Download - May 15 Visionary

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2 May 2015 Visionary St. Luke’s Lubbock

60 years ago, Dr. E. Stanley Jones, said that, “We should be ringing door bells and not church bells.” What Brother Stanley meant by that is the church should be going out to the world not waiting around for the world to come to us. If there was ever a day that his challenge to us was relevant, that day is today. In 2015 even right here in Lubbock, Texas the prevailing posture towards God is nominally religious at best and nonreligious and resistant at worst. On the one hand, we live in a day when those who say they believe in God believe in a God who makes practically no difference in their lives. These persons have been labeled as “Christian Atheists.” On the other hand, there is a startling new and growing demographic that George Barna has labeled “nons.” These persons are those who have no connection with and no need for God in their lives. The “nons” are the fastest growing belief (or should I say non-belief) group in our nation and are most prevalent in those who are 30 and under.

In August of 2015 St. Luke’s is taking another bold step to try to reach those who are currently unreached in our community. Our hope is to do what John Wesley exhorted Thomas Coke and Francis Asbury to do 250 years ago, “Offer Them Christ!” In August we will give birth to a fifth worshipping congregation. This worshipping congregation will be at our Southwest Campus on Sunday evenings. We are specifically trying to reach and connect those who may work on Sunday mornings, those who may participate in other extracurricular activities (i.e. Travel Sports) on Sunday mornings, those who may see Sunday mornings as their only hope of just being at home with their families, or those who just like to hang out and maybe

sleep in on Sunday mornings. This service is about reaching and connecting those who are currently not being reached, not actively involved in any existing church in our area. There are literally over a hundred thousand people who fit in this category. Some might ask why we just don’t get these folks involved in one of our existing services? Please do! Please try! Please invite! I am praying that we will continue to grow through that kind of addition but also that by adding this service we will faithfully be able to grow through multiplication.

When giving birth to a new baby, there are all kinds of ways to help. We often say it takes a village to raise a child. Well please know, it takes a whole church to give birth to a healthy new congregation. Here is what you can do to help:

1. We need 100 people to give us their “Top Ten Most Wanted List.” Each person who is a part of this 100 is asked to give us 10 people whom they know who are not actively involved in a church. We will need addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses for these persons. Your top ten list might actually include some St. Luke’s members that have gotten inactive or uninvolved through the years. Most of us will have a list that is made up of loved ones, neighbors, friends, and work associates. What we will do with these lists is send them a very nice letter telling them about the start of this new service and then we (Matt, myself, other church leaders) will follow up with a personal call.

2. We need 72 volunteers to literally be “door ringers.” It was Jesus who first sent out the 72 to be his witnesses throughout Galilee. Their mission, as you remember, was very successful and brought great joy to Jesus. Our own door ringers 7 years ago

A note from Pastor AndyChurch Bells or Door Bells?

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St. Luke’s Lubbock May 2015 Visionary 3

were so successful that they received The Denman Award for Evangelism. These door ringers will be asked to make just 5 visits per week for 10 weeks. These visits will be to all the homes within a 1.5 mile radius of our Southwest Campus. The purpose of these visits is to offer a friendly face (a real person to person contact) and a welcoming flier to every family in this area.

3. We need 40 “Harvesters” to help us build relationships with those who need a church home. Matthew 9 tells us that when Jesus saw the crowds he had compassion on them for he saw them as harassed and helpless, as sheep in need of a Shepherd. Everybody else around Jesus saw the crowds as a bother, as a problem, but He saw their potential and their God-given need to be in relationship with Him. Then Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful; pray that the Lord of the harvest will send out his workers, his harvesters.” We know all about harvesting around these parts. In West Texas we are dependent upon getting the cotton or wheat or milo out of the fields in a timely and effective manner. Our “Harvesters” are being asked to host a dinner or a “get together” with at least five unchurched friends and/or family members. When you host this 1 hour event, you will ask either

Matt or myself to come and join you. Can’t wait for this one….I think I’ll gain about 20 pounds???

4. We need 20 “Doulas.” A doula is a trained and experienced professional who provides continuous physical, emotional, informational, and spiritual support to the mother before, during and just after the birth of her child. We need 20 families who are willing to help us give birth to this new congregation. These families will be willing to host pre-worship groups for those who are interested in this service and will commit to be a part of this new service for the first six months. These families will play a crucial part in both planning and praying for this new congregation.

