Download - March-3-2013

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The Season of Lent Second Sunday of Lent, February 24, 2013

Inspired by Luke 4:18 & John 1:29


0S 233 Church Street. • Winfield, IL 60190 Office 630-668-0918 Fax 630-668-1074

Founded 1867

~ Our Mission Statement ~ “The Spirit of the Lord is upon us, because the Lord has anointed

us to proclaim: ‘Ecce Agnus Dei’ - Behold the Lamb of God; Behold the Good News of Jesus Christ.”


Welcome - Bienvenido

Parish Directory Pastor/Párroco: ....Fr. Tom Cargo/Padre Tomás Associate Pastor: ... Fr. Thomas Theneth, CMI

Deacon William Nijm - from Our Lady of Lebanon - Lombard

Secretaries:... Jennifer Kurtyka, Rosa Benavides .......................Ex 0 or 600……………… Secretaria Hispana: ....Gloria Guzman ...Ex601

Director of Finance & Administration Deborah Birutis .............. Ex616

Business & Facilities Manager: ............................. Aaron Simpson ...Ex603

Music Ministry: Adrienne Rose. . . . .653-1489 Música Español: María Campos . . 520-0665

Religious Education: ................Office: Ex613 Director: Maureen Brennan ..............Ex612 RCIA (Convert Preparation) ...........Ex600 Adult Education: ...........Chris Strong ...Ex644 & Youth Ministry:.......Chris Strong ...Ex607 Grade School: ...........................Office: Ex618 Principal: Catherine Kos ..................Ex617

Phone: 630-668-2625, Fax: 630-668-7176 0S259 Church Street, Winfield, IL 60190

St Vincent de Paul Society .................Ex692

Mass Schedule Weekend ....... Saturday (Vigil Mass) 5:00 pm;

Sunday 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 am Misa en Español ................ Domingo 1:30 pm Weekday.... Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am & Sat. 8:30 am

Confessions: ........Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Deadline for submitting bulletin articles is Noon on Thursday 10 days prior to publication (Holidays earlier) Please submit articles by email to [email protected]


The Season of Lent Third Sunday of Lent, March 3, 2013

Welcome - Bienvenido

Parish Directory Pastor/Párroco: ....Fr. Tom Cargo/Padre Tomás Associate Pastor: ... Fr. Thomas Theneth, CMI

Deacon William Nijm - from Our Lady of Lebanon - Lombard

Secretaries:... Jennifer Kurtyka, Rosa Benavides .......................Ex 0 or 600……………… Secretaria Hispana: ....Gloria Guzman ...Ex601

Director of Finance & Administration Deborah Birutis .............. Ex616

Business & Facilities Manager: ............................. Aaron Simpson ...Ex603

Music Ministry: Adrienne Rose ....... 653-1489 Música Español: María Campos.... 520-0665

Religious Education: ................Office: Ex613 Director: Maureen Brennan ..............Ex612 RCIA (Convert Preparation) ...........Ex600 Adult Education: ...........Chris Strong ...Ex644 & Youth Ministry:.......Chris Strong ...Ex607 Grade School: ...........................Office: Ex618 Principal: Catherine Kos ..................Ex617

Phone: 630-668-2625, Fax: 630-668-7176 0S259 Church Street, Winfield, IL 60190

St Vincent de Paul Society .................Ex692

Mass Schedule Weekend ....... Saturday (Vigil Mass) 5:00 pm;

Sunday 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 am Misa en Español ................ Domingo 1:30 pm Weekday.... Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am & Sat. 8:30 am

Confessions: ........Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Deadline for submitting bulletin articles is Noon on Tuesday 10 days prior to publication (Holidays earlier) Please submit articles by email to [email protected]


The Season Lent Third Sunday of Lent, March 3, 2013


Welcome - Bienvenido

Parish Directory Pastor/Párroco: ....Fr. Tom Cargo/Padre Tomás Associate Pastor: ... Fr. Thomas Theneth, CMI

Deacon William Nijm - from Our Lady of Lebanon - Lombard

Secretaries:... Jennifer Kurtyka, Rosa Benavides .......................Ex 0 or 600……………… Secretaria Hispana: ....Gloria Guzman ...Ex601

Director of Finance & Administration Deborah Birutis .............. Ex616

Business & Facilities Manager: ............................. Aaron Simpson ...Ex603

Music Ministry: Adrienne Rose ....... 653-1489 Música Español: María Campos.... 520-0665

Religious Education: ................Office: Ex613 Director: Maureen Brennan ..............Ex612 RCIA (Convert Preparation) ...........Ex600 Adult Education:…Chris Strong 630-673-3982 & Youth Ministry: Chris Strong...630-673-3982 Grade School: ...........................Office: Ex618 Principal: Catherine Kos ..................Ex617

Phone: 630-668-2625, Fax: 630-668-7176 0S259 Church Street, Winfield, IL 60190

St Vincent de Paul Society .................Ex692

Mass Schedule Weekend ....... Saturday (Vigil Mass) 5:00 pm;

Sunday 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 am Misa en Español ................ Domingo 1:30 pm Weekday.... Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am & Sat. 8:30 am

Confessions: ........Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Deadline for submitting bulletin articles is Noon on Tuesday 10 days prior to publication (Holidays earlier) Please submit articles by email to [email protected]


CURB THE PALATE! Our bodies are the Temples of the Holy Spirit and it is our obligation to keep them strong for the service of God and for the salvation of other souls. We are ath-letes and sol-diers of Christ fighting for the prize of eternal life. Let us wage the battle and conquer our gluttony and as such, achieve and experience the true freedom of the sons and daughters of God! ….On both Ash Wednesday and Good Friday fast-ing is obligatory… and Lent is a Penitential Season in its totality! Examine your eating habits! If you have a tendency to overeat, then Lent is the time to curb and conquer the “Glutton” you have within you! As a result of Origi-nal Sin, Gluttony is a dominant tendency. If we tend to eat too much, then to fast from foods that we like but may not be beneficial is good for our health.

