Page 1: Maternity B.V.M. Church · To participate in our Candles and Gifts Pro-grams, call the Rectory at 215-673-8127. Mass Intentions For the Week Easter Saturday, April 7 8:00 AM +Jeanette

090 Maternity BVM

Maternity B.V.M. Church 9220 Old Bustleton Avenue Phone: 215-673-8127

Philadelphia, PA 19115 Fax: 215-673-6597


Saturday Vigil Mass, Upper Church: 4:30 PM

Sunday Masses, Upper Church: 8, 9:30, 11 AM;

12:30, 7 PM

Old Church: 10:30 AM (First Sunday of month

from October through May) Closed for Repairs.

Holy Days: Upper Church

Holyday Masses: 6:30, 8, 10 AM; 7 PM

(Schedule is revised as of January 2018.)

Weekday Masses: Lower Chapel

Monday-Friday: 6:30, 8 AM

Saturday: 8 AM

Baptisms: First and Third Sundays of the month

Reconciliation (Sacrament of Penance): Every

Saturday from 3 to 4 PM in the Lower Chapel, and

any time by calling the Rectory

Anointing of the Sick: The Sacrament is given to

seriously ill Catholics by calling the Rectory and

arranging for this by appointment or whenever

there is an emergency.

PRAYER DEVOTIONS Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:

Every Monday after 8 AM Mass, with Closing

Benediction after 6:30 PM Rosary, Lower Chapel

Miraculous Medal Novena:

Every Monday after 8 AM Mass, Lower Chapel

Recitation of the Rosary:

Before the daily 8 AM Weekday Mass, every Mon-

day at 6:30 PM and every Tuesday at Noon, Lower



All engaged couples are required to attend a Pre-

Cana Program of Marriage Preparation. Our Parish

offers this Program in the Fall & Spring. Call the

Rectory Office for details and to register.

Pre-Jordan Class:

After meeting with a priest and prior to their child’s

Baptism, parents are required (God-parents are en-

couraged) to attend this Program, held in the Rec-

tory on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 PM.

Worship/Liturgical Schedule

April 7/8, 2018

Second Sunday of Easter

Divine Mercy Sunday

DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS See page 3 for our Schedule.

150th Parish Celebration Update

and Golf Outing Page 6 has full details. Jesus, I Trust In You!

Page 2: Maternity B.V.M. Church · To participate in our Candles and Gifts Pro-grams, call the Rectory at 215-673-8127. Mass Intentions For the Week Easter Saturday, April 7 8:00 AM +Jeanette


Sanctuary Candles

Bread and Wine Memorials April 8, 2018

Sanctuary Candle in the Upper

Church: With thanks for

Favors Granted

Sanctuary Candle in the Lower

Chapel: In Loving Memory of

LaVerne Mueller

Sanctuary Candle in the Rectory

Chapel: For the Special

Intentions of Doris Kerker

Bread and Wine Memorial:

For the Grace of Obedience

to follow God’s Will

To participate in our Candles and Gifts Pro-

grams, call the Rectory at 215-673-8127.

Mass Intentions

For the Week

Easter Saturday, April 7 8:00 AM +Jeanette Glazier, 16th Anniver.

4:30 PM +Antonio Roberto

April 8: Divine Mercy Sunday 8:00 AM +Howard and Jeannette Landis

9:30 AM +Dennis Welsh

11:00 AM +Suzanna H. Gerasimas

12:30 PM Living and Deceased Parish

Members and Benefactors

7:00 PM +Ryan Patrick Reed

Monday, April 9: Annunciation of Our

Lord 6:30 AM +Rosemary Wizmerski

8:00 AM +Michael and Madeline Carroll

Tuesday, April 10 6:30 AM +Joseph P. Mack

8:00 AM +Sucich Family

Wednesday, April 11: St. Stanislaus 6:30 AM +Brian McTeague

8:00 AM +John Fitzgerald, Jr., 3rd Anniv.