5. We need a whole church full of Grandparents and Great Grandparents who are flat out willing to pray in earnest for our new child at St. Luke’s. You may not be physically able to deal with all the details, but you can pray for this service and the hundreds of persons that we will be seeking to reach with Christ’s love.

Please be praying about your role in this new congregation. Remember, it takes a whole church to healthily give birth.

Love y’all,

Did you know that all sermons are availablefor you to listen to on the go?

St. Luke’s has sermon podcasts uploaded each week from both campuses.You can find these under the “worship” tab on our website or by searching

the iTunes store for St. Luke’s Lubbock.

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4 May 2015 Visionary St. Luke’s Lubbock

I recently was able to participate in an adventure I have been dreaming of for years. I went to Moab, Utah to ride mountain bikes. That may not sound all that exciting to some, but Moab, Utah is practically the pinnacle of mountain biking in all of the United States. Most people recognize this scene from Moab that is taken from Arches National Park. However, there is another world of beauty that is not seen by most people. The scenery that is not seen from the roads, hiking trails, or guided tours are really only seen by those who take the paths that are narrow and a bit unpredictable. That fact was pointed out to me by a great leader and riding companion, Mark Loveland. He said this to me as we were admiring the awesome work of God’s creation, “You can only get here and see this if you’re on a mountain bike.” It was absolutely true. The path we took was precarious. The cliffs we rode next to could measure hundreds up to a thousand feet high. At that point we were 10 miles from where we started. I will admit, at times I was a bit scared as I saw the narrow trail, the rocks and especially the cliffs. However, as Mark made his statement, it brought to me a new understanding of a particular scripture: Matthew 7:14 “But small is the gate and narrow the

road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Jesus calls us to come share in the beauty of his grace. We must place ourselves in a position to enter that narrow gate and follow the narrow road. I’ll admit, the ride in Utah was difficult. I was always confident and motivated as long as I could keep my eye on the leader ahead of me. I became a bit discouraged when I fell behind and found myself calculating in my head if it was shorter to turn around and go back or to move forward. One day it was cool and calm. Another day it was cold, wet and windy. Through the hard work and enjoyment of the rides, I was able to catch a glimpse of God’s magnificence. Jesus calls us to follow him and keep our eye on the prize. He never promised an easy day, but promise-filled days. Jesus never said he would make our race particularly easy, but that he would provide the prize to those who finished. Everything has two aspects – how it

looks in the moment, and how it will look in the time to come. The easy way may look very inviting and the difficult way very scary. The only way to live our life in Christ is to see the path before us by the light of eternity. What is ahead of us as the body of Christ at St. Luke’s might seem fairly daunting; starting another worship service at the Southwest Campus, reaching more people in our community, more efforts to reach our Hispanic brothers and sisters, and raising up new leaders for our future, but just knowing that this narrow path will lead us to Jesus should give us hope and encouragement to keep traveling forward and not wanting to turn around and go back.

--Moving Mountains, Matt

A note from Pastor Matt

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St. Luke’s Lubbock May 2015 Visionary 5

Music MinistryI am happy to report that the St. Luke’s Singers 2015 Choir Trip to

Alamogordo, NM, was a marvelous success! While ultimately we give credit to God for such a wonderful experience, everyone on the trip did his/her part to contribute to a successful trip. The children sang like songbirds and were endearing ambassadors for St. Luke’s and the church. The parents quickly and tenderly attended to the children’s needs and kept things flowing smoothly. The orchestra, which we call “The Band,” didn’t miss a beat and provided an ocean of beautiful sound upon which the children sailed their voices. The children said that the highlights of the trip were the pool party in the hotel, our visit to White Sands National Monument, and singing for the glory of God. Our host church, Grace United Methodist Church, welcomed us with open arms and blessed us with a delicious meal on Saturday afternoon. Once again, let me thank the Methodist Men for amply supplementing the music budget with the Pancake Supper fund raiser and the whole church for providing the spiritual and financial foundation to make such a memorable and faith building trip possible.

