  • 7/30/2019 Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Clearwater and the Clearwater Marine Aquarium


    MEMORANDUMOF UNDERSTANDINGClearwater Marine Aquarium New Facility Project


    Parties: Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Inc. ( "CMA ")



    The City of Clearwater, Florida (the " City ")112 S . Osceola Ave. Clearwater, FL 33756, including the property locatedbelow the bluff, generally located west oOsceola Ave., east of theunimproved Pierce Boulevard right -of -way, south of Cleveland S t. andnorth oPierce St., ( " City Property ") as more particularly described inExhibit "A" attached hereto.CMA proposes to construc t an aquarium on the City Property. The parkingstructure required to support the aquarium will be located off -site asprovided herein. The aquarium will consist of the following:

    1 ) Level 1 Park Level: To include an Everglade Exhibit, ManateeExhibit, Outside Otter Exhibit, Kids Area, Classrooms, and supportand ancillary facilities.

    2) Level 2 Exhibits: To include a Cafe Seating Area, various Kiosks,

  • 7/30/2019 Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Clearwater and the Clearwater Marine Aquarium


    Responsibilities Th e City and CMA agree to the following:and Conditions:

    1 . The City is re qu ire d to o btain v ote r app ro val in order to lease theproperty for aninitial termo60 yearsfor the Project. The City agrees tohold suchreerendumonNovember 5, 2013. The City has drafted therequired charter amendment and referendum question to put before thevoters of the City. CMA agrees to pay all costs of the referendum.2. CMA shall be responsible for the design, construction, maintenance andfunding othe Project. CMA shall prepare all required applications, siteplan drawings, bui lding permits an d applications for approval by the Cityandalotherrequredagences The City agrees to facilitate, coordinate thereview of, and process the foregoing City applications on an expeditedbasis.3. CMA intends to finance the Project through a combination ofprivategifts a nd g ra nts , government gran ts an d funding and through third-partyf inancing. No general fund revenues of the City will be expended on thedesign, construction, operation, or maintenance ofthe new aquarium. In theevent of default, CMA' s lender will be limited to changing the managementof the new aquarium and assuming all of CMA' s rights and obligations forthe remander o the lease or abandoning the City Property an ddisassembling the building andcollecting CMA' s asses The City willhave no obligation or liability in the event CMA defaults on any of its loansorobigations. CMA shall have all funds necessary for the construction ofthe Project committed by no later than August 1 , 2016 .4. Pr ior t o commencing construc tion , CMA shall obtain a payment and

  • 7/30/2019 Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Clearwater and the Clearwater Marine Aquarium


    Hall or $7. 5 million, whichever is less i s recaptured by the City. Followingfull payment of the City Hall Payment, CMA shall pay an annual rentpayment of $250,000. 00 per year to the City.6. CMA will pay fo r relocation of all easements. City will cooperate invacating and relocating easements.7. CMA will obtain all appropriate permits including consent from DOTfor the location of water intake and discharge for the facility. City willcooperate with CMA' s efforts to obta in perm its including consent fromDOT for the location of water intake an d discharge for the facility.

    8. The City will be responsible fo r asbestos removal from the City Hallprior to the demolition of the structure by CMA. CMA shall be responsiblefor demolition and all associated costs other than asbestos removal. At thistime there are no other known environmental issues associated with the site.Th e City is responsible for all other remediation of existing environmentalcosts associated with the City Property. CMA shall be responsible fo r anyenvironmental issue caused by its tenancy.9. CMA shall be responsible for acquiring a mutually agreeable parcelfor the constructionoa pubicparking garage( "Parking Garage Parce l " ).CMA shall have the option to construct, operate, and maintain a parkinggarage and any additional permissible u s e s on the Parking Garage Parcelsubject to City Code requirements.10. Alternatively, CMA may convey the Parking Garage Parcel to the

  • 7/30/2019 Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Clearwater and the Clearwater Marine Aquarium


    November 5, 2013 referendum is not approved by the voters, the City m ayconsider extending CMA' s lease of the Harborview Center through April2016.

    General CMA an d the City shall work together in good faith to enter into definitiveProvisions: agreemens for the Project, whch may include lease agreemen,

    development agreement or CRA development agreement.


