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God, devil are in man ??

ok upon reading this I saw many areas that contradicted itself and also were complete rubbish. Many people rely so much on media, and history driven through the media, that they do not question what they are told and taught and hence live believing false doctrines and facts.Just as a preacher preaches the Word and then tells you to go and study what he has told you yourself, so must we also research and study everything thing else we are told. The article starts saying 'Over the 15,000 years of sketchy history of man...'where are they getting their information from as fact that man has been around 15,000 years ?Clearly we are told in genesis God created everything approx 6,000 years ago and history has proved the bible to be true with historic facts and relics discovered... from the egyptian chariots under the Red Sea, to timbers from Noahs Ark.Also the book of Daniel, upon careful study, clearly proves prophecy predicted history that will unfold from babylon, to Mede Persia, to Greece, to Pagan rome and then papal rome and upto date with the United Nations. All this requires much careful bible study to fully understand all this yourself as well as much research about current events and history. It reads about Mahatma Ghandi talking about there being enough in the world to meet every mans need which is correct but greed in the rich man preventing the poor man and thus the different classes in society are formed.  India still has an extremely high ratio of poor people living in slums and squalor but yet India is fast becoming a major player in the worlds economy and space programme... did you know that ?  No shortage of money over there.In every nation the politicians are those that live off our taxes we pay to govt and sit around playing debate supposedly.  These men are freemasons or other societies which are born into these so called privileged life styles. Man did not assume control over the animals and the plant kingdom but was given dominion over them by our Creator to care and nurture to the extent to even name them but to never worship them... they were created just as we were.  The so called 'ecosystem' is a fictitious man created theory much like global-warming which also leads us to the movie AVATAR which points man to worship nature or so called mother nature. It then says 'success and happiness was attributed to the perceived God, while failure and destruction to an invented devil or satan'.If we study the book of Job then we see that obedience to God doesn't guarantee us an easy life in this world but the closer we are to God the harder

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it can be, 'The Devil is roaming like a roaring lion seeking who he might devour'… to devour those that are staying true to God and His Word so that they can be thrown off the path to God.  God allows us to be tempted, as was Job, knowing we cannot be harmed if we remain obedient.  Material wealth we cannot take with us.  We came into this world without jewellery, makeup, clothes and we shall go the same way so why do we need it ?  It is all a ploy to make us discontent with who we are and what we are in God's eyes.God has always helped those who acknowledge Him as the ‘Creator and one true God’ and therefore of course has showed favouritism to His children. Religion has never been a good institution because it is a man made institution designed to control people and as the article did say, exploit people. When Jesus was on earth He didn’t say join my religion, He said 'Follow me' and I will show you the way to My father.  As God's children we are to follow what we learn in the bible and also as God leads us in our daily devotion.Many churches exploit the tithe system taught in Malachi about bringing 10% to the store house.  Plenty churches today have pastors and preachers driving huge cars and wearing expensive suits and jewellery but have poor, hungry, homeless people in their congregation.Oprah has one of the bigger churches now much like TD Jakes and yet they are stinking rich much like the Pharisees and Sadducees in Jesus' time. It says in the article that God was created in his mans image... they have twisted that from the scripture Gen 1:26-27It also reads  'God was a divine being, omnipotent, omnipresent, all knowing, perfectly loving...'    now he is acknowledging God but as a was and not IS.  If man created this God then how could He hath been omnipotent, omnipresent etc...   contradiction and ignorance. He then refers back to greed and exploitation among the rich and greedy just to try justify himself and keep your attention in what he is writing with some moralistic values. He then goes on to talk about using natural resources and not replenishing so called  'mother earth' blaming all this for floods, landslides, water problems and pestilences... which we clearly covered in our presentation about  'HAARP' and 'Chemtrails' which you can look up each one in youtube. He then points to nuclear explosions under the sea causing tsunamis which he is right about, but only to a small extent... again HAARP.He says satan is man himself... well to a degree he is correct in that satan works through man to prepare the way for him to come and try claim all the souls that have turned from God... but satan is a fallen angel with plenty other fallen angels creating havoc in this world of which he is the ruler of the sea, land and air.He says the universe is expanding...   says who exactly... those same scientists who still are trying discover planets and stars that have been there longer than we can even imagine.  In fact NASA scientists have acknowledged the world is coming to a time of uncreation which can only point out that it was actually created...   but the media will not tell us this.He then wanted to talk about dinosaurs existing 65million yrs ago... again says who.  It is physically impossible to prove how old something is beyond a few

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thousand years perhaps... how can they recognise fibres or tissues beyond their own comprehension and actual historical data ??? I am not gonna comment on every single thing said but it goes on to tell us that we want world order, peace and harmony and how we can all make a difference in the world and then that God is the all-in one generation, organisation, destruction...God is pure love and why would He uncreate what He has created.  Why would He destruct the world and His children that he created. Man is causing the chaos, the destruction, the pestilences and violence on this planet.They then introduce the sunday law to get all else to worship on man's day of worship... those that don’t worship and follow their rules will then be regarded as the causes of the problems happening in this world which they can switch on and off like a light. 

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