FRENAR LA BOCA! Nuestros cuer-pos son templos del Espíritu Santo y es nuestra obligación de mante-

nerlos fuertes para el servicio de Dios y por la salvación de otras al-mas. Somos deportistas y soldados de Cristo que luchan por el premio de la vida eterna. Vamos a librar la batalla y con-quistar nuestra gula y,

como tal, lograr y experimentar la verdadera libertad de los hijos e hijas de Dios! ….Por tanto Miérco-les de Ceniza y Viernes Santo son el ayuno obligatorio... y la Cuares-ma es un Temporada de Peniten-cia en su totalidad! Examine sus hábitos alimenticios! Si usted tie-ne una tendencia a comer en ex-ceso, entonces la Cuaresma es tiempo de frenar y vencer la "Glotón" tienes dentro de ti! Como consecuencia del Pecado Original, la Gula es una tendencia dominan-te. Si tendemos a comer demasia-do, entonces ayunar de alimentos que nos gustan, pero que no pue-den ser beneficioso es bueno para nuestra salud.

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The Sin of Greed: - "He who loves money never has money enough" - cf. Sirach 5:8 - "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manser-vant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor." - Exodus 20:17

- "But I trust in you, O LORD; I say, 'You are my God.'" - Psalm 31:15

Avarice/Greed: there are at least three forms of greed: 1) an obsessive desire for ever more material goods and the attendant power. 2) a fearful need to store up surplus goods for a vaguely defined time of want. 3) a desire for more earthly goods for their own sake.

The Greed of Power: In this form, earthly goods are chiefly a means to an end, which is really not that far off from a healthy view. The money, real estate, and cars are simply things used to achieve, wield and display personal power. These things can be used to intimidate or bribe others, reinforce one's own illusions about what is important or to build up a feeling of success... the "products of wealth". The real problem here is more the desire for power than the actual greed. A common thread for sin in general is that it is often borne out of fear. A fear of helplessness or loss of control can turn into a lust for power as a way of preventing an undesirable situation. The parable of the man with an abundant harvest is well worth considering.

To destroy our desire for power, we must be generous in granting power to others. When appropriate, be submissive to others. Avoid jobs that are a temptation for a "power grab". Share credit for successes with others, and claim a fair share of responsibility for failures being blamed on others. The idea is to stop trying to control everything and everyone. In parenting, this means encouraging children to find their own way, and respecting their choices. It does not mean abdicat-ing legitimate responsibilities, but loosening our grip on others' lives as well as our own. God will take care of us, He has the plan. We can't control everything anyway, so we might as well learn to relax in God's hands.

Generosity overcomes the sin of Greed/Avarice.

The Sin of Gluttony: - How Much Pleasure Is Enough? - "Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. " - 1 Corinthians 7:5

The chief error about Gluttony is to think it only pertains to food. Some people can't have enough toys, television, entertainment, internet, alcohol, sex, or company. It is about an excess of anything. There are at least three forms of Gluttony: 1) Wanting more pleasure from something than it was made for. 2) Wanting it exactly our way (delicacy). 3) Demanding too much from people (excessive desire for other people's time or presence).

It is possible to become so caught up in a pleasure, whether food or fun, that we can no longer enjoy other things, and would be willing to sacrifice other pleasures for the one. We enter into Gluttony when we demand more pleasure from something than it was made for. Normally, we can only eat so much food, but some people in Ancient Rome wanted more pleasure, so they threw up after the meal and then ate more. This allowed them to enjoy eating more at the cost of health (and dignity).

Delicacy: In "The Screwtape Letters," C.S. Lewis describes delicacy as a desire to have things ex-actly our way. He gives the example of food having to be prepared just right, or in just the right amount. There is a certain amount of discomfort to be expected in life, but the Glutton will have none of it! Instead of becoming strong by suffering the minor inconveniences of life, the Glutton in-sists on being pampered. Even in marriage, it is possible for a couple to be so "romantic" that the children are neglected. The cure for Gluttony lies in deliberately reducing our use of pleasur-able things, not in eliminating them.

Faith and Moderation overcome the sin of Gluttony.

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El Pecado de la Codicia: - "Aquel que ama el dinero, nunca tiene suficiente." - cf. Sir 5:8 - "No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo. No codiciarás la mujer de tu prójimo, ni su criada, ni su buey o su asno, ni cosa alguna de tu prójimo". - Éxodo 20:17

- "Pero yo confío en ti, SEÑOR, y te digo: Tú eres mi Dios." - Salmo 31:15

Avaricia/Codicia: hay al menos tres formas de codicia: 1) un deseo obsesivo de bienes materiales y de poder. 2) una necesidad temerosa de almacenar bienes de sobra durante un tiempo vagamente definido que quiera. 3) un deseo de más bienes terrenales por su propio bien.

La Codicia de Poder: En esta forma, los bienes terrenales son principalmente un medio para un fin, que no es realmente tan lejos de una visión saludable. El dinero, bienes raíces, los carros son sim-plemente cosas que se usan para alcanzar, ejercer y mostrar su poder personal. Estas cosas pueden ser utilizadas para intimidar o sobornar a los demás, reforzar las ilusiones acerca de lo que es im-portante o para crear una sensación de éxito... de los "productos de la riqueza". El verdadero pro-blema aquí es más el deseo de poder que de la codicia real. Un hilo común por el pecado, en ge-neral, es que es a menudo asumido por el miedo. El temor a la impotencia o pérdida de control puede convertirse en una ambición de poder como una forma de evitar una situación indeseable. La parábola del hombre con una abundante cosecha vale la pena considerar.

