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One of the things that surprised us most at Content Marketing World was our attendees’ interest in CMI’s story and our team. (Just another reminder that people relate to people, not businesses, right?) While most of our team is happier behind

the camera or computer screen than in front of it, we wanted to share the faces behind CMI. Read on to learn what content marketing resources we rely on as well as

something you may be surprised to know about each of us.

And, yes, we all truly love what we do as much as it seems! We love to get to know our CMI community as well. Visit our Facebook page

and share with us: What would we be surprised to know about you? What is your background — how did you end up in content marketing?

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Why do you like working with CMI?The CMI team is magical. Real, hard-working, passionate and none of them takes themself too seriously. I love them like family.

What Non-CMI resources do you like the most?Jay Baer, Seth Godin, Napoleon Hill

What would people be surprised to know about you?I come from a family of funeral directors (my grandfather Leo and Uncle Leon) and worked there on and off for four years.

What was your favorite moment from CMWorld 2014?Getting roasted by Kevin Spacey.

Founder & executive director


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PAMKOZELKAWhy do you like working with cMi?I’ve never been in an environment like this before, and not sure I can describe how great it is for me. All my ideas are considered, and the entire team is always so sup-portive and willing to jump in and help with anything. Plus - since my schedule is so flexible I can work from anywhere and be at things for myself or kids I might not otherwise get to do!

What non-cMi resources do you like the most?I tend to follow people, rather than resources. So if Jay Baer, Ann Handley, Brian Clark, Marcus Sheridan or several others write something or post that something is a must read, I am very likely to check it out.

What would people be surprised to know about you?I am a huge Facebook stalker. I don’t post as much as I could (or even should) but I read it like the newspaper to know what is going on in the world and with friends and family.

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014?I was working registration from 7-8am on Tuesday - the first day of main event sessions. I heard the chimes that it was almost time for things to start so I headed toward the general session. When I walked into that room - with the huge orange stage and filled with 2,600 attendees I almost couldn’t catch my breath. It was something I will never forget.

vice PreSident oF oPerAtionS


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Why do you like working with cMi?In a word - the people. From Pam and Joe, through to every single person that is involved with CMI, I’ve never worked with a group that cares more, thinks as brightly, and connects as deeply as this team. I truly believe that content can be the change that marketing needs - and so there’s no other group of heroes that I’d rather learn from, work alongside and drink with than this band of marketing misfits.

What non-cMi resources do you like the most?On a regular basis my resources are Harvard Business Review (both the blog and the magazine) and the major consultancies and analyst firms ( just to see what the kids are dancing to). Then I also consistently check out anything Jay Baer is writing or talking about, and also try to have some kind of check-in with just about everybody on this year’s CMWorld speaker list. Oh, and with as much travel as I do - I also try and read one non-marketing publication per week. Sometimes the best inspiration comes from looking way outside our industry.

What would people be surprised to know about you?Maybe they’d be surprised to know that I once created a TV Series for Showtime Networks (it was absolutely horrible) and that I also had a one-act play go off broadway (a fantastic experience).

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014?I have two. I think the first, selfishly, was the positive feedback I got from a number of folks after debuting my workshop this year. I was really nervous about the new material - and so many actually said what I really hoped, which was that it would make a good “team building workshop”. My second was a private moment where a practitioner of content marketing pulled me aside to tell me how much impact Content Marketing World (and CMI generally) had on her career. Having impact on a company is nice - but having impact on someone’s career is a game-changing moment for me.


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PETERLOIBLWhy do you like working with cMi? For me, CMI is truly about the relationships I build, whether it be with my talented co-workers, readers and subscribers, or ever-growing group of sponsors. I learn from them every day, and these interactions make me a better person, and certainly more well-versed in the ins and outs of content marketing.

What non-cMi resources do you like the most? I am a chronic web surfer, but spend much of my time on Copyblogger, Mashable, LinkedIn and Advertising Age (when I am not following my Buckeyes, Giants, Rangers, Mets and Nets on, of course).

