  • 7/25/2019 Manifest_Your_Dream_Life_Volume_I_Bundle.pdf


    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Path To Abundance, Inc.
  • 7/25/2019 Manifest_Your_Dream_Life_Volume_I_Bundle.pdf


    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Manifest Your Dream Life

    Learn Exactly How

    To Transform YourDreams Into Reality

    Home Study CourseVolume I

    Modules 1, 2, 3(60 Daily Exercises)

    By Path To Abundance, Inc.

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Manifest Your Dream Life

    Home Study Course

    Volume IModules 1, 2, 3

    Copyright 2011 Path To Abundance, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    Reproduction of any portion of Path To Abundances content is strictly prohibitedwithout the express written consent of Path To Abundance, Inc.

    All content attributed to other sources is the property of the named source.

    For more information, please contact us
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    Table of ContentsThese lesson titles are hyper-linked. Click on the title that corresponds with the lesson

    you wish to access and it will bring you directly to that page within this document.

    MODULE 1

    Introduction ..........................................................................................................

    Exercise 1: Starting The Process...........................................................................

    pg. 7

    pg. 8

    Exercise 2: Beginning To Shift Your Energy....................................................... pg. 10

    Exercise 3: Love, Joy, Happiness And Gratitude................................................. pg. 12

    Exercise 4: Gratitude............................................................................................. pg. 14

    Exercise 5: Money................................................................................................ pg. 16

    Exercise 6: Your Energetic Vibration Is A Choice............................................... pg. 18

    Exercise 7: Playing Big Or Playing Small............................................................ pg. 20

    Exercise 8: The Value Of Contrast....................................................................... pg. 22

    Exercise 9: Gratitude, Love, Joy, Happiness And Inspiration.............................. pg. 24

    Exercise 10: Checking In With Yourself.............................................................. pg. 26

    Exercise 11: Abundance........................................................................................ pg. 28

    Exercise 12: AbundanceDay 2.......................................................................... pg. 30

    Exercise 13: AbundanceDay 3.......................................................................... pg. 32

    Exercise 14: AbundanceDay 4.......................................................................... pg. 34

    Exercise 15: AbundanceDay 5.......................................................................... pg. 36

    Exercise 16: An Abundance Of Information About Abundance!......................... pg. 38

    Exercise 17: Love.................................................................................................. pg. 40

    Exercise 18: Compassion For Yourself................................................................ pg. 42

    Exercise 19: Forward Action................................................................................ pg. 44

    Exercise 20: Checking In With Yourself.............................................................. pg. 45

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    MODULE 2

    Exercise 21: Conflicts And The Law Of Attraction.............................................. pg. 47

    Exercise 22: Getting Clear On What You Want................................................... pg. 49

    Exercise 23: The Power Of Thank You Part 1.................................................. pg. 51

    Exercise 24: The Power Of Thank You Part 2.................................................. pg. 52

    Exercise 25: More About Love............................................................................. pg. 53

    Exercise 26: The Pain Of Attachment................................................................... pg. 55

    Exercise 27: Action: It Does Lead Somewhere But Not Always In The WaysWe Plan or Expect................................................................................................. pg. 56

    Exercise 28: Changing Life From The Inside Out Using The Pleasure Of YourFive Senses............................................................................................................ pg. 58

    Exercise 29: Measuring Progress: The Danger Of Using Your Five SensesFrom The Outside In......................................................................................... pg. 60

    Exercise 30: Checking In With Yourself.............................................................. pg. 62

    Exercise 31: The Law Of Attraction Principles.................................................... pg. 64

    Exercise 32: The Value Of Filling Your Tank.................................................. pg. 66

    Exercise 33: Focus On The Positive..................................................................... pg. 68

    Exercise 34: Creating The Feeling of Abundance...For Others............................ pg. 70

    Exercise 35: Love Or Fear.................................................................................... pg. 72

    Exercise 36: Let It Go........................................................................................... pg. 74

    Exercise 37: Affirmations..................................................................................... pg. 77

    Exercise 38: The Universe Expands Itself Through Us........................................ pg. 78

    Exercise 39: The Power Of Visualizing......................................................... pg. 80

    Exercise 40: Checking In With Yourself.............................................................. pg. 82

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    MODULE 3

    Exercise 41: A Very Deep Look At Courage....................................................... pg. 84

    Exercise 42: The 12 Benefits Of CourageBenefit #1.................................... pg. 87

    Exercise 43: The 12 Benefits Of CourageBenefit #2........................................ pg. 89

    Exercise 44: The 12 Benefits Of CourageBenefit #3........................................ pg. 91

    Exercise 45: The 12 Benefits Of CourageBenefit #4........................................ pg. 93

    Exercise 46: The 12 Benefits Of CourageBenefit #5........................................ pg. 95

    Exercise 47: The 12 Benefits Of CourageBenefit #6........................................ pg. 97

    Exercise 48: The 12 Benefits Of CourageBenefit #7........................................ pg. 99

    Exercise 49: The 12 Benefits Of CourageBenefit #8........................................ pg. 101

    Exercise 50: Checking In With Yourself.............................................................. pg. 102

    Exercise 51: The 12 Benefits Of CourageBenefit #9........................................ pg. 104

    Exercise 52: The 12 Benefits Of CourageBenefit #10...................................... pg. 106

    Exercise 53: The 12 Benefits Of CourageBenefit #11...................................... pg. 107

    Exercise 54: The 12 Benefits Of CourageBenefit #12...................................... pg. 109

    Exercise 55: Changing Our Point Of View........................................................... pg. 111

    Exercise 56: Where Your Attention Goes - Energy Flows................................... pg. 113

    Exercise 57: Motivated Action vs. Inspired Action: Whats The Difference?..... pg. 114

    Exercise 58: The Energy Of Wanting (Wishing For) vs. Already Having........... pg. 116

    Exercise 59: Compassion Translates Into Love.................................................... pg. 118

    Exercise 60: Checking In With Yourself.............................................................. pg. 120

    Congratulations!.................................................................................................... pg. 122

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    Congratulations and welcome to this powerful 60 day home study course!

    We acknowledge your courage to take action toward having the life of your dreams. We believe

    you'll be happily inspired to follow this easy yet profoundly rich process each day. Using these

    tools to create energetic alignment with your future as well as reprogram the existing beliefs in

    your subconscious mind will catapult you toward your magnificent dream life.

    This home study course was designed for practice of one exercise per day however some peopleprefer to spend a little longer with each exercise and certainly feel free to take a complete days

    break (or two) from the exercises as you need it. One way to approach this is to practice the

    exercises on weekdays and take the weekends off.

    Each exercise should take approximately 5-10 minutes to read the concept and to complete the

    action item, however feel free to take as long as you wish as it will only enhance your experience

    to spend more time working with these powerful tools. Each exercise also offers a bonus action

    item meant to be practiced throughout your day to keep working with shifting your energy and

    moving toward your goals and dreams. We HIGHLY encourage you to practice the bonus

    exercise each day. Your results will be exponentially quicker and more powerful.

    If you have any questions along the way, please let us know! Were here to support you. We are

    holding the energetic vibration of your greatest success with your goals and dreams as we partner

    with you to support you in achieving them.

    Lets get started(your first exercise is on the next page).

    Live the life of your dreams! Its not only possible and achievable - its your birthright!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    ~ Module 1 ~

    Exercises 1 - 20

    There is no wrong way to take daily forward action.Forward action does not need to be perfect.