Para destruir a nuestro deseo de poder, debemos ser generosos en la concesión de poder a los demás. Cuando asignado, esté es sumiso a otros. Evite los trabajos que son una tentación para "agarrar el poder". Comparta el mérito de los éxitos con otros, y reclame una parte justa de la res-ponsabilidad de los fallos de culpa con los demás. La idea es dejar de intentar controlar todo y todos. En la crianza de los hijos, esto significa animar a los niños a encontrar su propio camino, respetando sus decisiones. Esto no significa abdicar de las responsabilidades legítimas, pero aflojando nuestro control sobre las vidas de otros, así como la nuestra. Dios cuidará de nosotros, Él tiene el plan. No podemos controlar todo, por lo que también podríamos aprender a relajarnos en las manos de Dios.

La Generosidad supera el pecado de la Codicia/Avaricia.

El pecado de la Glotonería: - ¿Cuánto el Placer Es Suficiente? - "No os neguéis el uno al otro sino de mutuo acuerdo, por cierto tiempo, para daros a la oración." - 1 Corintios 7:5

El error principal sobre la Glotonería es pensar que sólo se refiere a los alimentos. Algunas personas no pueden tener suficientes juguetes, televisiones, entretenimiento, internet, alcohol, sexo, o com-pañía. Es sobre un exceso de algo. Hay al menos tres formas de glotonería: 1) Querer más placer de algo de lo que fue hecho. 2) Querer es exactamente nuestro camino (delicadeza). 3) Exigir demasiado de la gente (deseo excesivo del tiempo de los demás o de su presencia).

Es posible llegar a estar atrapados en un placer, ya sea comida o diversión, que ya no podemos disfrutar de otras cosas, y que estaría dispuesto a sacrificar otros placeres. Entramos en la gloto-nería cuando exigimos más placer de algo para lo que fue hecho. Normalmente, sólo se puede co-mer tanta comida, pero algunas personas en la antigua Roma querían más placer, por lo que vomi-taron después de la comida y luego comieron más. Esto les permitió disfrutar de comer más a costa de su salud (y de su dignidad).

Delicadeza: En "Las Cartas de un Diablo a su Sobrino," Sr. CS Lewis describe delicadeza como un deseo de tener las cosas exactamente en nuestro modo. Él da el ejemplo de los alimentos que tienen que es-tar preparados apenas a la perfección, o en la cantidad perfecta. Hay un cierto grado de malestar que se espera en la vida, pero la Glotonería no tiene nada de eso! En lugar de ser fuerte por el sufrimiento de los pequeños inconvenientes de la vida, la Glotonería insiste en ser mimado. Incluso en el matrimonio, es posible que una pareja al ser tan "romántica" descuiden a los niños. La cura para la glotonería se encuen-tra en reducir deliberadamente el consumo de las cosas placenteras, no en la eliminación de ellos.

La Fe y la Moderación supera el pecado de Glotonería.

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Mass Intentions for the Week

Saturday, January 26 8:30 a.m. † Mike McPheters (Mary & Jim Rieck)

Vigil - 3rd Sunday Ordinary Time 5:00 p.m. † Tom Stark (Jim & Marianne Ruseell) † Patti Bentley (Mike Bentley) † Toni Lawrentz (Claire Wilkinson) † Richard P. Flynn (The Altimari Family) † JoAnn Bannister (Jack Bannister) † Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Hidalgo (Living/40th Wedding) (Mr, & Mrs. Guillermo Hidalgo))

Sunday, January 27 3rd Sunday Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. † John J. & Kathleen Dooley (Mary L’Hotta) 9:30 a.m. † Timothy Liv (Virginia Taylor 11:30 a.m. † Selene Miller (The RE Catechists) 1:30 p.m. † Por Todos los Parroquianos de San Juan Bautista

Monday, January 28 St. Thomas Aquinas 7:30 a.m. † Michael McPheters (Anne Hutter)

Tuesday, January 29 7:30 a.m. † Holly Nelson (Joe and Rita Grabowski)

1:40 p.m. † (School Mass) Roland Ingram (Martha Ingram)

Wednesday, January 30 7:30 a.m. † Richard Schopp (Rose & Jim Effinger)

Thursday, January 31 St. John Bosco 7:30 a.m. † Deceased members of the Franda & McPheters Families (Mike and Carol McPheters)

Friday, February 1 7:30 a.m. † Our Parish All Souls

Saturday, February 2 Candlemas - Presentation 8:30 a.m. † CCW, Living & Deceased Members (CCW)

Vigil - 4th Sunday Ordinary Time 5:00 p.m. † Kathy Skrobutt (Carol Vaskey) † Felipe A. Reyes (Joe Kadolph) † Charles Pierce (The Pierce Family) † Loretta Yourek (Jim & Nancy Carlson) † Elsie Schramer (John Schramer0

Sunday, February 3 4th Sunday Ordinary Time 7:30 a.m. † () 9:30 a.m. † () 11:30 a.m. † ()

Scripture Quote of the Week Exodus 3: 14

Readings for the Week

Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15b Ps 42:2-3; 43:3-4 Lk 4:24-30 Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43 Ps 25:4bc-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9

Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9 Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20 Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: Jer 7:23-28 Ps 95:1-2, 6-9 Lk 11:14-23 Friday: Hos 14:2-10 Ps 81:6c-11b, 14,17 Mt 12:28-34

Saturday: Hos 6:1-6 Ps 51:3-4, 18-21b Lk 18:9-14 Sunday: Jos 5:9a, 10-12 Ps 34:2-7 2 Cor 5:17-21 Lk 15:1-3, 11-32

Michael Beary Harold “Bingo” Besch James Bestler Margaret Birt Brian Burke Josephine Calalbrese Goeffrey Callahan Lisa Cicero

Kathy Connor Jewel Ann Curtis Patricia Dahleen Joann Eggebrecht Mary Felder Patrocinia Fernandez Gregory Figiel John Flanigan, Jr. Gary Gillmeister Joe Grabowski Dawn Grant Destin Green Lori Gregg Jennifer Hammerschmidt Rich Harwood John Heitzler Joy Henczel Mary Kalitzky Carter Kettner Frank Krause Korrin Kupris Kara Ladd Rose Marie Lambert John Lechowicz Deloris Lewandowski Nancy Liden Laurie Linke Sandra Linke

