Download - Maiko Debut Script



I. Welcome Remarks

Youkosoirasshaimashita! Welcome to F1 Hotel! Tonight we celebrate a young ladys coming of age. Welcome to Maiko Taneis 18th birthday! I am Karla Gutierrez and I will be your host for tonight.In behalf of Maiko and her parents, Thank you for gracing this momentous occasion as we celebrate Maikos coming of age in Cosmopolitan Japanese fashion!

Cosmopolitan Japanese has a mix of modern and tradition. So maybe this theme sets out what Maiko will come to be, now that she is 18 years old.

Born March 12, 18 years ago, to Helen Tuazon& Masatoshi Tanei, Maiko was a cute little girl or in Japanese, kawaii onnano ko nano.

But today, her beauty and sweetness do not go unnoticed. The first time I saw her was on the elevator in the building where I live, and she has the smile that can make anyones day. Her smile is full youth, hope and positivity.

It seems like she always has something wonderful to look forward to everyday.

And who does not want to be a person like that right? But that is just as far as my first impression goes. I know that I will get to know so many wonderful things about Maiko tonight.

Some of you have been fortunate enough to see Joyce grow and blossom into a beautiful lady.

Maiko in particular has many aspects of her personality that may not be known to everyone.Here is a sneak peak of her 18 years of existence in one very short AVP.

Dim the lights and let us all enjoy seeing the beautiful person that Maiko is.II. VIDEO.


We sure got to know Maiko more with that video. Now, I think everyone cant wait to see the beautiful lady. I will not keep everyone waiting.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I request all of you to stand up.


The reason on why we are all gathered here tonight, the beautiful debutante,

MAIKO TUAZON TANEI!Lets welcome her with a warm round of applause!!!

Escorted by?IV. WOW! I am speechless! The debutante is so beautiful. Such a spectacular grand

entrance by our lovely debutante. Dont you think she is just stunning?


Now, let me tell you about a mother-daughter dynamic. I only understood everything when I became a mom myself.

A daughter is a mothers closest ally in the family. Her daughter will be an extension of herself.She will be willing to do everything she could to give her daughter the best. That is instinctive and almost always natural to any mother.On the other hand, whether you deny it or not, the mother will always be the daughters role model. The daughter looks up to her mother and the mother becomes her biological and emotional road map. Often times, the arbiter of all her relationships. As they say, you grow up to be like your mother.

And now to give a speech and a toast in honor of our Maiko, we would like to ask Ms. Joy Tuazon, Maikos cousin, to come up on stage to read the message of Maikos mother, Mrs. Helen Tuazon.V. Thank you Joy. Thank you tita Helen for that moving message. I can only hope to be as great the mother you are to Maiko. You are truly admirable.

Mrs.Tuazon, can I ask you to please stand up? Ladies and gentlemen, please give Maikos mom a warm round of applause.VI. DINNER: I know all of you are hungry. Dinner is almost ready and in a few minutes or so, the sumptuous feast prepared by Maikos family c/o F1 Hotel will be served. I hope all of you will have a wonderful dining experience. While you wait, let us go on with the rest of the programVII. You know, friends usually have this particular experience or memory that made them mesh together. It can be an embarrassing experience, a common interest, a similar undertaking. Sometimes even a split second of spark will bind you as inseparable comrades.

So tonight we will have a symbolic gift-giving to Maiko through her 18 treasures.

Our debutantes friends will tell something special about their gift to Maiko and what makes it special to both of them.

1. Kari De Leon

Our first treasure is part of Maikos high school barkada called the Easy Breezy Girls. They apparently have travelled to the best beach in the country together last summer. L&G, Easy Breezy Kari De Leon

2. Jerome Comandao

Our next treasure is Maikos brothers best friend. Theyve met when Maiko was in 4th grade. Until now,

Maiko looks up to him as her kuya.

3.AngelEbuenga (Eh-bueng-ga)

Our third treasure is someone Maiko did not like at first. Maybe because its natural for some sisters to feel too protective of their brothers. But she later realized that she has a good heart and that she is a great shopping buddy. The angel in the life of Maikos brother, Angel Eh buengga!

4. Catherine Celestino

The next treasure is Maikos Barbie buddy. When they were young they were so into the popular doll that they hit it off instantly. Since they moms are the closest among the siblings, they became close as well. L&G, let us welcome Maikos cousin, Catherin Celestino.