    It just needs to move you along from where you are right now.- Lily Jensen

    Exercise #1


    Starting The Process.

    We have to start the process somewhere. Its okwherever you are right now. It is ok whatever

    youve tried so far that has not worked at all or has maybe gotten you inconsistent results. Its ok

    to start embracing the idea that your past does not dictate your future. It is also ok to have

    doubts. That is something we will be working on and building up soonhow to shift out of

    doubt and into faith, belief and trust.

    If you look at the countless stories of many of the people who have successfully created the livesof their dreams using the Law of Attraction principles, you will see a common thread. Many of

    them started changing their beliefs and their lives when they had very little money and material

    objects or nothing or even less than nothing (being in debt over their heads, being homeless,

    having just claimed bankruptcy). They started their journey with their old belief systems (which

    got them to where they wereat that starting point).

    It is ok to start this journey from anywhere you are right now, even if you dont believe that.

    Lets just start the journey. In time, you will look back and see how far you have comeyou will

    remember this point in time when you didnt believe life could possibly be any different. And

    you will marvel at how different your life is. And you will be an example for the others who are

    a few steps behind you, struggling with the same things you used to struggle with. You will be an

    inspiration to those who have not yet achieved what you have. What a fantastic gift you will give

    to the world by living your most inspired life!

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    Write a letter to yourself from the future you - after you have accomplished all your dreams andgoals. Tell your current self about it. Whats your life like? Describe it (in the present tense) in as

    much wonderful, delicious detail as you can. Write it perhaps the way you would write a

    postcard to someone from a vacation telling them (happily and excitedly) about the details of

    what you have been doing and whats been happening in your life. Try to suspend doubt and

    worrying/wondering how it will all happen. For the purpose of this exercise, just have fun with

    it and play along with the unlimited fantasy.

    Again, it is very important to write your letter in the present tense (remember, from the future

    you who has already accomplished your goals and dreams).

    Save this letter for exercises that will take place during later steps on Your Path.

    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    Read your letter several (3-5) times throughout the day today. Each time you read it, try as hard

    as you can to FEEL the things you have writtenfeel them as though it is already the future and

    they have happened. How do you feel? Do you feel Gratitude? Joy? Happiness? Exhilaration?

    Allow those feelings to wash through your beingyour body, your heart. Enjoy how wonderful

    it feels to experience what its like to have all the things you desire - to have achieved your goals.

    Have a FANTASTIC day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #2

    ConceptBeginning to Shift Your Energy.

    If things havent been working the way you have wanted so far with regard to achieving your

    goals and dreams (or even simply beginning to take steps toward themwhich is much more

    common than you might realize) its likely you have blocks or contradictions going on in your

    conscious and/or subconscious mind. These blocks need to be gently dissolved so you can

    achieve vibrational harmony with your goals and dreamswhich will, in turn, manifest them in

    your physical life. We will work on dissolving the blocks in several ways throughout Your Path

    To Abundance. For today, we will be using an ancient Hawaiian breathing exercise called HA



    Ancient Hawaiian Spiritual Practices of Huna and HA breathing.

    Huna is a powerful and transforming system of philosophy, teachings, practices, energy work

    and more. The technique of HA breathing is an ancient Hawaiian Huna practice used to connect

    us to all life and bring us closer to spiritual awareness so we may be more open to the divine

    guidance available to us. Therefore, HA breathing is not only about breathing of our lungs, it isthe breath of life (all life, not just our physical life). We breathe in not only the oxygen we need

    but also life force energy, not only in our lungs, but into our every pore and part of our being

    (physical and spiritual).

    HA Breathing:

    Read through the instructions completely and then practice as best as you can from memory.

    Sit comfortably in a chair with your back straight. Or sit on the floor or lie down if you prefer.

    Take the tips of your thumbs and gently touch them to the tips of both your first finger and your

    middle finger, making a circle with all 3 finger tips touching (similar to the hand signal for OKbut including your middle finger, as well). Now, interlock these circles from both hands creating

    a chain with the circles. You may rest your interlocked hands comfortably in your lap.

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Step 1: Inhale slowly through your nose for a mental count of 7

    (Fill your lungs as deeply as you can without filling them so much that it causes discomfort to

    hold in the breath)

    Step 2: Hold the breath in for a mental count of 7

    Step 3: Exhale slowly through your nose for a mental count of 7

    (Exhale as much of the breath out as you can without exhaling so much that is causes discomfort

    to hold the exhaled breath out)

    Step 4: Hold the completely exhaled breath out for a mental count of 7

    These four steps together are considered 1 round.

    Do this for 7 rounds and breathe in the powerful life force energy you have access to anytime

    you wish to connect with it.

    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    If you feel so inspired, do HA breathing as often as you wish throughout the day and/or from

    now on. It is a very powerful energy balancing tool.

    Have a GREAT day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #3

    ConceptLove, Joy, Happiness and Gratitude.

    The idea that experiencing as much love, happiness, joy and gratitude as often as possible will be

    one of the biggest things we focus on.

    This may seem like it takes a lot of effort and hard work in the beginning because it takes so

    much conscious effort to shift into a new way of being, to develop this new habit. But honestly,

    if you really embrace and practice this daily work (especially if you do the Bonus Actions) as

    often as possible, you will be surprised at how quickly youll notice yourself shifting and then

    you will hardly remember the days when you didnt feel great most of the time.


    Think about a song you REALLY love, a song that makes you feel happy, joyous, energetic and

    elated when you play it. A song that you could just sing at the top of your lungs to and dance

    around the room or bang on imaginary drums or play air guitar to as you listen to it (for me it is

    an upbeat Beatles song or an old Benny Goodman classicone with high energy).

    Now go play that song and do those things. Let that fantastic feeling wash over you! Just take themoment for yourself and do it. How did you feel at the end of that experience? Happy? Joyous?


    This is the feeling we are aiming for all the timein our day to day lives. This is the feeling you

    absolutely can have regularly if you keep practicing these principles. The more you are able to

    clear away the blocks to feel this way as often as possible, the easier it will be to move forward

    toward your goals and dreams.

    Today, we just wanted you to remember what this feeling felt like.

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    Think about the things that make you feel great!

    Much of the time, they have to do with our 5 senses. What do you love to look at (the sunset? a

    wonderful painting? your child or pet?), to smell (fresh baked bread? flowers? your favorite

    perfume?), to hear (beautiful music? the sound of your child laughing?), to touch (soft silk?

    bubbles in a bubble bath?).

    Play a game with yourself and see how many of the things you love you can experience today.

    Seek them out and see how many of them are presented as opportunities for you to experience

    and enjoy today.

    Have a WONDERFUL day and see you at your next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #4


    Gratitude for the things we can be grateful about right now is one of the biggest keys to bringing

    into our experience, the things we want (and will be grateful for when they arrive). For this

    reason, it is truly important to find as many ways as possible to experience gratitude right now

    and often throughout each day.

    At first, it might feel like you have to work really hard at it, consciously forcing yourself to come

    up with somethinganything to be grateful for. Trust that it WILL become easier as you

    practice In fact, you will see that it will shift rather quickly, if you work diligently at it in the

    beginning (remember, it takes 21 days to change a habit). For now, try to suspend any doubt and

    trust the process even if you dont understand it. Keep in mind that you are trying to develop a

    relationship with a different part of yourself than your conscious mind and some of what you will

    be doing is slightly counter-intuitive to your conscious mind. Once you become unblocked, you

    will be open to the most magnificent intuitive guidance and inspiration which will lead you down

    all the right paths straight to your goals and dreams.


