  • 1. Making Divorce As Positive As Possible Miami Family attorney Theodore H. Enfield P.A.

2. Divorce doesnt have to be as depressing as it sounds. People often feel like they have failed when their marriage doesnt work. But the truth is, there is no magic formula for guaranteeing a successful marriage. Couples can work hard and try different methods of communication, seek counseling, and even try temporary separation periods, but when both people in a relationship reach the end of the road, then there is no other option but to file for divorce. 3. This will feel like a dead end to most people, but it can also be viewed as a new beginning. If two people have been particularly unhappy, and they are removing the source of their unhappiness, this is surely only a good thing. Every ending is a beginning. So instead of considering a visit to a family law office in Miami as a negative act, it can conversely be viewed as a positive step towards a happier future for the whole family. 4. Theodore H. Enfield, a family law expert lawyer in Miami Dade, announces new strategies to help couples minimize the pain and discomfort of divorce. Agreeing to finalize negotiations before going to court is one way of ensuring that there is less disruption. To do this, a couple needs to look at their divorce in a more positive light and be proactive about settling the terms. The more details a couple can work out and agree upon between themselves, with the help of their lawyers, the more in control they will feel when finalizing their divorce. This is a positive, empowering path. No one gets married expecting to get divorced, and when the prospect of divorce rears its head, people generally feel ashamed and fearful. Most people facing the prospect of 5. About Lawyer Theodore H. Enfield has been through countless divorces, because he has had nearly 30 years of experience of helping couples end their marriages. He has seen so many different situations and heard so many personal stories, that he is able to offer the best advice on how to cope with the uncharted territory they face. Many people who face the prospect of divorce start to search for a Fort Lauderdale divorce attorney and find that Theodore H. Enfield comes up first in the local listings. This is due to the fact that Theodore Enfield has one of the best reputations of all Divorce attorneys in Miami. He has a strong reputation for having expert advice in conjunction with genuine compassion, which keeps him extremely popular amongst his clients. 6. Contact Lawyer Theodore H. Enfield: Theodore H. Enfield is one of the most popular and well respected Miami divorce attorneys, who has extensive experience in all aspects of family law, including divorce and annulments, alimony, property settlements, and domestic violence cases. For more information call 305-933-9592 OR toll free on 800-733-5299, or visit

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