What would people be surprised to know about you? I was actually a journalism major at The Ohio State University, and won Ohio’s Divi-sion 3 “Ohio Feature Writer of the Year” in 1999 at ThisWeek News.

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014? While meeting Kevin Spacey was an obviously thrill, being able to share CMWorld with my wife, who flew in from New York, and show her how much we have grown over the years was truly exciting for me. Seeing her face when she realized the scope of this conference -- with 2,500+ attendees and 80+ sponsors -- will always be a memorable moment for me.

vice PreSident & PuBLiSHer


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CATHYMcPHILLIPSWhy do you like working with cMi?I am doing something I love, with people who not only make me laugh until my sides hurt, but who also continue to push the status quo, ask questions, and continue to develop new and innovative ideas. People who not only don’t laugh at my crazy ideas, but take them and make them crazier and better. But, these are also the same folks who tell me to get off my computer because I’ve been working too long. This team is quite a gift.

What non-cMi resources do you like the most? I am constantly reading something, so of course the usual suspects of Lee Odden, Ann Handley and Jay Baer, but if you haven’t yet, check out Jay Acunzo’s Sorry for Marketing and Erika Heald’s blog. I start each day with my green tea and a tweetdeck column of these favorites along with some creative & design blogs. Print-wise, I look forward to seeing Fast Company & Vegetarian Times come in the mail.

What would people be surprised to know about you?20+ years post-college, I’ve always seriously considered bagging this whole marketing thing, despite how much I love it, and going back to school. At one point I looked into getting my Masters in Library Science so I could be a school librarian. An even bigger dream, I would still love to someday work in nutrition and holistic medicine. Biggest bucket list item? Write a book.

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014?So cliché, but “meeting everyone in person” really was it. I talk to people online every day, and especially in the past 12 months have developed great relationships within our com-munity via our social channels. Meeting was so great! I also loved some of the more subtle moments of making an attendee smile by a simple act of kindness, and hope that in some small way I contributed to them having an amazing time at Content Marketing World.

MArKetinG director


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MICHELEL INNvice PreSident oF content

Why do you like working with cMi? I practically gush when I talk about CMI. The team is exceptional, both in personality and in skill (not to mention ridiculously hard working). Joe is an empowering boss who wants us to try new things and gives us room to fail (how rare is that in business?). And, I love what we are doing together: we’re trying to help marketers truly love what they do – and, in turn, give consumers “marketing” that is useful instead of frustrating. There is a long way to go, but we have come far in the past 4 years!

What non-cMi resources do you like the most? My Feedly feed is full, but some of my favorite content marketers to follow are Andy Crestodina, Jay Acunzo and Doug Kessler.

What would people be surprised to know about you? In college, I worked for the recycling center and collected cans throughout the entire campus. I was thrilled because thought I was helping to save the planet, but it was a truly disgusting (and stinky) job.

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014? As I have mentioned to several people, there was something extra special in the air for me at this year’s Content Marketing World. I have a lot of great memories, but one that stands out is having a drink with a former co-worker. We hadn’t seen each other since 2008 when I quit my job to freelance, and it felt great to not only catch up but also see how what we are doing at CMW is impacting people from my past. It felt like the worlds were colliding in the best possible way (not to mention that she said she loved the event and wanted to bring more co-workers next year!)


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J.K.KALINOWSKIcreAtive director

Why do you like working with cMi? There are so many reasons that I love my job so much. Having been one of the team that has witnessed and participated in CMI’s growth from the early days of Junta42, it is so incredibly satisfying seeing how much folks appreciate what we do. My job is not a job, it is a lifestyle. I do not look at my work as something I do for a paycheck, it is something that I love and is a passion. I am extremely fortunate to work alongside such great people who are incredibly talented, creative and that I consider my family.