    Think of the things you can trulyfeel gratitude for in your life right now. Jot them down - a listof bullet points is fine. List at least 10 but preferably more items for this exercise.

    Sometimes, when we are blocked, its hard to manufacture gratitude or joy out of thin air. If

    you are feeling particularly blocked or negative right now, it's perfectly understandable and

    totally normal. It will be easiest if you find really basic things for which you can feel true

    gratitude. For example, if it is swelteringly hot out today, perhaps you can reallyfeel grateful for

    the air conditioning you have in your home or car or office (or in winter, the heating you have).

    If your car (or a taxi or bus or subway) got you to work without breaking down, perhaps you can

    take a quick moment to imagine how it could have felt had your transportation broken down and then feel the gratitude for it having been reliable this morning. Do you have enough to eat?

    Perhaps you can remember other areas of the world where people dont have access to the

    abundance of food and supplies you do and feel gratitude for having access to clean water, good

    food and 10 kinds of toilet paper to choose from. Did your sports team win their last game? How

    do you feel about that? Do you have a comfortable place to sleep? Did you hear any beautiful

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    sounding birds today? What things can you begin to take notice of in your life that you are

    grateful for the existence of?

    Now, look over your list and one by one,feel the gratitude for those things. Not just thinking

    about gratitude in your head but actuallyfeelingit in your body, your heart. If it helps, quickly

    imagine the opposite (you not having that thing right now) and then re-presence yourself to

    having it. This should help you get in touch with the feeling of gratitude.

    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    Expect gratitude. Decide and declare that you are going to experience gratitude today. Pay

    attention to the things that go on during your day today. Notice the things for which you can feelgratitude. Feel it in the moment those things happen. See how many times something happens

    (big or small) that you can feel grateful about. Then feel it!

    Have a TERRIFIC day and see you at your next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #5


    Today we are going to take a look at money. Countless paragraphs could be written about that

    subject and our emotional ties to it but we are going to be brief today. Money is nothing more

    than energy. Everything is energy (more on that later). However, in our culture particularly, we

    have placed tremendous importance on money and have given it much more power over our

    lives than necessary or appropriate (since it is nothing more than energy). Our survival is tied

    directly to money and thats one big reason we have such an emotional (most often

    dysfunctional) relationship to money. Many people fear it (not having enough or fearing the

    powerful role it has in their lives). Others worship it. Some do both. No matter how we look at it,

    it would be safe to say many people dont have freedom around money.

    How do you feel about paying your bills? Do you dread it? Do you just hunker down and try to

    get through it as quickly as possible? Do you feel fear or lack as you watch the money leave

    your hands? Is it a joyous experience for you?

    Conversely, have you ever donated money (no matter how little) to a cause you believe in? Do

    you remember how great you felt after you wrote that check or gave that money to them? It is

    possible to also have that feeling when paying bills. In fact, shifting your energy around payingbills to create that same feeling will help you to experience more freedom around money and

    begin the process of allowing the Universe to bring more of it into your life.

    Today we are going to do an exercise that will hopefully give you an alternative

    experience/feeling when paying your bills.


    When you pay a bill, take a moment to think about all the lives you are contributing to. You are

    directly helping that company exist. More importantly and to the point, you are helping thepeople who are employed there to have jobs and receive income to support their own lives and

    families. Do they have a roof over their head and indoor plumbing? Do they have heat and warm

    clothes in the winter? Do they have enough food to eat? Do their children get to take baseball or

    ballet lessons? Does their family get to eat out at a restaurant occasionally because they are

    employed and can afford it?

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    You are also contributing to the trucking companies (all THEIR employees) who bring this

    company the raw materials or products. You are contributing to the lives of the various vendorsthis company uses to create or maintain their product or service. Does this company likely have a

    janitorial or cleaning service? If it uses vehicles as part of its operation, does it have mechanics

    who service those vehicles? Does it have maintenance people who keep the building and

    equipment working properly? Remember, these are human beingsdont just think about the

    faceless companies. There are many, many lives you are helping with the goods and services you

    pay for.

    So, for today, if you have any bills to payplease get them now (even if it is only just one bill).

    If you dont have any to pay currently or are not where you can get access to them right now, its

    OK. You can do this visualization exercise now and then (hopefully) do it again later when youdo pay your bills.

    Close your eyes and imagine all the people whose lives are being positively impacted by the

    money you are using to pay this bill. Silently thank them all for their contribution to your life by

    providing that service or product. Then, as you write out your check (or click through the online

    bill paying process) send them a blessing along with the money you are sending. You could say

    something like, I am sending all of you this money with my blessings for your most happy and

    abundant life (or whatever blessing feels goodto you). How did that experience feel? Did it

    provide you a different feeling and some freedom around paying your bills? Maybe you will

    consider doing this quick yet powerful ritual each time you pay your bills or use your money.

    Anything you can do to create love and freedom for yourself around money will benefit you


    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    Any time you spend money today (whether for a cup of coffee, lunch, a pack of gum, grocery

    shopping, whatever) silently repeat this exercise. Think of all the lives that are being positively

    impacted by the money you are giving this person/vendor, etc. and most importantly, give ALL

    of them a silent blessing along with the money. This is very, very powerful.

    Have a MAGNIFICENT day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Exercise #6

    ConceptYour Energetic Vibration is a Choice.

    Have you ever noticed that you can feel really great one day and really down or negative the

    next? And have you noticed that these feelings can shift even when there has been no obvious

    shift in your outer/external environment or circumstances?

    This awareness, in and of itself, should serve as valid proof that we really can (and DO!) choose

    our own energetic vibration from day to day and moment to moment. When we become aware of

    important factors such as this, it is wonderfully liberating because it means that we can CHOOSE

    to shift the level at which we are vibrating to be more in alignment with the life we wish to

    create. This is GREAT NEWS!

    Now, the shifting takes some conscious, deliberate practice at first but the more you practice

    shifting your energy in each moment, the easier it becomes until you notice that all of a sudden

    you are effortlessly in a regular and constant state of happiness, joy and peace. And when you

    are in this place, the magic happens because your heightened energetic vibration is telling the

    Universe to bring you more experiences that match THIS level of happiness, joy and peace.


    Jot down 5 things you are not completely happy or satisfied with in your life right now. Just

    overall big picture items for the purpose of this exercise (for instance: I dont like my job or I

    wish I had a romantic relationship or I dont have enough money, etc). Next, jot down 5 things

    you absolutely love that bring you happiness. They could be things like the sound of the ocean,

    the smell of fresh cut grass, your son or daughter, your pet, a fantastic vacation you once took, a

    particular funny movie that makes you howl with laughter when you watch it, etc.

    Now take one item from the negative column of your list and think about it just for a moment

    and how unsatisfied you are about that area of lack in your life. Then, shift your thinking over toone of the positive items from your other list that makes you feel really happy and wonderful.

