  • 8/8/2019 Market Research Capabilities for Sporting News



    Market Research Capabilities

    forSporting News Magazine

    December 9, 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Market Research Capabilities for Sporting News



    About Us

    y Founded in 1975

    y Headquarters in Paris, France

    y Top 10 International MR firm in Europe; Top 25 worldwide

    y Largest independently-owned MR firm in France

    y 150 Full-time employees

    y $71 million global revenue in 2009

    y CATI pioneer in Europe: 1985 (Voxco)

    y ISO 9001 certified since 1995

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    y In 1995, EFG (European Fieldwork Group) was created to conductqualitative and quantitative fieldwork in Europe,Asia, and South America,for other global market research firms

    y EFGs parent company MV2 Group was founded in Paris in 1975 and has

    since become one of the top 25 global full-service Market Researchorganizations

    y EFG New York is the U.S. sales and coordination office of Paris-basedEFG Worldwide, a European leader in international data collection

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    Case Study: FTP / Computer & Internet Use Study

    y Topic/objectives:

    Computer and internet use Tracking study, 6 waves have been completed to date

    y Markets: France, Germany

    y Methodology:

    Street intercept to central location

    Interviewers invite people who qualify to go to our CLT where they complete the onlinesurvey using PCs available with internet access

    y Target: General Population, must be aged 55-75, 50/50 gender split

    y Sample size: About 200 per country per wave

    y Survey length: 25 minutes

    y Challenges: Elderly people so not easily reachable via other approaches Low incidence rate

    y Solutions:

    Data-mining using Zip Codes to identify areas highly populated in 55-70 y.o. Outinterviewers were then more likely to recruit the right respondents

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    y Markets: Canada Quebec (

    French Only)

    y Methodology: Online survey, programmed and hosted by Panel vendors Client

    y Target: Beer Drinkers, Males, Age 18-29, Living in Quebec

    y Sample size: N=100 with 50% of 18-24 years and 50% of 25-29.

    y Survey length: 20 minutes

    y Incidence rate: 20%

    y Challenges:

    y Very targeted population,

    y Low incidence rate amongst relatively small universe

    y Survey hosted & Programmed by Panel vendors client

    y Solutions: Used EFGs Sports Fans Panel in Quebec (Soccer)

    Case Study: National Canada Beer Study

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    Case Study: Hispanic Study

    y Markets: USA Las Vegas

    y Methodology: Mall intercept web-CAPI

    Interviewers in malls recruit & invite respondents who qualify to go to our CLT tocomplete the online survey (programmed by Panel vendor) using high-speedinternet PCs

    y Target:

    18+ years of age, Must live in Las Vegas DMA, 50% split M/F +/-10% Hispanics only

    40% IR

    y Sample size: N=300 per year, but could be anywhere from 15-25 in any givenmonth

    ySurvey length: 25 minutes

    y Challenges: Very targeted population, with people not necessarily speaking English

    y Solutions:

    We have access to a wide range of malls across the country so could quickly hadinterviewers on site

    Bilingual Spanish/English interviewers

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    Some Previous Print Media Studies

    y Re-design / re-positioning/ re-pricing/subscriber/reader profile studies for:

    y Most of these studies where conducted utilizing a hybrid methodology,qualitative and quantitative practices

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    Some Sports Related Event Studies

    y Image and awareness tracking studies for:


    Sport events such as the 2010 Winter OlympicG

    ames in Vancouver, the1992 Barcelona Summer Olympic Games, 2010 BNP during the FrenchOpen/Roland Garros Tennis Tournament, and for 2009 EUROMASTERduring the Paris-Dakar car rally raid

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    Some Impact Among General Public Perceptionswith Sponsors forFormula 1 Studies

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    Sporting Good Product Studies for:

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    Expertise - Quantitative

    y Strategic Studies: Awareness & Usage Studies Brand Imagery and Tracking Studies Customer Segmentation Studies Customer Satisfaction Measurement

    y Evaluative Studies: Communications and Concept Testing Copy Testing Product and Package Testing Product Development and Feasibility Advertising Pre/Post and Tracking Corporate Branding Image Sponsorship Tracking and Evaluation

    y Ad Hoc

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    Expertise Qualitative

    With EFGs human presence on the ground and our vast technical resourcesworldwide, the success of your focus groups and in-depth interviews is guaranteed

