
PowerPoint Presentation



Digital Marketing with The Human Tutch

Good Morning everyone, thanks for attending, Im sure were going to have a fantastic morning As I got the kick off 1st support slot, I get the job of getting you all on your feet singing and dancing ready for the remaining sessions are we ready..? only joking )

But Seriously what Id like to share with you are some thoughts on making our communications more human in an ever more digital focussed world2

Digital Marketing with The Human TutchTechnology and the Human Tutch

Id like to talk about a couple of things this morning but id like to explore What role emotions play in our relationships with our customers?When think of Tutch we think physical touch, and physical touch is important but actually emotional Tutch is much more emotive.

So much of marketing is cold generic messaging. with data we are getting better at personalising mass messages, but I believe if we to capture people emotionally they can become loyal customers for life.

Many things affect how we respond to brands, emotions can be triggered by something as simple as responsive websites making life easier/better can evoke an emotional response - relief, or not frustration stats on mobile devises. Which could explain why your bounce rate is so high. Or it may be a video clip of something funny or sad.

Now lets look at 2 films I made.3

Digital Marketing with The Human Tutch

Short film we made a couple of years ago for a charity, to get a serious message across.

So, I didn't show you that to lower the vibe in the room, (although clearly its difficult to not let it affect us) but I guess that is the point. I wanted to demonstrate that something as simple as some quotes (real quotes) and emotive music, can drive people to take action! We worked with this charity and increased new annual subscribers by 400% in one activation with them Purely driven by emotion.4

Digital Marketing with The Human Tutch

Technology and the Human Tutch

So, you may argue its easy to get people to take action for a charity (its not its really competitive) but now lets take a quick look at a positive emotion - Reward!

Reward is associated with action and demonstrating Will Power, The interesting thing is that when we look at will power and how emotion impacts customers ability to control themselves we find things aren't so straight forward.

We have something called the pre-frontal cortex which controlled what you do but it has evolved controlling what you pay attention to, what you think about, even how you feel. It's a beautiful day, with bright sun and a gentle breeze. The birds in the trees are singing John Lennons Imagine, when all of a sudden-BAM! In a bakery display case, there sits the most delectable strawberry cheesecake you have ever seen. A radiant red glaze glistens over its smooth, creamy surface. A few carefully placed strawberry slices bring to mind the taste of childhood summers. Before you can say, Oh, wait, Im on a diet, your feet are moving toward the door, your hand is pulling the handle, and bells chime your tongue-hanging, mouth-drooling arrival.

Whats going on in the brain and body now

First, your brain is temporarily taken over by the promise of reward. and reward has a really strong impact on our actions. When we complete and activity, say a run then we are far more likely to allow ourselves a treat based on doing that activity, so how many times have we been on a run or completed a gym session or had a good day on a diet, and when faced with the choice to have that chocolate biscuit or Latte with extra shot of caramel and cream we think ,well I did my workout so I deserve the treat! But would you believe that the healthy items on the menu actually make you more likely to order the cheeseburger and fries?


Digital Marketing with The Human Tutch

Technology and the Human Tutch

Well McDonalds Marketeers were amazed when they discovered when Mcsalads went on the menu, Big Mac sales in those stores actually increased So their teams of market researchers went into action and discovered that when dealing with Will Power, people would actually tell themselves that the fact that they could have a salad tomorrow, meant they could reward themselves with a Big Mac today!! So point one, if we can tap into the emotion of reward we have a really powerful motivator to purchase.This is the conclusion of several studies by marketing researchers at Baruch College, City University of New York. The researchers were intrigued by reports that when McDonald s added healthier items to its menu, sales of Big Macs skyrocketed. To find out why, the researchers designed their own fast-food menus and set up a mock restaurant. Diners were given a menu and asked to select one item. All the menus had a range of standard fast-food fare, such as french fries, chicken nuggets, and a baked potato with fixings. Half the participants were given a special menu that also included a healthy salad. When the salad was an option, the percentage of participants choosing the least healthy and most fattening item on the menu increased. The researchers found the same effect for vending machine choices. When a reduced- calorie package of cookies was added to a set of standard junk-food options, participants were more likely to choose the least healthy snack (which, in this case, happened to be chocolate-covered Oreos). How can this be? Sometimes the mind gets so excited about the opportunity to act on a goal, it mistakes that opportunity with the satisfaction of having actually accomplished the goal. And with the goal to make a healthy choice out of the way, the unmet goalimmediate pleasure - takes priority. You feel less pressure to actually order the healthy item, and you feel a stronger desire for the indulgent item. Add this up, and although it makes no rational sense, you give yourself permission to order the most artery-clogging, waist-expanding, and life-span-shortening thing on the menu. So point one, if we can tap into the emotion of reward we have a really powerful motivator to purchase.