What non-cMi resources do you like the most?I am a huge fan of podcasts. I listen to roughly 10-15 podcasts a week. They range from the different pods on The Nerdist channel and Kevin Smith’s Smodcast Network, to marketing pods by Jay Baer and Jeff Rohrs. From a creative task standpoint, I am a huge fan of Behance, The Creative Market and deviantArt. I find a huge amount of inspiration from those sites.

What would people be surprised to know about you?Well, if you know me (or know of me), my life is pretty much an open book. Some facts about me that may surprise some folks: I was born and raised on a small beef farm in Western PA; on winter breaks from college, I cut timber with my Pops and am pretty skilled with a chainsaw; I struggled with childhood obesity; I enjoy running on a daily basis and I have over 10 tattoos.

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014?Wow… there were just so many moments. One thing that stood out above all was the energy of the conference overall. 2500+ people that made that whole center rock. I also really enjoyed seeing all of my old friends from across the globe, and really enjoyed making new ones as well.


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Why do you like working with cMi?That’s easy: The people I work alongside. I work with a talented, hardworking, and enthusiastic bunch. I love my job, and amazingly work with people who feel the same way.

What non-cMi resources do you like the most?I tend to trawl from my social feeds, but my favorite pubs I return to again and again are Mashable, Fast Company, Wired, Techcrunch, AdAge, and MIT Tech Review. And an unhealthy dose of reddit.

What would people be surprised to know about you?I spent half my childhood growing up in Brazil. I love meteorology. And my absolute favorite place to be is hiking in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014?There were so many great moments—including the chance to interview Mr. Kevin Spacey. But to be frank, the best involved reconnecting with the CMI team in person (I’m based in Boston) and planning for 2015.


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Why do you like working with cMi?The team is really like one big family and that is one of the many reasons I love working with CMI. We are such a strong, tight-knit team and the spirit of family we have makes us more determined and more vested in the success of our business. When one is always treated like a valuable member it certainly helps overall morale and your desire to work harder and better.

What non-cMi resources do you like the most? Being eMedia Manager and in charge of all our Wordpress sites, my daily go to is Wordpress forums and the WPbeginner site, which while it is touted for beginners, has great tips and tricks offered daily for even those who are slightly more advanced Wordpress developers. I can always get lost in Mashable as well.

What would people be surprised to know about you?I am super competitive and really like to win (just ask Cathy McPhillips or Pam Kozelka). I have been known on occasion to even turn our annual CMWorld bag stuffing into a timed competition. I also really love to play card games. Pinochle, Poker, Bid Whist, you name it and I am in!

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014?My favorite moment from CMWorld 2014 has got to be seeing Kevin Spacey’s keynote for numerous reasons. He was incredible to say the least, but I also was privy to the work and effort, throughout the year, that went into getting him up on that stage so that was exciting to finally see him up there. Lastly, watching the Spacey Keynote live streaming (the set-up I did with my team member Dave Anthony) actually working - and working fantastically - was just the icing on the cake. I am a worrier and imagined all the things that could go wrong but it went off without a hitch and had great feedback to boot.


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JODIHARRISWhy do you like working with cMi? Among the many reasons I’m thrilled to be a part of CMI is that there is a great ability for each of us to define the role we want to play — and to branch out to explore other passions and possibilities (both within and outside of CMI). Each team member’s own expertise and interests help determine the parameters of our positions, which can be expanded to keep things challenging and exciting (or reduced when necessary). That I’m able to grow my role in surprising new directions, based on emerging needs — and a great deal of mutual respect and recognition among all team members — is a tremendously rewarding experience that few organizations with a more traditional staffing structure could offer.

What non-cMi resources do you like the most? The Orbit Media blog; Influence & Co blog; eContent, AdAge, Mashable, Fast Company, and Digiday are among my go-to resources. But I’m a media junkie, so I’m constantly on the lookout for any new outlets for creative ideas, next-stage thinking, and innovative storytelling tools and techniques.

