Page 1: Mass IntentionsMass Intentions Next Sunday’s Liturgy -May ......2021/08/15  · de Dios en el cielo y se pudo ver el arca de su pacto: en el templo. Hubo relámpagos, retumbos y



MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 2021 Matthew 19:16-22

St. Stephen of Hungary

8:30am John Aitken & Carmen

Marion Schilpp

12:10pm Lena Adamo

Debbie Prevost

Edward Skrocki

TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2021 Matthew 19:23-30

8:30am George Fox

Eleanor & John Simonelli

Filippa Verde

12:10pm Francis Mimms

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2021 Matthew 20:1-16

12:10pm Frank Simonelli

Pura Morales

Joseph Quinn

7:30pm Trevellee Thompson (L)

THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 2021 Matthew 22:1-14

St. John Eudes, Priest

8:30am Vincent Cantelmo

12:10pm Mickey Emerson

FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 2021 Matthew 22:34-40

8:30am Michael Galgano

12:10pm John, Bernard & Margaret McMahon

SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 2021 Matthew 23:1-12

St. Pius X, Pope

8:30am Carmela & Gerardo Colucci

Joseph L. Mulligan

Frantz Morleon (L)

5:00pm Bernadetta Calia

Franklyn & Louise Edwards

Uncle Andy

SUNDAY, AUGUST 22, 2021 John 6:60-69

7:15am Anna & Michael Apollo

9:00am Salvatore Abruso

Alvaro Plaza

Annunziata Borriello (L) (95th Birthday)

Rocco Femia

11:00am Luis Lizana

Josephine Sciarrino

Ruby Ricca

1:00pm Parishioners of Holy Name of Mary

Readings for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time 1st Reading: Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b The moment

of decision arrives for the people of Israel on the verge of

a new land.

Psalm 34:2-3, 16-17, 18-19, 20-21 Evildoers will be

confronted, and the just delivered with no bones broken.

2nd Reading: Ephesians 5:21-32 Marriage is lifted up

as the symbol of Christ and his church.

Gospel: John 6:60-69 The bread of life discourse wins

no converts and loses many disciples.

FOCUS: The immense love God has for his people

prompts us to love in return.

Music for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Song: #403 Lord of All Hopefulness

Presentation of the Gifts: #433 Amazing Grace

Communion Song: #527 Prayer of St. Francis

Concluding Song: #578 Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory

Responsorial Psalm: Taste and see the goodness of the

Lord. Gospel Acclamation: Your words, Lord, are Spirit and

life; You have the words of everlasting life. The theme for today’s readings is fidelity between God and his people. How loyal are we to Jesus? Are we able to take Peter’s words as our own? Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. How well do we even know the words of Jesus? Let us recommit ourselves to deepening our knowledge and love of the Lord.

Next Sunday’s Liturgy-May 9

Saturday, August 21

5:00 pm Fr. Jose Tenas

Sunday, August 22

7:15 am Fr. David Regan

9:00 am Fr. Edmund Ai

11:00 am Fr. Edmund Ani

1:00 pm Fr. Jose Tenas

Presider Schedule for Masses

Mass Intentions Mass Intentions Msgr. Mulligan Memorial Next Sunday’s Liturgy-August 22

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

“Can you not spare one hour for me?” You are invited to pray in front of the

Blessed Sacrament every Thursday

following the 12:10pm Mass, until 2pm.

Presider Subject

To change

Page 2: Mass IntentionsMass Intentions Next Sunday’s Liturgy -May ......2021/08/15  · de Dios en el cielo y se pudo ver el arca de su pacto: en el templo. Hubo relámpagos, retumbos y



Have you ever noticed that although the Acts of the Apostles

is an incredibly detailed accurate account of Sts. Peter and

Paul, we do not read of their deaths on the pages of

Scripture? Everything we know of their deaths comes from

early oral tradition. In fact, the Bible doesn’t say what

happened to most of the disciples. The Bible is silent in this

area. Many Evangelicals accept the witness of Church

history that Saint Peter was crucified upside-down in Rome,

that Paul was beheaded, etc. even though Scripture does

not record these events.

