
INSPIRATION FOR OUR GAME To find the right inspiration for the game that our team would most enjoy creating, we

researched a range of different titles spanning themes and genres.

We looked at lists of video games popular in the 90s, and decided that games from the “beat-’em-up” genre such as Streets of Rage and Double Dragon would be the most fun to plan and produce.

For themes, we wanted to take cues from 1980s media, such as film and music, as the style of that decade was very unique, and allowed for a lot of artistic license to be taken in our character/game design.

A common location seen within 80s media was Miami, so we decided that we would like to follow this trope in our game, and give our own spin on the sun-bleached city.




All Character Art by Sami Briggs




Zack Fury, 27 – Born into a family of cops, his parents were the top of their game and well respected within the Miami Police Force for many years. So it was only natural that Zack would take after them as his future career.Zack is a charismatic, confident, and dynamic guy that likes a good smoke. But you don’t want to get on his bad side. Always fighting for justice, Zack is always determined to make Miami a better place, and to remove the bad reputation it has. Zack enjoys playing all sorts of sports, especially pool at the local bar with his friends which he refuses to lose at. Despite his tough look, his other hobbies include reading and riding his bike around the city, as it helps relieve the stress of Cop life.

Mina, 25 - Mina and her twin sister were very close growing up, until her sister got involved with the wrong crowd, dropped out of College, and suddenly disappeared without a word. Having left Mina worried for her life, she found out she had moved to Florida to be part of a huge dangerous gang that had devastating plans. Mina came to the conclusion that the only way she could bring her sister back was to move to Florida to become a cop, and have the ability to find out what this gang were planning and put a stop to it all. Mina is enthusiastic, witty, and level-headed. She enjoys writing lyrics, listening to music, as well as keeping up with the latest trends thanks to fashion magazines.


“Out of the force, and out of luck, Zack Fury is a cop on the edge of the thin blue line. After the mysterious death of his partner, Zack Fury becomes a man determined to allow nothing to get in the way of him finding the truth behind his partners’ demise.”

Each area in the game has it’s own significance in Zack and Mina’s story, and help progress the plot.

When the two reach the end of the line, they make a shocking discovery that could change Miami forever, and it’s up to them to do everything within their power to stop the bad guys once and for all.

The both of them met when Mina joined the Miami Police Force at a young age of 23. Having been assigned many cases together, they quickly became good friends. Zack’s seriousness towards cases was balanced out with Mina’s motivation and logical thinking whenever Zack was feeling burned out, this helped shape a really good team.








The best target audience for a project like this would be a mixture of teen and older. We feel this because the range of content is fresh enough to appeal to a teen crowd, but also has that retro flair that would attract people who grew up playing games similar to this one in their childhood. The level of violence also falls here, since there is fighting, but with no scenes of graphic violence, meaning it can reach a wider audience.

In Team Throwback there’s a range of different talents, which will be applied in the best position. We benefit from having 2D character artists, 3D artists, as well as designers to evenly balance out the development process.

Each member would be assigned a different area of the game to work on, with different tasks, but they are not limited to doing that one thing, as such a small team means it’s easier for us to help each-other out to maximize quality.

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