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    The University of Greenwich

    Word Count : 4032 Words Supervisor : U Sann Lwin Prepared by : Zaw Htoo Aung Student ID 000899234

    Myanma Computer Co., Ltd., Yangon Course: COMP 1645

    B.Sc. Top Up Programme

    Date 2015 April


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    By learning Requirement Analysis, I have known how to build business Information System, How process is running in the system, how people are working in the system, designing new system with usecase, how rich picture is drawn from scenario. At Part(C), I have discussed how are related between use case and rich picture and how they are useful. I hope my report meets the requirements.

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    Table of Contents Part A - Requirements Analysis using Rich Pictures ............................................ 4

    A1. Rich Picture for London Help Forum ........................................................................ 4 A2. Discussion on environment presented in the Rich Picture .................................... 5

    Part B - Requirements Analysis Using Use Case Modelling ................................. 8 B1. Use case diagram for the e-legal system based upon the LCLC ........................... 8

    B2. Documentation For Use Case Diagram ............................................................ 9 B2.1. Primary Scenario ...................................................................................................... 9 B2.2. Secondary Scenario ............................................................................................... 10 B3. Documentation For Use Case Diagram .................................................................. 11

    Part C - Critique of Use Cases and Rich Pictures ................................................ 13

  • Part A - Requirements Analysis using Rich Pictures A1. Rich Picture for London Help Forum

  • A2. Discussion on environment presented in the Rich Picture People, who are interested in, relate with, and support to organisation are called stakeholder. The followings are stakeholders who are involved in the LHF environment. Senior Executive Group (SEG) SEG is the highest level in the London Help Forum (LHF). It has Chief Executive, Head of Human Resources, Finance Director, Marketing Director, Administrative Services Director, IT Director and Head of Member Charity Services. They make key decisions for LHF. They are important because organisations improvement and fundings are depending on SEG. IT Director (Julienne Black) She is one of stakeholders. She is working as director of IT department in LHF. She is handling LHFs whole IT infrastructure and has worked in LHF from past five years. She ensures that HR and Payroll functions using in LHF are well supported or not. She has to check LHFs website is up-to-date. She also introduced a system for Finance Department to bid for fundings. She was involved in building of eLHF system that enables the communication between head office and member charities. She is important as she makes LHFs IT requirements which are able to function efficiently and with professional manner. Jasmine Le Blanc She is the chief executive of Leyton Community Legal Centre who founded the LCLC in year 2005. She recruits new solicitors and trains them to work in LCLC. She is important because she makes decisions for LCLC, finds funding for LCLC and made her centre to be successful with Best Advice Centre Award given by Prime Minister at year 2013. Member Charities Member Charities are members of LHF. They provides advices services such as problems concerning with debt, housing, rent arrears,landlords and threats of homelessness for Londoners. They are important because they provides free guidance for London residents. Volunteers Volunteers are also stakeholders in the system. They have to work in advice centres for specific tasks. As LHF is a non-profit organisation, it needs more volunteers. Directors of Member Charities They are also stakeholder of the system. They have to provide monthly financial reports and other reports requested by LHFs head offices and attend monthly meeting at LHF with Head of Member Charity Services. They are important as they make funding for their charity and communication between head office and member charities. Funders They are stakeholder of the system. They are from external sources. They check KPI of LHF to continue to provide fundings to charity. Without them, there is no funding so that organisation can be run. So, they are important. Organisational Structure London Help Forum (LHF) was established in 2008 to support London residents. In LHF, Senior Executive Group is the highest position. It is made up with Chief Executives, Financial Director, Head of Human Resources,Director of Marketing Department, Director of Administrative Services, IT Director, and Head of Member Charity Service. SEG makes key decision. All decisions made by SEG must be ratified by the Board Of Trustees. LHF head office is based in Southwark, South East London. In head office, CE manages with his admin