What would people be surprised to know about you? I have rarely had fewer than two jobs at any time in my life, and have had more odd jobs than anyone I have ever met. In addition to my current roles as a content consultant/strategist, editor, copywriter, digital producer, and project manager, I’ve taken long-and short-term jobs in retail, marketing, and public relations; worked at an amusement park, a grocery store, a summer camp, and a municipal uniform supply company; managed a men’s recreational basketball league; and ran background investigations on job applicants at nuclear power facilities. One of my jobs even took me to CERN in Switzerland, where I had a rare opportunity to see the particle accelerator that was being used to discover the Higgs Boson.

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014? It would have to be a lengthy conversation I had with a brilliant attendee, presenter, and blog contributor whom I’ve worked with over the past year but had never had a chance to meet, face to face. We were so engrossed in our conversation on content, creativity, and storytelling inspiration, that we barely noticed we were the only ones left in the exhibit hall at the end of the day (until the staff started to vacuum the floors around us).

director oF editoriAL content And curAtion


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AMANDASUBLERWhy do you like working with cMi?Our team here at CMI is small but mighty. Everyone here is genuinely excited to be doing what they are doing and are VERY passionate about what we do here at CMI. I’ve never been part of a team with such a great can-do attitude and willingness to work together- no matter what!

What non-cMi resources do you like the most?Ann Handley, Convince & Convert blog, AdAge, Mashable and ReelSEO.

What would people be surprised to know about you?I was a cheerleader in high school. If you know me, you might find that a little out of character.

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014?Honestly, just walking into Exhibit Hall B on Tuesday morning for the opening keynotes, and seeing all 2,600 people filling the seats, was pretty unbelievable. I’ve only been with CMI since the last CMWorld - but it was humbling to see so many people coming together to learn about content marketing. It’s an amazing community and it’s great to be able to help so many people (in some small way) connect and grow.

PuBLic reLAtionS And MediA MAnAGer


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ANGELAVANNUCCIWhy do you like working with cMi?I enjoy working with CMI because we’re providing the resources to help marketing folks do their jobs better. Plus, the people in this industry are smart, creative and a lot of fun, which makes “working” not a lot of work at all.

What non-cMi resources do you like the most?GoToMeeting - I use it all the time. It bridges the gap of not being able to be everywhere in person. It’s easy to use and keeps me connected to the people and projects I’m working on.

What would people be surprised to know about you?My dream is to open a brunch/breakfast place. I’d offer crepes that were inspired by a trip to Quebec City. I’ve asked for a commercial crepe maker for Christmas so I can start to perfect my recipes, so stay tuned!

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014?Kevin Spacey - he exceeded my expectations all the way around.

ProJect director


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KARENSCHOPPWhy do you like working with cMi?I’m a content junkie so it’s spectacular to be around other like-minded individuals with the same enthusiasm for a great message or story. We are all kindred content spirits. Plus, Joe has this infectious energy, drive and vibe that radiates throughout the CMI team – it’s so refreshing and fun. That said, it’s also challenging in all the right ways.

What non-cMi resources do you like the most?Fast Company, Inc., Harvard Business Review, MarketingSherpa, LinkedIn, Ad Age, Pinterest, Digiday, MarketingProfs, YouTube, Psychology Today, Scientific American Mind, and finally... the Ikea catalog.

What would people be surprised to know about you?I wish I had some crazy Swedish fish fixation or a shady secret agent past but no, sorry to disappoint. I’m an open book. One look at my rosy cheeks and all my secrets are revealed! Oh, wait, I went skydiving over the Remarkables ... perhaps that’s a surprise to some.

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014?The minute I stepped onto the convention center floor. It was a dream come true to finally have the opportunity to attend -- and to be paid for it!

MediA SALeS executive


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PAMELAMULDOONWhy do you like working with cMi? Content Marketing Institute is the “home” of content marketing. This team is top-notch and it is a treat to work with such smart, innovative, hard-working, fun people every day. And I get to launch a podcast network. How cool is that?