    Put yourself IN that picture and really feel what its like to be there with that person or thing you

    love. Switch back and forth between the 5 items on each column ending with your last positive


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    Did you have the experience of being able to shift back and forth between the feelings fairly

    easily? This is a very important practice that can help you immensely as you work with shiftingyour energy. You will get so good at this, that you will be able to shift your energy on demand

    when you notice it is at one of the lower, negative levels.

    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    As you go through your day today, try to notice each time you are feeling down, negative,

    limited, stressful or any of the other emotions that signal your energy and vibration are operating

    at lower levels and pick an item from your list (or a new one!) that you can focus on for a

    moment or two to shift your vibration back to a higher state. You will do great with this today!

    Have a GREAT day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Exercise #7

    ConceptPlaying Big or Playing Small.

    Consider this quote by Marianne Williamson:


    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond

    measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to

    be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of

    God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking

    so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.

    We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's

    in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to

    do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates


    How will your goals and dreams coming true benefit not just yourself but others in this world?

    Will you be living a lifestyle that has you needing the help of cleaning people, someone to clean

    your pool? A chauffer? Will you have a successful company that provides someone (or several

    people) a steady job and income they can count on so THEY can have goodness and abundancein their lives? Will you be an inspiration to someone else who starts to take tangible action steps

    toward their own dream because they now believe they just might be able to accomplish it after

    seeing you do the same?

    Begin to notice that when we play small in our own lives, we are actually limiting the Universes

    expression and expansion of itself (through us) and notice how many lives are affected by this.

    Its pretty powerful, actually. Think of all the mentors or transformational leaders or people who

    have gone before you and the hope or inspiration they have provided you. Now imagine, for a

    moment that they didnt achieve their successes. How would you feel about your own lifes

    possibilities right now?

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    Just for a moment, think about how life would be for everyone involved if you play small.

    How will your life be (happy/content/frustrating)? How will your family be affected by your

    interactions with them as you go through life playing small? Your friends, your neighborhood,

    your city, your country, the world?

    Now similarly to the bill paying exercise you did, think about all the lives that will be positively

    affected by your goals and dreams coming true. Close your eyes and play out these

    circumstances. Imagine yourself interacting with these various people. Notice how you are

    feeling during each one of these interactions. Are you content? Happy, joyous, peaceful,

    engaged, enthusiastic?

    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    Play big today (in a small way). Do something nice for someone else. Step out of your normal

    way of being (do you normally rush through life without taking notice of all those you come into

    contact with?). Genuinely smile at someone or ask them how they are and mean it. They will

    know if you are being authenticdont you when others ask you? Or add money to an expired

    parking meter for someone. Let someone go in front of you in a checkout line. Do anything that

    is a display of stepping outside of your normal way of being and is one step in the direction of

    playing big.

    Have a GENEROUS day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #8

    ConceptThe Value of Contrast.

    The lower vibration feelings you have are helpful to you. There is no need to worry or be afraid

    (more lower vibrations, right?) when you feel anger, frustration, negativity or any of the other

    lower vibration feelings. If you stay focused on them for a long time or replace them with fear

    about the fact that you feel them, you are just spending more of your time in the lower vibration


    These negative feelings are valuable in that they provide contrast for you. They help you to see

    and get clear about what you dont want. When you consciously see and experience what you

    dont want you can say, Aha! This is something I dont want. You can then let go of any

    continued focus on or attachment to those feelings and then shift your thinking and therefore

    your feelings to focus on what you dowant. This is a conscious choice you can make as often as

    you need to throughout your days. It becomes much easier as you keep practicing until it truly

    becomes effortless.


    Take some time to think about all the things that are wrong with your life. Make a mental orwritten list for yourself. Take a look at each item, one-by-one and without any attachment, say to

    yourself, that is something I no longer want. And then decide what replacement person, thing

    or experience you want to attract into your life that you will, instead, spend your time (and

    feelings!) focusing on. All your are doing during this five minutes is getting clear on all the

    things you wish to change and then deciding what you wish to have in place of them. This will

    allow you draw from the new library of information as you work with how to keep redirecting

    your focus from what you dont want to what you do want and what feels good.

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    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    As you go through your day today, each time you notice you are focusing on and feeling any ofthe lower vibration feelings, say to yourself, Aha! This is something I dont want. And then

    consciously choose to shift your focus and energy to one of the replacement things you DO want

    (the trick is to think about not with longinglike you dont have it but as if you already have it

    and are enjoying it in your life). Or focus on something different that you already do have in

    your life - something or someone you love, something that makes you really happy and grateful

    no matter how small or simple it may be.

    Have an AMAZING day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #9

    ConceptGratitude, Love, Joy, Happiness and Inspiration.

    Love is at the core of gratitude, happiness, joy and inspiration. All of these feelings and

    principles (gratitude, love, joy, happiness, inspiration), when kept present for longer and longer

    amounts of time, help you to be in a higher vibration which allows the Universe to bring very

    powerful intuitive guidance, synchronicities and miracles to your life which will take you

    further and further down your path toward your goals and desires.

    Working on becoming unblocked so you can experience as much love, happiness, joy and

    gratitude as often as possible will be one of the biggest things we focus on in our work together.

    It truly is the key to bringing the things that you want in your life. Aside from bringing in the

    experiences, people and things you wantit feels GREAT to have those feelings be the

    predominant ones you experience on a regular basis!


    Believe it or not, you are going to spend the entire 5 minutes today repeating the words thank

    you and I love you. Its ok if you dont feel anything as you say them. Just say them.

    Repeat over and over and over and over again, thank you, I love you, thank you, I love you,thank you, I love you for the entire 5 minutes. If you need to entertain your mind during this

    process, you can say the words in different voices or say them quickly then slowly or whatever

    you need to do to complete the task. I realize this is not an easy task.

    You are not necessarily saying these words to yourself or anyone in particular. Its ok if it

    doesnt make sense to your conscious mind. Most intuitive things dont. They operate on

    different planes of existence. Just trust the process. These daily steps keep building upon one

    another to help bring about measureable changes. Take a moment to notice after youre done if

    you feel any different. Whether you do or not, its OK, just notice it.

    Now set your timer and begin.

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    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    As often as you think of it throughout the day, repeat those same words over and over. You cansay them when you are waiting in traffic or on the subway or in an elevator. You can set the

    rhythm of the words to your walking cadence. Wherever you are when you think about it, repeat

    the words a few times throughout your day.

    Have a LOVELY day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #10

    ConceptChecking in With Yourself.

    Its wise to occasionally take stock to see where youve been, where youre going and where you

    are now in relationship to the two. We will do this every 10 days so you have the opportunity to

    celebrate your successes, acknowledge where your vibration may have been low and renew your

    commitment to keep moving forward toward your goals and dreams.


    Take todays 5 minutes to write on the following subjectsbut please remember there are no

    right or wrong answers. This is only to serve as a guide for you to celebrate your wins and

    possibly make adjustments as you continue on your path. Gentleness and compassion for

    yourself are absolutely a MUST during this exercisethis is non-negotiable.

    List any serendipities/synchronicities or coincidences that have happened in the last 10

    days (no matter how small)

    How have you moved forward (physically/tangibly or energetically) toward your goals in

    the last 10 days?

    Have you been able to embrace feelings associated with a higher level vibration (such as

    love, gratitude, or joy) during these last 10 days?

    Is there anything that blocked, stopped or slowed your forward movement (negative

    emotions, limits in your beliefs, resistance of any kind, non-supportive input from others

    or anything else)? List anything that comes to mind.