Digital Marketing with The Human Tutch

Technology and the Human Tutch

Point 2 Passion - When passions surge the emotional side holds the rational side captivedominating the decision-makingprocess - how often do we want something then justifywhy we should have it? That newiPhone 6+ my iPhone 5s justdoesnt have the same functionality asthe new one (despite the factthe IOS update gives you 90% of the functionality of the new version.

So, the answer to the Marketing questionHow do we create acompellingdifferentiated value proposition? lies in the understanding consumers highest level needs and employing an emotionto drivebehaviour.

1000 years from now little will be the same but the emotions that connect usall will scarcely have changed.Decisions influenced by emotion are deeper andlonger lasting than those based on rational thought alone.7

Digital Marketing with The Human Tutch

Technology and the Human Tutch

Recommendation and the role of emotions. Emotional marketingisnt rocket science, if you make customers feel valued and cared for, theyll go out of their way to be loyal and recommend your product or service. Everyone like to back a winner!!

People only share what they've bought into emotionally, both negatively and positively!


Digital Marketing with The Human Tutch

Technology and the Human Tutch

Brandsthat trade on Emotion:

Thinksof brands that do this, Harley Davidson, innocent, but in the digital age if wedont interact with a client we need to find ways orcreatingthat emotional connection through a digital experience Carphone Warehouse, and Doc Martins both ran online campaigns that leveraged digital sharing.

Red Bull - StratosphereVolvo - Safety - LifePaint latest thing Nike - Success

But Service industry can get in on this as well.

Google Gmail/ServicesIntel Inside Microsoft Windows Saleforce Banking FedEx IBM


Digital Marketing with The Human TutchTechnology and the Human Tutch

Speaking on online sharing experiences, before we think anyone can do it, warning posting a few blas blogs on the corporate website just isnt going to cut it. Youre going to need something that cuts through the clutter, and first you need to understand you customer and play to their higher emotions.

There are more people on Facebook today than were alive on the earth 200 years ago.

With5.3 trillion displayads shown online each year4Billion Google Searches a day400 million tweetssent daily144,000 hoursof YouTube video uploaded daily4.75 billionpieces of content shared on Facebook every day


Digital Marketing with The Human TutchTechnology and the Human Tutch

Be selfish (create content you care about)Be focused (create tailored content for each element of your audience) Be accommodating (content in the formats they want) Be shockingly creative (not rude, but really standout) Tell a story (its what we are hardwired to retain and engage with)Make it easy to share (share buttons, calls to action)11

Digital Marketing with The Human TutchTechnology and the Human Tutch

And while were looking at emotions I thought its be interesting to share this with you, Psychology suggests that people buy according to how they feel In 1980 Robert Plutchik created Plutchiks wheel to show emotions and how they are related. 12

Digital Marketing with The Human TutchTechnology and the Human Tutch

And we have taken 3 of these emotions and broken them down to suggest how they affect peoples purchasing decisions online.13

Digital Marketing with The Human TutchTechnology and the Human Tutch

Key emotional factors that influence purchase decisions: Thinking - Make the precess easy for them, narrow the choicesRisk - Position your product as safe rather than new?First Impression - Make it memorableSocial Validity - This is the Amazon era show them proof people are buying people follow the crowd! 14

Digital Marketing with The Human TutchTechnology and the Human Tutch3 Things to take away from today

Get the basics right make sure your communications are easy to consume across devices.

2) Really understand who your customers are - And why they buy!

