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Main Meals Recipes ………….. 3 - 7

Tapas Recipes …………………. 8 - 12

Cocktails ………….………………. 13

Sopa de Pescado

800 gr Haddock 2 tbsp olive oil 2 carrots 2 onions 2 leeks 4 tbsp sherry brandy 300 gr tomato 225 ml white wine 1 tsp pimentón 100 gr bread 1 chili pepper 150 gr clams 100 gr shrimp Salt & pepper

First, cook the head of the haddock in salted water. In oil, fry the vegetables cutted in pieces except for the tomato, then add the shrimp heads and shells. Sprinkle with the brandy and flambé. Add the white wine, cook for five minutes then add the chopped tomato and the pimentón. After 20 minutes, blend and set aside. Strain the stock left from cooking the haddock head into a large pan, add the bread cut into small pieces and a chili pepper. Boil for one hour. Pour the vegetable and shellfish sauce into this pan, add the haddock cut into bite-sized pieces, the peeled shrimp and the clams. Season with a little salt and pepper and boil for 10 minutes.



Fish Soup



200 gr fresh shrimp 4 crayfish 150 ml olive oil 400 gr monkfish 2 cloves garlic 2 ripe tomatoes, peeled and chopped 1 tbsp hot pimentón 1.5 l fish stock saffron threads 400 gr noodles 8 baby clams Salt

Place the paella (that is, the round metal pan in which this dish is cooked) over the heat, add the oil and gently fry the prawns and crayfish. Remove and set aside. Add the monkfish, garlic, tomato and pimentón. Quickly add the stock to prevent the pimentón from burning and, when it begins to boil, add the saffron and noodles. Spread out evenly in the pan. Season with salt and add the shrimp and baby clams. Place the paella in the oven at 180ºC / 356ºF for 5 minutes so that the noodles brown and dry out a little.




Caldereta de langosta

2 tbsp Olive oil 2 onions 4 garlic cloves 1 large, ripe tomato 2 lobsters 1 l fish stock white pepper salt 30 gr pine nuts

In an earthenware dish, gently fry the finely-chopped onions with 3 of the garlic cloves, also finely chopped, and the peeled and chopped tomato. Cut the lobster into thick slices. Set aside the coral and roe, if any. Add the lobster flesh to the vegetable mixture, brown and add most of the stock. Bring to the boil and season with salt and pepper. In a mortar (or blender), crush the remaining garlic clove, the coral and roe from the lobster and the pine nuts. Dilute with a little stock and add to the lobster and vegetables. Cook for a further 10 minutes.



Lobster Stew


Lubina con tomate y aceitunas

1 sea bass of approximately 15 black olives 1 onion 1 green pepper 1 red pepper 1 ripe tomato 2 garlic cloves 1 thyme sprigs 1 sprig of summer savoury 1 glass of white wine 3 tbsp tomato sauce Salt & pepper



Braised sea bass with tomato and olives

Peel the onions and cut into strips. Wash and chop up the peppers. Heat three or four tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil in a frying pan and fry the onion, peppers and unpeeled garlic cloves. Peel and dice the tomato and add to the pan with the olives and the sprigs of thyme. Add the tomato sauce. Place the filleted sea bass on top of the vegetables. Pour over the wine and cook for another seven minutes, covered, until the fish takes on a glossy, white colour and flakes easily. Serve the sea bass on the vegetables.


4 scallops 15 gr toasted almonds 20 gr roast eggplant skins For the eggplant cream: 400 gr eggplant 20 gr soft Jijona turrón (a sweet paste made with almonds and honey) 10 ml almond oil 5 ml lemon juice 4 ml saffron water (disolved) For the smoked saffron air: 100 ml roast eggplant juice 5 gr soy lecithin 4 ml saffron water (disolved

Roast the scallops in a non-stick frying pan. Eggplant cream Roast the whole eggplant in a Josper charcoal oven at 400ºC / 752ºF for 5 minutes. Peel and put the juice they give off to one side. Mix the aubergine pulp with the almond oil, turrón (a sweet paste made with almonds and honey), lemon juice and saffron water. Smoked saffron air Mix the smoked juice of the roast eggplants with soy lecithin and saffron water. Emulsify with a hand blender.