Beth Majerczyk Ursula Makowijczuk John Maltese Linda Marczewski Thomas Marziani Jan Masters Marcy Morken Becky Neal Johnny Neal Alex Novak Lesley (Tobin) Nygaard Judy Pakula Josie Pasciak Bane Petrov Cathy Enders Poss Elly Ransum Mary Rauch Alicia Ricciardi Cooper Rojas Charles Roloff Katherine Rose Casmir Ruta Edward Salek Lillian Salek George Sarlitto Sven Segerlund Bea Serwach John Shannon Cathy Slipkevych Rosemary Sumang Mary Tarchala Paul Vasich William White Lexie Youngberg Larry Zengri

Please pray for our sick*

Our Sanctuary Lamps** This Week Burn in Memory of: Old Chapel – Rev. P. Carbinian, O.S.B.* New Church – Rev. Sweetbert, O.S.B.*

*First Priests at St. John the Baptist, 1867 to 1869

**If you would like to request a sanctuary lamp to burn in mem-ory of a loved one, please contact the parish office. The cost is five dollars per week.

Mass Intentions for the Week

Saturday, March 2 8:30 a.m. † CCW Living & Deceased Members (CCW)

Vigil - 3rd Sunday Lent 5:00 p.m. † Richard P. Flynn (The Altimari Family) † The repose of the souls of Nicholas, Emily & Tommy Lemak (Mark & Linda Helmiak) † Samantha Morgan Vermillion (St. John the Baptist) † Luella Bolte (RE Catechists) † Mike Shee (Jim & Mary Rieck) † Gregory Figiel (For Healing) (The Serritella Family)

Sunday, - March 3 - 3rd Sunday of Lent 7:30 a.m. † Joseph & Ethel Bialek (John & Mary Karwoski) 9:30 a.m. † Loretta Yourek (Debbie Boor) 11:30 a.m. † Gerald Hacker, Sr. (Dan Conley) 1:30 p.m. † Por Todos los Parroquianos de San Juan Bautista

Monday, March 4 7:30 a.m. † Susan Kawka-Sucharski (Joseph & Rose Szczepaniak)

Tuesday, March 5 7:30 a.m. † Kathy Skrobutt (Carl Rome) 1:40 p.m. (School Mass) † Theresa Markl (Lavern Dillon)

Wednesday, March 6 7:30 a.m. † Rosan Bailey (The Zahery Family)

Thursday, March 7 7:30 a.m. † Rowland Morken (David & Alice Higgins)

Friday, March 8 7:30 a.m. † Joseph & Ethel Bialek (Rose Marie Lambert) 8:30 a.m. † Theresa Markl (Charles & Jane Snail)

Saturday, March 9 8:30 a.m. † Mike McPheters (Eucharistic Adorers)

Vigil - 4th Sunday of Lent 5:00 p.m. † Cosgrove & Miller Families (Colette Miller) † Don & Joan Miller (Colette Miller) † Joan Ciccolella (Harold & Maria Lonks & Family) † Alice Mosconi (Harold & Maria Lonks & Family) † Jeanette Sarlitto (George & Lita Sarlitto)

Sunday, March 10 - 4th Sunday of Lent 7:30 a.m. † Joan Miller (Jim & Marianne Russell) 9:30 a.m. † Toni Lawrentz (Ron Lawrentz)

11:30 a.m. † Patti Bentley (Jean Mailloux) 1:30 p.m. † Por Todos los Parroquianos de San Juan Bautista

“God replied, "I AM WHO AM"…. "This is what you shall tell the Israelites: I AM sent me to you."

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Please keep in your prayers the wonderful young men of our Parish who are studying for the Priesthood for the Diocese of JolietDiocese of Joliet:

Shaun Cieslik University of St. Mary of the Lake

Mundelein Seminary

James Malik St. Meinrad’s Seminary

and for the Diocese of Santa FeDiocese of Santa Fe

Bill Burke Pontifical Josephinum Collage

Sacrificial Giving We are ever grateful for your loving gener-osity and sharing in the Ministries of Serving the Lord here at St. John the Baptist.

Parish Collections Sunday, February 10, 2013………….$20,791 Home Mission, February 10, 2013…..$ 3,133 Ash Wednesday, February 13, 2013..$ 2,245 Sunday, February 17, 2013………… $20,378

“The Lord Loves a Cheerful Giver! (2 Corinthians 7:9)

Christian Service Salute!

As a Parish Community, we express our deepest gratitude for God’s Gift of

Christian Service to us as we salute:

Terry Denniger For his generosity to

Saint John the Baptist Church, Eucharistic Adoration,

and Community!

8:30 a.m. Friday Morning Mass dur-ing Lent, In Addition to the Daily 7:30 a.m. Mass In remembrance that our Lord died on a Friday, during the Fridays of Lent we will be having a Mass on Fridays at 8:30 a.m. in the Chapel. The Friday dates are: † Friday, March 8, 2013 † Friday, March 15, 2013 † Friday, March 22, 2013

Confession Schedule- Horario de

Confesiones Saturdays

March 9, 2013 3:30 p.m.:

Fr. Tom Cargo March 16, 2013

3:30 p.m.: Fr. Tom Cargo & Fr.

Thomas Theneth, CMI

Please pray for

Mercedes Bartolone

who passed away on February 10, 2013. Our sympathies are

extended to her family and friends.