3) As this is about 2016 here is a prediction for you.

Don't let customers get frustrated with your experience across devices - must be mobile friendly! As part of research for this event I looked at the St Albans and Herts top 300 business and from the 231 websites we looked at 153 did not have a responsive site!Thats nearly 67% of the top business in the region who are not delivering a slick experience, but more importantly are going to be dropped by Googles new mobile search algorithm

Really get to know their motivations for buying your product or service. What connects with them emotionally and if it's different for different segments of your audience then decide what it is for each and find and emotional motivator.

Originally I wanted to speak about some brands are doing at the front end of mobile comms but didn't have time. So as users become more used to using smartphone apps, and mobile responsive sites we willsee desktop sites become more app like. A traditional site has the menu etc across the top, why would we continue to use this valuable visual real estate withmenus that we only need for a small percentage of time. and so site navigation will be much more natural and led by experience.15

Digital Marketing with The Human TutchTechnology and the Human Tutch

Lets finish with a clip that explains emotions better than me. Apparently there are new emotions that have been discovered 16

Digital Marketing with The Human TutchThank you

So there we go, try not to make customers fearfully surprised, but do make them happily surprised, avoid disgustingly surprised and sadly surprised but do go for Joyfully Mistaken as at least they will leave with a smile on their faces!

Thank you! 17

No Such Thing As Bad PR ?

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PRPR is about

No Such Thing as Bad PRREPUTATION

No Such Thing as Bad PRThe result of what you say

No Such Thing as Bad PRWhat you do

No Such Thing as Bad PRAnd what others say about you

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR$5.3billion turnover

No Such Thing as Bad PRTax evasion for failing to declare $1.3billion

No Such Thing as Bad PRGay Adoption Controversy

No Such Thing as Bad PRWe oppose gay adoptions. The only family is the traditional one."

No Such Thing as Bad PRNo chemical offspring and rented uterus: life has a natural flow, there are things that should not be changed."

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR#BoycottDolceGabbana

No Such Thing as Bad PR30,000 tweets in five days.

No Such Thing as Bad PR"How dare you refer to my beautiful children as 'synthetic'. And shame on you for wagging your judgemental little fingers at IVF - a miracle that has allowed legions of loving people, both straight and gay, to fulfil their dream of having children

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PRReal mannequins with severe grooming issues

No Such Thing as Bad PRAnd a Hurricane Sandy Sale

No Such Thing as Bad PRThe founder, and former CEO Dov Charney was firedfor misconduct, financial and sexual harassment

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR


No Such Thing as Bad PR

In 2009, after months of scathing media reports of cars that could accelerate out of control.

No Such Thing as Bad PRRecalls, fines, and plunging sales resulted in losses to Toyota in the region of

No Such Thing as Bad PR$2 billion.

No Such Thing as Bad PRBut bad news isn't always bad for business.

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PRAfter the movie Borat made relentless fun of the nation of Kazakhstan

No Such Thing as Bad reported a 300% increase in requests for information about the country

No Such Thing as Bad PRGetting the public to think your product is a good one

No Such Thing as Bad PROr trying to get people to know about your product.

No Such Thing as Bad PRIn some markets, where there are lots of competing products, they're more preoccupied with the latter.

No Such Thing as Bad PRIn that case, any publicity, positive or negative, turns out to be valuable.

No Such Thing as Bad PRBig brand names have more at stake

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PRWhen a rumour circulated that McDonald's used worm meat in its hamburgers

No Such Thing as Bad PRSales decreased by more than 25%.

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PR

Across the US, thousands participated in dozens of protests at BP gas stations and other locations

No Such Thing as Bad PRreducing sales at some stations by 10% to 40%.

No Such Thing as Bad PR$18 billion paid out to date, with $50 billion set aside for the total claims

No Such Thing as Bad PR5 years on a much smaller and poorer company

No Such Thing as Bad PR

No Such Thing as Bad PRFace the problem

No Such Thing as Bad PRWhats the worst that can happen?