Scallops with almonds, eggplant and smoked saffron air

Vieiras con almendra, berenjena y aire ahumado de azafrán


Ensalada de bacalao y naranja

150 gr dry salt cod 2 medium potatoes 2 oranges 1 small red onion 1 garlic clove, crushed 60 ml extra virgin olive oil 50 gr black olives

Cook the salt cod under the grill until it is lightly browned and softened. Place it in a bowl of water and leave on one side to soak. Peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes and place in a pan with enough water to cover them. Bring the water to the boil and cook the potatoes for 12 minutes or until tender. (The potatoes can be steamed if preferred.) Drain the potatoes and reserve. Peel, seed and slice the oranges and place them in a salad bowl. Slice the red onion and add it to the bowl along with the oranges. Whisk the crushed garlic with the olive oil and vinegar. Drain the cod, remove all skin and bones, shred into pieces and finally add it to the salad. Add the boiled potatoes as well. Sprinkle the dressing over the salad and garnish with the black olives.



Cod and orange salad


Merluza rebozada con azafrán

300 gr salt cod, soaked to desalt and cut into strips 300 gr flour for coating A splash of beer A bunch of parsley, finely chopped Saffron Olive oil for frying



Salted cod fritters in saffron batter

Soak some saffron in a little water. Prepare the batter in a bowl by mixing the chopped parsley, flour, beer and enough of the saffron water to make a thin paste. Dip the fish strips in the paste and fry at a very high heat in the olive oil and sunflower oil mixed together until the fish is crisp on the outside and puffed up inside. Serve immediately.


Mejillones a la vinagreta

1 kg mussels, cleaned 1/2 chopped onion 1 green pepper 2 tomatoes 80 ml olive oil 15 ml white wine vinegar pinch of salt



Mussels with vinaigrette

Wash the mussels under plenty of cold water. Discard any that are open and won't close-up when lightly squeezed. Pull out the tough fibrous beards. Then knock off any barnacles with a knife and give the mussels another rinse. Pour about 200 ml of water into a large pan, add the mussels, cover the pan and allow the mussels to open. Rinse and pull back the top shell of each mussel and then arrange them on a wide dish. Next, prepare the vinaigrette by chopping all the vegetables into very small pieces and dressing them with the olive oil and vinegar. Season the mussels with salt and cover each one with the vinaigrette.


Gambas a la plancha

400 gr fresh shrimps 30 ml olive oil sea-salt flakes



Grilled shrimps

Wash the whole shrimp and then drain them. Heat some of the oil in a grill pan. When the oil is hot, place a few shrimp in the pan and cook until they look firm. Turn the shrimp once and cook again briefly. Repeat with the rest of the shrimp. Once they are all cooked, place them on a dish and sprinkle with sea-salt flakes.


Gambas al ajillo

600 gr fresh shrimps tails, raw, peeled and ready to cook 2 dry red seedless chillies, chopped very small 6 garlic cloves, finely sliced 200 ml olive oil salt to taste



Shrimp fried with garlic

Heat the olive oil in a clay pan or frying pan. Next, add the garlic and the chillies. When the garlic starts turning a golden colour, add the shrimp tails and season with salt. Serve at once.



Arctik Kiss



2/10 of vodka and 8/10 of Cava

Ghost Golden Autumn

Mix the hazelnut liquor and bourbon in a mixing glass with ice. Pour the mixture into a cocktail glass and add the Cava.




Combine the 2 first two ingredients in a mixing glass with ice, pour into a flute glass and slowly add the chilled cava.

1/10 of vodka , 4/10 of orange juice and 5/10 of Cava

1/10 of bourbon, 2/10 of hazelnut liquor and 7/10 of Cava




1 part of triple sec, 2 parts of cramberry juice and 4 parts of Cava

Sparkling Margarita Mango

Mix the triple sec and the juice in a mixer with ice. Stir while you pour the cava.



Coat the rim of the glass with lemon or lime and dip in salt. Combine the ingredients in a shaker. Add crushed ice. Shake and strain in the glass. Decorate the rim of the glass with a slice of lime.

Put he mango juice into a flute glass and refill with chilled Cava.

½ part of triple sec, 1 part o lemon or lime juice and 4 parts of Cava

4/10 of mango juice and 6/10 of Cava



Love Cocktail Bubbly Mojito



Pour the strawberry liquor into a flute glass and fill with the chilled cava.

Put the mint leaves in the glass and add ice, the lemon juice and the rum. Finaly add the Cava.

3/10 of strawberry liquor and 7/10 of Cava

2/10 of lemon juice, 1/10 of white rum , 7/10 of Cava and mint leaves.

Black Velvet

1/2 of Guinness and 1/2 of Cava

Pour the beer carefully into a flute glass and slowly add the chilled cava.



Chill the vodka over ice if it is not in your freezer. Pour into a chilled cava flute glass and fill with Cava.

Source: Importer: Finelader Wine & Spirit Group


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