The Knights of Columbus will be holding the 2nd annual "Celebrate Life" Pro Life Ban-quet on March 23th, 2013 at Bo-bak's Signature Events near Seven Bridges in Woodridge IL at 7:00pm to benefit the Father Michael J. McGivney Women’s Center for Hope and Healing in Chicago IL and the Waterleaf Women’s Pregnancy help cen-ter in Aurora IL. Our speakers for the evening will include Bishop Joseph Siegel, Relevant Radio's own Drew Mariani, Knights of Columbus State Deputy Rich Spada and Father Josh Miller. Banquet reserva-tions are $40 which includes appetizers, dessert, tax, and tip. To download the flyer, please go to Contact Urban Oen if inter-ested. 630-293-0845

We wish to thank Lita & George Sarlitto

for the beautiful Candle Sticks that they donated to our Old Church, and that grace the Altar of Sacrifice. The Candle Sticks are donated in honor of:

Glen Michael (Alice), Denise Ann (Joe),

Michel, Michael William,

Thomas John (Kathy), Dean Grilli (Lorinda), David Grilli (Mimi).

May God bless you for your

generous gift that offers Him praise.

Position Open. St. John the Apostle Parish in Villa Park, IL is seeking a weekend music director capable of playing the or-gan, and directing an adult choir. Must be available for four (4) weekend Liturgies, as well as, playing for weddings and funer-als. This is a part time, un-benefited position. Interested appli-cants should contact Reverend Felipe DeJesus Lagaretta at [email protected].

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FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2013

5 00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. In Italy, it was known to all the people that the patron saint of the family was St. Joseph. Word spread that when someone was gravely ill in the family the prayers to St. Joseph began in earnest. The person offering prayers promised in thanksgiving to cook and offer a “table” laden with food for anyone who was hungry. Thus in a sense the “alms” were given to announce to all that St. Joseph had granted (through our Lord) the plea presented. Every year a large table was set up during Lent which was naturally a time of fasting and abstaining from meat; thus the cus-tom of the table being meatless. We continue this tradition each year at Saint John the Baptist Parish. Please join us for a planning meeting this

coming week at the home of George and Karen Tsaparis. Call 630-917-0565 for the date and di-rections. The Saint Joseph’s Day Table is open to all parishioners and will be held in the school hall on Friday, March 15th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. Those interested in bringing a meatless dish to grace the table, please e-mail us, or fill out the form below and drop it in the basket at mass or at the rectory. Those who would like to help at this family celebration can check off one of the areas listed below where help is needed. =============================detach here======================================= Family name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone #____________________________________ Item being offered for the table: ________________________________ PLEASE REMEMBER MEATLESS ONLY Areas where I can help: Set-up: 3:00-5:00 ______ Restaurant Donation Pick-Up 4:00-5:00__________ Clean-Up: 7:00-? _______ Serving: 5:00-6:00 _____ 6:00-7:00 _______ Kitchen: 5:00-6:00 ______ 6:00-7:00 ________ =============================detach here=======================================

DONATIONS NEEDED FOR ST. JOSEPH’S DAY TABLE NAPKINS – 700 SPOONS – 500 TAKE HOME CONTAINERS – 30 DISH DETERGENT – 4 BOTTLES PAPER TOWELS – 6 ROLLS DISPOSABLE GLOVES – 1 BOX OLIVE OIL – 1 BOTTLE If you are able to donate any of these items, please return this form to the parish rectory. You may also respond by phone to Karen Tsaparis at 630-917-0565 or email [email protected]. Donations can be dropped off anytime to the parish rectory. We will call to verify your donation. Thank you very much! FAMILY NAME ______________________________________ PHONE _______________________________________________ ITEM(S) DONATED _______________________________________________________ QTY ____________________________



EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT: Parish Grounds Restoration

Small Donations of Time, Talent or Treasure & Landscaping Equipment Appreciated

When: April 20th, 21st, May 4th, 5th What: Project Details: Eyesore/Safety Hazard lot behind Parish Offices to Be Cleared and Lev-eled into a usable, aesthetically pleasing area

Questions? Call: Adam Camp, BSA 575, 630-933-9438

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We congratulate

Kyle James Hermann & Emily Paula Biancalana

who celebrated the Sacrament of Marriage

on February 23, 2013

Best Wishes to the Both of You!

Way of the Cross/Stations of the Cross for Children

Stations of the Cross-Fri., Mar 8, 1:40 p.m., Church Stations of the Cross-Fri., Mar. 15, 9:00 a.m., Church

Passion-Friday, March 22, 1:15 p.m., Church

Stations of the Cross every Friday English 8:00 am & 7:00 pm

Vía Cruces cada Viernes Español 7:30 pm

Friday Masses 7:30 am & 8:30 am

St. John’s University

Continuing education for people to

discover more about their Faith

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to make any class that they can. Bible Study is in Sebahar Hall at 7 p.m.

(New) Exploring the Parables, Thursdays, March 14 & March 21, A Bible Study/Survey of the New Testament Parables for Lent!

Bulletin Advertiser of the Week:

Montri Thai Fine Cusine

Please support those who help us finance our Bulletin through their

weekly advertisements!