No Such Thing as Bad PRPrepare for external and internal communications

No Such Thing as Bad PRGet professional advice

No Such Thing as Bad PRYou cant control the media, offline or online

No Such Thing as Bad PRBut you can manage it

No Such Thing as Bad PRAnd succeed with damage limitation

No Such Thing as Bad PR

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and beyond

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondContent & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondTom Shurville -Managing Director of Distinctly

SEO agency in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire

Proven track record of using SEO to deliver business growth across a broad spectrum of sectors

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondContent & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondWhat we are going to cover:

Myth busting what SEO isnt

Review of the last 3 or 4 years of Google and its algorithms

What does that mean to your business?

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondMyth busting SEO is a dark art

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondMyth busting SEO is a dark art

RESEARCHIdentification of keywordsContent strategyCompetitor landscapeAUDITSLINK BUILDING / CONTENT MARKETING

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondMyth busting Google moves the goalposts

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondMyth busting Its all about keywords

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondSo what is SEO?

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondA History of Recent Algorithm Updates

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondThe Panda updateFirst released in Feb 2011

Content focused. Hit sites with:

Duplicate content

Lots of advertising

Now updates monthly

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondThe Penguin updateFirst released in Apr 2012

Focused on poor quality external links e.g.Link schemesPaid linksLinks from irrelevant sitesSpam links

Manually updated. Updated twice in the last year

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondThe Hummingbird updateImpacted on 30th August 2013

First major overhaul of algorithm since 2001

Focused on understanding what people are searching and why

The result of years of data into user actions

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondMobilegeddon!

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondMobilegeddonReleased 9 days ago (21st April)

Specific mobile algorithm

Focused on understanding what people are searching and why

The result of years of data into user actions

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondPro Tip -

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondOther trends

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondOther trends

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondGoogle is greedy

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondGoogle is greedy

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondGoogle is greedy

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondGoogle is greedy

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondGoogle is greedy

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondGoogle is greedy

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondContent is King

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondContent is KingProduce content that..

Is better than anything else out there

Offers real value to users

Makes users want to share it

Is easily accessible

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondDont produce content .

For the sake of it!

That is short

Is the same that your competitors are producing

Of the 5 tips to ilk!Content is King

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and Beyond

Examples of great content

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and Beyond

Examples of great content

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and Beyond

Examples of great content

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondConversions are everythingA conversion can be many things:

A sale

A phone call

Form submissions

PDF download

Length of time on your site

Number of pages visited

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondConversions are everythingTrack everything, benchmark and improve your website for your visitors

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondFocus on users, not Google

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondUseful Tools

Content & Conversions: SEO in 2016 and BeyondThank you.

Any Questions?

Keeping legal Online

Marketing online: a legal handbook

Why take notes?

Marketing online: a legal handbook

Marketing online: a legal handbookEmail marketing- Whos inbox?

Marketing online: a legal handbook

Marketing online: a legal handbook

Marketing online: a legal handbook

Marketing online: a legal handbook

Marketing online: a legal [email protected]

Marketing online: a legal [email protected]

Marketing online: a legal [email protected]

Marketing online: a legal [email protected]

Marketing online: a legal handbookOpt-in

Marketing online: a legal handbookOpt-out

Marketing online: a legal handbookSoft Opt-inIndividual has enquired about your services

The marketing material you are sending is about services that are similar

They are given the option of unsubscribing

They are given the option of opting-out in every subsequent email to them

Marketing online: a legal [email protected]

Marketing online: a legal [email protected]

Marketing online: a legal [email protected]

Marketing online: a legal [email protected]

Marketing online: a legal handbookSocial media(what can possibly go wrong.?!!)

Marketing online: a legal handbook

Marketing online: a legal handbook

Marketing online: a legal handbook

Marketing online: a legal handbook

Marketing online: a legal handbook

Marketing online: a legal handbook

Marketing online: a legal handbookThe truth about twitter(in less than 140 characters)

Marketing online: a legal handbookOpinions are also those of my employers. They just dont know it yet.