Thursday, April 12 6:30 AM +Anna M. Hunter, 1st Anniversary

8:00 AM +Harry Bevan, Sr.

Friday, April 13: St. Martin I 6:30 AM +Joseph Brinkmann, 5th Anniv.

8:00 AM +William Kelly

Saturday, April 14 8:00 AM +LaVerne Mueller

4:30 PM +Joseph Rafferty, 12th Anniver.

April 15: Third Sunday of Easter 8:00 AM +Harry Griffith, Sr.

9:30 AM +Steven Drazul, 20th Anniversary

11:00 AM +Rita Passanante, 3rd Anniversary

12:30 PM Living and Deceased Parish

Members and Benefactors

7:00 PM +Maria Luis

Please pray for all our deceased Parishioners

and Benefactors, especially Patricia Cirone,

Edward Fisher, Margaret Brandley, Beverly

McBrearty, Grey Nun Sr. Patricia Kelly,

Francesco Codispoti and Athanasius

Akapunonu, that they may know God’s

eternal love of Heaven. 090 Maternity BVM

Divine Mercy


Like the early Chris-

tians, let us be filled

with gratitude and

love for the Lord.

The Church continues to celebrate and

give thanks for the mystery of the Resur-

rection of Christ. We acknowledge that

God has appointed the Risen Jesus judge

of all creation. Therefore, with hearts full

of hope and faith, we seek to be recon-

ciled in His Divine Mercy and to share in

His Eternal Life.

Page 3: Maternity B.V.M. Church · To participate in our Candles and Gifts Pro-grams, call the Rectory at 215-673-8127. Mass Intentions For the Week Easter Saturday, April 7 8:00 AM +Jeanette


090 Maternity BVM

Weekly Events Calendar


On Wednesday evenings, our Bereavement Support

Group is conducting a six-week session. These meet-

ings are open to anyone grieving the death of a loved

one. Our program offers information about the grief

process and gives an opportunity to share thoughts

and feelings in an environment of understanding and

empathy. People of all faiths and neighboring par-

ishes are welcome. Grief has no time limit. People

who attended previously are most welcome to return.

Meetings are held in Rectory Meeting Room 1

(lower level of the Rectory) adjacent to the parking

lot. Meetings begin at 7 PM and last one hour.

Topics Include:

April 11: Surviving Stress and Loneliness

April 18: Feelings of Denial, Bargaining

and Guilt

April 25: Feelings of Anger and Depression

May 2: Spiritual Elements of

Grief and Healing

Please contact a Bereavement Team Member if you

plan to attend or for more information: Eileen

Keenan, 215-677-6582, Caroline Catalano, 215-673-

3172, Kathleen Ruggiero, 215-969-5674, or Jane

Passaglia, 215-676-1423.

Divine Mercy



April 8

Lower Chapel

1:30 PM Divine

Mercy Adoration

and Confessions

3 PM Chaplet

and Benediction

Monday, April 9 8:30 AM: Adoration, Lower Chapel, with

Benediction after 6:30 PM Rosary 7 PM: Parish Council, Rectory Meeting Rm. 2

Tuesday, April 10 Noon: Rosary, Lower Chapel

6:45 PM: PREP, School

7 PM: Choir, Upper Church

7 PM: H.S. CYO Volleyball, Parish Hall

Wednesday, April 11 7 PM: First Communion Meeting, Lower


7 PM: Bereavement Series, Rectory Meeting

Room 1 (See right for details.)

7 PM: Holy Name, Lower Chapel Mtg. Room

Thursday, April 12 1:30 PM: Legion of Mary, Rectory Meeting

Room 2

7 PM: RCIA, Convent

7 PM: Scouts, Cafeteria

7 PM: H.S. CYO Volleyball, Parish Hall

Friday, April 13

Saturday, April 14 8:30 AM: Group Discernment, Rectory Meet-

ing Room 2

3-4 PM: Confessions, Lower Chapel

3 PM: Scout Event Set Up, Parish Hall

7 PM: Scout District Dinner, Parish Hall

Sunday, April 15 12:30 PM: Mother-Daughter Mass, Upper


1:30 PM: Baptisms, Upper Church

1:30 PM: HASA-sponsored Mother/Daughter

Event, Cafeteria (See page 7 for full details.)

