  • Portfolio: Definitely shaken.

  • Campaigns

  • With your long beautiful hair, start life that gets even better every single day.

    Sunsilk: Dreamstarter Campaign

  • Insight:In Q3 of 2014, Sunsilk wanted to reintroduce its green shampoo variant, Strong and Long, which gives hair strength and beauty as it grows longer. The challenge was to engage our millennial fans beyond problem-solution.

    Combing through our girls daily online activities, we discovered that they dream of a life of adventurebe it of travels, burning passion, or a dream business.

    We took it as opportunity for Sunsilk to be weaved in more into their lives. And so, guided by the insight, When your hair is on your side, life gets paganda nang paganda, we round up our girls with an activation that would change their lives.

  • Crea


    :The solution was Sunsilk Dreamstarter, the most exciting dream-granting digital activation for our girls. We wanted to harvest as many entries as we could, so we engaged wherever our fans were at. Integrating efforts from social media to paid banner ads and mastheads, to online video assets, the activation succeeded in reaching and connecting with our fun-loving fans.

    Fans who wanted to join simply had to share and pitch their dreams to Sunsilk through Facebook posts, comments to the brands posts, tweets, Instagram posts using the official hashtag, #SunsilkDreamstarter. The brand did not anticipate receiving wave after wave of dreams.

    To get more entries, we held the first-ever Twitter Party, where fans shared their dreams to the brands endorsers, Julia Montes, and Laureen Uy using hashtags, #JuliaMForSunsilk and #LaureenUyForSunsilk, respectively.

    The top 3 dreamers were then featured in an online video where they shared their stories, then finally asking other fans for support. And, with full support from Sunsilks social media assets and resources, the top 3 rallied for more votes through Likes and Shares.


  • Effectiveness:It did not take us long to get record-breaking results. In just 2 months, this beautiful orchestration of digital assets and activities achieved results beyond the brands expectations:

    The overall campaign reached a total of 1.1 billion impressions on Facebook and Twitter.

    Likes, Comments, and Share on Facebook alone was 764,106. On Twitter and Instagram, we got 136,985 and 7,140, respectively.

    Best of all, from a target of 40,000 entries, we received 65,948 entries105% higher than the KPI.

  • Awards: Bronze ICE Awards for Sunsilk Dreamstarter (Digital & Activation)

    Case Study

  • Home is anything that reminds you that you are loved, remembered, and cared for.

    Whatever these pieces of home may be, Biogesic allows you to send home through Banigbayan.

    Biogesic: Banigbayan Campaign

  • Overview:Biogesic is the Philippines leading paracetamol brand, trusted by Filipinos for 50 years now. However in recent years, the rise of generics and new competition encroach on the brands position. Speed, efficacy, and price point are being brandished left and right, undermining Biogesics relevance to its market. But to speak of function is to attack the competition head first. So the brand decided to elevate the conversation.

    In a category that follows the product function formula, Biogesic graduated to championing care. To prove this, the brand had to speak to those who are most vulnerable to pain. And in a country of over 100 million, more than 2 million Filipinos are not even among us. They are the Overseas Filipino Workers.

    For OFWs nothing is more important than providing their families the good life. They left the country in search for greener pastures. They sacrifice time and their presence just to make ends meet. They would remit on time, leaving very little for themselves. In turn, most relationships between OFWs and their families have become transactional.

  • Overview:As the champion of care, Biogesic could not stand not doing something for them. For every peso that comes in. For every hope and dream they helped achieve. For every Christmas they made merry. OFWs have been ultimate givers of care who rarely receive anything in return.

    So we took it upon ourselves to start a cause for them. By using culture-inspired direct mail, a video, and a tribute dinner, and social play we engaged and turned these unsung heroes into brand advocates.

  • Strategic Innovation:OFWs manage pains beyond headache and fever. The goods they send homeward is usually reciprocated with problems (i.e. expenses, debts, and family quarrels.) And being away only makes this twice as painful. Understanding the relationship between OFWs and families, Biogesic had to rekindle what is better felt than simply said.