    Could you have done anything differently when faced with the blocks listed above that

    may have helped you move through those blocks? (Are you being compassionate with

    yourself right now as you look at this?!)

    Overall, have you felt a little more hopeful about your present and/or your future?

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    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    Regardless of how well or poorly you feel you did shifting your energy during these last 10 days,every single moment is an opportunity to shift in the direction of your goals and dreams. Even if

    you have not done the Bonus Action in the past, take the opportunity today to embrace it. Let

    todays Bonus Action anchor you in success and forward movement.

    As often as possible today, think about any victories or successes you had during the last 10 days

    no matter how small. Think about them several times throughout the day and FEEL great!

    If you feel you had no successes at all (are you being too hard on yourself?), then this is your

    opportunity to visualize your future successes. Take time throughout the day to decide on a

    success you WILL claim during the next check in and really see it happening (make sure youfeel all the happy, positive feelings that you WILL feel when you celebrate that success in 10

    short days from now).

    Have a FANTASTIC day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #11



    We are going to spend several days looking at, practicing and embracing abundance. There are

    many ways to generate more abundance in our lives. One of my favorite people in this world is

    Jo Dunning and I would like to share with you some of her thoughts on abundance and how to

    create more of it in your life. We will read her beautiful definition of abundance and then we will

    break down her list of Five Steps to Abundance and focus on one per day for five days.

    Definition of Abundance and Prosperity by Jo Dunning

    Abundance and Prosperity arrive in our lives in so many ways. Each moment of every day we

    have the opportunity to create more of whatever we desire. We each deserve to prosper and live

    abundantly in every way. We deserve to have an abundance of finances to assist us to live in a

    manner which pleases us and allows us the leisure to focus on other things of greater interest.

    We each deserve to have an abundance of health so we can enjoy our time here and explore the

    many wonders of our world. We also deserve to have an abundance of love and support to assist

    us on our path of personal discovery. We deserve to enjoy an abundance of peace, joy, happiness

    and gratitude. We deserve to have all the joyful means and experiences we desire as we live our

    life here in this magnificent world. We deserve to have life and to have it abundantly in everywonderful way. This is simple, it is our inheritance and our birthright. It is our natural state of

    being, of living, of receiving and of giving.

    Five Steps to Abundance by Jo Dunning

    There are five simple steps which will allow us to receive the abundance and prosperity we

    would like. They are natural steps of giving and receiving which we can use each day to create

    the circular flow of joyful prosperity and abundance in our lives. Soon these steps become our

    way of life and an easy expression of our joy and prosperity.

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    To step into the flow of Abundance for your life:

    1. Give what you want to receive.The flow of Abundance is already all around you. To step

    into this flow is easy. Give to someone else the very thing you would like to receive. And give it

    freely without expectations of receiving, as if you already had more than enough. If you want

    more kindness in your life, be kind to someone, if you want more happiness in your life, make

    someone else happy, if you want more money in your life, share a little of what you have. Give it

    away easily, like you already had all that you need and there is plenty more from where that

    came from.


    This information was reprinted with the generous permission of Jo Dunning. Jo Dunning is aworld renowned Spiritual Teacher, author, and presenter. She is well known for her unusual

    ability to use energy from Source to transform lives and Awaken consciousness. She is referred

    to as a Miracle Maker because of the profound changes which often take place in the lives of an

    entire audience. Jo Dunning is the founder and director of Quantum Energetic Disciplines and

    developer of The Pulse Technique, a world recognized method for rapid clearing of life issues

    and personality limitations. She has developed a very popular Training Program offering

    certification as an Energy Practitioner. She is the creator of the free world wide Abundance

    Breakthrough Project and regularly offers Activations of Awakening, transformational retreats

    and other life changing opportunities. She offers free daily energy assistance through her

    Prayer List and other transformational opportunities to assist everyone worldwide to have the

    life they truly desire. For more information about Jo Dunning, please


    Take some time to think about the above idea and write down all the areas of your life that you

    wish to have more abundance. Now for each item on your list write down one possible way you

    could go about giving that thing to someone else.

    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    Generously and freely, with no expectations, give away one (or more!) of the things on your list.

    Notice how you feel after you do it. Do you feel lighter? Do you feel happier? Do you feel more

    abundant? Practice this as often as you wish during the day today. Stay tuned for Step Two!

    Have an ABUNDANT day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!
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    Exercise #12

    ConceptAbundanceDay 2.

    To immerse yourself into the concept of abundance again, re-read the opening paragraph below

    before moving on to read Step 2.

    Five Steps to Abundance by Jo Dunning

    There are five simple steps which will allow us to receive the abundance and prosperity we

    would like. They are natural steps of giving and receiving which we can use each day to create

    the circular flow of joyful prosperity and abundance in our lives. Soon these steps become our

    way of life and an easy expression of our joy and prosperity.

    To step into the flow of Abundance for your life:

    2. Trust and know.The next step is to trust and know you have just stepped into the flow of

    abundance and are now aligned with what you want. Know there is more than enough to go

    around and it is easy to have all you want.


    This information was reprinted with the generous permission of Jo Dunning. For more

    information about Jo Dunning, please


    Make a list of all the things you can think of that you know there is more than enough of to go

    around. Dont forget to include tangible/physical AND intangible things (such as flowers, trees,

    ocean waves, happiness, smiles, hugs, lovelet your mind wander and get creative with all the

    things there are with more than enough to go around).
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    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    As you go through your day today, bring to mind (and heart) the reminder that you are IN theflow of abundance. You have already stepped into it. Take deep breaths throughout the day and

    as you breathe in, embrace your knowingthat there IS more than enough to go around. Do this as

    many times today as you feel inspired to.

    Have another ABUNDANT day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To


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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #13

    ConceptAbundanceDay 3.

    Again, re-read the opening paragraph below before moving on to read Step 3.

    Five Steps to Abundance by Jo Dunning

    There are five simple steps which will allow us to receive the abundance and prosperity we

    would like. They are natural steps of giving and receiving which we can use each day to create

    the circular flow of joyful prosperity and abundance in our lives. Soon these steps become our

    way of life and an easy expression of our joy and prosperity.

    To step into the flow of Abundance for your life:

    3. Take Action.Participation is an important part of Abundance. While you are knowing you are

    now aligned with the flow of the abundance you want, it is also important to participate and help

    make things happen. Follow your inner knowing and your intuition and do your part to help

    create the abundance you would like to have. Continue to participate until you are receiving what

    you want.


    This information was reprinted with the generous permission of Jo Dunning. For more

    information about Jo Dunning, please


    Focus on your goals and dreams for a moment. What action can you take today to move forward

    toward your goals and dreams? Just one step. A phone call? Research one small thing? Organize

    some information you have? Clear some space in your home or office where you will do the

    work toward that goal? Buy a special, cherished item that will remind you of your goal?

    Take one step forward toward your goal today. And then feel proud of yourself for having done

    so. It doesnt matter how small (you think) the step is. Any step toward your goal sends a

    powerful message to the Universe to start orchestrating things on your behalf.
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    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    As you go on about your day, think of any other steps you can take to move toward your goal.Just jot them down as you think of them. Start making a list of action items. And feel good about

    the fact that you are focusing on your wonderful goals and dreams!

    Have a WONDERFUL day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #14

    ConceptAbundanceDay 4.