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    teams. Administrative Services collect appropriate management for organisation. Administrative Services also manage Contracts and Fund Raising team. Under Head office, there are five members that deliver advice services across London with twenty community advice centres. Those members are managed by Head of Member Charity Services. Each of advice centres has volunteers and employees. As head office requires free legal advice centre, CE offers Leyton Community Legal Centre to become a member of LHF to do free legal services for Londoners. So, LCLC is the member of charity services from LHF. Systems that need to be built It can be known that there will be systems that need to be built by observing issues and requirements by member charity in rich picture. The member charity faces problem in using eLHF system because of its restriction LHF should repair eLHF to meet with charities requirements in record data and provide data to head office as LHF forces its member charity to use eLHF system. As Leyton Community Legal Centre becomes a member of LHF, it has to agree to work within LHFs framework. The new sub-system for LCLC should be developed as eLegal that will provide legal advice services which is new service to LHF. eLegal should include functions to record staff information, clients information, solicitors information and produce some sort of reports which is required by head office. eLegal system must send data feed to head office daily basis. The new sub system should record funds usage and financial information. The Areas of conflict identified There are many area of conflict that were identified at the rich picture provided in A1. A member charity, Home4All sends an email to Mathew Lord that they cant record information they need to record by using eLHF system as eHomeless System Interface is restrictive and frustrating and their staff loses confidences by using ehomeless system. During the development of eHomeless, they werent being consulted and so they dont have any ability to change. CE, Mathew Lord, wants to develop a number of free legal advice centres. But some of senior executive group didnt agree with his plan. Debt Support UK(DSU) will leave LHF if they need to continue to use eDebt system from LHF. DSU wants to use in-house charity system. A number of charity member doesnt want to eLHF system. They want to develop and use in-house IT system like DSU did. Issues that individual people discussed The senior executive group didnt agree with plan that will develop new free legal advice centre as they dont have enough fundings and understand IT needs and business process of the legal advice sector. Chief Executive of Leyton Community Legal Centre (LDLC), Jasmine, has difficultly in finding funds for her centre since last year because of the recession and government cutbacks. The biggest issue is that she has been call on her own time. She can no longer devote the same number of hours to centre as she was promoted at her law firm.

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    Director of Member Charity Homes4All, John Ford, said he cant understand how LHFs IT services can say LHF system is successful. They have to use spreadsheets to record some of the clients information they need. Culture and sub-culture identified Senior Executive Group manages head office. They do making decisions for organisation. They collect appropriate management information for organisation. They provide funds for member charity to run advice centres. They review monthly financial reports provided by member charity relating to use of funds. They do monthly meeting at head office with member charity directors. For advices centres, director manage volunteers and employees, they have to deliver services such as problems concerning with debt, housing, rent arrears,landlords and threats of homelessness for Londoners. In Head office, administrative services collect appropriate management information that is required, by Board of Trustees and SEG. An administrative service manages Contracts and Fund Raising Team. High level processes that exist within the organisation Many processes are carried out in organisation. Among those processes, organisation cant run without some processes. eLHF is one of high level process doing in organisation. It can gather data, record storage and reporting for services. It also gathers KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) from local advices centres. Head office uses eLHF to create quires and financial reports and extracts HR and training records. Without eLHF, the head office will face difficultly in collecting information from local advice centres and cant ensure that local advice centre staffs are being properly vetted and trained or not. Legal Aid centre Leyton Community Legal Centre (LCLC) is also high-level process in organisation. LCLC provide free legal advice to local community. Without LCLC, LHF will face problems like fundings, IT needs and process of legal advice sector to develop new advice centres. So LHF invited LCLC to join LHF and develop eLegal IT system for LCLC. Find fundings is also a process for LHF, Head office needs to send KPI to funders and funders will check KPI meet their requirement or not. Sources of scrutiny within environment Funders check whether KPIs from charity meets or not in order to connective to provide funds and funding used by organisations. Head office gathers and check HR information from local advice centres. Head office ensures that local advice centre staffs are being well trained or not. They also check financial report and KPI reports to keep track how member charity spends funding. IT director have to ensure that HR and payroll functions are well support or not and member charitys own in-house system meets with requirements of eHLF or not. Local government and government also keep track on how LHF do their charity and how they use funding and how they are benefit for Londoners.

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    Part B - Requirements Analysis Using Use Case Modelling B1. Use case diagram for the e-legal system based upon the LCLC

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    B2. Documentation For Use Case Diagram B2.1. Primary Scenario UseCase Name: Record Client Information Precondition: Admin Staffs must login to use the system 1. Clients fill assessment form after initial appointment 2. Admin staffs fill clients information from assessment form which is filled by clients 3. They will check whether clients are Londoners or not and relate with criminal law or not 4. If they are Londoners and not relating with criminal law, admin staffs will save client

    information Post-condition; client information will be saved into eLegal UseCase Name: Record Volunteers Information Precondition: Admin Staffs must be authorised to use the system 1. Admin Staffs enters new volunteers personal information 2. DBS check information will be attached along with information 3. Admin Staffs has to ensure that new solicitor will attend a half day induction 4. Admin Staffs submit all information to database. Post-condition; Volunteers information will be saved into eLegal Secondary Scenario 2. DBS check information will be attached along with information in this event, what if DBS check information is expired is to think. 3. Admin Staffs has to ensure that new solicitor will attend a half day induction in this step , what will happen if they dont attend a half day induction. 4. Admin Staffs submit all information to database. in a situation if they dont follow rules and conditions issued by LHF framework and LCLC is needed to take account. UseCase Name: Record Volunteers Information Precondition: Hao must be authorised to use the system 1. Hao creates new rota a week in advance 2. Hao sends email those rota to staffs 3. Hao records what hours solicitor can do in that week 4. Hao confirm rota. Post-Condition: Rota for each pro bo no solicitor will be saved UseCase Name: Assign Appointments Precondition: Admin staffs must be login to use system 1. Admin Staffs create new appointment 2. Admin Staffs will check which time probono solicitor are free 3. Admin Staffs will save new appointment 4. Receptionist will add second appointment if it is needed after first interview 5. if clients miss appointment or dont cancel appointment within at least 24 hours, admin

    staffs will remove that client from system Post-conditon: appointments time and solicitor for each client will be saved.

