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  • 7/30/2019 Mark Basely Youssef


    Mark Basely Youssef jailed for getting Driving License on fakename but not on the allegation of film insulted Muslimsworldwide. Report by Dr. Hussain

    Its surprised the Muslim world that the alleged Mark Basely Youssefwho cause a horrible tension

    among Muslim world just punished for one year federal prison on the charges of getting driving

    license in false name. Mark Basely Youssefmade a plea bargain through his attorney and resultantly

    he succeeds to get protection and free from all criminal charges. How district judge can close the case

    of international issue? Why he was not charged about violation and breaking UNO resolution passed

    in which all Prophets have given honor and high respect. Why he not charged on the grounds of

    insulting a religion who has billions of followers? Why he was not charged for whom he tried to

    destroy the peace and harmony of the world? Why he was not charged to create enemies against

    USA? Why he was not charged for insulting his country President by declaring Obama as future

    Osama? Why he was not charged from where he got the funding for the film? Why it was overlooked

    about his relations with extremist and terrorist organizations? Why his sources of income has not

    brought before the world? Why he made role of President Obama controversial? Why he was not

    charged for the reasons of producing such a film which cause unrest among the world? Why was not

    charge to pay damages & losses bear by USA in the rest of the world? Why he was not charge for

    numerous charges which can be placed on his terrorist activities? I reproduce the frame of charges

    affixed for Mark Basely Youssefimprisonment of a year.

    The California man behind an anti-Muslim film that led to violence in many parts of the Asia andMiddle East was sentenced Wednesday to a year in federal prison for probation violations in an

    unrelated matter, then issued a provocative statement through his attorney.

    The sentence was the result of a plea bargain between lawyers for Mark Basely Youssefand federal

    prosecutors. Youssef admitted in open court that he had used several false names in violation of his

    probation order and obtained a driver's license under a false name. He was on probation for a bank

    fraud case.

    Shortly after Youssef left the courtroom, his lawyer, Steven Seiden, came to the front steps of the

    courthouse and told reporters his client wanted to send a message.

    "The one thing he wanted me to tell all of you is President Obama may have gotten Osama bin Laden,

    but he didn't kill the ideology," Seiden said.

    Asked what that meant, Seiden said, "I didn't ask him, and I don't know."

  • 7/30/2019 Mark Basely Youssef


    U.S. District Court Judge Christina Snyder accepted the plea agreement and immediately sentenced

    Youssef after he admitted to four of the eight alleged violations, including obtaining a fraudulent

    California driver's license. Prosecutors agreed to drop the other four allegations under the plea deal,

    which also included more probation time.

    All parties agreed that none of the violations had to do with the content of "Innocence of Muslims," a

    film that depicts Mohammad as a religious fraud, pedophile and womanizer.

    However, Assistant U.S. Attorney Robert Dugdale argued Youssef's lies about his identity have

    caused harm to others, including the film's cast and crew. Deadly violence related to the film broke

    out Sept. 11 and spread to many parts of the Middle East.

    "They had no idea he was a recently released felon," Dugdale said Wednesday. "Had they known that,

    they might have had second thoughts" about being part of the film.

    He said they have had death threats and feel their careers have been ruined.

    Seiden said his client admits to being the film's scriptwriter but had no other involvement except

    what he described as being a "cultural adviser."

    Youssef, 55, was arrested in late September, just weeks after he went into hiding when the deadly

    violence erupted.

    Enraged Muslims had demanded severe punishment for Youssef, with a Pakistani cabinet minister

    even offering $100,000 to anyone who kills him.

    Federal authorities initially sought a two-year sentence for Youssef but settled on a one-year term

    after negotiating the plea deal with Youssef's attorneys. Prosecutors said they wouldn't pursue new

    charges against Youssef namely making false statements and would drop the remaining

    probation-violation allegations leveled against him. But Youssef was placed on four years' probation

    and must be truthful about his identity and his future finances.

    Seiden asked that his client be placed under home confinement, but Snyder denied that request.

    Youssef will spend his time behind bars at a Southern California prison.

    Youssef served most of his 21-month prison sentence for using more than a dozen aliases and

    opening about 60 bank accounts to conduct a check fraud scheme, prosecutors said.

    After he was released from prison, Youssef was barred from using computers or the Internet for five

    years without approval from his probation officer.

    Federal authorities have said they believe Youssef is responsible for the film, but they haven't said

    whether he was the person who posted it online. He also wasn't supposed to use any name other than

    his true legal name without the prior written approval of his probation officer.

  • 7/30/2019 Mark Basely Youssef


    At least three names have been associated with Youssef since the film trailer surfaced Sam Bacile,

    Nakoula Basseley Nakoula and Youssef. Bacile was the name attached to the YouTube account that

    posted the video.

    "This is a defendant who has engaged in a long pattern of deception," Dugdale said. "His dishonesty

    goes back years."

    Court documents show Youssef legally changed his name from Nakoula in 2002, though when he

    was tried, he identified himself as Nakoula. He wanted the name change because he believed

    Nakoula sounded like a girl's name, according to court documents.

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