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Marijuana Reduces Metabolic Syndrome

Studies have proven that cannabis effects the body positively. These studies have shown that marijuana reduces, kills and relieves many things throughout the human body. This drug is an anti-bacterial, anti-depressant, analgestic, bone stimulant, anti-proliferative and much more. It inhibits cells in tumors and cancer cells, promotes bone growth, kills bacteria, reduces inflammation, relieves pain, helps with sleep and helps with both anxiety and depression.

Recent studies have also proven marijuana reduces Metabolic Syndrome but what is this syndrome? Metabolic Syndrome is what professionals call a large amount of life-threatening health issues in an individual. These issues such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol can result in a person getting diabetes, strokes, heart diseases and even death. The cannabis effects in in individuals who use the drug are less likely to have the syndrome occur by about 50 percent as opposed to those who don’t consume the drug and are 75 percent more likely to have Metabolic Syndrome.

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According to medical marijuana professionals, during the 2005 testing of how the drug effects these individuals, about 19 percent of the patients who had no history with cannabis suffered from Metabolic Syndrome. Only 17 percent of the users who gave it up suffered from the syndrome, and 13 percent of current cannabis users suffered from some of the conditions that make up Metabolic Syndrome. Their conclusion is these studies are very important as the world continues to suffer from obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes--which it has been shown in other medical marijuana studies that the drug helps with weight loss and other medical conditions.

As their studies continue, they have come to find that current marijuana users have not only a slimmer figure, they also have a way healthier body than non-users and previous users. The more you smoke, the healthier your body gets whether it’s weight loss, having an appetite, pain relief, bone growth or improved sleep, your body is still healthier than it was before you started smoking. Medical studies show, by testing the drug itself not just individuals who use it, that THC, THCv, THCa, CBD, CBDa, CBG, CBN and CBC all positively affect your body and they are the eight cannabinoids that effect it the most.

The medical conclusion is whether you are an individual suffering from high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or other life-threatening heath issues, consuming marijuana will make you stronger. Your health will increase as well as your life and you will have no more days of injecting yourself with insulin or sticking your finger to check your sugar. You will feel like a new person and have so much more to look forward to. There will not be those moments of having to stop while out with friends at dinner to check your sugar before you eat. No more needles, no more pricks and no more having severe life-threatening health issues that could one day possibly cost you your life. It may be a big step but that big step is worth it if it means living and breathing till you’re old and gray.

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