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We are people who have been brought up in an ever-growing world of advertising and branding, bombarded consistently when ever it is possible, product placement is a prime example of this. Big supermarkets psychologically lure in consumers with effective deals. This then encourages consumers to buy in products that they don’t necessarily need. In return they brush aside commodities that are a necessity and consumers end up choosing luxuries over essentials to get through everyday living. Our minds are undoubtably controlled by consumer businesses, they make us think in such a way that it determines the way we live our lives. Fearing the way people may perceive us according to the things we buy.

Could this be due to how much choice we are given?

As soon as we enter a supermarket we are greeted by 30,000 products on the shelves, its growing in numbers due to the demand we put onto the businesses. Being brought up in this western society has caused an effect to wanting to have more choice. Consumers assume having more choice gives

of options available. When less choices are given, people are ultimately able to make quicker decisions.

This manifesto has been written with the consumer in mind. There is more to life than the countless number of choices that are presented to us everyday. Rather than feeling self conscious about what others think, we must put our well-being and the forefront of our lives.

satisfaction, where in actual fact it causes more grief upon the decisions we go through, greater choice inevitably leads to less satisfaction. In this day in age our time and effort is wasted in deciding something as little as a jar of coffee or even a tube of toothpaste. Should we as individuals be judged on something this minor? The general public don’t understand the circumstances that we may have been involved in. With the increase in choice for consumers, we have reached the point where choice is affecting our lifestyle. When making a decision, we think that the choice we finally make is wrong. The thought of missing out on an opportunity when others are deciding on better options causes anxiety and stress. There are a number of far more important things that we should be concentrating on, such as friends, family, our career and showing a greater awareness for the world that surrounds us. We shouldn’t be people who are pressured into this materialistic world, it’s predominantly not good for our health. A statement such as ‘more is less’ can be looked upon in two ways. More choice gives less satisfaction, people cannot simply decide with the large amount

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