4. Joy Tuazon

This person Im going to announce is not a stranger to us. Another cousin of Maiko, they became close when Maiko was already in high school. She would visit Maikos house after shes done with work. And despite that seemingly (SMALL) age gap, they manage to stage sleepovers like kids. Welcome back to the stage, Ms. Joy Tuazon

5. Girah Jimenez (Jai-rah)

Maiko is the incumbent frosh representative. Along with her the next treasure shares her noble cause. They became close when they were running forSinag coalition. Maiko always thought that she was a conservative. And her pet name to her is, apparently Mama Mary. L&G, Jairah Jimenez

6. Ishma Espinosa

Our next treasure and wereblockmateswith maikoduring the 1st and 2nd term. They were first part of a barkadathen later on became bestfriends. She would always facepalmeverytime Maiko talks about

What they call hugot (boy, I wonder what does lines are) L&G Ishma Espinosa

8. Hans Dormitorio

Animo Night was the fateful night they first met. Ever since, they always find time to hang out at their usual spot in uPad, a hangout place beside Maikos building. He has a great sense of humor that never fails to make Maiko happy. Make us all happy, too, please? L&G Hans Dormitorio

9.Earvin Martin (Er-vin)

Shepherd what Maikos barkada calls him. When Earvin dated Maikos bestfriend, he did not only take care of her but her whole barkada. One of Maikos trusted friends, he is Easy Breezys Shepherd.

I would call him, the dakilang boyfriend ngbarkada? L&G Ervin Martin

10. Madelaine San Jose (Ma-de-line)

Our next treasure is Maikos blockmate in De La Salle College of Saint Benilde. She is El Presidente of their class. She is also part of Maikos political party in school called Sinag. Every term she, Maiko and their friends go to Quiapo before the term ends to thank God and ask for good grades. That became their special heartfelt tradition. L&G, Mads San Jose


Our 11th treasure is one of Maikos friends in her barkada called the Happy Pooh Friends. They were classmates during their Senior Year in Zobel. They always open up about the things they go through as teenagers. Ladies and Gentlemen, one of the happy pooh friends, hannanolasco

12.YnahSycip (Si-sip)

She was classmates with Maiko sinceSophomore year in Zobel. At first, Maiko thought that This girl was mataray. When Maiko finally got to know her, she realized that Ynah is a sweetheart. L&G YnahSisip

13.Rico de Castro

Ever since high school, our next treasure and Maiko werealready close. Summer 2013 was the time that they hung out a lot. Even if they have different schedules in college, they still find time to hang out just like their high school days. L&G Rico De Castro14.StephAtienza

Our 14th treasure and Maiko became close during their immersion at Hacienda Luisita. Having the same group of friends, they always spend time with each other. Our debutant considers her an ate, ladies and gentlemen, StephAtienza.

15.JM Salvador

When the debutante first met JM, she was scared because of our next treasuressiga look. And apparently, he calls him Hesus because of his hairstyle. (maiko loves religious reference, doesnt she?) Well, this siga has a soft spot after all. L&G, JM hesus Salvador


Our next treasure was schoolmates with Maiko in St. James College of Paranaque and they crossed paths again in CSB. When our debutante became the SDA Frosh Representative, she guided her. She is one of Maikos closest in the SC. L&G Dana Juridico

17.Joshua Padilla

As far as role models are concerned, this guy tops maikos list. As the Chairman of the political party Maiko belongs in, he exemplified the role model student leader. L&G Joshua Padilla

18.Dustin Cortez

Our last treasure is nicknamed by maiko as HEN LIN. While most people, including Maiko thought he was intimidating, according to our debutant he is actually a squishy kind kinda guy. And squishy as he may seem, HEN LIN always challenges Maiko to do her best and push her limits. L&G, Dustin Cortez

Thank you our 18 treasures. May I call on all of you onstage for a picture together with the debutante.


You only become 18 once. And for girls, it is truly a memorable milestone because they are introduced to society as ladies. I guess all of us have a wish on what kind of woman Maiko should be.

Raising a toast with a short, sweet and simple message means that we are one in celebrating Maikos coming of age.

So, without further ado, I would like to call on the 18 treasures to form a line and to each give a toast and good wishes for the best of life to our debutante!I shall give you a short introduction, and afterwhich, the floor is yours! Okay? Kanpai!

