
Making Religious Identities: Part One—Protestants

I. Introduction

II. New Understanding of Worship: Iconoclasm

III. New Understanding of the Family: Sex and Marriage

IV. New Understanding of Community: Zwingli and the Zurich Church

Pick the creed--Calvinist, Lutheran or Catholic A. I subscribe to the Old Testament and New Testament and to the Apostles, Nicean and Athanasian Creeds. I was saved by the unique sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Of the sacraments I believe what Scriptures tell us.

B. I am not Zwinglian, Calvinist or Lutheran, for I follow Christ who saved me. I believe that God created me, that Christ saved me, and that the Holy Ghost leads us to the truth.

C. I was born into a Christian, Evangelical family and was brought up to oppose error. I take my comfort and resolution from hearing God's word and receiving the sacraments. Let people pin what label on me they will, I recognize no name but Christian.

Strategically placed images: “Mooning” the high altar

St. Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins

Bearded Protestants as House FathersHeinrich Bullinger and Thomas Cranmer

Charlemagne and the Founding of the Holy Roman Empire800 CE

T-O Map

Huldrych Zwingli

Making Religious Identities: Part Two—Catholics

I. Introduction

II. Catholic Confessionalism in Bohemia

A. Censorship and book production

B. Song

C. Theater

D. Saints and Pilgrimage

E. Religious Art

Execution of Jan Hus

Antonin Konias (1691-1760)--Book Burning Priest

Typical Jesuit Mission to the Bohemian Countryside

Czech hymnbook of 1661

Murder of Wenceslas by his brother

John Nepomuk--martyred 14th century priest--canonized 1729

Wies Kirche—Church in the Meadow

Charles Bridge

Jew of Charles Bridge Acknowledging his Errors

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