Last month I introduced the question: “If God were to design a worship service, what would it look like?” This is a rather provocative question because it makes us wonder whether our favorite music and parts of liturgy would be included in such a worship service. From what resource would God select songs? The Cokesbury? The current edition of the United Methodist Hymnal? The online resource called SongSelect (for contemporary music)? Or how about hymnals from other denominations or even songs from the distant past, say from the 17th, 16th or 15th centuries, or even Gregorian chant from the middle ages? Do we have any way of knowing what God would prefer? Any answer would be a claim to knowledge, and this begs the question, “From where do we get this knowledge?” Scripture provides a framework upon which to answer this important question and over the next several months, we’ll explore basic principles so we can improve our corporate and personal worship of God.

Finally, I wanted to check in regarding the challenge I set before you (and myself) about increasing participation during worship. Have you been making efforts to sing more boldly during worship, as John Wesley has encourage all of us to do? Have you noticed other people singing more? Have you been reining in your thoughts during worship to keep yourself focused on God and the details of the worship service? Have you noticed other people exhibiting more alert and focused worship? God notices all of these things and he knows what we are doing. Let’s encourage each other by setting an example and by visibly enjoying our weekly corporate encounter with God Almighty.

UPCOMING EVENTS5/9- Bellchoir Mother’s Day

Concert at The Carillon Fireside Lounge - 4 pm

5/10- Bellchoir plays in Central Worship

5/17– Orchestra plays in Central worship; Youth sing

7/13-19- Summer Music Camp (share this with others!)

AREAS TO SERVE AND GROWChoirs, Orchestra, String

Ensemble, Bells, Band, Sound Crew, Media Crew, Librarians,

Guitar Class, Drama

-Andy C.

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6 May 2015 Visionary St. Luke’s Lubbock

Ragamuffin Youth

I can’t believe I’ve been blessed to work with the youth for almost a year now! Church, I hope you personally know what a treasure our youth are. They are smart, funny, so kind and caring, creative, talented, passionate, friendly and loyal. In short, they are a priceless treasure to you and to me!

In working with the youth I have been reminded of what a difficult time the teenage years can be. These years are full of scary firsts and require much wisdom and courage to traverse well. Church, our youth need you. Yes, YOU. They need your presence, they need your encouraging words, they need your time and they need your prayers. These youth are our disciples. It takes a village to raise a youth, right? So, how are you helping to raise up our youth, the next generation of moms and dads, lawyers, doctors, business men and women, and ministers of the Gospel?

Church, our youth genuinely WANT to learn from you. They want to learn from your wisdom and your walk with the Lord so they too may walk more confidently in the path God has for them. Please consider partnering with a youth to help disciple and/or mentor them, or perhaps join us on a Wednesday or Sunday evening to experience first-hand what we do, or consider committing to pray for our youth regularly. Contact Kurtis Vanderpool or myself to discuss this more in-depth!

Our youth are so incredible and are worth every minute you spend with them and in prayer for them. Your investment into the youth will echo in this life and into the next.

On behalf of all the youth and youth leaders, Church, we love you! ~Sarah Wiginton

High School BreakfastsThursday Mornings @ 7:30 amEinstein Bagels - 5217 82nd St.

Summer Camp Sign-upsSee below for Dates andRegistration information

One Way 6-8th• June 15th-19th

One Way 9-12th• June 22-26th

One Way 4-6th• June 29th-July 3rd

Lil’ Ceta (2nd & 3rd graders)• July 15th-17th

Whoz-We-R (4th-6th graders)• July 20th-24th

Register online at In order to receive a scholarship, please make a half payment online when you register and then turn in the confirmation receipt to either church office. Transportation is available for all campers, upon request.

Ceta Canyon Camp VolunteersWe would love to have adults who have a passion for Christ and students to attend church camp to serve as mentors. If this is something you would be interested in, please talk to Kurtis or Tessa.

Summer CampsHalf Scholarships Available for all Camps!

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St. Luke’s Lubbock May 2015 Visionary 7

Vida AbundanteSunday, April 12, we arrived at the third

month of life as Abundant Life Church. After 5 months of gestation in the womb of St. Luke’s on January 11th several families, the Ochoa’s, Nunn’s, a young man and we began our Sunday services. Our goal was to have a definite time and place to invite people that we were meeting in the community.