Page 4: Maternity B.V.M. Church · To participate in our Candles and Gifts Pro-grams, call the Rectory at 215-673-8127. Mass Intentions For the Week Easter Saturday, April 7 8:00 AM +Jeanette


Helping Other Parishioners

in Emergencies

For help during the week of April 9, call

Lillian Volpe, 215-676-5064, or

Sheila McCloskey, 215-464-8358.

090 Maternity BVM

For Engaged Couples Attending a Pre-Cana Class is required for

all those preparing to celebrate the Sacra-

ment of Matrimony. Our Fall Pre-Cana

Day is Saturday, September 29, in the Par-

ish Hall. Advance registration is necessary. Please

call the Rectory at 215-673-8127 during office




If you need a ride to Mass or can volunteer

to drive (MANY ARE NEEDED!), please call

Cheryl Vozzelli at 215-725-1360.



The Spring Food Drive will be held April 28/29; how-

ever, our food supply for the needy of our Parish is low.

Any non-perishable food items would be appreciated!

Your donations can be dropped off at Rectory Meeting

Room 1 during SCRIP Hours. Thank you for your con-

tinued generosity for another wonderful Corporal Work

of Mercy.

Mother’s Day Remembrances Remembrance envelopes are in your monthly mail-

ing packets. Return them to Church and they will

be placed on the Blessed Mother’s Altars through-

out May. Mothers, living and deceased, will be re-

membered at all and specific Masses during May.

Beginning next weekend, Mother’s Day Cards will

be available at the Church’s Main Entrance, the

Rectory Side Entrance of the Lower Chapel and the

Rectory. There are cards and enrollment envelopes

for living Mothers and enrollment envelopes for

deceased Mothers. Please take only what is needed

and return your offering in the envelope provided

to the Rectory or place it in the Collection.



invites men 18 and older to

help us with our mission:

To Increase Reverence for the

Sacred Name of Jesus Christ!

Our next Holy Name monthly meeting is Wednes-

day, April 11, at 7 PM in the Lower Chapel Meet-

ing Room. For more information, please contact

Bill Derham at 215-671-9121.

Is Carmel Calling You?

The Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites is a lay

community that meets in Rectory Meeting Room 2

the second Saturday of each month (next meeting:

April 14). We are members of the Catholic Church,

seeking the Face of Christ according to the teach-

ings of the great Carmelite saints. If you are de-

voted to prayer, the Sacraments and Our Lady, and

are interested in making a spiritual journey in the

Carmelite tradition, please contact Meg Manzo at


Bishop Senior Confirms our Children on

Saturday, March 17. Congratulations!

Page 5: Maternity B.V.M. Church · To participate in our Candles and Gifts Pro-grams, call the Rectory at 215-673-8127. Mass Intentions For the Week Easter Saturday, April 7 8:00 AM +Jeanette


090 Maternity BVM

Spring Is Here;

And So Are The Bills!

The final two big snow plowing bills just

came in. Any extra help you can give in

the Collections or through the yellow en-

velopes at the exits and in the pews for

our heat and plowing bills is most appre-

ciated. You make a difference!

You can also contribute on-line at

Most important: Keep living the Faith at

Mass each Sunday and prayerfully &

thoughtfully every day, all for the Risen

Lord Jesus!

Weekend of March 24/25, 2018 Regular Collection $15,780.00

Second Collection $ 780.23 (no second envelope in mailing; thanks for make up in coming weeks

E-Giving Collection $ 475.00

Weather Emergency/10th Week: TY! $ 1,020.00

Total Parish Collection $18,055.23



SCRIP is sold in Rectory

Meeting Room 1.