    Re-read the opening paragraph below before moving on to read Step 4.

    Five Steps to Abundance by Jo Dunning

    There are five simple steps which will allow us to receive the abundance and prosperity we

    would like. They are natural steps of giving and receiving which we can use each day to create

    the circular flow of joyful prosperity and abundance in our lives. Soon these steps become our

    way of life and an easy expression of our joy and prosperity.

    To step into the flow of Abundance for your life:

    4. Be Grateful. Gratitude is a vital step in the flow of abundance. It is a powerful magnet which

    keeps us in the flow and aligned with receiving all the wonderful things we desire. Fill yourself

    with gratitude all the time, even about the small and seemingly simple things in your life. There

    is always something to be grateful about. When you notice a little of what you want flowing to

    you, take a moment and be grateful for what you have received, regardless of how big or small it

    may be. Be grateful and say thank you.


    This information was reprinted with the generous permission of Jo Dunning. For more

    information about Jo Dunning, please


    Take a sheet of paper and draw lines from top to bottom separating it into 3 sections. On the top

    of the first section write the word SMALL then in the center section write MEDIUM and on the

    last section write LARGE. In each section, list out the corresponding things in your life that youcan truly feel gratitude for. With a little thought, you should be able to come up with several

    things. Do you have a roof over your head? Running water? A harmonious relationship with your

    spouse/parents/children/siblings? Do you have sight to look at pretty flowers or sunsets?
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    Do you have hearing to listen to the ocean waves crashing or birds sing? Can you taste your

    favorite foods? Are you physically healthy? Do you have a job? Do you have a comfortable bedto sleep in at night? Do you have heating in the winter and air conditioning in the summer (in

    your home or car?) Do you have a car?

    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    As you go through your day today, pay attention to anything new that happens that you can feel

    grateful for and then embrace the gratitude and feel it for as long as you canuntil the next thing

    comes along!

    Have a MAGNIFICENT day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #15

    ConceptAbundanceDay 5.

    Re-read the opening paragraph below before moving on to read Step 5.

    Five Steps to Abundance by Jo Dunning

    There are five simple steps which will allow us to receive the abundance and prosperity we

    would like. They are natural steps of giving and receiving which we can use each day to create

    the circular flow of joyful prosperity and abundance in our lives. Soon these steps become our

    way of life and an easy expression of our joy and prosperity.

    To step into the flow of Abundance for your life:

    5. Pass it on.When you receive a little abundance take a moment and pass some of it on and

    assist someone else in feeling a little more abundant. When you pass on some of what you

    receive, do it easily as if you already have more than you need, expecting nothing in return.

    When you pass it on in this way you are now starting the process all over again and have once

    again taken the first step to "give what you want to receive." In this way the flow of abundance

    continues and becomes more and more each time.


    This information was reprinted with the generous permission of Jo Dunning. For more

    information about Jo Dunning, please


    Make a list of any abundance you have been receiving lately no matter how small. Has someone

    you love called you recently just to say hi? Has someone held a door open for you? Has someone

    genuinely smiled at you? Do you have a job that you recently received a paycheck for? Thinkoutside the box and list any and all ways you have received abundance lately.
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    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    Take one item (or more!) from your list and generously pass it on to someone else.

    Can you pass on a phone call or letter or email to someone you love just to say hi and that youve

    been thinking about them? Can you pass on a genuine smile? Can you let someone step in front

    of you in line at a store? Can you hold a door for someone or let them merge in front of your car

    Can you (with a smile on your face) stop for a pedestrian trying to cross in the middle of a street?

    Have a ROCKIN day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #16

    ConceptAn Abundance of Information about Abundance!

    Consider this quote by Mahatma Gandhi:

    We must be the change we wish to see in the world.

    What this means with regard to the Law of Attraction principles is that we must create from the

    inside out what we wish to experience from the outside in. Once we shift on the inside, the

    outside will then shift to match it. Here are some simple yet powerful steps to get you going in

    the direction of abundance.

    How to Generate More Abundance in Your Life

    By Jo Dunning

    1. Each day, pause for a moment and imagine your life filled with spectacular, joyful

    Abundance. Feel how joyful and exciting life is with so much Abundance to share and enjoy.

    2. Imagine what you would like to have more abundantly in your life, then give a little of that

    away to someone else. Give it freely, knowing there is more than enough to go around and it is

    easy to get as much as you want.

    3. Go to a favorite non-profit website and make a donation to their cause. Feel the Abundance of

    having enough to give some away.

    4. Take a few cans of food to your local food bank and feel grateful for the Abundance of food

    you have in your life.

    5. Go through your clothes closet and other possessions and give the extras to a local shelter. It is

    a great feeling to have so much that you have extra to share.

    6. Smile at a stranger or assist someone, even in a very small way, like holding a door open for

    them, or letting them into the lane of traffic. Notice how good you feel offering even a small act

    of kindness.

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    7. Be aware of the many ways in your life you are already abundant and feel grateful.

    8. Celebrate your Abundance as it arrives in both large and small amounts. Every act of

    appreciation creates even more joyful Abundance for you.

    9. Be sure to learn The Five Laws of Abundance

    [our note: which you just did in the previous several exercises]

    10. Know you are deeply loved and take the chance to believe all of this is truly possible.


    This information was reprinted with the generous permission of Jo Dunning. For more

    information about Jo Dunning, please


    Make a list of all the ways you can take each of the steps above right now in your life. Do you

    have any clothes you can give away? Is there a food bank close to your home or office where

    you can donate some food? Will you encounter any strangers throughout your day who you can

    genuinely smile at? Can you make a donation to a charity organization today (even just $5)? Can

    you list any ways your life is already abundant?

    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    Take one (or more!) of the steps from your list today. Notice how you feel as you do it. Notice

    how long that feeling lasts for you after you are done. Do you wish for more of that feeling?

    Take another step from your list. Want more of that feeling? Take yet another.

    Have a TRULY ABUNDANT day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path ToAbundance!
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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #17


    Consider this quote by Louise Hay:


    Love is the biggest eraser there is. Love erases even the deepest imprinting because love goes

    deeper than anything.

    Love is at the heart of everything. Love energy is the purest form of raw, Universal energy and

    love is the highest vibrational place we can be. Perhaps youve heard the phrase, God is love.

    We will talk more about love in later practices. For today, lets just practice experiencing a little

    bit of heart-expanding love.


    Read all the way through this meditation and then do it as best as you can from memory:

    Spend 5 minutes connecting to your heart space (this is in the center of your chest, not where

    your physical heart is). Imagine it expanding and filling with golden light. Imagine that goldenlight filling your heart space so much that it is now overflowing and gently spilling out and

    flowing all around you. Bring to mind someone you love and adore. Now send them some of this

    beautiful golden light from your expanded and overflowing heart space. Energy can travel

    anywhere in an instantit is not confined by time or space, so dont worry about where they

    physically are (they dont even have to be alive). As you send this golden light to their heart

    space, imagine your heart space filling back up, it is a never ending flow of pure love energy,

    continually replenishing your heart. Imagine their heart receiving your love energy until their

    heart is filled up and overflowing.

    Now turn your attention to someone you dont like very much right now and repeat this exercisefor them. Be generousit will only serve you in a positive way (and besides, they dont have to

    know you did this right?). Repeat this exercise for as many people as you wish during your few

    moments of being present to the pure love that is always available to us all.

