and inhibits others.• Differential media allows the bacteria to grow based

on some biochemical or physical property that allows the bacteria to be differentiated from each other.

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• We use a compound bright field microscope.

• Resolution is the ability of a microscope to distinguish two entities as separate bodies.

• Two ways to increase resolution• Increase magnification, adding immersion oil

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Look at 4 prepare their slides Focus, observe, and draw this observation at 100X with oilNotice the different shapes and size.

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Last part

• Finish questions (these are due today before you read)

• If you have not done lab safety these need to be done.

• Make sure that you do your reading by next time for the quiz.

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