We know, from tradition, that Mary was taken into the care

of St. John and went to live with him in Ephesus (where he

was a Bishop). We know that she was sought out for her

counsel and wisdom and that she was exalted and honored

throughout the community. Early Church Tradition upholds

these facts as true, as do historic and non-canonical


What is different, though, is that we know where the bones

of Sts. Peter and Paul and other disciples like Mary

Magdalene are because the early Christians took care of

them. There is no record of where the bones of Mary are.

It seems a little odd that if there had been a body no one

would have given her a proper burial or that her tomb would

not have become a landmark, does it not?

How do we know Mary is in heaven? Well, if the woman who

God specifically chose to bring His Son into the world and

raise Him is not in heaven… none of us have a shot.

Is there Scriptural backing for this teaching about the

Assumption? While it does not explicitly state, “Mary

assumed into heaven”, take a look at the verses from

Revelation, written by John, of visions that were seen:

‘Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and the ark

of his covenant could be seen in the temple. There were

flashes of lightning, rumblings, and peals of thunder, an

earthquake, and a violent hailstorm. A great sign appeared

in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon

under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.

She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored

to give birth. She gave birth to a son, a male child, destined

to rule all the nations with an iron rod. Then I heard a loud

voice in heaven say: ‘Now have salvation and power come,

and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his

Anointed…'” (– Revelation 11:19, 12:1-6, 10).

This revelation is referring to Mary in heaven. Mary is often

referred to as the new “Ark of the Covenant.”

The Ark contained a (Law), a pot of manna (heavenly bread)

and the staff of Aaron (symbol of Priesthood). You can read

about the Ark –– in Hebrews 9:4. The Ark was kept free from

all defect and corruption, made from the finest most pure

materials to God’s exact specifications. As the Ark of

the New Covenant, Mary carried Christ who is the Law, the

Bread of Life, and the Royal High Priest. Her Immaculate

Conception and her state as ever-Virgin kept her free from

defect and sin, preserving her throughout her life, until her

death where she was immediately assumed to preserve her

from any bodily corruption on earth. Notice, too, in this

passage from Revelation that we see the Ark (which is

missing on earth) in heaven immediately preceding our

vision of this woman crowned in stars and holding a baby.

Don’t forget … to whom did God give this vision

(Revelation)? He imparted it to St. John, the one who was

entrusted with caring for Our Mother, Mary (John 19:25-27)

for the remainder of her days on earth prior to her


In 1950, Pope Pius XII defined the doctrine of the

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary for universal Church.

The teaching was not new… only now formally clarified.

He affirmed that at the end of her time on earth, Mary

experienced immediately the resurrection of the body that

is promised to all faithful followers of Jesus. Basically, since

Mary was preserved from original sin by the unique gift of

Christ’s grace, she was able to experience the immediate

perfect union with her Son in heaven, never knowing, tasting

or suffering from bodily corruption or decay (due to death)

in any way.

We believe in the Resurrection of the Body. As the popular

Vatican II document Lumen Gentium (68) asserts, Mary’s

assumption and heavenly presence preceded and

foreshadows our own future glory (1 Corinthians 15). The

Catechism of the Catholic Church explains it, too (CCC 966).

Pray with Mary and she will lead you into a far deeper

relationship with Her Son than you could ever achieve by

your own direction.

Fr. Regan

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¿Alguna vez has notado que aunque los Hechos de los Apóstoles es un relato increíblemente detallado y preciso de

los santos: Pedro y Pablo, no leemos de sus muertes en las páginas de la Escritura? Todo lo que sabemos de sus muertes

proviene de la tradición oral temprana. De hecho, la Biblia no dice lo que les sucedió a la mayoría de los discípulos.

La Biblia guarda silencio en esta área. Muchos evangélicos aceptan el testimonio de la historia de la Iglesia de que San Pe-

dro fue crucificado boca abajo en Roma, que Pablo fue decapitado, etc., aunque las Escrituras no registran estos eventos.