At this early stage we have focused on creating as many relationships as Dios allowed us, both personally and through social networks. The weather conditions forced us to rely more on the internet, but we took advantage of it and at the moment we are connected to some 40 people. Most of them do not have a commitment to the Church but have varying degrees of interest in staying in touch with us. This situation has made it necessary to create more attractive places for them such as an ESL course two nights a week and Sunday afternoon basketball with some of the men.

A visible step forward was our Resurrection Sunday service and lunch, attended by 37 people, although we expected around 45. Now we are trying to clarify our intentions and projections for the future to help attendees make decisions about their relationship with the Church. In summary, after 3 months we have approximately 40 people participating in 4 weekly activities, Sunday worship, ESL classes and basketball. We are publishing weekly on the web and social networks, preaching the values that we have as a church. We have organized our first celebration in our church location complete with signs to show where we are meeting. We strive to learn English to expand our possibilities with the Hispanic community.

All this has been possible thanks to the support, accompaniment and family affection of St Luke’s UMC. You have been our family, the angels that God has provided to us so that we could move here. Each greeting, smile, prayer, caring question, willingness to help, explanation of customs, material gift, escort to the hospital, help with my children’s

schools, invitation to dinner, a loaner car while we waited for our car and thousands of other expressions of love have been the perfect help so that it is possible to be here.

We are praying and dreaming of what God might do in the next 3 months. We will continue expectant, not as the lead actor but as collaborators with God in this beautiful formation of a completely new Church, created in his inspiration and with the power of his spirit.

In the same way during the last 8 months other opportunities have emerged. We were interviewed by the press and local television. We were invited to teach in an extension to the Hispanics of the UTS seminary. We function as part of an incubator, are part of the Evangelism Team of the Conference and support team communications for the Conference from the Hispanic perspective. Recently we celebrated the event “Connect with Jesus” at the SW campus of St Luke’s UMC, which we hope will become the epicenter of the Hispanic Ministry of our Conference.

God has allowed us many new experiences of engagement and support. Our gratitude for you is infinite because without ya’ll our process of adaptation and integration in this new culture where God has place us to serve Him would have been endless and incomplete. From the bottom of the heart of our family, thank you!

Jorge’s Family!Note: To find out more visit our FB and website.FB: “Vida Abundante Lubbock”

Sitting and Reflecting.

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8 May 2015 Visionary St. Luke’s Lubbock


VBS Central CampusJune 1-5th • 9am-12pm

Summer Camp Ceta CanyonSee Pg. 6 for Dates and Registration information

MEGA Sports Camp Southwest CampusJune 15-18th • 6-8pm

All Family Campout Southwest CampusJune 19th

Beach Club was a huge success this year! We had an average

weekly attendance of 65 students at Maedgen Elementary who were eager and excited to hear the word of God. Please continue to pray for this outreach ministry and these

students throughout the summer.

Mega Sports Camp will be June 15-June 18at SW from 6-8pm

All kids ages 4 years through 5th grade are invited to join usfor an exciting sports camp at the Southwest Campus.

They will learn that God has a special and unique plan justfor them while participating in their favorite sport of choice:

archery, baseball, basketball, cheerleading, or soccer. So mark your calendar for an awesome week!

For more information, please contact Tessa [email protected].

Children’s Ministry

EVEREST Vacation Bible SchoolJune 1-5 • 9 am - Noon

Central Campus

All kids ages 4 years to 5th Grade are invited to join us for an exctiting week of conquering

challenges with God’s Mighty Power.

Registration is open online at

For more information, contactthe church office.

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10 May 2015 Visionary St. Luke’s Lubbock

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12 May 2015 Visionary St. Luke’s Lubbock

Missions & Outreach“All God’s giants have been weak men who did great things for God because they reckoned on

His power and His presence with them.” –James Hudson Taylor, Missionary to China, 1854-1905

When I was 20 years old and a junior at Abilene Christian University, my best friend invited me to a missions lecture called Vision School. He approached me saying, “Hey you’re a Christian, right? Are you interested in missions?” to which I responded, “Jeremy, I will never, ever be a foreign missionary. I know my vision for my life: graduate with honors, get a good (and high paying) marketing job, and become a person of success and renown. This is how I will serve God.”