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    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    If there are other people you would like to send love energy, take a few moments throughoutyour day to close your eyes and repeat this exercise with them (it can be shorter than 5 minutes if

    you are busy). If you find yourself in a confronting situation with a person you encounter today,

    quickly do this exercise and send them some love energy and then release any connection to

    them. If they are acting out, it is likely that they are in need of some love.

    Have a LOVELY day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Exercise #18

    ConceptCompassion For Yourself.

    During this process of uncovering information about how you have been living, what you might

    want to change and becoming more aware of yourself and the surroundings you have consciously

    or unconsciously chosen for yourself and your life thus far - it is critically important to develop

    and practice compassion for yourself. Beating yourself up for anything you are now aware of that

    you have said, done, felt or manifested for yourself will only serve to keep the blocks in place

    (and continue manifesting more of the things you are now aware of that you dont want).

    This way of thinking is not only not useful at this point but it will actually thwart the forward

    progress you wish to now make in your life. It serves no good, healthy purpose and is not the

    essence of love, goodness, joy or any of the higher vibrational thoughts and emotions you are

    now cultivating. An alternate way of thinking you can embrace is compassion. You didnt know

    any better at the earlier times in your life when you were making the choices that brought you the

    people, circumstances and things you now have. Now you do know more about how the Law of

    Attraction works and you are making HUGE changes just by deciding to take daily action toward

    your goals and dreams and be on this path. That is a fantastic declaration to the Universe about

    where you now are and where you are going.


    Todays action is to write a compassionate and encouraging letter to yourself and then mail it!

    This may seem silly but trust that when you receive it in the mail and read it, you will see why

    its powerful. Tell yourself all the encouraging things you wish to hear as you are on this path

    toward your goals and dreams. Be encouraging and supportive in this letter. It will mean so very

    much to the you who reads it on the receiving end. We promise!

    Bonus Action: Throughout Your DayDo something nice for yourself today. Treat yourself to whatever it is you love; an ice cream

    cone? A new book? A bubble bath? A nap? A walk through the park? A hike? A funny movie?

    Whatever feels like something you would love to do or have - Do it! Get it! Spoil yourself today.

    Have a LUXURIOUS day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #19

    ConceptForward Action.

    Consider this quote by John Burroughs:

    Leap and the net will appear.

    We have to contribute to the process of manifesting our goals. It simply doesnt work to wish for

    them and then sit back and wait for the Universe to line things up for us. The Universe needs our

    help by putting ourselves out there in the flow so it can create synchronicities, serendipities and

    coincidences on our behalf which, in turn, actually fuel us with passion and excitement to keep

    moving even further forward. This snowball keeps rolling bigger and faster until we are actually

    excited and happy and engaged in the process of moving toward our goals. The interesting thing

    is that we will get these results no matter how small our actions are in the beginning. You dont

    need to feel like you have to push a 500 pound snowball up a hill to begin with. Just start with

    small steps that feel manageable to you right now. Begin exercising the muscle of forward action

    in small steps. Thats all that is required. You will be dazzled and surprised by the results that

    will soon begin to manifest in your life if you simply start taking small actions (and keep your

    vibration as high and aligned with love, gratitude and joy as often as possiblethis is the other

    necessary ingredient).

    Who might you meet if you accept that invitation to the dinner party or BBQ where you only

    know the host? What information might you coincidentally stumble upon if you go the library

    or bookstore (or internet) to do some research on your goal? Who might know someone who

    knows someone who would be perfect to help you if you take the risk to actually talk about your

    plans, goals and dreams? What synchronicity might happen if you sign up for that class youve

    been wanting to take for years? Who can you ask for help, guidance or advice about beginning to

    work toward your goals and dreams? What perfect thing might the Universe put in your path if

    you simply take the action to get out and put yourself in the flow.

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    Take todays 5 minutes to quiet your mind, deepen your breathing and just be. Take this time tosit quietly and be open to listen. Listen to any messages you may be given about actions you can

    take right now. Which action(s) might be the right one(s) for today? When you notice your mind

    chattering and your awareness going off in some direction, gently bring it back to quiet. If it

    helps, focus on your breathing or pick a simple mantra (or meditation focus) to repeat. I like to

    use the mantra Ham Sah (Ham sounds like mom and Sah sounds like saw). This is an

    ancient Sanskrit mantra. "Ham" means "I am." "Sah" refers to the inner Self, the Divine. These

    words help remind us of the sound of the incoming and outgoing breath: "Ham" as you breathe

    in, "Sah" as you breathe out.

    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    You may have been given guidance during your meditation of what action(s) you can take today.

    Or you may have simply spent the time working on quieting your mind a little. Whichever

    happened for you is just perfect. There is no right or wrong. As you go out into your day today,

    ask the Universe to give you divine guidance as to what action step(s) you can take. Then

    EXPECT that this guidance will come, let go and move out into your day. If possible, take just

    one single step (or more!) toward your goals and dreams.

    And remember to be as grateful and happy as possible as you move through your day. This will

    get easier as you build consistency and momentum with each daily practice. In just one short

    month of really embracing and doing this daily work, you will likely be happily surprised at the

    changes you experience.

    Have a TREMENDOUS day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Exercise #20

    ConceptChecking in With Yourself.

    Its wise to occasionally take stock to see where youve been, where youre going and where you

    are now in relationship to the two. We will do this every 10 days so you have the opportunity to

    celebrate your successes, acknowledge where your vibration may have been low and renew your

    commitment to keep moving forward toward your goals and dreams.


    Take todays 5 minutes to write on the following subjects but please remember there are no

    right or wrong answers. This is only to serve as a guide for you to celebrate your wins and

    possibly make adjustments as you continue on your path. Gentleness and compassion for

    yourself are absolutely a MUST during this exercisethis is non-negotiable.

    List any serendipities/synchronicities or coincidences that have happened in the last 10

    days (no matter how small)

    How have you moved forward (physically/tangibly or energetically) toward your goals in

    the last 10 days?

    Have you been able to embrace feelings associated with a higher level vibration (such as

    love, gratitude, or joy) during these last 10 days?

    Is there anything that blocked, stopped or slowed your forward movement (negative

    emotions, limits in your beliefs, resistance of any kind, non-supportive input from others

    or anything else)? List anything that comes to mind.

    Could you have done anything differently when faced with the blocks listed above that

    may have helped you move through those blocks? (Are you being compassionate with

    yourself right now as you look at this?!)

    Overall, have you felt a little more hopeful about your present and/or your future?

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    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    Regardless of how well or poorly you feel you did shifting your energy during these last 10 days,every single moment is an opportunity to shift in the direction of your goals and dreams. Even if

    you have not done the Bonus Action in the past, take the opportunity today to embrace it. Let

    todays Bonus Action anchor you in success and forward movement.

    As often as possible today, think about any victories or successes you had during the last 10 days

    no matter how small. Think about them several times throughout the day and FEEL great!

    If you feel you had no successes at all (are you being too hard on yourself?), then this is your

    opportunity to visualize your future successes. Take time throughout the day to decide on a

    success you WILL claim during the next check in and really see it happening (make sure youfeel all the happy, positive feelings that you WILL feel when you celebrate that success in 10

    short days from now).

    Have a FANTASTIC day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    ~ Module 2 ~

    Exercises 21 - 40

    A real decision is measured by the fact that you've taken a new action.If there's no action, you haven't truly decided.