VOCATION PRAYER CALENDAR Remember these men and women in your daily prayers –Priests, Dea-cons, Seminarians and Women & Men Religious in the Dio-cese of Joliet MARCH 1 Pope Benedict XVI 2 Frs. J. Damien Graziano & Chris Groh 3 Srs. Louise K. Bernier, M. Bernadette Beveridge, Ella Binz, Eleanor Blake, Julie Ann Borer, Lourdes Boyer, Ellen Mary Brenner, Maria Bui OSF 4 Juan Hernandez (Seminarian) 5 Brs. Alphonsus Brown, Mark Harmueller, Charles Pratt BGS – Robert May, John Medvit CFC 6 Abbot Austin Murphy, OSB 7 Dcns. Thomas Thiltgen, William Thomas, Art Tiongson, Matthew Tretina, Robert True, Joseph Urso, Robert Vavra, Joseph Verdico, Jeffrey Volker 8 Srs. Marianne Cardosi, Mary Ann Clark, Kath-leen Ann Copp, M. Cherubim Cukla, Patricia Daley, Mary-Lynn Danaher, Pat David, Judith Da-vies OSF 9 Frs. Mel Uzdrowski, Kenneth Zigmond OSB – Michael McMillen SCJ – Stepien Miroslaw S.Chr 10 Frs. David Hankus & Ronald Hart 11 Dc. John Lovitsch (Seminarian) 12 Srs. Guadalupe DeLaO, M. Peter Didier, San-dra Duma, M. Dominic Dybel OSF 13 Frs. Douglas Hauber & Daniel Hoehn 14 Frs. James Holup & John Hornicak 15 Dcns. Guadalupe Villarreal, Herbert Walldron, Paul Walen, Robert Wallace, Robert Weierman 16 Srs. Sharon Fitzpatrick, Ann Flaska, Mary Therese Forst, Elizabeth Gillis, M. Clarence Golla, Madelyn Gould, Therese Greaney, Rita Green OSF 17 Felix Dominquez (Deacon Candidate) 18 Frs. Paul Hottinger & Scott Huggins 19 Srs. Mariarthur Hamann, Bernadine Hasse, Coletta Hennessy, Marilyn Holtkamp, Kathleen Hook, M. Martin Hornak, Carlene Howell, David Ann Hoy OSF 20 Matthew Malicki (Seminarian) 21 Dcns. Ronald Whitman, Joseph Winblad, Charles Woods, Duane Wozek, Richard Yarshen 22 James Olofson (Seminarian) 23 Frs. George Hurley & Slawomir Ignasik 24 Josh Billing (Seminarian) 25 Srs. Rosemary Huzl, Mary Elizabeth Imler, Brigid Ja-cobs, Carol Jander, Norma Janssen, MaryAnn Jerkovsky, Margaret Kacvinsky, M. Alcuin Kelly OSF 26 Frs. Richard Jacklin & Peter Jankowski 27 Frs. Peter Jarosz & Mark Jendrysik 28 Srs. Elaine Kerscher, Martha Kienzler, Dorothy Kinsella, Kathleen Kirk, Elizabeth Klepec OSF 29 Frs. Jude Randall OSB – Stanislaw Jankolski 30 James Guarascio (Seminarian) 31 Frs. Min Ki Ju & Marek Jurzyk

It’s never too late…to say “THANK YOU!” Lent is upon us and we only took the last Christmas flowers from the Church and Chapel last week! But it is time to thank those who helped us in preparing a most beautiful setting for our Christmas Celebration!! We had wonderful help this year! Cathy and Chuck Johnston, Camille Kolz, John, Ben, Tom & Emma Tyznik, Lauren Stroner, Elizabeth and Ben Schuessler, Cammy Carrico, a sister and brother who watered ALL the Poin-settias, a mom and daughter who strung and decorated two trees, Boy Scouts Troop 575, Alex and Eric Schreiber, Gavin O’Keefe, Trystan Hope, Tammy and Bob Camp (Boy Scout Leader), and a special "Thank You" to Julie Cibulskis and her husband Scott Roskuszka for the wonderful donation of over 50 Poinsettias for our Christmas decorating! And a few others I know that I missed! Patti Loechl [email protected]

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On Wednesday February 13th at the 1:40 p.m. Children’s Mass we celebrated the beginning and meaning of Lent with the “St. Vincent de Paul Faith Family” our Resource Teacher, Mrs. Julie Noonan and Fifth grade and First Grade. We spoke on the Love of God for all of us.

We invite all to join our children’s Masses that are held on most Tuesdays at 1:40 pm (check the bulletin to make sure we have it on the week you wish to attend).

Catholic Education Foundation Scholarship Dead-line Set for March 1st Financial aid applications are now being accepted for students in the Catholic grade schools and high schools within our Diocese. Visit our website at to complete an online financial aid application or ask the

school office for information.

AWESOME RELIGIOUS EDUCATION KIDAWESOME RELIGIOUS EDUCATION KIDSS Our Fifth grade Catechist, Vicky Staden, and her Fifth Graders had a wonderful time during the 4:00 pm Religious Education Session, touring our Church and learning about the altar, sa-cred vessels, statues and religious symbols... that celebrate our faith there. Religious Education is collecting donations for BRIDGE COM-MUNITIES - an organization that serves the poor and home-less. It is wonderful our children have a sense of service and aid to the poor.

St. John the Baptist Council of Catholic Women is participating in the Bishop Blanchette Scholarship award given by the Joliet Diocese CCW to students attending a Catholic High School in the Joliet Diocese. Applications must be filed in St. John’s parish office by March 15th. If you are interested in applying, pick up a packet in the parish office or send an email requesting the information to:[email protected] An application must also be filed with the FACTS program by March 22. If your family has submitted a FACTS application for the upcoming year for another award, you are still eligible for the JDCCW-BBSF scholarship. Call FACTS at 1-800-390-4690 and

request to be added to the Joliet Diocesan Council of Catholic Women awards. The FACTS application is separate from what is sub-mitted to St. John’s parish. St. John’s CCW does not review the financial information an applicant submits. St. John’s CCW reviews the questions applicants and their parent(s) answer and recommendations from their school principal and/or our REO director, Mau-reen Brennan. An applicant also must have our pastor, Fr. Tom Cargo, sign that he or she is a member of the parish, extent of fam-ily involvement and any known extraordinary circumstances. St. John’s CCW can only submit one applicant to the JDCCW; there-fore the candidate selected from St. John’s will be based on the application information submitted to our parish office by March 15th. If you have further questions, contact Venessa Lopatka at 630-336-5414 or [email protected]

My name is Suzanne Pepping and I teach preschool at St. John the Baptist. I have been teaching in the Joliet Diocese for 23 years and at SJB for 13 years. I have a Bachelor degree in Elementary Education from Northern Illinois University and recently completed a second certificate in early childhood educa-tion from National Louis University. I am the mother of two adult children both in their twenties. I at-tended a Catholic school as a child and my two children did as well. My parish is St. Katherine Drexel in Sugar Grove. In my free time, I like to write and read. I enjoy reading about early childhood education

and am quite passionate about how preschool children learn and develop. I also enjoy taking classes at the Vaughn Athletic Center and I especially like Yoga. I have owned horses in the past, but currently I only have 2 cats (Cujo and Bob Marley) While it will sound cliché, my favorite part about teaching is the children! They make me laugh and put a smile on my face and in my heart everyday that I spend with them. They are the reason I returned to school to obtain a second certificate…I want to know how their minds work and the most developmentally appropriate way to teach them. I have wonderful memories from my time spent at SJB, but my favorite memories would be the annual Preschool Spring Sing and the 8th Grade Graduation. I have a chance to see my preschool students shine as well as my former stu-dents leaving SJB after a job well done!