I had no idea what the LORD would do in my heart the next semester. Through Vision School, I encountered the relentless heart of Jesus for the lost and I took up the work of a co-heir in Christ by serving as a missionary in Israel. My old dreams of success, fame, and fortune were so small compared to the new dreams that God put in my heart. Fortunes rise and fall and are given away when it’s all said and done, but the unshakable Kingdom of God will last for eternity and the amazing work that God will do in our generation, through His people, shall be praised forever. Though our simple acts of obedience and faith seem small now, God uses them to shake the Earth and save the lost. What a noble cause we have been given!

Here are just a few examples of how God is working through our body at St. Luke’s this summer:

• Belize Mission Trip- A team from St. Luke’s is returning to Belize this summer for VBS, homebuilding, evangelism, and other love ministries.

• Juarez Mission Trip- This July, a team from St. Luke’s will be partnering with Proyecto Abrigo for homebuilding ministry and medical missions for a 5-day trip to our neighbors in Juarez

• Service Saturdays- Once per month, St. Luke’s is doing a community-oriented service project throughout Lubbock, from food bags to hospital visitation. In June, we’ll be doing a special project partnering with the youth to work on a local family’s home.

• 2nd Annual Missionary Conference- In August, we will be having our missionary conference, inviting field missionaries serving all over the world to come and give testimony about what the LORD is doing worldwide.

• Vacation Bible School (Central & Southwest) - These are a great opportunity to teach the Word of God through fun activities and love to our up-and-coming generation. Contact the church office for information!

• St. Luke’s Summer Musical- Kids from all over Lubbock come to learn and perform a musical that teaches them (and the audience) about the truth and love of God. Contact Andy Coward for details!

I beg of you, get involved somewhere. The time for the LORD’s ministers to rise up is right now! The harvest is plentiful but the workers are so few. Contact me for more information about the previous ministry opportunities. We are all “weak men” as Hudson Taylor wrote, but we serve a great and mighty God!

In Christ, Robby WigintonMissions Intern“We obey and God makes history”

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A community-wide event for all women ages 16+

TICKETS: Table of 8: $240 / $35 individualVicki Jobe: 778-4824, Tina Lyon: 773-0246, Janet Tucker: 790-4901

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14 May 2015 Visionary St. Luke’s Lubbock

Avery BaldreePayton Blankenship

Carson BoydAudrey Crawford

Lainey CristanWalt & Terrie EadsAmanda GawrysSean HamiltonGriffin Harlan

Coleman Jordan

Haydden KennardSterling MayEthan MooreTatum MorrisClay Patton

Bethany PruittEmma Ragsdale

Macei SierraElaina Thomas

Morgan Thompson

Looking for a way you and your family can connect to St. Luke’s?

Download on your Apple or Android Device.

UBelong can keep you updated with notifications from all of St. Luke’s ministries: from mission projects to students to adults to education.

If you would like your special event published on UBelong, contact Reba at the church office or via email at [email protected].

UBelong App

Welcome New Members

Lainey & Evyn CristanKeagen, Jax,

Owen & John-Luke HillJayden Johnson

Coleman JordanHaydden Kennard

Tatum MorrisQuent Pendleton

Bethany Pruitt

Baptized This year

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St. Luke’s Lubbock May 2015 Visionary 15

Financial Update

Thanks so much for all of your support and investment in God’s work in 2015!Please know that your HELP is needed as we are currently $30,000 behind.

However God leads you to help reduce this deficit would be greatly appreciated. In Christ, Andy

Debt Free 0

Current Building Debt 617,893

Original Building Debt 2,000,000

Debt Free0








Building Debt ReductionMarch 2015

Debt Free

Current Building Debt

Original Building Debt

Actual for March Actual YTD

Income $108,136 $287,838

Expense $108,183 $316,952

Surplus/(Deficit) ($47) ($29,114)

Actual for March Actual YTD

Income $108,136 $287,838

Expense $108,183 $316,952

Surplus/(Deficit) ($47) ($29,114)














St. Luke's 2015

Income & Expense

Debt Free 0

Current Building Debt 617,893

Original Building Debt 2,000,000

Debt Free0








Building Debt ReductionMarch 2015

Debt Free

Current Building Debt

Original Building Debt

A big THANK YOU to all who volunteered to help with the 2015 St. Luke’s Pictorial Directory! A directory produced in-house takes lots of extra hands. We appreciate you lending yours to this project.