    Agreed andAccepted:


    By: ' 4 )( f crtktlo1Title: Mayor

  • 7/30/2019 Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Clearwater and the Clearwater Marine Aquarium


    Exhibit "A"

    The Property

  • 7/30/2019 Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Clearwater and the Clearwater Marine Aquarium


    Legend Boundary SketchFound Iron RodorPpe Clearwater Aquarium

    OO Found P.K.NailIron Rod &

    DiskO Set 5/ 8" Capped Section 16f Township 29 South) Range 1 5 East/SCIR Set 5/ 8" Capped IronRod Pinellas County, FloridaP. S.M. Professonal Surveyor and Mapper

    F. D. O. T. Florida Department ofTransportationId. Identification

    Description: ( As written by SurvTech Solutions)A parcel o f lan d lying and b eing in Sect ion 16, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, P inel las County,Florida, being more particularly described os fol lows:Begin at the intersection of exsting West right f ay boundary of South Osceo la A ve nu e a nd theexisting North right f way boundary of Pierce Street; thence coincident with s ai d N o rt h righ t of wayboundary, 5 8909 47" W a dstance o 672.92 feet to a ponconcdenwth Easterly rgh way Una Information: FieldItemboundary o Pierce Street pe Florida Deportment o Transportation Maps W. P. / Seg. # 257093, soldpoint being on a non angent cu rv e concave to the Northeast, said cu rve h aving a r ad iu s o f 980 . 00feet, a delta angle of 0054 12 " a nd b ei ng subtended by a chord bearing N 27 ' 12 ' 24 " W for a distanceof 15. 45 feet; thence depar t ing s ai d N o rt h right f ay boundary, coincident w it h s ai d E as te rl yright of ay boundary for the f o ll ow ing f iv e ( 5) courses: 1) coincident w it h t he arc of s ai d c u rv e adistance of 15.45 feet; 2) thence N 15'14 02" W a distance of 107. 02 feet to a point coincident with onon angent curve concave to the W e st , sa id c u rv e h a vi ng a radius of 1051. 39 feet, a delta angle of07'05' 08 " and being subtended by o cho rd bear ing N 18' 5 1 ' 36" W for a distance of 129. 9 4 f ee t;3) thence coincident wi th the a rc of said curve a distance of 130.02 feet to a point of reversecurvature with o curve concave to t he E a st , said c u rv e h a vi ng a radius of 594.91 feet, a delta angle of

    LINE BEARNG DISTANCELINE BEARING DISTANCEL1 N 1614' 02" W 107.02'L2 N 00 47'57" E 54.09 o \L3 5 88'29 25" E 113. 12' n

    E1qO co p_

    1 tuO 8 1r2 aN n

    d.d c o LO. C3 Ei2 ro u

    0 w om N Lo IP b 0

    W vi " af-- . y

    L4 N 6609' 43" E 107.52'L5 S 01 35 12" W 37.06L6 S 88'3607" E 23.61L7 S 00 12 33" W 56.0006 ' 34'20" and being subtended by o chord bearing N 02 ' 3 1 ' 58 " W for o distance of 68 . 20 feet;4) thence coincident wi th the a rc of said curve a distance of 68.24 feet; 5) thence N 0047 57" E odistance of 54. 09 feet; t h en ce d e por ti n g s a id Ea s te r ly right f ay boundary, S 88 ' 29 ' 25 " E a distanceof 113. 12 feet; thence N 6609' 43" E a distance of 107. 52 feet; thence S 88'29 ' 25" E a distonce of

    183.98 feet to a pon concden wth the West boundary o lands described in Official Records Book Curve Interaction: Feld14700, Poge 1 49 8 of t he P u bl ic records of Pine l las County , F lo r ida; thence coincident w it h s a id West CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD BEARNG CHORD LE NG TH DELTA ANGLE TANGENTb o u nd ary th e fo ll o win g three ( 3) courses: 1) S 0 1 ' 35' 1 2" W a distance of 37. 06 feet; 2) thence C1 980.00 15. 45 N 27 12 24" W 15. 45 0 54 12` 7.73S 88'36 07" E a distance of 23.61 feet; 3) thence 5 00 12 ' 33" W o distance of 56.00 feet to a pointlands; thence departing West boundory coincident with C2 1051. 39 130.02 N 18'51 36" W 129.94 7 0508" 65.09concden wth the South boundary o sad sad

    334.80 feet to the West C3 594.91 68.24 N 0231 58" W 68.20 6 3420" 34.16sad South boundary, $ 88'24'39" E a distance o a pon concden wthright of way boundary o f S o ut h O s ce ol a Avenue; thence deporting said South boundary coincident withsaid West right f a y b o u nd a ry , S 00 ' 01' 07" W a distance of 285.08 feet to the POINT O F BEGINNING.Contoining an a re a o f 246757. 45 square feet, 5. 665 ac r es , m o r e o r less.