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    UseCase Name: Record Local solicitor Precondition: Admin staffs must be login to use system 1. Admin Staffs add new local solicitor that can solve crime law and criminal court. 2. Admin Staffs fill information about local solicitor. 3. Admin Staffs save local solicitors information. 4. Client will be provided information for local solicitor if they ask for help with criminal trial Post-condition: The system will save local solicitor information and display if clients need. UseCase Name: record letter Precondition: Pro bono solicitor must login to record and write letter for client 1. Pro bono Solicitor create a new letter for clients 2. Pro bono solicitor will write a letter to a third party behalf of client 3. After writing it, Pro bono solicitor will submit the letter 4. The system will notify email to admin staffs for new letter 5. Admin staffs will print out copies. Post-Condition: the system will print out letter and admin staffs can send copies Use Case Name: Produce Report Actor: Jasminee Le Blanc Precondition: All information about client, solicitor and appointment has been saved 1. Jasmine selects specific information to produce reports that she wants 2. She search key information to produce by entering specific ID or name 3. The system will produce the reports like how many clients working with and how

    successful the service has been which is wanted by Jasmine and LHF head office. Post-condition: Report will be produced B2.2. Secondary Scenario UseCase Name: Record Volunteers Information Precondition: Admin Staffs must be authorised to use the system 2. When DBS check information is expired 3. They dont attend a half day induction. 4. They dont follow rules and conditions issue by LHF framework and LCLC Use Case Name: Produce Report Actor: Jasminee Le Blanc 2. If Jasmine fill wrong information 3. If searched information is not found B3. Description and justification on the process

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    B3. Documentation For Use Case Diagram Choosing the actors from use case diagram LCLC advice service will stop without any staffs, volunteers and client. So, they are very important for LCLC. As Hao Lee, Senior Administrative Officer is busy with his task, he cant give much time on some process done by admin department and so another admin staff has to help in doing process like recording volunteers information, client information, assigning appointment for clients which are done by Hao Lee. They can do those process effectively and efficiently under the instruction of Hao Lee. So admin staffs are the actors and the key to the system. Hao Lee, Senior Administrative Officer organises Rota for solicitors every week and send those rota to solicitor. And then he confirms what time solicitor will volunteer for clients. He also has to check DBS (Disclosure Barring Test) for new volunteers according to LHF framework. He also print out letters, which are needed to be sent to third party instead of client written by solicitor. And then he has to send those letters to third party and keep copies clients file. He also did the filing system for LCLC. He can do his best for LCLC. So he is the actor for system. LCLC is success under instruction and management of Jasmine. She can be regarded as a primary actor. She interviews and trains new volunteers. She finds funds for LCLC to continue to give free legal advice service. She do the arrangement of reports which shows how many clients LCLC has been working with and how successful the service is. She also has to make reports for LHF head office to get funds. Pro Bono Solicitor gives free legal advice to clients who ask for help at LCLC. She/he has to volunteer at least 7 hours for LCLC. She/he volunteers for free. She/he makes appointments with clients. He/she writes letters for clients. LCLC cant give services without them. So, Pro Bono Solicitor is actor in the system. Identification of primary scenario Each use case diagram must has at least one primary scenario, primary scenario describe the sequence of events that need to be done by actor. To document primary scenario, I read facts from interview, which is related to the new system. After reading facts, I list all events and actions done by every person. After listing those events and actions, I sort out all event list sequent. After it, I group events and actions by event list. For example, I list the client records like following. - Clients fill assessment form after initial appointment - Admin staffs fill clients information from assessment form which is filled by clients - They will check whether clients are Londoners or not and relate with criminal law or not - if they are Londoners and not relating with criminal law, admin staffs will save client

    information. The above are the activities done by actor. After those activities by event list, i gave the appropriate process name rating to those listed events. After give process name, i draw the use case diagram with those primary scenarios. Primary scenarios are important for the system to be developed. Identification of secondary scenario Not every system can be perfect. Every system probably can have errors. So we have to define some alternative paths and scenarios for process. In order to document, I have to check primary scenarios and check some other actions can be taken at the same point from primary scenarios or not, something can go wrong or not and another behaviour can happen at the same point or not. After checking it, we can document secondary scenario. I will use produce report to document secondary scenario as an example. We have to write complete scenarios for alternative path like following.