    Primary research methods consist of: Focus Groups, Gang Surveys, In-Depth and Semi-Directive Interviews, eitherFace-to-Face or by Phone, Mini-Groups or Triads, Semiological Analyses, Ethnological Studies

    In some case and in specific countries, EFG is now conducting online focus groups,

    mini-groups, and triads

    EFG puts its international network of focus group facilities, WFG, and its translationagencies at your disposal, allowing you to benefit from our long-time partnersspecialized domain knowledge and experience in your field of research (Medical, IT,Finance, etc.)

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    In-Venue Mobile SurveyLive Sports Fans Barometer (1/2)

    y Using the latest Mobile Technology Available to Market

    Researchers, EFG can very inexpensively survey

    customers/fans at any venue by designing Smartphone

    specific survey (also available on PC/Mac) according to your


    y Respondents/fans would be notified of the survey through

    various means once in the venue (e.g. games program, back

    of the ticket, flyers)

    y Incentives would be automatically managed, and results would

    be available live on EFGs secured web-hosted platform

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    In-Venue Mobile SurveyLive Sports Fans Barometer (2/2)

    y Get top-of-mind feedback while customers/fans are experiencing any kind of sporting

    events. Unlike next day(s) surveys, this approach delivers unmatchable results accuracy,

    hence even more value;

    y Get ongoing representative feedback on Key matters (e.g. fan experience, Sponsorship

    awareness, Teams/Players affinity, Brand Equity)

    y Assess level of satisfaction, take actions, and quantify the results of the initiatives taken toaddress customers concerns and demands;

    y Define an even more informed one-to-one marketing & CRM strategy, and increase ticket &merchandise sales as a result;

    y Build and/or increase your in-house customer base

    y Build a research community of customers who will be more inclined to actively engage inmore in-depth research

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    Category Experience

    y Automotive, Transportation

    y Business Services

    y Chemical and Energy

    y Fast Growing ConsumerGoods

    y Financial Services

    y Healthcare, Pharmaceutical

    y IT and Telecommunications

    y Luxury Goods

    y Sports and Entertainment

    Specialized Interviewers and Moderators

    B2B represents 60% of Global Business

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    Experience, Expertise, Insight

    Competitive: substantial economy of scale

    Global reach: Africa, Middle East, Asia, Europe and Latin America

    All methodological approaches: Qualitative & Quantitative

    Responsiveness throughout the project, before and after

    A real partner, not just a vendor!

    Committed to quality, ISO 9001 certified

    EFG provides each client with an innovative, custom researchsolution designed and executed by EFGs Senior Researcher tomeet their objectives

    EFG has a unique perspective within the industry, having experiencedthe client-side and supplier-side; working with major multinationalcorporations, advertising agencies and marketing research


    Why EFG?

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    EFG World Wide Data Collection Center

    y Exclusively dedicated to the fieldwork

    y Interviewers: native speakers, specialized/industry

    y Bilingual (at least!) project managers

    y On-staff quality control director

    Quantitative represents 70% of global work

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    One-Stop Shop forFieldwork Worldwide




    Benelux Latvia Algeria Argentina Australia

    Bulgaria Lithuania Cameroon Brazil China/H.K.

    Croatia Poland Egypt Canada India

    Czech Rep. Portugal Kenya Chile Japan

    Finland Russia Morocco Columbia Philippines

    France Slovakia Nigeria Guatemala Singapore

    Germany Spain SouthAfrica Mexico S. Korea

    Greece Sweden Tunisia Peru Taiwan

    Hungary Ukraine Middle Eastern



    Italy UK Vietnam

    * This list is not exhaustive EFG Works in over 80+ countries

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    NK YOU!

    Manny SibugDirector of Sales, Quantitative, (the Americas)EFG Research175 SW 7th StreetSuite 1501

    Miami, FL 33131Tel: 786. 398. 5935Mobile: 305. 613. [email protected]


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