    Certifications'The Ash Group, Inc.

    Notesurveyor'sY Stacy L. Brown P . S . M . No. 6516SurvTech Solutions, Inc. L.B. No. 7340 cZ o io 11.) Not vaid wthou the sgnaureandognarosed sea o a Florida Lcensed * * Not Valid Without The Signature AndSurveyor and Mapper. The Original Raised Seal 01 A Florida SURVEYING TODAY Mx TECHNOLOGYFlorida West State Plane.) The bearing srucuefor this survey is based on a grd licensed Surveyor And Mapper** J \/earing of 5 00 ' 01' 07" W for the West Right of a y B o u nd a ry of Sou t h Os c eo laA v en ue , al so b e in g t he EastBoundary of Subject Property.3.) The horizontal datum utilized for this project is NAD 1983 Forida West Zone, U. S.

    Survey Feet .4.) Sketch h as b ee n performed without benefit of title pol icy or abstract. Thereforesurveyor can make no guaranees to ownership or encumbances J Boundary SketchPREPARED FOR:ClearwaterAquarium J

    AaRedBy: 3Bmwa AoJedNo.: 20130056DrteDnfted 4/127 13 Thum 1. 4Fic1dDetN/A ReviticaDakcF Boo /hasNA DrawingName: 20130056 SmtchApFro By: & Bown scale: 1 " 80

    SHEET: 1 OF 2

  • 7/30/2019 Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Clearwater and the Clearwater Marine Aquarium


    Cleveland Street 1 oundary Detail SheetPublic Right - of -w ay W i dt h Varies

    Asphalt Pavement)r -N

    South Rght -of - wayBoundary o Ceveand Street 1Remainder of Pares //:i 16- 29- 15 - 20368- 001 - 0040 f -- .- Easterly Rght - of -wayN o, oundary of Pierce BoulevordjpCO & SCIR s 8 82 9' 2 5 . 4` 1 8 3 . 9 8 ' (

    o / 16 -29 - 1 5614 -IIi0 -0000 1Wot.r Associationf kia ........-- -- ._...._...___...... _.331 CNwand St __ ......_ ......I Ckwrwoter, FL 33755 -4051

    I West Boundary of lands describedin OR Book 14700, Page 1498O SCIR

    Lot 2Found 3/ 4" CappedIron Pipe ( Illegible)

    1 IIraI - 0N

    IUaifFound 5/ 8" CappedIron Rod " F.D.O.T."

    aFound 5/ 8" CoppedIron Rod " F.D.O. T."


    A Portion of Parcel /:16- 29- 15- 20356 -001 - 0040

    5 6e24' 39 E s34.6o' ( F)Found 3/ 4" CappedI ron Pipe ( Illegible)

    C 7 vi t i > ooQ

    0 ' yaN o,y =O o a.a"

    c ( gCO

    3m ou ,N O

    m aE rgw ',0w

    ce 4 7 , snnd + S -Mg 1 1

    o -$O a ;N o r r gr g9 apU v i mNi)n E

    Total Acreage Fund 3/ 4" Capped Nouth Bounds of lands described246757.45 Square Fest Boundary5665 Aare. lion Pipe ( Illegible) 3 in OR Book 14700, Page 1498Lot

    N Bock 'Easterly Rght - of -way Boundaryo Pierce Bouevard per FDOT Plat Book 1, Pope 87Map W.P. Item/ Seg. # 257093

    LotG NA West Rght -of - way BoundaryV of South Osceola AvenueA ' UUPROVD ENT5 NOT SHOWN**05- G Found 5/ 8" Copped

    F.D. O. T." -73

    o ie cG Iron Rods N Point of Beginninga 0,.. Found 5/ 8" CappedLot 5 Iron Rod " F.D.O.T."

    Found PK Nail North Rght -of - wayIt Disk " F. os" a B o u n d a r y o f P i e r c e StreetS 8909'47 W 672.92' ( F) Pierce StreetFound PK Noll

    tit Disk " F.D.O.T." Public Rght - of - way width variesAsphalt Pavement)

    BoundarySketch \\PREPARED FOR:

    Clearwater AquariumPROJECTNO..: 20130016PHA38. IAPBLLODATxN/A _.... //

    SHEET: 2 OF 2

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