Sabemos, por tradición, que María fue puesta al cuidado de San Juan y se fue a vivir con él a Éfeso (donde él era obispo).

Sabemos que fue buscada por sus consejos y sabiduría y que fue exaltada y honrada en toda la comunidad. La Tradición

de la Iglesia Primitiva sostiene estos hechos como verdaderos, al igual que los escritos históricos y no canónicos.

Lo que es diferente, sin embargo, es que sabemos dónde están los huesos de los Santos. Pedro y Pablo y otros discípulos

como María Magdalena lo son porque los primeros cristianos los cuidaron. No hay registro de dónde están los huesos de

María. Parece un poco extraño que si hubiera habido un cuerpo nadie le hubiera dado un entierro adecuado o que su

tumba no se hubiera convertido en un hito, ¿no es así?

¿Cómo sabemos que María está en el cielo? Bueno, si la mujer que Dios eligió específicamente para traer a Su Hijo

al mundo y resucitarlo no está en el cielo… ninguno de nosotros tiene una oportunidad.

¿Hay respaldo bíblico para esta enseñanza sobre la Asunción? Si bien no dice explícitamente, "María ascendió al cielo".

Una mirada a los versículos del Apocalipsis, escritos por Juan, de las visiones que se vieron: 'Entonces se abrió el templo

de Dios en el cielo y se pudo ver el arca de su pacto: en el templo. Hubo relámpagos, retumbos y truenos, un terremoto y una

violenta tormenta de granizo. Una gran señal apareció en el cielo, una mujer vestida del sol, con la luna debajo de sus pies,

y en su cabeza una corona de doce estrellas. Estaba encinta y se lamentaba en voz alta de dolor mientras trabajaba para dar

a luz. Ella dio a luz a un hijo, un niño, destinado a gobernar todas las naciones con vara de hierro. Entonces oí una gran voz

en el cielo que decía: 'Ahora vengan la salvación y el poder, y el reino de nuestro Dios y la autoridad de su Ungido...'”-

(Apocalipsis 11:19, 12: 1-6, 10). Esta revelación se refiere a María en el cielo. A María a menudo se la conoce como

la nueva "Arca de la Alianza".

El Arca contenía una (Ley), una olla de maná (pan celestial) y la vara de Aarón (símbolo del sacerdocio). Puede leer sobre

el Arca - en Hebreos 9: 4. El Arca se mantuvo libre de todo defecto y corrupción, hecha de los materiales más finos y puros

según las especificaciones exactas de Dios. Como Arca de la Nueva Alianza, María llevó a Cristo, que es la Ley, el Pan de

Vida y el Sumo Sacerdote Real. Su Inmaculada Concepción y su condición de siempre Virgen la mantuvieron libre de defec-

tos y pecados, preservándola durante toda su vida, hasta su muerte, donde se asumió inmediatamente que la preservaría

de cualquier corrupción corporal en la tierra. Note, también, en este pasaje de Apocalipsis que vemos el Arca (que falta en

la tierra) en el cielo inmediatamente antes de nuestra visión de esta mujer coronada de estrellas y sosteniendo un bebé.

No olvide… ¿a quién le dio Dios esta visión (Apocalipsis)? Se lo impartió a San Juan, a quien se le encomendó el cuidado de

Nuestra Madre María (Juan 19: 25-27) durante el resto de sus días en la tierra antes de su asunción.

En 1950, el Papa Pío XII definió la doctrina de la Asunción de la Santísima Virgen María para la Iglesia universal.

La enseñanza no era nueva... solo que ahora se aclaraba formalmente. Afirmó que al final de su tiempo en la tierra, María

experimentó de inmediato la resurrección del cuerpo que se promete a todos los fieles seguidores de Jesús. Básicamente,

dado que María fue preservada del pecado original por el don único de la gracia de Cristo, ella pudo experimentar la unión

perfecta inmediata con su Hijo en el cielo, sin conocer, probar o sufrir de corrupción o decadencia corporal (debido a

la muerte) en ningún momento o manera. Creemos en la resurrección del cuerpo. Como afirma el popular documento Lumen

Gentium (68) del Vaticano II, la asunción de María y su presencia celestial precedieron y presagiaron nuestra propia gloria

futura (1 Corintios 15). El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica también lo explica (CCC 966). Ore con María y ella lo llevará a

una relación mucho más profunda con su Hijo de la que jamás podría lograr por su propia dirección.