Photographers: D’Lea Jordan, Kathy Smith, Reba UnderwoodSign-in Table: Teri Anderson; Larry & Diane Burton; Don & Janet Copeland; Julie

Cunningham; Ginny Dickerson; Gail Etheredge; Kelle Hester; Ashlee Laycock; Mike & Cathy Rogers; Cindy Scarborough; Meranda Sierrra; Harvey & Marlene Wellman; Bobby & Wanda Williams.

Proofers & Organizers: Toni Hancock, Debbie BirchfieldLayout: Nancy CookSet Up Help: Jamar Jordan, Mike Smith, Veronica Orosco, Stephanie McVayCover Design: Reba Underwood

THank you

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16 May 2015 Visionary St. Luke’s Lubbock

AnnouncementsBackpacks for Belize

Do you want to be a part of Mission Belize, but cannot go on the trip?

The St. Luke’s mission team will be handing out backpacks this summer in Belize as they go door to door, building relationships with the people of the Concepcion community.

If you would like to share your gifts and help make backpacks, please join us at the Southwest Campus on Sunday nights at 6 pm.

There will be plenty for sewers and non-sewers to do. Come be a part of this life-changing mission!

Please contact Robin Wolfington at 794-2849 or [email protected] if you would like the backpack assembly instructions or if you have any questions.

Donations of cotton material would be

GREATLY appreciated.

Staff AnniversariesTessa Armes (4 years)

Sarah Wiginton (1 year)

All Church Picnic at Southwest Campus

Sunday, May 3rdYou are invited to bring your favorite dessert to share and come after

service for food, fun and fellowship at our annual

family picnic.

Did you know that simply signing in at church assures you will be prayed for? Our MPG (Monday Prayer Group) team prays for everyone who registers their attendance on Sunday, as well as any prayer requests. Also, joining MPG is a good way to stay efficient in your prayer life, so come join us every Monday at Central at 8:30 am or at Southwest at 9am for about an hour. It’s the perfect way to start your week. See Debbie Birchfield, Cindy Ferguson, Becky Page, Tim or Susan Ebelthite for more info, or call the church office.

MPG is also trying to gather names of all friends and family of St. Luke’s members that are serving in the military, so we can keep them lifted in prayer. Please email Debbie Birchfield at [email protected] with names and ANY prayer requests for the MPG group.

MPG is fueling St. Luke’s through prayer!

Let Us Pray!One of the most important

ways to serve our Lord and our church is to pray. And we have several opportunities now at St. Luke’s.

Every Sunday, a person prays for all prayer requests and each person by name at each service at the Central campus. Usually in the office or Prayer Room, we can pray quietly, as we lift up the requests and the names.

We are in need of more people to pray. We are on a rotating list, praying once every 2-3 months. If you would like to serve in this way, please call Cindy Ferguson at 795-5937.

Also our Monday Morning Prayer Group is open to any-one! We meet at 8:30 each Monday in the Prayer Room (6), and would welcome You! May 3 – Communion Sunday - Offering for VBS

May 3 – All Church Picnic at SouthwestMay 3 – Fellowship of Friends (4 pm • Fellowship Hall)May 10 – Mother’s Day May 17 – HS Senior Sunday/BrunchMay 25 – Church Offices Closed for Memorial DayJun. 1-5 – Central VBSJun. 15-18 – SW Sports Camp

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Dear St. Luke’s,

8 years ago the Lattimores rolled into Lubbock with their very last penny and a truck full of what was left of a dream. We quickly found St Luke’s and we were welcomed with open arms despite our brokenness. Within the year I became a part time staff member as the Nursery Director. It wasn’t long until you entrusted me with a full time position as your Christian Education Director and Children’s Pastor. Over the last 7 years I have loved watching your children and your families grow. I have loved laughing with you, praying with you, picking each other up when times got rough, and simply living life together. You have loved us through the ups and downs and we are forever grateful for the love and support you have shown us and especially our children. Carson and Kennedy have been raised by the St. Luke’s family... Praise God!