Sunday: 8:45 AM to 12:30 PM (Drop-off

forms are available for quicker pick-up);

Monday-Thursday: 9-11 AM;

Friday: 8-11 AM; Saturday: 9:30-11:30 AM;

Thursday evening: 6:30-8:30 PM.

The profit for February amounts to $574.43. Thank You!


ALL PARISHIONERS All financial contribution statements for the

year 2017 will be forwarded to you only on re-

quest. If you would like a copy of your contribu-

tions for the year 2017, you may call the Rectory

during office hours (215-673-8127) and request

it by leaving your name and address. Thank


Volunteers Needed in Our SCRIP Office

More volunteers are needed to help in the

SCRIP Office. Most hours are from 9 AM to

Noon. You only need to volunteer a few times a

month. For more information or to volunteer,

please contact Nancy or Leanne during SCRIP

hours (see above) at 215-673-8127.





Raffle Top Prize is


Each ticket is only $5.

Last Early Bird Drawing Is

This Sunday At Hospitality.


Please sign up at the Main Church Entrance

or call the Rectory during office hours.

MEGA BANDS NOW ON SALE! Buy them in the SCRIP Office

during SCRIP Hours; only $40

before the Carnival begins,

a savings of $5. Bands are $45

during the Carnival.

Donations Needed!

We are in need of new items to be

used as prizes, such as tickets to shows

or sporting events, household items,

and novelty gifts for men, women and

children. Also, gather your items for

our “Spirits Wheel Booth.” Bring all

items to the Rectory Office.

Page 6: Maternity B.V.M. Church · To participate in our Candles and Gifts Pro-grams, call the Rectory at 215-673-8127. Mass Intentions For the Week Easter Saturday, April 7 8:00 AM +Jeanette


Maternity B.V.M. Parish 1870-2020

150th Parish Anniversary: October 2019-October 2020

You Can Help in the Planning!


Use your imagination and creative skills to propose an Anniversary Theme for our Parish

Celebration. E-mail your ideas to [email protected] or send them to the Rectory.


We are gathering memorabilia, pictures and articles from past years to be used for our Anniver-

sary Book, Power-point Presentations and other displays. All items may be dropped off at the

Rectory. Please put your name on them so they are able to be returned. Pictures and information

can be E-mailed to [email protected].



For more details, please contact the Rectory at 215-673-8127 during regular office hours.

Maternity B.V.M. Golf Outing

Friday, June 1, Bensalem Country Club

Make Plans Now!

Proceeds Help Support Our 150th Anniversary!!


We encourage foursomes; $125 per golfer.

Cost includes:

- Golf, drinks and lights snacks at the holes;

- Catered dinner to follow at our Parish Hall

with a full buffet;

- Open bar (beer, wine, soda), coffee & tea;

- Raffles, Silent Auction and 50/50s;

- DJ Music.

Registration Deadline: May 6


You can still join in the fun at the Parish Hall,

$35 per person.



AT 215-464-1222.


Booster Page $25: Recognition on a Shared Page

Ad Book

Par Sponsorship $50: Half Page (business card)

in Ad Book

Birdie Sponsorship $100: Full Page in Ad Book

Eagle Sponsorship $250: Half Page in Ad Book;

Hole Sign Recognition

Hole-in-One Sponsorship $500: Full Page Ad;

Hole Sponsorship; Dinner Sponsorship Recognition

Foursome Sponsorship $1,000: Full Page Ad

(back or inside cover); Hole Sponsorship; Recogni-

tion on a Percentage of Give-A-Ways; Dinner Recog-

nition; 2 Golfers with Dinner

Tournament Sponsorship $2,500: Full page Ad

(back or inside cover); Hole Sponsorship; Recogni-

tion on a Percentage of Give-A-Ways; Registration &

Dinner Recognition; 4-Golfers with Dinner; 4 Addi-

tional Dinners; Special Appreciation Award. 090 Maternity BVM

Page 7: Maternity B.V.M. Church · To participate in our Candles and Gifts Pro-grams, call the Rectory at 215-673-8127. Mass Intentions For the Week Easter Saturday, April 7 8:00 AM +Jeanette