P. Regan

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Page 5: Mass IntentionsMass Intentions Next Sunday’s Liturgy -May ......2021/08/15  · de Dios en el cielo y se pudo ver el arca de su pacto: en el templo. Hubo relámpagos, retumbos y



Join in the Spirit at Holy Name of Mary School, an

AdvancEd Accredited School. To register your child for

Nursery (full day, age 3), Pre-K (full day, age 4),

Kindergarten (full day, age 5) or Grade 1 through 8,

contact our School Office to make an appointment

at 516-825-4009, or visit for

registration materials and details. Before and after

school care is available for all registered students.

Follow Holy Name of Mary School on Instagram and

Facebook @ hnomschoolvalleystream.

What is the best way to ensure our parish receives

the support needed for our operating expenses and

ministries? eGiving through Faith Direct! Please enroll

today by visiting and use our

Church code NY78.

All Those Who Are Sick

Father of Goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all who are in need...

Blanca & Jonathan Brierre, Lisa Goodman

Anthony Ippolito, Kevin Lynch, Theo Mahoney

Maria Mirabile, Phillip Sassa, Betty Stewart

Trevellee Thompson, Rita Titone (Names will remain on the sick list for four weeks only. If you would

like to have the name listed again, please notify the Parish Office.)

All Those Who Have Died Amelia D. Bruno

Rita A. Scatena

Baptisms in English are scheduled on the second and

fourth Sunday of every month at 3pm. Baptisms in

Spanish are scheduled on the second Saturday of

every month at 12 noon. Please call the Parish Office

for available dates. Baby’s birth certificate and

signed sponsor forms will be required.

Faith Direct

Remember in Prayer

HNM School Registration

Baptism Schedule

*Stay at home if you don’t feel well or have symptoms

*If you are fully vaccinated, masks are optional

inside the Church.

*Keep social distancing, as best as possible,

when in the pews and on the Communion line.

*Holy water fonts will remain empty, however,

holy water will be available from the large tank

in the hallway by the crying room.

*Church is open weekdays from: 8am-3:30pm.

*All entrances of the Church are open.

COVID-19 - Updates

In today’s Gospel, even the child in Elizabeth’s womb

leaps with joy at the approach of Mary, the “lowly

servant,” who by accepting God’s plan for her became

blessed for all generations. With love for your

neighbors who have nothing, look around your house

to see what furniture, household items, and clothing

you no longer use…and give it to the Society of St.

Vincent de Paul.

Pantry Needs: Paper towel, toilet tissue, cereal, rice,

beans, canned fruit and vegetables, oatmeal,

pancake mix/syrup, coffee, tea, condiments, muffin/

cake mix

Please remember the poor boxes as you leave

Church today. These generous offerings help

the Society of St. Vincent de Paul assist families

in need in our own parish. Thank you!

St. Vincent de Paul Message

If you and your family recently moved to Valley Stream and wish to become registered

parishioners of Holy Name of Mary Church, (or maybe you attend Mass regularly and

have never registered), please visit the Parish Office to fill out a short registration form.

Using our envelope system is the only way to have all your donations recorded.

Loose checks are not recorded, they must be

placed in your registered parishioner envelope.

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This Sunday, we celebrate the Solemnity of the

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As a solemnity,

it holds a higher rank and so replaces the 20th Sunday

in Ordinary Time. Mary’s Assumption holds special

meaning and promise for all of us. A simple but very

special human, Mary enjoys eternity in Heaven.

We too are promised eternal life if we follow Mary’s

path of saying yes to God’s will and being a

Christ-bearer to others. Pope Francis tells us that,

“The wondrous reality of the Assumption of Mary

reveals and confirms the unity of the human person

and reminds us that we are called to serve and glorify God with our whole being, soul and body” (Angelus

message, August 15, 2018). Just as Mary’s body and

soul are united in Heaven, our bodies will be reunited

with our souls in Heaven at the Final Judgment.