    And because other brands only talk about the physical aches, Biogesic decided to tend to a pain point competitors do not assuage: the pain of being an OFW. Getting into this space, we would get to the heads of the OFWs by way of the heart.

  • Presence of Human Good:While managing aches is good, caring is truly the nobler deed. It is universal yet personal. Pure and unconditional. Which is exactly what Biogesic is all about: pure and unconditional care. And the brand knows that what it stands for is the most tried and tested solution to pain. Yet no other pain reliever heralds it.

    Its tagline, Ingat na Damang-dama or Care that is truly and deeply felt, has endured the times, and expressed the relief from headache, fever, and worries. So with its heart bigger than the pain it addresses, Biogesic is a brand on a mission.

    It was a mission that goes beyond the cold, basic, and repetitive communications in its category. A crusade to show that care begets care and move every Filipino to care and reciprocate love without expectation to get anything in return.

    OFWs have always been on the giving end of the spectrum. Its time to change the direction of care.

  • Creative Execution:Inspired by the Philippines very own balikbayan box, we decided to make our own. Introducing the Biogesic Banig-bayan, a care-from-home item carrier for OFWs to receive care from the Philippines for a change. It contained favorite foods, photos, letters, mementos and messages both forgotten, and missed.

    To ensure that care is present in the packages, each item had a story to tell. The stories should hit so close to home, people would share it and would want to become part of it. One video got the job done.

    We introduced the Banig-bayan by weaving the stories of 3 OFWs in Hong Kong and their families back home. They recounted their travails universal to every OFW. These OFWs have been working in Hong Kong ranging from 3 years to close to 3 decades. And their stories revealed that the search for a good life comes at the price of them longing for family, missing life events, being estranged by distance.

  • Creative Execution:Biogesics Facebook and Youtube accounts became the viewing platforms for the video. And launching it at the advent of Christmas only made it easier for the video to find its way to the news feeds and ultimately the hearts of many Filipinos here and abroad.

    Then about two weeks after launch, we got more families to send more Banig-bayans to more OFW in Hong Kong whom we invited to a tribute dinner.

    Everyone who knows an OFW shared the video. So much so that the news got to OFWs in other, farther countries, hoping that they would be able to experience our program.


  • Business Results:The stories resounded through out, from home and beyond our borders, and delivered the following results:

    Over 4 million views in a month

    Over 65,000 positive reactions to the video

    16,735 total brand advocates

    And a call to extend the campaign to farther countries

    The comments section were as flooded as their eyes with positive comments

  • Case Study

  • Multiplier EffectA boundless stadium for brand events

    Havas Media Ortega: Social Hive

  • Challenge:As brands create engaging events to directly interact with their consumers, they foster a strong, personal connection. However, these events are often bound by a limited holding capacity, exclusive to an invited few, or held in places that are just too far from home. Real-world engagement happens, yet the possibility of reaching a larger audience is hindered by these physical limitations. Only the members of the live audience get to participate in the activities as they happen.

    Havas Media Ortega believed that there was a way to leverage the online Filipino community to expand the reach of our clients biggest events exponentially, beyond the confines of the venue and its live attendees.

    We challenged ourselves to change the way social media was being used in eventsto go beyond push messaging and create a shared experience both on-ground and online.

  • Solution:Inspired by the idea of combining the offline and online worlds to widen the reach of a brands event, the Havas Media Ortega Social Hive was born.

    A combined effort of HVMOs Social, Creative, and Production teams, the Social Hive created an experience as engaging online as it is on-ground. It creates a boundless virtual stadium where everyone gets front-row seatsall they needed to do was join the conversation.

    As the Social Hive became involved in online conversations, content was produced in real time, from actual coverage to backstage photos and videos. An online repository showed the event from multiple points of view, pooling in user-generated posts. This allowed virtual attendees to live the experience through their screens.

    This digital and social media service was ultimately designed to help brands achieve the Multiplier Effect, which compares the ratio of users reached online to the live attendees.