Middle States


First Friday Mass,

Daily Prayer,

Prayer Services


Technology Lab

Science Lab

Spanish All Grades

Accelerated Math



Electives All Grades

After School Clubs

Student Newspaper

Physical Education

Choir, Band and


Hip Hop & Ballroom


Student Ambassadors


Student Council

All Major Sports All






7 AM Free Drop Off

After-School CARES


MATERNITY B.V.M. CATHOLIC SCHOOL Offering a Catholic, disciplined education since 1948

Pre-K 3 to Grade 8





AT 215-908-3329.

9322 Old Bustleton Avenue

Philadelphia PA 19115 215-673-0235

090 Maternity BVM

Flea Market (Sponsored by HASA)

Saturday, April 21

8 AM-2 PM (Rain Date is

Saturday, April 28)

Maternity B.V.M Church

Parking Lot

Spaces are $20

or 2 for $35.

No reservations!

For information,

please call 215-588-3290.

Fritz’s Sticky Buns Sale

Sponsored by HASA

Next weekend at the 4:30 Mass

Saturday & Sunday after

morning Masses

HASA is selling Fritz’s Sticky Buns at the Masses

on Saturday and Sunday, April 14/15, in the

Church’s Main Entrance. Buns are 1/2 dozen for

$10. Sale ends after the 12:30 PM Mass or

sooner when the buns are gone!

Page 8: Maternity B.V.M. Church · To participate in our Candles and Gifts Pro-grams, call the Rectory at 215-673-8127. Mass Intentions For the Week Easter Saturday, April 7 8:00 AM +Jeanette


Two Local High Schools Offer

a Presentation on Teen Behavior

and Parenting:

Archbishop Ryan High School

Tuesday, April 10, 7 PM


Little Flower High School

Thursday, April 12, 7 PM

Archbishop Ryan High School, Little Flower High

School and the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are sponsor-

ing a presentation entitled “Connect the Dots Between

Teen Behavior and Basic Needs” by Dr. Patricia

McCormack. Dr. McCormack is a published author and

an International Formation Education Consultant. The

session will focus on the following parenting tools: un-

derstand the basic needs that motivate teen behavior;

pro-actively avert misbehavior; know how to “read” the

danger signs; determine responses that lead to conver-

sion and re-connection; exercise a pro-active style of

authority; cultivate principles of decision-making that

support moral development.

All are welcome! Joseph’s People Meeting

St. Albert the Great Chapter

Thursday, April 12, 7-8:30 PM

St Albert the Great Parish Center

(Behind the Church)

The next meeting will feature Tara Merriman, HR Di-

rector of SpArc Philadelphia, and Suzanne Curran,

Chairperson of Joseph’s People Steering Committee and

owner of SC Staffing & Consulting.

Joseph’s People is a free non-profit organization that is

dedicated to helping unemployed and underemployed

workers by offering support, guidance and job counsel-

ing services to people of all faiths who are seeking full-

time employment.

The Steering Committee is seeking volunteers to help

the unemployed. Also, if you have a job available,

please send the information and the Committee will of-

fer you a great candidate. For more information, E-mail

[email protected].


Newly Baptized!

Anthony Louis Boyle

Maria Bernadette Colella

Charles Francis Logan

Camille Patricia Sada

Gabriel Jerzy Wojcik

Zachary John Stankiewicz

Blessings, Recently Married!

Thomas J. and Patricia M.

(Murphy) Whelan, III

Donald T. and Bridget C.

(Keegan) Miskofsky

Timothy J. and April L.

(Barnes) Cuarto

High School Junior Night The Guidance Departments of Father Judge and St.