While this event isn’t found in Sacred Scripture, it has

been part of the Church’s tradition from very early on.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “The

most blessed Virgin Mary, when the course of her

earthly life was completed, was taken up body and

soul into the glory of heaven” (974). Note that there is

a difference between how Mary and Jesus got to

Heaven. Jesus ascended by his own power as God.

Mary was assumed—taken up by God’s power,

not her own.

Msgr. Mulligan Memorial Financial Information

Saturday, August 21, 2021


HOST } R. Garcia, M. Garcia

Sunday, August 22, 2021


HOST } A. Paul, J. Danisi 9:00am HOST } C. Aguaviva, M. Moscola

11:00am HOST } B. Cercone, K. Rodriguez

EM Schedule

Msgr. Mulligan Memorial

Thank You from SVdP

The St. Vincent de Paul Conference at Holy Name of

Mary & The Long Island Council, offer our sincerest

gratitude to all who donated to The Communion Closet Event, that took place on Saturday, June 26th.

We collected 15 dresses with several accessories!

In total, the Long Island Council collected

188 dresses, 75 suits and 24 blazers,

along with pants, headpieces, purses and

shoes! These items will be available at the

beginning of 2022 for our neighbors in

need, as they prepare to receive Jesus at

their First Holy Communion. Thank you to

our parish for your kindness and generosity!

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Solemnity)

Feast Day: August 15 There are available dates to remember a loved one with the

Msgr. Mulligan Memorial of

Bread & Wine, Candles, or Flowers.

These intentions begin on a Sunday and end on the following

Saturday. Your loved one will be remembered

at every Mass throughout the week. Please stop in at the

Parish Office to schedule your intention.

Weekly budget amount to meet parish expenses

Weekly offering of August 8, 2021

Faith Direct (average of weekly donation)

TOTAL of weekly offering & Faith Direct



$ 7,758

$ 1,430

$ 9,188

$ 4,694

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your

help, or sought your intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, my

Mother. To you I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word incarnate, despise not my

petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

Page 7: Mass IntentionsMass Intentions Next Sunday’s Liturgy -May ......2021/08/15  · de Dios en el cielo y se pudo ver el arca de su pacto: en el templo. Hubo relámpagos, retumbos y



Two travelers, distraught over

the murder of someone they

loved, were heading out of town.

As they walked, they struggled

to understand what happened

and why God had abandoned

them. They felt over-

whelmed and alone.

A kind stranger joined

them in their journey,

explained the recent

events, and reminded

them of God’s reliable

love. The stranger

turned out to be the very loved

one they were grieving. Although

they hadn’t realized it, God was

with them all along (Luke 24).

Why can’t we find him?

Events or experiences in our lives

can lessen our awareness of God

and make Him appear distant.

Sometimes we are too worried,

too sad, or too angry to find Him.

For example, preoccupied by

grief, the two travelers failed to

recognize God walking with them.

Remember His promise.

Trust in God is often hardest

when it is most necessary.

Remember, He promised never

to abandon us. Whether or not we

are aware of Him makes no

difference. God never

breaks a promise.

Talk to Him.

When the travelers

opened their hearts to Jesus, He

helped them to understand their

situation, assured them that they

were firmly in God’s care, and

gave them peace and

consolation. When we open our

hearts to Jesus and tell Him

everything, He will give us peace

and consolation, too.

The gift of work

Work can feel like a treadmill. The routine can

be exhausting and the

job seem pointless.

When we treat our

labor as a

gift back

to God,

there is an

additional purpose to it than just a

paycheck. “There is nothing better for man than to eat and drink and provide himself with good things by his labors. Even this, I realized, is from the hand of God” (Ecclesiastes 2:24).

Think and pray

Consider how many mistakes or

heartaches could have been

prevented if we had been wise

enough to stop and think before

acting. Too many times we focus

on enjoying ourselves as much as

possible and we step closer to sin

until it draws us in. Trouble can be

averted if we think and pray before

we act.