  • Result:Among the events in which the Social Hive demonstrated its Multiplier Effect is Globe Slipstream, a celebration of speed following the telecommunication companys announcement of 4G availability and nationwide 3G coverage.

    At Slipstream, there were 5,000 live attendees, but with real-time engaging activities across multiple digital platforms, the program reached over 160,000 users, achieving a 32X Multiplier Effect and 2.2 billion impressions.

    Similarly, during a public viewing of a Gilas Pilipinas game inside Maxs Restaurant, we broadened the stadium to accommodate more Gilas fans online, resulting in a 42X Multiplier Effect.

  • Awards: Gold Anvil Award for Social Hive Command Center (Tools Category) Silver Anvil Award for Globe Slipstream (Tools Category) Havas Media APAC Award for Social Hive Command Center (Outstanding Agency Initiative Winner)

    Result:The same could be observed in the Live To Feel celebration by beverage brand Blue, where the Social Hive extended the festivities beyond Eastwood Mall to reach more than 15,000 participants online.

    With the Social Hive, HVMO created an all-inclusive, multi-perspective experience for brand eventsa boundless stadium where everyone is involved in the main event.

  • Social Media Content

  • Sunsilk

  • Maybelline

  • Lysol/Dettol

  • Jewelmer

  • Intercepts and Engagem


  • Social Media Activities

  • Sunsilk Twitter PartyTo encourage girls to share their dreams, and, in turn, gain more organic reach and mentions for the Sunsilk Dreamstarter campaign, we had an initiative called a Twitter Party.It is a different way of engaging with the endorsers on a more personal way where fans can interact with them in absence of an on-ground event.

    The very first Twitter Party amplified the latest TV commercial launch of the brand where fans were given a chance to ask the endorser anything they want. This generated 212 million impressions & 19,648 mentions from 4,157 users in just 3 hours, which served as an impactful way of combating its competitor.

  • Sunsilk Twitter PartyOther endorsers were also featured in the series of Twitter Parties to gather more promo entries. The mechanics was tweaked to encourage more fans to send their dreams while the endorsers will respond with their advice.

    The Twitter Party alone gained more than half of the overall impressions for the campaign with a 62% share of the total and 16% share of the total mentions on Twitter for the duration of the campaign.

  • A Facebook based video series that follows the life of an ordinary girl that aspires to become a celebrity but is pulled back by her skin problems.

    The TunaySerye shows the girl documenting herself daily while using the product, to know if it will work and if she can eventually fulfill her dreams.

    Maxi-Peel TunaySerye

  • Maxi-Peel TunaySerye

    Highlights of the online series are all captured Live on Facebook and Instagram.

  • Television

  • A breakthrough experimental romantic comedy series that aired at noontime on ABS-CBN.

    It was only intended to run for three months but ended up being on air for more than two years.

    Be Careful with my Heart


    Owned by ABS-CBN Corporation


  • The Queen of All Media returns to television doing what she does best in a morning lifestyle talk show.

    Kris TV


    Owned by ABS-CBN Corporation

  • A revival of the 1997 primetime soap opera of the same name, which is considered to be one of the most successful melodrama series of that generation.

    Mula sa Puso (From the Heart)


    Owned by ABS-CBN Corporation

  • Live Action Short Films


    The C



    n and



    ent o

    f Man


    Executive Producer and Co-writer

  • Video ReelShort Films: The Confession

    and Atonement of Manolo

    Maternity Leave

    Television: Be Careful with my

    Heart Kris TV Mula sa Puso (From

    the Heart)

    Campaigns: Sunsilk

    Dreamstarter Biogesic Banigbayan

  • Photography

  • Theres always something dark behind a pretty face.


    Photos were originally shot using a manual SLR and scanned for this presentation.

  • Narc


  • Narc


  • Passion: Travel

  • Do you want yours shaken too? Lets toast to that and email me at [email protected]!

    mailto:[email protected]

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