What non-cMi resources do you like the most? I am an avid blog reader and podcast listener. My go-tos on both counts would be the Convince & Convert blog as well as anything Seth Godin puts out and Mitch Joel’s Six Pixels of Separation podcast. I also never miss an episode of Freakonomics. Love that show.

What would people be surprised to know about you? I am a produced playwright. I combined my major (Theatre Arts-Performance) and my minor (Women’s Studies) on an end-of-semester project by writing a collection of character monodramas that spanned women’s history 1950-1995. Shortly after graduation my friends started a theatre company in Minneapolis and my play was the first one they produced. We had two sold out runs at the Bryant Lake Bowl Theatre.

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014? Can I pick two? Being an official part of the team this year was pretty special. And getting to ask Kevin Spacey a question following his awesome keynote was amazing. He is one of my acting heroes!

PodcASt netWorK director


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TRACYMALLETTEWhy do you like working with cMi?I like working with CMI because the team and company are awesome! Everyone’s friendly, helpful and smart, and we’re all working together toward this mission of advancing the practice of content marketing. That’s fun and rewarding because it brings the ideals of journalism from the newsroom into the boardroom. And not only am I lucky to be doing this, but I’m doing it for THE content marketing industry leader. It doesn’t get better than that!

What non-cMi resources do you like the most?Search Engine Land, Marketing Land, SuccessWorks SEO Copywriting, Copyblogger, Moz, HubSpot, Kapost, ISOOSI, Search Engine People, Search Engine Watch, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Roundtable, State of Digital, KISSmetrics, TopRank, Stone Temple Consulting, Social Media Explorer, Social Media Examiner, Vertical Measures, Distilled, Enchanting Marketing, Internet Marketing Ninjas, WordStream, Unbounce, CopyPress, MarketingProfs, Neuromarketing, Occam’s Razor, SEER Interactive, Six Pixels of Separation, Buffer, Boost, Econsultancy, TechCrunch, memeburn ... and many more!

What would people be surprised to know about you?I’ve recently overcome a fear of spiders.

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014?It’s hard to pick a favorite moment! I was attending as an attendee and as part of the CMI team, so the whole experience was a favorite moment. I loved meeting my new team as well as other CMWorld attendees, and I got to attend sessions that will help me develop in my new role. The whole experience was really exciting!

Audience deveLoPMent MAnAGer


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LISAMURTON-BEETSWhy do you like working with cMi?I love working with CMI for so many reasons, that it’s difficult to know where to begin. First of all, I have the smartest, hardest-working, most supportive, and most fun co-workers that any-one could wish for. Second, we get to serve the best audience on the planet. Third, I get to learn something new every day because we always have new projects cooking. It’s really fulfilling to see how far we have come as an organization – and exciting to think about where we’re heading.

What non-cMi resources do you like the most?I’m a voracious reader (the type who would read the copy on a shampoo bottle if no other read-ing materials were available), so it makes sense that I find myself reading a lot of ebooks. There are a lot of really good, educational ebooks out there from which I have a learned. It makes me happy when I see the vendors who serve content marketers eating their own dog food (i.e., doing their own content marketing). Marketo is a good example. I love their creative copywriting and the “resources” section that you can access right off their homepage.

What would people be surprised to know about you?In between the time I left corporate life and started my own business, I had the amazing oppor-tunity to live in a beach house for nearly six weeks - several of those weeks by myself. I love the ocean and having it as my backyard during that time really gave me the space to think through my future course in life. Other than that, I guess people would be surprised to know how much I like beer! No one would be surprised to know how much I adore my husband, Roy, and being a mom to our boys, Kyle and Jason.