St. John the Baptist School News - In the Spotlight We are so blessed at SJB to have an amazing teaching staff. However, many of us only really know the teachers we come in direct contact with through our kids. We have created a series called "In the Spotlight" to help introduce our teachers to our entire school and parish community. The teachers answered a series of questions about themselves. We have included photos as well to assist all in recognizing our educators at school events. We hope you enjoy this information!

Children’s Stewardship Corner

Here are just a few of the “offerings” to God from the youths of St. John’s;

Kelsey, Zachary, Emily, Jack, Alyssa, Norby, Courtney, Tommy, Giovanni, Aurioles, Nataly, Julia, Emily, Bailey, Christopher, Katherine, Theresa, Natalie, Adam, Elizabeth and Raul all donated money to the church. Bailey helped her mom with dinner. Christopher helped around the house. Katherine helped fold clothes. Theresa took care of her 2 dogs. Natalie helped her mom. Adam shoveled snow. Elizabeth helped a friend. Raul helped his grandma. Some of the talent of St. John’s youths are: singing, dancing, reading, soccer and playing the piano. Gifts from the youth's envelopes for

February 17, 2013 was $47.30

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St. John’s Knights of Columbus Lenten Friday Fish Fry 2013 5:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.

Friday, March 8 - Gavin Coyle Concert to benefit Bridge Communities Sebahar (Friday, March 15 - (No Fish Fry) St. Joseph’s Day Table School Hall) Friday, March 22 - To Benefit St. John’s Athletic Program Sebahar Hall

(Tickets at door, only) Adults $8.00 Kids $4.00 Seniors $7.00

Meal includes breaded cod, bread, coleslaw, potato, cake and a drink. Beer and Wine (Cash Bar) Also available, a salad option for vegetarians ($6; $3/half). Pizza or Mac & Cheese available for kids.

Please come out and support the Knights of Columbus and the causes listed above.

Mentors Needed for Transitional Housing Program in DuPage County. Catholic Charities is sponsoring a four session training course for persons interested in becom-ing volunteer mentors for families who were previously homeless and are now participating in Catholic Charities’ Transitional Housing Programs in DuPage County. Men-tors work directly with families, supporting them and helping them meet daily challenges. Volunteer mentors should be compassionate, non-judgmental, respectful and sensitive to the confidentiality required in order to preserve the dignity of the family. Call Yvonne Morrongiello at 630.495.8008 ext. 2122. for info. Please register before April 1, 2013.

Council of Catholic Women -This Tuesday, March 5th, Sebahar Hall, 7:00 pm Join us as we listen to Diane Beaulieu, from Winfield’s Entrée Express, present the secrets of batch cooking, stocking a pantry for easy meal prep., using leftovers, plus we will make granola to take home for a healthy snack or breakfast. So that we know how many supplies to bring, please register by Sunday, March 3. Call Ve-

nessa at 630-336-5414 or via email at: [email protected]

St. Patrick’s Day Concert featuring

Gavin Coyle

Friday, March 8 at 8 p.m.

at St. John the Baptist Church

to benefit Bridge Communities, Wheaton, IL

The Irish Dancers will perform at 6:45 p.m. in Sebahar Hall and again at 7:20 p.m. in the Church

K of C Fish Fry and Irish coffees before the concert!

Tickets are free. However, your freewill donation will benefit the above listed charities.

Make your reservation for:

Group tour to the National Shrine of St. Therese Darien, Illinois on Saturday, April 6th, 2013.

All ladies of the parish are invited. The tour includes: Mass, a talk on the life of St. Therese, a guided tour of the Shrine and its relics and artifacts, a video on the life of the Little Flower, free time for prayer, the Rosary Way, the Carmelite Gift Shop, and a closing prayer service and blessing.

Lunch at the shrine is included. We will leave St. John the Baptist at 9:15 a.m. and return at approxi-mately 3:15 p.m. Transportation will be provided by a chartered bus. Cost is $38

Name______________________________________ Phone #____________________________________

Make checks payable to St. John’s CCW. Drop off at the Parish office or in the collection basket by March 12th

Questions? Contact Judy Valentine at 630-462-0844. Organized by the Council of Catholic Women, CCW

Position Available. Corpus Christi Parish in Carol Stream, IL is seeking to fill a full-time Parish Secretary/Bulletin Editor. To view the full job description visit under “Employment”. Qualified applicants may apply directly to Reverend Robert Hoffenkamp at: [email protected]

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Small Christian Communities

Anyone interested in joining a small Christian community, please contact Pat Schopp: 630-836-1283.

Catholic Inquiry Anyone interested in becoming Catho-lic, please call the parish office for in-formation: 630-668-0918, ext. 600.

Help Our School Clip Box Tops!

Please drop off your clipped Box Tops in the entryway to the parish office. There is always a collection box there. All profits are benefitting programs for St. John the Baptist school. Questions, call Robin Hafertepe at: [email protected] Thank you!

Visit Our Parish Website, for:

Copy of the bulletin Ministries Schedule

Having Surgery? Give one of our priests a call PRIOR to your surgery, so that anointing can be given at a time when you are less stressed. Call the parish office at 630-668-0918, ext. 600, and set a time to come in BEFORE your surgery for anointing.