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    if Jasmine fill wrong information, alternative path will be arisen. The system only stores the specific information filled and saved by volunteers. When Jasmine fill wrong information, the system will display warning message that the information she entered was not in the system and let her try to fill information again. If search information is not found, alternative path will be arisen. The system will produce no reports and display error message like No information to produce report and then roll back to beginning. Assumption Making some assumption can show the clear understanding of the use case. We have to ask those assumption questions to persons who are in charge of doing process concerning with those assuming question. Assuming that the client needs another appointment after second appointment. The question will be How will you arrange for that client who still need another appointment after second appointment as LCLC has a rule of advising client only two appointment?. That question should ask to receptionist who arranges second appointment for client. Assuming that the client who drawn out from client list came to LCLC and ask for help as a new client. The question will be Will you register for that client and make appointment for him?. That question should ask to admin staffs who ask them to fill form. Assuming that head office ask LCLC information to send. The question will be How do you send reports to the head office when you dont have information they requested?. That question should ask to Jasmine who gives report to LHF head office.

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    Part C - Critique of Use Cases and Rich Pictures Difference between rich picture and use case diagram Rich picture is a soft methodology tools to analyse the environment of LHF using expressed situation. It focuses on the human factors and problems happening within organisation. It can identify thoughts, views and problems of people within organisation. It can identify soft factor like social factor that is hard to control and evaluate. It cant analyse the system requirement to be developed. The purpose of it is to get view of the environment of LHF. It also show LHFs processes, stakeholder involved in those processes and the potential problems. Use Case can be defined the requirements for the new system which will be develop for LCLC. it documents the system behaviour to be developed. It shows the interaction between the process and the person. It can show the summary of the system with a single picture. It can be easily understand by other users. It is the validation of system, can clearly show the scope of system, and needs from system and what tasks and jobs are important for system. Use as an analyst I used rich picture to identify the expressed situation of the LHF such as how they works, how they manage top level to operational level, which stakeholders is facing which difficulties and what is their responsibilities and the conflicts between stakeholders and the problems within LHF. The rich picture has no rule and restriction to draw, it can have every type of graphical representations and it should be simple and easy to understand by everyone. The key characteristics were found by drawing rich picture for LHF system.

    - People/ Stakeholders involved in LHF.

    For Example; we can identify stakeholders are SEG, volunteers and so on

    - Organisational Structure of LHF.

    For Example; In LHF, Senior Executive Group is the highest position. SEG is made up with Chief Executives, Financial Director, Head of HR, Marketing Director, Administrative Services Director, IT Director, and Head of Member Charity Service. SEG makes key decision for LHF. All decisions had to be ratified by the Board Of Trustees.

    - Conflict between stakeholders means different opinion between stakeholders For Example; CE, Mathew Lord, wants to develop a number of free legal advice centres. But some of senior executive group didnt agree with his plan.

    - Issues that is faced by people in organisation For Example; LHF doesntt have enough funding to develop new legal advice centre

    - Culture

    For Example; Senior Executive Group manages head office. They do making decisions for organisation. For advices centres, director manage volunteers and employees, they have to deliver services such as debt problems and problems with landlords, housing and rent arrears and threat of homelessness to Londoners.

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    - Processes that are carried out within organisation. - eLHF is one of high level process doing in organisation. It can gather data,

    record storage and reporting for services. I used use case diagram to show the requirements and process, which is needed to be done by stakeholder in the organisation. Use case diagram is used to develop a new system called eLHF that will be used in new member charity of LHF, LCLC. There are limitations and rules in use case unlike in rich picture. The characteristic used in drawing use case diagram Actor - a person who will carry out tasks in LCLC. Eg; Hao Lee, Jasmine Association - is the interaction between process and actor. eg; Admin Staff records clients. Test Case- processes which have to be done by actor Eg; Record Volunteers By using Rich Picture and Use Case in analysis, I have known the advantages and disadvantages of both. Different types of graphic like cartoon symbol can be used in drawing rich picture for LHF. No expert is needed to interpret the rich picture. Rich picture shows conflicts, emotions, and opinion of stakeholders within LHF. Unlike use case, it cant be used to develop, as it can be only show the environment of LHF. All information of LHF cant be covered in rich picture. Use case diagram is drawn to say more details of the rich picture. Use case diagram can help to develop the system to meet the requirement. Unexpected conditions and errors can be considered through primary and secondary scenario. It does the process of requirement definitions, planning and prioritising of development and validation of system. As a result, both rich picture and use case are complementary. By using both of it, eLHF system will be perfect, analysis will be better and can develop a complete system.

    Reference Rich Pictures | SSWM. 2015. Rich Pictures | SSWM. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 April 2015].

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