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014?I had such a great time during the event, but I think one of the best moments for me came after the event at our wrap-up team meeting. Several people on our team relayed stories of how peo-ple came up to them during the event to thank them for helping them in their careers. That real-ly meant a lot to all of us, because it means that we are succeeding in our goal of helping others!

director oF reSeArcH & SPeciAL ProJectS


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Why do you like working with cMi? The people. The people I work with everyday are so passionate about what they do, it infuses me with energy and excitement. The people who attend our events inspire me. So getting to work with our team to organize events that educate, connect and motivate our audience is an unbelievable gig.

What non-cMi resources do you like the most? My resources are events like SXSW and Niche EventFest – participating in other events helps me to get more creative in what we do with Content Marketing World.

What would people be surprised to know about you? I’m a homebody…sometimes to my detriment.

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014? At the opening keynote presentation looking through the room and seeing all of those seats filled with our fantastic attendees. After months of planning, seeing the event kick off with such an amazing crowd brought goose bumps.


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KIMBORDENWhy do you like working with cMi?It’s never the same day twice. The creativity and individual projects each person is working on lends itself to a different project in my inbox every day.

What non-cMi resources do you like the most?Scrapbooking. Life is content and if you don’t put it on paper, no one knows your story. Medical articles & research--I’m a science nerd at heart.

What would people be surprised to know about you?That I have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing & I helped with my husband to design and build our house.

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014?My favorite moment was my location. I was able to talk to all the speakers and seeing their reaction to their caricature drawings! I also enjoyed talking to all the guests when they had questions about the event or the city.

executive ASSiStAnt

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Why do you like working with cMi?My first day on the job was at CMWorld 2014… so I’m just beginning to get ramped up. I’m very passionate about philanthropy and have helped to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars through events I’ve organized to support various charitable organizations. I can’t wait to bring more of this to CMI and work with the team (who I’ve already seen is amazing) to bring some of these new ideas to life. Working from home and getting that flexibility with my family is pretty great too!

What non-cMi resources do you like the most?I am brand new to the world of content marketing, so I’ll be looking to the team to give me some pointers here. But as far as the resources I like in my day-to-day life, these top the list: Pinterest, Hip2Save, Facebook, my daughter’s Instagram account, the CMI LinkedIn Group, the Fox8News iPhone app and

What would people be surprised to know about you?This is a hard one… but here’s a few things that you might find interesting: I have a certified therapy dog. I was a stay-at-home Mom for 10 years. I volunteer like it’s my full time job. I coach volleyball. I have a lot of first cousins - I am #28 of 58 total grandchildren on my dad’s side of the family alone!

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014?Meeting Kevin Spacey and listening to Kevin Spacey’s speech. Also, when a registrant responded to me with “Merci Beaucoup,” which was unexpected! It made me smile and reminded me that people from all over the world were attending this conference. Also, seeing my sister-in-law, who was attending the conference, for a quick minute between breakout sessions.

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DAVEANTHONYit director

Why do you like working with cMi?Great organizations are made of great people and I’m humbled by the opportunity to work on and with such a personality-rich and results-driven team!

What non-cMi resources do you like the most?I love reading “top X” lists from all kinds of different marketers and comparing data-driven facts to “spin”; often I benefit from both by remembering that data can be presented in a number of creative ways. Being a coder-at-heart, I also, often find myself digesting new frameworks, optimized storage and database methods, cool APIs, all to see what’s new and to find ways to make what CMI does better.

What would people be surprised to know about you?I once played the Fiddler on the Roof without being able to play the fiddle? That, and I’m an introvert.

What was your favorite moment from cMWorld 2014?My favorite moment was the energy and focus in the room while Scott Stratten was tearing away our preconceptions of Twitter, Google Analytics, and the world in general. It’s cool being part of a couple thousand people all laughing, shaking our heads, and even looking dumb at times, together.

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N e w te a m m e m b e r s s i N c e # c mwo r ld 2 014

Why do you like working with cMi?I love variety, and with my position, every day truly is different. I love the camaraderie that is formed with my CMI teammates. But I also really enjoy engaging with the greater CMI community. I love knowing I can be a part of something larger.

