  • 8/18/2019 (MD82ssS)p2p Software Specifications(English



    Thank you for purchasing our WIFI camera.Please follow the quick step guide toset up your camera properly.Ⅰ、Product diagram

    !" #ideo recording$pause %. on$off switch &. Indicator$reset hole'. Power interface (. )* card slot+eminder, press the reset after the restart" equipment" -ut does not remo#e theWIFI connection record.*ownload the mo-ile phone client software!、enter the /+0 1!.!2& into the download interface.3r scan the 4+ code.


  • 8/18/2019 (MD82ssS)p2p Software Specifications(English


    %、5ccording to the mo-ile phone operation system to downloadthe appropriate #iewing software and install it. 3r scan the 4+ codeon the package to download and install.

    &、5ndroid user is also a#aila-le in 6 7oogle6 store search68(%96 downloads.

    '、I Phone user is also a#aila-le in the 65pp )tore6 search68(%96 downloads.

    (、:omputer P: #ersion download or #iewing a We-page" the client;s usage to help there are detailed in.

    Warm tips,each one p%p mini camera ha#e a la-el for camera I*" loginpassword"and access password.

    to>Point =onitoring )oftware 3peration?short distance@

  • 8/18/2019 (MD82ssS)p2p Software Specifications(English


    Warm tips, wifi signal launch need wait a-out &A seconds after power on.

    Press the start -utton start" mo-ile users cell phone set in the 6WIFI6 or 6Wi>Fi6 and 6aimer116 -y clicking on the link ?password is !%&'(291@" the connectionopen after a successful mo-ile phone monitoring software " click 6local6

    de#ices" you can see the picture. 5s shown in the figure,


      !>%BiPhoneCD、watch real>time monitor -y P%P wireless?long distance@Warm tips, need watch real>time monitor #ia internet" must need put the TF cardin the camera" other wise canEt connect internet.

  • 8/18/2019 (MD82ssS)p2p Software Specifications(English


    !. If the #ideo can -e watched in the local model" click G and choose

    )ettings of Wireless HetworkG click 5cti#ate Wireless HetworkG and enterthe name and password of local router Wi>Fi and then click JesG" then theconnection is finished.


  • 8/18/2019 (MD82ssS)p2p Software Specifications(English


      !>%BiPhoneC%.:amera prompts are reset" after the Indicator is off" long press the power-utton to enter the remote mode

    &. 5fter the success setting return 6set returns the login interface6" input thecamera;s I* and password" or scanning machine 4+ code to automatically add thecamera I* and the watch password" click 6login6 can watch the #ideo" 5s shown inthe following picture,


  • 8/18/2019 (MD82ssS)p2p Software Specifications(English


    &>%BiPhoneC'.If canEt enter the internet due to mo-ile phone configuration" please

    )elect the Write method,Kindly tips,This method is more practical simple.:reate a 6 wifi. tLt 6 teLt document on the computer"Write router account andpassword" then copy to TF card" put it to camera"power on. then the #ideosur#eillance is ena-led. )how as -elow"

    (" remote #iewing" to change the password. 5s shown in the figure,

  • 8/18/2019 (MD82ssS)p2p Software Specifications(English




    2、=o-ile client to add multiple cameras

    3pen =o-ile client" log on to" enter the camera list" click on the upper right

    part of the screen 6M6 icon" as shown in the diagram" add camera interface

    appears" enter your account num-er with a #iewing password ?the third line ofthe la-el on the -ack of the camera 5ccess :ode@" as shown in the figure.

  • 8/18/2019 (MD82ssS)p2p Software Specifications(English


    N、P: client!.05H #iew, click on the right side of the main program in the list area"

    605H6" if the de#ice does not appear in the list area" right>mouse click

    in an empty area in the pop>up menu" click 6+efresh6" when there was a

    de#ice name" click on the de#ice name to watch" as shown in the figure,Hote, 05H de#ices will automatically display on the software" you do not need to

    manually add it.

    %.Internet Watch, with an own account password login method is as follows, inputla-els on the username password" log on to the Internet" dou-le>click the de#ice

    name to watch. 5s shown in the figure,

    :lick 5dd de#ice

  • 8/18/2019 (MD82ssS)p2p Software Specifications(English



    &.register account and add #iew methods as -elow" click the internet on theright list of main program" click the registerG -utton in the upper > rightcorner Pop>up dialog" enter customer user name and password" click theregisterG -utton finished the register" one register account can add multip%p camera" show as -elow,'.*ou-le click camera I*" watch #ideo. )how as -elow,

    O、 F card description,Heed to store camera #ideo file" please insert the camera card slot TF card.