God called us to St. Luke’s and used each of you to teach us and grow us and allowed us to serve together to make an impact in many lives. Now as God calls us to our next mission field, in Camping Ministry, we pray that all we have gained at St. Luke’s will be multiplied.

Esther 4:14...”And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

Aaron and I have been clinging to scripture in an effort to gather our thoughts and feelings about the new path God is taking us down. It’s amazing when I start to panic through the uncomfortable parts of change, God reveals even more that his blessings and provision are covering this new path! It still hurts at times, but the love and joy are overwhelming. We will forever be grateful for all the opportunities and amazing people who have made St. Luke’s and Lubbock home. A piece of our hearts will always remain here with each of you!

This is one of the hardest things God has called us to step out in faith to do. Our dependence is in God for he is our strength and the only guide that knows the path.

I want to leave each of you with 7 scriptures, one for each year of ministry we served with you.

• Jeremiah 29:11 ”For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

• Mark 16:15 “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

• Hebrews 12:1 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

• Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

• Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

• Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

• Psalm 119:105 “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”

Thank you St. Luke’s we will forever consider you ALL family!



Sara, Aaron, Carson, & Kennedy Lattimore

Sara’s last Sunday will be May 10. Please hold the Lattimore family in your prayersas they set out on this new journey that the Lord has brought to them.

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18 May 2015 Visionary St. Luke’s Lubbock

(806) 765-7877Fax: (806) 765-8109

Jim Potts


2204 Avenue J Lubbock, Texas 79411


[email protected]

*Ad space in the newsletter highlights your business and helps underwrite the cost of printing & mailing the newsletter. If you are interested, please contact us at [email protected]

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Now available at Amazon.comand Hastings



Bear [email protected]

432-559-8339 Facebook: Bear Mills Author


The Piano ManP.O. Box 6392 Lubbock, TX 79493

Bill CarrellOwner-Technician (806)787-4252



Dear Church Family, Thank you all for the prayers, food, flowers and support during this difficult time. We have felt surrounded in God’s love through each of you.

Thank you, Kathy Showers & Family,the Caranfa’s, the Harlan’s and the Mosier’s

I would like to thank the United Methodist Women for the Special Mission Recognition pin and certificate given to me on Sunday, April 19th in worship. I was completely surprised and honored to receive this award. This group of women work tirelessly to promote the health and well being for women, children and youth locally and around the world. A special thanks to Marlene Wellman for the leadership she provides to our group.

Thank you again.Helen Price-Trussell.

Appreciation Notes

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St. Luke’s Lubbock May 2015 Visionary 19




Rev. Matt Wolfington


Rev. Don Kinder


Rev. Jorge Jorge


PRAISE & WORSHIP LEADERSouthwest - Ashleigh Brewer

ORGANISTKaren Dawson

CHILDREN’S PASTORSouthwest - Tessa Armes

STUDENT PASTORKurtis Vanderpool




Shalan Inmon


Nancy Cook



Kelcee Linnenkugel



Vicki Davidson


Stephen Sessums

CUSTODIANSVeronica Orosco

Joe Ortiz

SECURITYFrank Anderson


Worship OpportunitiesCentral Southwest

8:30 am Traditional Service9:30 am Sunday School

10:45 am Experiential Service11:00 am Hispanic Service

9:30 am Sunday School10:30 am Contemporary Service

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3708 45th StreetLubbock, TX 79413

797-4393 [phone]797-4395 [fax]806

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C e n t r a l

Monday - Friday8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

5805 98th StreetLubbock, TX 79424

771-0555 [phone]797-4395 [fax]806

S o u t h w e s t

Office Hours Monday - Friday9:00 AM - NOON

“St. Luke’s Lubbock”“St. Luke’s Southwest”“St Lukes Youth”“Vida Abundante Lubbock”


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St. Luke’s United Methodist Church3708 45th St. • Lubbock, TX 79413

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June 1-5 Central 9 Am - Noon

june 15-18 Southwest6 pm - 8 pm

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