Central DuPage Hospital Our priests are available to make hospi-tal visits. Because of HIPAA Laws the Hospital does not notify churches when parishioners are there. Please notify the Saint John’s Parish Office when a loved one is there giving us the name and room number. We want to do our best to minister to all the Hospitalized!

Homebound Parishioners who are homebound and wish to receive communion, please call the parish office at 630-668-0918, Ext. 600, and we will pass your name to the coordinator for Homebound Ministry.

Lost and Found Please check the Lost and Found bas-ket in the entry way to the parish office.

Parish Calendar Please see the on line calendar at: or on the kiosk of the narthex of the Church.

Bulletin Articles Submissions are due by noon on Thurs., 10 days prior to the Sunday on which you wish the article to appear. (Holidays may change due dates for arti-cles because of publishing demands). Include the name and phone number of the person submitting the article. Please email as an attachment using Microsoft Word or Publisher, please do not include article in the body of the email.

Email to: [email protected] or [email protected].

Pulpit Announcements Must be submitted with a contact name and phone number, by 9 a.m. on Tues-day prior to the Sunday you wish the announcement made. The parish office has final approval on all bulletin articles and pulpit announcements.

Youth Ministry For information, contact

Chris Strong at [email protected]

2013 Meeting Schedule. All meetings are 6:30p-8p in the Youth Ministry Center (YMC)

above the garages at the parish offices. Upcoming meetings:

3/3; 3/17; 3/24; 4/7; 4/21; 5/5; 5/19; 6/2; 6/9; 6/23

Please Pray for those who defend our Nation, those who serve

in Active Duty

Pvt James Luigi Akin A1C Francis Beifuss

Lt John Berg Sgt Melissa Brooker

Lt Deandra Carbone CMR Nicholas Carbone

Pvt Timothy Conley Sgt Andrew Fairbairn

Pv2 Nicholas Gorman Sgt Pamela Gray A1C Seth Kelley

Senior Airman Felicia K. McDonald GSMC (SW/SS) Timothy A. Newell

ABHAA Sean Phillips Lt Col George Pohlmann

A1C Alejandro Luis Sanchez AN Michael Schieve

Captain Jim Smolucha Captain Mike Smolucha SPC Thomas Stanhope

SSgt Mark Trygar SrA Sarah Trygar

ABHAA Robert Twohill


x N





n, 3

/8 March 8 - 5:30p-8:30p

West Chicago Park District Fitness Station

Sponsored by the West Chicago Tang Soo Do Illinois Martial Arts


How to Participate? Sponsor a Martial Arts Stu-

dent-$1 per kick

Donate Towards a Raffle & Silent Auction

Purchase a Raffle Ticket

Attend Event on March 8th For info, please contact

Anne Gardner, 630-926-0434

[email protected]

Monthly Music Schedule–March 5p-Contemporary Ensemble 7:30a-Classic Ensemble 9:30a-Adult Choir (except for Easter Sunday)

Easter Music Schedule 8p-Easter Vigil-Contemporary Ensemble & Adult Choir 7:30a-Classic Ensemble 9:30a-Bell Choir & Teens-Church 9:30a-Cantor & Organ-Chapel 11:30a-Adult Choir-Church 11:30a-Cantor & Organ-Chapel

When you have a car to donate, think SVDP! When you donate your car

to St. Vincent de Paul, once we have de-termined that it is safe and functional, we put it directly into the hands of a needy person or family. We have no paperwork complications; we simply serve the needy. So when you’re ready to surrender your car, keep SVDP in mind. Call 630-293-9755.

Early Deadline For Upcoming Bulletins: Early bulletin article sub-mission for the March 24th (Palm Sun-day) bulletin is: Tuesday, 3/12/13. Early bulletin article submission for the March 31st (Easter) bulletin is: Tuesday, 3/19/13.

Page 11: March-3-2013

Parish Office Hours: Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.

Grade School MassGrade School Mass Tuesdays 1:40 pm

Holy Days of Obligation, All Souls & Ash Wednesday To be announced with each Special Day

Eucharistic Adoration ~ Eucharistic Adoration ~ Tues. from 8 a.m. - 7:15 a.m. Wed. & First Fridays - 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

BaptismsBaptisms 1st Sunday of the Month First Baptism Rituals starting at the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Parents and god-parents are encouraged to attend Baptism Preparation Classes several months before your baby is born. Godparents are to be practicing Catholics!

WeddingsWeddings Spiritual Preparation begins at least SIX MONTHS in advance. Please do not make reservations until you meet with a priest.

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3° Domingo de la Mes en la misa a las 1:30 PM (de niños de 7 años y mas necesitan 2 anos de catecismo)

Bodas Bodas Preparación Espiritual empieza por lo menos con SEIS MESES de anticipo.

No haga preparaciones para su Celebración antes de reunirse con el párroco.

Secretaria Hispana Secretaria Hispana Para hablar con la secretaria hispana, llame al Rosa Benavides, extensión 601 Lunes, Martes y Jueves 8:00 AM a 2:00 PM

o Gloria Guzmán, extensión 601 Sábados 8:30 AM a 10:30 AM

Page 12: March-3-2013

BULLETIN NUMBER: 339 CHURCH NAME & ADDRESS: St. John the Baptist 233 Church Street Winfield, IL 60190 PHONE: 630-668-0918, ext. 600 or 601 CONTACT PERSON Jennifer Kurtyka Rosa Benavides EMAIL: [email protected] [email protected] SOFTWARE — Microsoft Publisher 2003 Adobe Acrobat 9 Windows XP Professional PRINTER — HP LaserJet 6P NUMBER OF PAGES SENT: 1 through 12 SUNDAY DATE OF BULLETIN: March 3, 2013 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS - Please send 800 bulletins

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