Marketing online: a legal handbookSuggested staff Twitter policy(in less than 140 characters)

Marketing online: a legal handbookDavid Hughes @CanopyLaw Be positive, be open, be professional. Your views are our views. #OpenSourceCulture

Marketing online: a legal handbookWhat to do next?Ask permission from database contactsEncourage and educate your employees (theres no legal remedy for going viral)Dont tie your employees up in small print (theyre your greatest social media asset)

Marketing online: a legal handbookWhat to do next?

Marketing online: a legal handbookWhat to do next?

Team Building Success

Team Building SuccessThe Oaklands College GPS Challenge

Team Building Success

Take a Team Photo, come up with a team name, and then tap Join Game

Getting Started

Team Building SuccessMap ScreenOnce activated, Unlocked Task Groups appear here

Team Building SuccessCompleting TasksOnce in a task is unlocked, tap it to activate the question/challenge. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete.You may need to scroll down to see the whole question

Using Awards to Create Competitive Advantage

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageWhat its like to win!

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageWhat its like to win!

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageWhat its like to win!

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageWhat its like to win!

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageWhy listen to me? business insight Business improvement Bottom line External validation


96% of over 60 clients finalists

61% winners

county, regional, national and international awards

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageBusiness impact Business insight Business improvement Bottom line External validation Reflect on achievements

Credibility PR New business Clients Staff morale Stakeholders COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageAwards schemes and categories Service Excellence Technology Enterprising Business Excellence in People Best New Business Entrepreneur of the Year

County Regional National International Trade / Sector


Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageWDYWTBFF?

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageGetting startedWhere are you getting your clients?

Who are the most profitable?

How many clients can you surprise and delight?

What is your CLV?

What are your conversion rates?


How much are you prepared to pay?

What are your KPIs and how do you perform?

What is your competitive advantage?

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageKey performance indicators

business plan past 3 years and next 3 years

turnoverrevenuenumber of clientsprofitcash flowstaff retentionproduct development

% changesYOY trends

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageKey performance indicators

2. marketing and brandingdifferentiated branding from your competitorswebsite Google Analyticscustomer feedback formsmarket researchmystery shopping

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageKey performance indicators

3. your customersrate of acquisitionretentioncustomer service and care strategiesquality standardshow do you measure performance against objectives? recommendations, referrals and sourcesprocess to gain feedback? regular feedback (formal or informal)complaints procedure and %

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageKey performance indicators

4. professional membershipsaccreditationsmembershipsqualificationsservice standards / codes of conduct and performance against them

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageKey performance indicators

5. what really makes you different? Any great examples of going the extra mile?

WOW factor!

Capture the imagination

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageWOW?

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageWOW!

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageSurprise and delight

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageCompetitive Advantage?Top 5 global viral ads 2013

235 countries and 41m views (goal was 0.5m)

42MM Twitter impressions

3.2MM Facebook impressions


100% in site traffic

77% increase in bookings

86% increase in revenue

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageGuess what..?

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageTop tips Research



Engage and involve

Be innovative

Be bold!

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageYour opportunity...? Surprise and delight

Create competitive advantage

Win an award?

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageQuestions?

Using Awards to Create Competitive AdvantageThank you!

Why Google is still the only game in town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Why Google is Still the Only Game in Town

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondOne thing is for certain

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyondso now what?

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyondimagine

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond


Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondWe ALL jump to conclusions.

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondPassive Social PresenceActive Social Behaviours

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyondchecking you out

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondIm great at what I do

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondAdam Gray

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondAdam Gray Social Media

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondAdam Gray

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Expert

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondGoogle Keyword Tool

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond266


Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondBegin to post

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondWrite and share content.

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondPost regularly

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondBut the real challenge?

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondBeing seen.

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyondcontent is kingbut context is god

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondDoes all this seem like hard work?

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondLinkedIn gets 187m umu

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond500m Tweets per day

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondFacebook has 1.4 bn users

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondThe average CMO has 970 LInkedIn connections

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondDoes it STILL seem like hard work?

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyondjoke time!

Social Media Trends 2016 and Beyond

Social Media Trends 2016 and BeyondQuestions?


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