What non-cMi resources do you like the most?As a community manager, Twitter, by far, is the best way for me to research topics and follow the latest news. I especially like to follow the #cmgr hashtag to stay up-to-date on different trends. In addition, I’m a religious reader of AdAge, Fast Company and anything Social Media Week posts.

What would people be surprised to know about you?My fairy godmother granted a huge wish and made me a Disney Parks Mom. I offered travel advice on behalf of the resort. I even once appeared on a nationally syndicated television show because of my love of Mickey Mouse.

Why do you like working with cMi? That’s easy to answer. My favorite color is orange so we are a natural fit. All kidding aside, I am a firm believer that you should be doing something you love and working with people who feel that way too. The CMI team has a likeability factor of 10 on a scale of 1-10. They are a passionate group who care not only about helping people advance the practice of content marketing, but also have a “can do” and “how can I help?” attitude. CMI is a place where ideas are welcome. Really! I was copied on an email from Joe Pulizzi where he said, “Be daring, fail often.” I am thrilled to be a part of a company that truly feels that way. It’s a rare find and I feel privileged to be a part of it.

What non-cMi resources do you like the most?I am a social media junkie. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+,

and Instagram. I even check-in on Foursquare, although I’m not sure why I still do this. As far as online reading, I am a frequent reader of HubSpot, Harvard Business Review, Mashable, Grammarly, Copyblogger, LinkedIn Pulse, & Forbes and most recently, Jay Acunzo’s blog, Sorry for Marketing.

What would people be surprised to know about you? After college, I was a “promo girl” in addition to my regular job. I went from clubs to restaurants educating people on the latest and greatest spirits, giving away free drinks and trinkets and trash. Needless to say, I had a lot of friends. I’ve also had eight concussions from the combination of freak accidents and playing sports. None of the concussions are related to the promo gig.

MONINA LISAWAGNER DOUGHERTYcoMMunity MAnAGer director, BLoG oPerAtionS & coMMunity

@moninaw @brandloveLLC

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N e w te a m m e m b e r s s i N c e # c mwo r ld 2 014

Why do you like working with cMi?There is nothing better than having a wonderful bunch of people to work with. Since I recently joined the CMI team, a couple of things have become very apparent: this group is one that works hard and they have great chemistry. I am proud to be a member.

What non-cMi resources do you like the most?Since I am new to the marketing industry I don’t have a favorite as of yet. I enjoy reading blogs and besides posting to the site, I have been reading up on the subjects. It is expanding my viewpoint and I can’t wait to see where this takes me.

What would people be surprised to know about you?I was born and raised in Zambia in Southern Africa. Besides being a mild mannered mother of two girls, I have an adventurous side, too. For example, I bungee jumped off a bridge over the Zambezi river! And no matter what you have heard, don’t canoe by hippos, it is dangerous!

Why do you like working with cMi? It’s a great team with even better team members. Everybody wants to implement the best ideas — even if it’s not their own.

What non-cMi resources?LinkedIn is great informal research tool to know what others are talking about and interested in across diverse industries or job titles.

Most surprised to know?I was an adjunct professor in communications, journalism, and public relations for seven years at a community college and four-year university.

YATRI ANNROLESTON GYNNWordPreSS Production coordinAtor BLoG editor


Page 25: Meet the Team - Content Marketing Institute - Content Marketing World 2015

content Marketing institute (CMI) is the leading global content marketing education and training organization. CMI teaches enterprise brands how to attract and retain customers through

compelling, multi-channel storytelling. CMI’s content Marketing World event, the largest content marketing-focused event, is held every September, and Content Marketing Sydney, every March. CMI also produces the quarterly magazine Chief Content Officer, and provides strategic

consulting and content marketing research for some of the best-known brands in the world. CMI is a 2012, 2013, and 2014 Inc. 500 company.

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