1. Janina Santos

Our first shot is an easy going lass that has been Maikos friend since her sophomore year. She calls our debutante, Maiko Makaroni and in turn, she calls here Janini Panini. L&G, Janina Santos!

2. Dom Medado

Our next shot is one of the debutantes trusted friends. While this guy has already graduated, He is the one Maiko seeks advice from. I would actually call him. Mr. Sensitive. L&G Dom Medado!

3. Diolo Dorendez

This guy brought out Maikos bubbly side in no time. He is also part of Maikos political party, and her campaign manager no less. That is why its no surprise that they became close in no time. L&G Diolo Dorendez

4.Alec Berame

Mother is what Maiko calls our next shot. A colleague in the Student Council, Alec Berame!

5.Karl Jaena

If there is a mother, there is also a father gure to Maiko in the Student Council. L&G, Karl Jaena!

6.Erika Mison

There is what they call Alabang Sign Language. Our next shot is Sinags other half of the Alabang girls which Maiko is part of. Make the south proud, L&G, Erika Mison!

7. RS Dahilan

Our next shot is also a frosh candidate during the elections. He and Maiko call each othe forever best friends. L&G, R.S. Dahilan8.Alex Panigiton

Mother figures abound the Sinag coalition. Our next shot is one of them. Another mother figure that she is really close to, L&G Alex Panigiton!

9.Emilio Flores

Maiko and our next shot share the same interest with cars. And as they say men who are fond of cars are really pogi. Lets find out. L&G, Emilio Flores10.Monique Gaviola

Theres always something admirable about bookworms. Our next one is a certified bookworm and Maiko always seeks her as they share the love for books. L&G, Monique Gaviola!

11. Bianca Itchon

Our next shot is Maikos blockmate since 1st term of their frosh year. 3rd term is when they became the

closest. In class, they are always groupmates in every school work. Someday these two dream about being great interior designers. L&G, Bianca Itchon

12. Anne Malto

Maiko is block bestfriends with our next shot. And their first meeting is unforgettable. They had a photo taken, while they were looking at it, our next shot said to Maiko, Ang laki noo mo. But as they say, the closer you are, the more honest you are with each other. L&G, Anne Malto!

13.Mikael Alafriz

For 3 consecutive years, our next shot and Maiko were classmates in high school. He is also

part of the Happy Pooh friends. Back in high school, this guy loves making chair towers and calling the guards attention to their entire barkada unintentionally? Anyway, here is Mikael Alafriz!

14.Tom Moncupa

Palms Country Club was where their friendship started. Maiko does not even remember the details. But she always saw this guy as being supportive to her. L&G Tom Moncupa!

15.Kim Gonzaga

Our next shot and Maiko rst met during the Frosh Orientation Program. They are block bestfriends as well. She is her perpetual partner in dyad activities. Apparently, they are inseperable. L&G, Kim Gonzaga!

16.Kendrick Pingkian

Moody Twin is what Maiko calls our next shot. He is Maikos rst friend in Sinag. He calls Maiko his younger sister. Big brother Kendrick Pingkian, can we hear your toast?

17.&18 Our last two shots will make a double kanpai to Maiko! While the other one is the first friend of Maiko in Zobel and that our debutante has seen her through a lot of hair transformations, the other one is almost always mistaken as our debutantes twin.

Everyone, lets end this with a bang. L&G Bianca Cruz and Monique Virina!

**Now, may I request all the part of the 18 shots to take a picture with Maiko

**Now may I request all the part of the 18 shots and 18 treasures to take a photo with Maiko.


Maiko, this is not part of your program but some of your friends has prepared something for you. Watch this.


Now as our event comes to a close, the debutantes uncle, a very respectable man will share his wisdom with us. He has been a police officer since 1991 and has first served as lietenant for the AFP on 1985. Truly, A man of honor,

Col. Teofilo Andrada

XI. Before we I end the program may I request everyone to gather round as we sing the a Happy Birthday to Maiko?

Thank you for a wonderful evening everyone. I hope you all enjoy. My name is Karla Gutierrez, and it has been nothing short of amazing hosting this event. Thank you for having me, Maiko!

But wait, please do not go home just yet as there is still some entertaintment waiting for you by Mark Enriquez, Gabe Dandan, Pavs Nunez.


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