    Warm Tip, short press play$pause -utton" you can sa#e the current #ideo.)upport %7 !&% g TF card" can -e recycled to sa#e the file" when TF card torecord after the final #ideo files #ideo files will o#erwrite the oldest one

  • 8/18/2019 (MD82ssS)p2p Software Specifications(English


    ?loop recording@. *e#ices are in the root directory of TF card generates a filenamed 6snapshot6 folder" inside the #ideo files are sa#ed in the folder" ande#ery !( minutes as a separate file" the file named 6current date M time M #ideoformat of the #ideo.6Lample, %A!%>!A>&A>%A>&A>AA.a#i

    Q、0* light indicator

    =ultifunctional camera 0* patterns

    Jellow, #ideo state Dlue, network state

    ! Ro- status ?mode@ Jellow Dlue lights

    % )hort range mode ?recording@ !>second (>second Flash

    & )hort range mode ?no 0ong -right (>second Flash

    ' +emote mode ?recording@ !>second !>second Flash

    ( +emote mode ?no recording@ 0ong -right !>second Flash

    S、product ad#antages,!" -oot, anywhere" as long as the -oot opens the #ideo without any setting.%" smart detection, smart detection>detection reduction feature" no runningpicture sa#e #ideo space" an eLception automatically con#erted when a high framerate #ideo.&" circulating #ideos, camcorder TF card file was recorded after a smart fileo#erwrite the oldest records" continued to #ideo.'" #ideo segmentation, e#ery !( minute to split a #ideo file" user>friendly copylater" reduce the failure rate of the #ideo file.(" file name" file name" named after the current time" user>friendly andaccurate #iew #ideos for each time period.2" file format" a standard file format" compati-le with any #ideo playersoftware without installing any additional software.9" peer>to>multi>point, there is no router can also -e multiple phonessimultaneously connected to the same camera sur#eillance" other network camerascurrently on the market can only -e at the same time a phone is connected #ideocamera watch1" operation is simple and con#enient, can automatically register is connectedthrough a router" not e#ery change a place to update the router;s information"is currently on the market are reset e#ery place" #ery incon#enient. +outer;sport mapping" no need to do without **H) domain name" as long as the wirelessrouter connected to the Internet from home" you can see the #ideo" don;t ha#e to

    worry a-out network pro-lems no matter where" 5s long as the mo-ile phone open%7 or &7 or WIFI will -e a-le to see the #ideo.

    T.Product features and WIFI features,

    !" with no router" the camera will automatically set up a WIFI network" usetheir phones to search its WIFI hotspot to connect camera%" in the case of a router" the camera will gi#e priority to connecting to therouter" without tedious things" such as network port settings.&" the use of P%P technology" users can -e used without any settings" can -eapplied to most of the networks at home and a-road" no IP settings withoutdomain name without /PHP settings'" the use of mo-ile phones and connected to the computer" users watch #ideo

    anytime and anywhere" support multiple handsets or computers to watch.(" mo-ile login" users can apply for an ar-itrary user name" user memory" mo-ilephone software application simply enter the user name and password when logging

  • 8/18/2019 (MD82ssS)p2p Software Specifications(English


    on.2" a registered account can add multiple P%P machine equipment" con#enient towatch.9" equipped with a WIFI" so no user wiring" install quickly and easily" withoutdamaging the user;s eListing layout and construction1" WIFI distance" in the open space" +5*I/) is 'Am the range of WIFI products"inside ordinary houses" the effecti#e distance +5*I/) is &Am" enough to co#er

    the entire ordinary houses.

    U.+elated parameters


    5@ use, Please strictly a-ide -y )tate laws" this product should not -e used for

    any unlawful purpose" or face the consequences.D@ -atteries, long time no use" please fully charge -efore use" recharged atleast e#ery month.:@ operating temperature, A>'( degrees centigrade" prefera-ly at roomtemperature*@ operating humidity, %A>1A do not put the product in humid workingen#ironments" products do not ha#e waterproof functions.@ shooting illumination, Please use in a sunny en#ironment" do not put the#ideo camera directly at the )un" strong light sources" so as not to damage ofoptical de#ices.F@ cleaning requirements, do not use in dust en#ironments of eLcessi#e plot" soas to a#oid contamination of the lens and other parts of dust" effects #ideoeffects7@ other matters, the products are precision electronic products" please do notput it under strong impact" #i-ration" do not use in strong magnetic fields andstrong electric field.X@ Hote, Please finish detailed instructions carefully -efore proceeding" somisled. 3ther unknown issues please contact your local dealer.

    Hame WIFI$IP :amera

    Yideo format 5YI P%P,1&=$!( minutes ?4Y75@ 5P,!1&=$!( minutes ?Y75@

    Image format =>RP7

    Yideo resolution 2'AZ'1A Y75

    IP Yideoresolution

    &%AZ%'A 4Y75

    resolution !Afps[!fps

    5ntenna %.'7 1A%.!!n WIFI)torage TF>&%7

    Yideo proportion '&)ystem Windows I3) 5ndroid

    :harging #oltage *:>(Y/)D =ini (Pin /)D

    :ard =icro )* :ard?TF :ard@

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