“Understand this well: there is something holy, something divine hidden in the most ordinary situations, and it is up to each one of you to discover it.”

-St. Josemaria Escriva

How can I resist temptation?

There is only one effective way to

resist temptation and that is to say

“no.” But that is easier said than

done. Try these ideas for help: Make a

list of what most often leads you into

sin. Do you have friends who love to

gossip? Do you drink too much with

coworkers? Do you spend too much

money at the mall? Write your list

down and make it complete. Then

decide to reject each item on the list.

Practice saying “no” when you are

alone. Say it out loud if you have to.

Don’t offer explanations. Just make it

a “no.” “I don’t do that.” “That’s not

me.” Remove yourself from tempta-

tion. In the Old Testament story of

Joseph, his boss’s wife “looked at him

with longing” and followed him

around but Joseph “would not agree

to lie with her or even be near

her” (Genesis 39:10). Avoid the

gossiping friends, go straight home

from work, stay away from the mall.

There is nothing more important than

avoiding sin.

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St. Stephen of Hungary (August 16) Stephen established laws favoring

Christianity over paganism, and

sent a request to Rome for the

Pope to proclaim him as king.

Pope Sylvester II accepted the

request, sending him a crown and

a gold processional cross, while

also giving Stephen certain

religious privileges. Greatly

devoted to the Virgin Mary,

Stephen had several churches

built in her honor both in Hungary and outside the kingdom.

In 1038, on the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary,

Stephen delivered his final words to leaders of the Church

and state, telling them to protect and spread the Catholic

faith. To the Virgin Mary, the king directed one of his final

prayers: “To thee, O Queen of heaven, and to thy

guardianship, I commend the holy Church, all the bishops

and the clergy, the whole kingdom, its rulers and inhabit-

ants; but before all, I commend my soul to thy care.”

St. Hyacinth (August 17) Saint Hyacinth, was born in

Poland in 1183. He was

ordained a priest in Cracow and

was sent to Rome, where he

met St. Dominic, joined the

Dominican Order, and received

the habit from St. Dominic.

One of the major miracles

attributed to Hyacinth came

about during a Mongol attack

on Kiev. As the friars prepared

to flee the invading forces,

Hyacinth went to save the ciborium containing the Blessed

Sacrament from the tabernacle in the monastery chapel,

when he heard the voice of Mary, the mother of Jesus, asking

him to take her, too. Hyacinth lifted the large, stone statue of

Mary, as well as the ciborium. He was easily able to carry

both, despite the fact that the statue weighed far more than

he could normally lift. Thus he saved them both.

St. Helena (August 18) St. Helena was married to Roman

Emperor Constantius and had a son

who would become Constantine I,

also known as Constantine the

Great, the first Roman emperor to

become a Christian. St. Helena,

oversaw the construction of

churches on Holy Land sites.

She would later be credited with

discovering the cross upon which

Jesus Christ is believed to have been

crucified. St. Helena was renowned for helping not only

individuals, but entire communities through her works of

charity. She often sought out to help the poor and destitute.

She would visit churches and leave them with rich

donations. Saint Helena was a very devout servant of God,

so much so that one would easily believe her to have been a

follower of Jesus Christ from birth. Through her influence

and work, Christianity continued to spread throughout the

known world.

St. John Eudes (August 19)

During his missions he heard

countless confessions, including

those from women forced into

prostitution. Realizing that they

needed intense healing and

support, he began to found

“Houses of Refuge” to help them

get off the street and begin a new

life. In 1641 he founded the

Sisters of Our Lady of Charity of

the Refuge to continue this work.

They would live with the penitent women and provide

them with constant support. Today, these sisters are

known as the Good Shepherd Sisters, inspired by their

fourth vow of zeal to go out seeking the “lost sheep.”

During the process of his canonization, Pope St. Pius X

named St. John Eudes “the father, doctor, and apostle of

liturgical devotion to the hearts of Jesus and Mary.” The

Heart of Jesus because he created the first Feast of the

Sacred Heart in 1672, and his devotion to Mary.

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