    - Tony Robbins

    Exercise #21

    ConceptConflicts and the Law of Attraction.

    How do you deal with conflicts you may have from time to time with your spouse, family

    members, friends, co-workers or even strangers? More to the point, how do you deal with your

    own thoughts and feelings after the conflict is over? Do you keep thinking about what happened?

    Do you mull it over and over in your head thinking about what a jerk they were? Do you stew

    over it or gossip to people about how wrong that person was? Do you replay the conflict in your

    head thinking about all the things you should have said? Do you ventto a trusted friend?

    Theresa difference between venting and gossiping about what happened. Venting is usually

    structured such that you are telling someone about an experience you had and how you struggled

    with it as you are trying to piece together for yourself/figure out what went wrong. Gossiping is

    usually about making the other person wrong and finding someone who will side with you.

    Venting is certainly a more responsible way to talk about what happened however both solutions

    actually lower your vibration. This is not to say that venting isnt important. It is a valuable tool

    that helps us process our feelings about situations that come up in our lives.

    Here is another question to consider: How soon do you think about shifting your energy into a

    higher vibration when you are freshly out of a conflict with someone? The wisest thing you cando for yourself and the goals and dreams you are working toward is to look at the situation, see

    what you might have done differently (including perhaps enforcing appropriate and healthy

    boundaries with that person), vent to someone to get it out of yourself if needed and then start

    working on raising your vibration as high as possible through practicing joy, gratitude, love,

    happiness and any other higher vibrating emotions you can.

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    Its important to note that the things, situations and people you dont want in your life are helpful

    to you in that they provide contrast for what you DO want. If you can begin to look at them from

    a place of unattached observing and say Hmmm, yeah thats something Im not interested in

    having in my life (anymore) and then focus with strong feelings on the things you DO want,

    you will be moving quickly toward your goals and dreams!


    Metta Meditation: Metta literally means Unattached, Unconditional Kindness.

    Use this simple meditation as often as you wish to create compassion for yourself or others. This

    meditation can be practiced in just a few minutes, so its very easy to incorporate it into yourdaily life.

    Sit in a comfortable position. Keep your back flat, the crown of your head lifted, shoulders

    relaxed and chest open. Rest your hands in your lap or on your knees. Close your eyes and begin

    to deepen your breath. Release any thoughts from your mind and silently repeat the following:

    May I be safe from inner and outer harm,

    May I be happy and peaceful of heart,

    May my body be healthy and strong,

    May my life be filled with ease.

    You may replace the Is with yous, thinking of a specific person, a group of people or the

    whole planet (may you be safemay you be happymay your bodymay your life...). Finish

    with a few slow, deep breaths, feeling compassion, love and kindness flowing through your


    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    As often as you wish todaysay the Metta Meditation for yourself or generously say it forothers you may be struggling with or who, perhaps, can use some compassion.

    Have a WONDERFUL day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #22

    ConceptGetting Clear on What You Want.

    Declare your end result with specifics enough to generate emotion in yourself but then hold it

    loosely enough that you dont attach to the end result, if that makes sense. Its a very fine line.

    When you are vague about your end result, its likely that you wont be able to feel any strong

    positive emotions about it and this is what we are going forthe strongest possible, highest

    possible vibrational feelings. Its the strong positive emotions that fuelyour vibration to rise to a

    higher level. When you keep your vibration level consistently high enough, you will begin to

    attract into your life MORE THINGS (i.e. the things you desire) that match that higher level

    feeling (joy, gratitude, abundance, happiness).

    The Universe always has your best interest at heart and whatever goals and desires you have, the

    Universe will deliver exactly that or something that may be slightly different but it will always

    be something you are extremely pleased about when it arrives! The idea of I want thisor

    something better is what you are going for. This idea is what helps you to hold your dreams

    with enough detail but still loosely enough that you are not getting into HOW it will manifest.

    Mike Dooley ( (one of the wonderful teachers interviewed in the movie The

    Secret)loves to say, The hows are the domain of the Universe. And he is exactly right. We

    cant possibly know or control all the various people we need to meet who will help us, the

    circumstances and chance occurrences that will magically happen that forward our path. Those

    are the hows and those are not for us to worry about. Isnt it nice to know you dont have to

    control, manage and orchestrate all the details that need to happen? Its actually very freeing.

    And it requires a little trust. But you will soon start to see the serendipities and synchronicities

    that the Universe is capable of creating in your life. They will help you to trust and believe and

    keep moving forward with your daily actions.

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    Take todays 5 minutes to pick one aspect of your goals and dreams. Think about it in detail (or

    write about it if that will help you to be more concrete). Think/write about all the various details

    and aspects of it that generate emotion in you. Make sure you are thinking or writing in the

    present tense as if it has already happened (very important!), Why did you pick this goal or

    dream? Hint: what emotions are you going for? What emotions will you feel when you achieve

    this goal or dream? Imagine (or write) how you will feel when experiencing this goal or dream in

    realitywhen it shows up in physical form (remember, think it/write it/feel it as if its happening

    in the present tense such as I am so happy and grateful now that...).

    Thinking about or writing out the specific details of the actual goal or dream will allow you

    access to the feelings. So be specific, notice the feelings associated with those details, then let thespecifics go and continue to embrace the feelings for as long as you caneven after the 5

    minutes are up.

    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    Make a decision that you will receive some interesting or fun coincidence, serendipity or

    synchronicity no matter how small. As you go through your day today EXPECT it and watch for

    it. Dont feel fear or worry about how or if it will show up. Just declare that it will take a

    deep, cleansing breath, let it go and move into your day. If you can remember to do this, from

    time to time throughout the day, feel the happiness and joy you will feel when you see your

    coincidence! Its your own personal victory! Feel how great you feel about it showing up! Trust

    that it will. Believe that it already hasand then watch for it.

    Have a FANTASTIC day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Exercise #23

    ConceptThe Power of Thank You Part 1.

    Gratitude is absolutely one of the most powerful feelings you can have to raise your energetic

    vibration very high. Again, the most important aspect of practicing gratitude is to truly and

    deeply feel the feelings of gratitude. The feelings are the fuel that raises your vibration - much

    more so than the thoughts. We simply cant talk enough about this and you cant practice too

    much gratitude. The more you practice it, the quicker you will manifest your goals and dreams.


    Write a thank you letter to the Universe (God, Divinity, Source Energy, whatever name feels

    good to you). Thank it for all the goodness that you have had and/or now have in your life. Past

    and present things. Think about each thing that you can TRULY feel gratitude about and write

    about those items in your letter. One at a time, describe why you are grateful for them, all the

    while, connecting to the feelings of gratitude. How did/do these things make your life happy,

    joyous or better?

    Bonus Action: Throughout Your Day

    As often as you like, pull your letter out and read it throughout the day. Each time you read it,

    dont just blow through it, read each item and bring it to mind againremember how happy,

    grateful and joyous you are for this wonderful thing that makes your life better, happier. Make

    sure you are connecting to the feelings of gratitude and happiness for each item as you remember


    Have an AMAZING day and see you at Your Next Step on Your Path To Abundance!

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    Path To Abundance, Inc.

    Exercise #24

    ConceptThe Power of Thank You Part 2.

    The wonderful connection between having gratitude about the things already in your life and the

    things you

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