Hubert High Schools will host a Junior Night on

Wednesday, April 11, 7-9 PM in the auditorium of Fa-

ther Judge High School. A panel of College Admissions

Officers will be on hand to provide information and an-

swer questions. Anyone is welcome, but all 11th-grade

students and their parents are encouraged to attend.

Are You Called to Be a Deacon? Minister of the Word

Minister at the Altar

Minister of Charity While all the Baptized are called to share in the Mission

of Jesus Christ according to the gifts of the Holy Spirit,

those who are ordained also offer service in a way

proper to the Sacrament of Holy Orders. A Deacon’s

Ministry entails proclaiming, preaching and teaching

God’s Word, assisting the Bishop and Priest at the Lit-

urgy, assisting at funerals, ministering to the sick and

dying, leading the community in prayer and in sacra-

mental liturgies, baptizing, witnessing marriages, and

exercising administrative leadership in the Church. A

Permanent Deacon, who may be married, is a member

of the clergy and shares in the hierarchy of the Sacra-

ment of Holy Orders.

Catholic men (and their wives if married) with a deep

spiritual life who are between the ages of 29 and 55 and

would like to discern a call to serve Jesus Christ and His

Church as Permanent Deacons are invited to take the

next step.

2018 Permanent Diaconate Information Night

Thursday, April 19, 7-9 PM

St. Charles Borromeo Seminary

Vianney Auditorium

Registration is required. E-mail the following informa-

tion to Laura Nimmons at [email protected]:

name, address, age, parish, E-mail, marital status (if

married, wife’s name). 090 Maternity BVM

Page 9: Maternity B.V.M. Church · To participate in our Candles and Gifts Pro-grams, call the Rectory at 215-673-8127. Mass Intentions For the Week Easter Saturday, April 7 8:00 AM +Jeanette


090 Maternity BVM


Fr. Paul S. Quinter, Pastor

Fr. Michael J. Saban

Fr. Joseph Sundaram

Deacon Charles R. Lindsay

Deacon Joseph W. Bernauer, Jr.


Adoration Society: Lety Apolinario 215-464-4723

Aid for Friends: Tom Vitale 215-671-0254

Alumni Association: Jackie Venneri 215-495-3112

Altar Servers: Holly Kelly 215-983-4473

Altar Society: Jane Wizmerski 215-677-2062

Bereavement Group: Eileen Keenan 215-677-6582

Carol Catalano 215-673-3172

Jane Passaglia 215-676-1423

Kathleen Ruggiero 215-969-5674

C.Y.O. H.S. (Gr. 9-12): Suzanne Flood 215-698-2875

C.Y.O. Jr. (Gr. 5-8): Joe Knuttel 215-901-5888

Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors:

Eileen Costantino 215-676-5441

Faith Sharing Group: Lety Apolinario 215-464-4723

Holy Name Society: Bill Derham 215-671-9121

Home & School: Christine Vaugh 215-588-3290

Legion of Mary: James Mason 215-676-4369

Liturgy Committee: Eileen Costantino 215-676-5441

Music Director: Ronald Coles 267-973-0323

Parish Business Manager: Catherine Lindsay 215-673-8127

Parish Plant Supervisor: Art Williams 215-673-8127

Parish Organizations Coordinator:

Colleen Du Beck 215-673-8127

Parish Religious Education Director:

Sister Mary Beth Geraghty, R.S.M. 215-673-4010

Pre-Cana: Deacon Joseph & Marianne Bernauer 215-677-1309

Pre-Jordan: Father Saban 215-673-8127

PREP: Sister Mary Beth Geraghty, R.S.M. 215-673-4010

Project H.O.P.E.: Jim & Claire Ritzheimer 215-673-7877

Respect-Life Committee: Mike Branhut 609-707-8331

St. Vincent de Paul Society: Linda Freeman 215-676-6051

School Principal: Mary Zawisza 215-673-0235

School Advancement Dir: Michael McDonough 215-908-3329

SCRIP: Nancy Smith and Leanne Goodwin 215-673-8127

Senior Citizen’s Group: Theresa Canuso 215-698-2614

Rose Egan 215-676-0647

Scouts (Boys, Troop 174): Anthony Marianni 267-679-1034

Scouts (Cub Pack 174): Bill Barry 215-520-3496

Scouts (Girls): Nancy Smith 215-673-4688

Swim Team: Matt Kimbrell 215-593-6214

Travel Club: Lorraine Mulligan 215-677-1322

Ushers: Jim Gallagher 215-806-5323

Welcoming Committee: Nancy Toland 215-206-5548

Please pray for all sick parishioners

and benefactors, especially:

Alessa Abruzzo Delia Advincula

Maria Affatato

Pete Aguilar Eileen Albano

Shane Albertson

Quynh Anh Harry Barber

Joseph Berger

Sharon Birch Evelyn Birkel

Bill Bock

Ryan Bryson Shirley Callahan

Brian Coen

Mary Frances Coen William Colanzi

Addyson Collins

Dan Condron John Curry

Jean Delmont

Rose Di Stefano Carly Rose Di Zio

Hai Thi Ngoc Do

My Do Eleanor Donatelli

Edward Dougherty Keith Dybalski

Nina Ervin

Lois H. Fioravanti Bill Foley

Kathleen Freas

James R. Frey Jackie Gallagher

Robert Gartner

Sherri Garofolo Dr. Anthony Georgio

Sue Georgio

Cindy Gerasimas Jean Gianfortune

Betty Gilmore

Alex Glazier Catherine Glazier

Jessie Gnoza

Anthony M. Granato Anthony V. Granato

Linda Granato

Mildred Granato Courtney Gross

Peggy Guckin

Sherry Hanlon James Hannon

Raymond Harrison

John E. Hughes Brian Hysek

Mark Iannacone

Maryann Iannacone Vincent Iminnitti

Thomas James

Frances Janik Lawrence Judge

Bernie Kane

Joan Kelly John Kelly

Pat Kelly Patrick Kennedy

Doris Kerker

Nick Lapergola Elsa Limbruner

Louis Lupinacci

Marie Magee Eddie Matthews

Michele McDonald

Brendan McGlone Frank Merle

Donna Mikalic

Bill Mikalic Lorraine Minnar

Joan Morris

Mary Muni Anne Neville

Dep. Sher. Paul Owens

Assie Pierce Cynthia Pinto

Joseph Procopio

John Regan Regina Sands

James Schwartz

Lisa Collins Selsor Anna Serano

Margaret Sheedy

Joanne Siebert Pat Skinis

Sr. Susan Skorick

Sarah Smith Dr. Bradley Stoltz

Dr. John Taraska

Catherine Teklinsky Anne Tighe

Kathleen Timte

George Tomezsko Mary Tomkins

Martin Tucker Luke Tynan

Georgina Valdes

Steven Veal Patricia Viola

Jean Wadley

Barbara Walsh Kathleen Williams

Tom Wilson

Stanley Wisniewski Donna Young

Designer Handbag Bingo

Friday, April 27

Medical Mission Administration Building

8400 Pine Road

Proceeds Benefit Medical Mission Sisters Thrift Shop

Doors open at 6 PM; bingo at 7 PM. Tickets are $30

and are available at the Thrift Shop. Reserved tables of

seven. Basket raffles and door prizes are available. Light

refreshments; beverages and outside food is permitted.

For more information, call 215-745-7930.

NAZ Bag Bingo

Sunday, April 29

Nazareth Academy High School

Doors open at noon; bingo at 1 PM. Tickets are $30

in advance; tables of 10 are $250 per table. Every

bingo wins a bag. 50/50s as well as chances on

designer bag bingo baskets are available. For tickets

or more information, contact Terri Evans at

215-268-1047 or

[email protected].

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