  • 7/23/2019 Media Work Spy Film Research


  • 7/23/2019 Media Work Spy Film Research



    Ethan and team take on their most impossible

    mission yet, eradicating the Syndicate - an

    International rogue organization as highly skilled as

    they are, committed to destroying the I!"#I$%&

    The 'lm is in a liner narrati(e and continues

    throughout in a chronological order"

  • 7/23/2019 Media Work Spy Film Research



    ission impossible rouge nation is the '*th in the mission

    impossible series" It is an action ad(enture spy thriller"

    The use o* the mission impossible theme tune has loud

    accents to create tension and atmosphere throughout the 'lm"

    +oe(er hen they us opera music this creates a *alse sense

    o* security and as the tempo uickens the action reaches its

    peak also" The use o* spy technology and dangerous stuntsshos that this 'lm is a spy action ad(enture"

  • 7/23/2019 Media Work Spy Film Research



    Ethan +unt is a senior 'eld agent *or the I!, he is daring

    and deemed unstoppable by e(eryone ho knos him" +e is

    represented as athletic and (ery cle(er" This is the typical

    representation o* a strong male character"

    %en0i $unn a*ter the I! is shut don $unn 'nds himsel*

    behind the desk orking as normal again" +e is e1tremely

    intelligent and is a technology hacker and can control hate(er

    he ants" +e is represented as loyal and trustorthy"

  • 7/23/2019 Media Work Spy Film Research



    As mission impossible is an age rating 45A this means that the audience is aimed *rom

    around ages 456 there are some (iolent scenes hich makes it a 45A" The audience are

    any ages *rom abo(e this and not male or *emale speci'c" The use o* opera in the 'lm

    such as nessun dorma and spy technology and the use o* motorbikes and cars means

    that there are *eatures o* the 'lm hich appeal to e(eryone7s interests" The use o*

    *amous actors such as Tom cruise and Simon .egg ill also attract an older audience as

    they are o*ten *eatured in 'lms appealing to adults" This may see adults see the 'lm as

    they are recognised actors" The comedy side o* the 'lm appeals to teens and adults as

    they en0oy the comical side o* the 'lm hich shos tom cruise ha(ing things comically

    go rong hen trying to complete a mission" The spy tech and action elements o* the

    'lm appeal to all as it is an e1iting atch" The typical audience *or this 'lm ill be

    middle and loer class"

  • 7/23/2019 Media Work Spy Film Research



    Semantic: !ast cars and motorbike chases, hand print touch

    car unlocking technology, big e1plosions, stunts#hanging o*

    the side o* a plane& parachute 0umps" These are all semantic

    elements *or a mission impossible as a spy thriller"

    Syntactic elements: )ood VS %ad Ethan +unt (s the

    syndicate" The use o* tension *rom dramatic music, action

    *rom car chases and tension *rom e1iting stunts hich theyare not sure hether they ill be able to pull o* or not"

  • 7/23/2019 Media Work Spy Film Research


  • 7/23/2019 Media Work Spy Film Research



    A spy organization recruits an unre'ned, but promising

    street kid into the agency7s ultra-competiti(e training

    program, 0ust as a global threat emerges *rom a tisted

    tech genius"#I$%&

    Initially the 'lm starts in a ar zone 4; years ago one o*

    the men dies and the ne1t scene is o* one o* the kingsmen

    telling his *amily it then 0umps in time to the present day

    and the rest o* the narrati(e is in a liner *ashion"

  • 7/23/2019 Media Work Spy Film Research



    The kingsman is an action ad(enture comedy spy


    In there 'lm the use uick cuts in scenes and

    dramatic soundtrack ith many loud accents in

    creates tension and e1citement throughout the 'lm"

    The *ace paced music creates a sense o* urgency andaction" The

  • 7/23/2019 Media Work Spy Film Research



    The key characters in my 'lm are"

    Eggsy#)arry& 2nin a teenager ho gets caught up getting into trouble ith

    his mothers boy*riend ho is seen as the head o* his gang o* *riends" They take

    great delight in getting eggsy into trouble" Eggsy is represented as a typical

    trouble making teenager at the beginning o* the 'lm but by the end the

    representation changes and he becomes a hero"

    Valentine is an e(il super-(illain ho ants too ha(e a ingsman tailors# hich is the co(er up *or him being a spy&

    he is a typical representation o* an upper class male ho is ell spoken and

    ell dressed"

  • 7/23/2019 Media Work Spy Film Research



    The audience *or the >ingsman secret ser(ice are ages 4?( and abo(e"

    The use o* gore and (iolence is prominent throughout the 'lm are there

    are many uses o* se1ual re*erences *or comical e@ect hich ould beinappropriate *or children younger" The audience is mainly 4?-5? as the

    main character Eggsy is a rebellious teen himsel* so teenagers can

    relate" +oe(er the use o* 3olin !irth as his mentor may also encourage

    adults to ant to see the 'lm also as he is a ell respected actor and i*

    he is in the 'lm it is going to be e1pected to be good" The typical type o*

    people ho ill ant to see this 'lm ill be middle and loer class

    teenagers ho en0oy comedy and action"

  • 7/23/2019 Media Work Spy Film Research



    Semantic elements such as guns, hand grenades,

    poison and posh airplanes" These are all semantic

    elements hich are in(ol(ed ith a spy action 'lm"

    Syntactic elements such as action made by 'ght

    scenes, tension created by the spy7s not knoing i*

    they can trust eachother"

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