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,! Ii

!Regel. with Acknowledgement Due.

West Central Railway Office of the.

Sr. Divisional ElectricalEngineer, (Generalj.Jabalpur.rInd Floor, DRM Building.Opp. High Court. .IBP-I.

No: .!IW/I JTlNo.O<)/2012. Dated: 20.11.2012

Letter of acceptance

Mis Mharatna Engineering Corporation,"l(llilliSh Sadllu"1487, Cuptcshwar,Jahaipur,(MP) - 4820ni ..

Suh: I .cttcr of' acceptance I<lt' Tender No . .JIWII JTlNo.O<)I2() 1:-> for

the work or 'Carrying out 2 miscellaneous works -

1. Provision of solar light system at DRM office canteen, JBP.2. Solar water heater at Running room KTE&STA.

Ref: NIT No: JBP/UTINo.09/2012 opened on 24.08.2012.

This administration accepts your offer for above said work at the total cost~ 7J5,475.97(Rupees Seven lakhs fifteen thousand four hundred seventy live and paise

ninety seven only) i.e. 7 % below on the total schedule value of ~ 7,69.329.53

inclusive of all taxes & duties to carry out the work strictly in accordance with Railways

speci fications, schedule, terms and conditions.


(1) GENERAL CONDITION, SPECIAL CONDITION, PAYMENT TERMS ETC:This contract shall be strictly poverned by the terms/ conditions embodied in Rlys. tender

document. In addition, general conditions as followed by this Rlys. Works contract is also


(2) (A) EARNEST MONI~Y AND SEClJHITY DEPOS1T :(i) The l.arncst money dcposi led by you wi th th is tcn'c!cr in tile form ()r 1)1-( ;\/c' N,)

912040043852213 for ~ 15,400/- dated 24.08.2012 issued by Axis Bank Jabalpur issued i !1Ut)

Sr. DFM/WCRJJBP has been retained with Railways-as part of security for the due and

faithful fulfillment of the contract The balance ~ ip,4H!FOO) to make up the securit ,deposit. the rates [or which arc g>~n\eIO\V, will be n?cuvcrccJ by percentage dcdu.clion

rn1111 the Contractor'« "on account" bills, Provided also that in case 1)1 dcf~!llllillbcontractor thc Railway may retain any amount due lor payment to the l\:!ltractur (111 thepending "on account bills" so that the amounts so retained may not exceed I (Y10 or thet(1tal value or thc contract.

(ii ) Unless otherwise specified in the special conditions, ifany. the Security Deposit/rateor recovery/mode of recovcry shall be as under :-(a) Security Deposit for each work shall be 5% of the contract value,(h) lhc rate o lrccovcry shall be at the rate or IO<Yc) ofthe bill amount till till' lul] sl'clllit~deposit is recovered,(c) Security Deposits will bc recovered only from the running bills of the contract ,11ld 11(1

other mode of collecting SO such as SO in the form of instruments like BC), ID etc.

"hill I he accepted towards Security Deposit.

'I he security deposit however shall be released only after the expiry of the maintenance

period ofone year and after passing the final hill based on 'No claim certificate".


(<1)1 he successful bidder shall have to submit a performance Guarantee (PCi) within ]0

I thirt~ ) days from the date of issue of letter of Acceptance (LOA), Extension of time forxubmission or PG beyond :;0 (thirty) days and up to 60 days boom the date o l iSSUl' piI (),,\ l11<1yhl' given hy the Authority who is competent to sigh the contract agreement.However, a pcnal interest of 15% per annum shall be charged lor the delay heyolldl()(rhirtv) duys, i.c. from 31 st day after the date of issue of LOA, In case the contractor failsto submit the requisite PG even after 60 days from the date: of issue 01' LOA, the contract.h.r!l ill- tcrm iu.ucd duly Illl'rciting FMD ;lIlt! other duc.: if any payable ;lgainsl that

contract. The failed contractor shall be debarred from participating in rc-tcnder lor thatv, Oil

( II) I I)L' :, uc c C -.: III I hi Jdel :, Ituul J g I VC d pl'l f, >l I) Ii 11" " tl.11i II ; IIIIc c ill t lie I, >I I ) I , ,f' ; III

i rrcv ocablc bank guarantee amounting to 5°;() of the contract value i.e. ~ 35,800/-,

(c) The performance guarantee shall be submitted by the successful bidder alter the letteror acceptance has ~been issued, but before signing of the agre~ment. The agreement,,,llUuld normally be signed within 15 (fifteen) days after the issue of' LOA andpcrtormnncc guarantee should also be submitted within this time limit. This guarantee

shall be initially valid up to stipulated date or completion plus 60 days beyond that. IIIcase. the time for completion of work gets extended, the contractor shall get the validity01' Performance guarantee extended to cover such extended time for completion of workpill;; ()O dayx.

(d) Performance guarantee shall be released after physical completion of the work basedon the 'Completion Certificate' issued by the competent authority stating tha: the\'()I>lt~)('t()r has completed the work in allresp\:cts satisfactorily. The security deposit


however shall be released only after the expiry or the maintenance period UIlU afterpassing the final bill based on 'No claim certificate'.

(e) Wherever the contract is rescinded, the security deposit shall be forfeited and the

performance guarantee shall be en-cashed and the balance work shall be got doneindependently without risk & cost or the: failed contractor. The failed contractor shall hedebarred from participating in the tender for executing the halance work. If the fai ledcontractor is .IV or a partnership firm, then every member/partner or such a firm xhal l Ill'

debarred from participating in the tender for the balance work either in his/her individual

capacity or as a partner of any other JV/partnership firm.

(f) The Engineer shall not make a claim under the Performance Guarantee except loramounts to which the President of India is entitled under the contract (not withstanding

and/or without prejudice to any other provisions in the contract agreement) in the evento f:

i) Failure by the contractor to extend the validity of the Performance Guarantee as

described herein above, in which event the Engineer may claim the full amount of the

Performance guarantee.

ii) Failure by the contractor to pay President of India anv amount due, either as agreed h:-

[he contractor or determined under any of the clauses/conditions of the agreement. within

30 days of the service of notice to this effect by Engineer.

i ii) The contractor being determined or rescinded under provrsion of the Gee thePerformance Guarantee shall be forfeited in full and shall be absolutely at the disposal 01the President of India.


It is mentioned for your information that a site order book and register will bemaintained at the site of work by the engineer in charge and the instructionscommunicated to you regarding the execution of wok will be reflected in the registermaintained. You are requested to peruse these and initial the same in token of thecorrectness of the~statement made therein and also make use of the site order book forrepresenting your grievances, if any during the execution of work.

(3) AGREI':Ml':NT:-You have to execute an agreement in Railways standard form within 15 (fifteen) days.The agreement shall be prepared and kept ready by this department within the periodspecified above. Until a formal agreement is drawn and executed, this acceptance lettershall constitute legal enforceable contract for the above-mentioned work.

(4) ITCC/PAN:'Please arrange to furnish zerox copy of valid ITCC/PANr~IN particular etc.

/\/ I.

j /1 .I"t· \..'/~'~ f¥t


(5) POWER OF ATTORNEY:-The power or attorney on behalf or your Organization along \\ ith partnership deed.

!l(l;m\ 01' rcsolutionx if any etc. in original with COLltI.erox copies shall he sent t() thi-.,'I'liee within seven days. Tilt: urigitial shall be returned alter Railvv<I) , kg;11 ncu:II,IS verified the same. l.xccution or the agreement shal] he feasible oilly alter the Pll\\L'1

oj attorne) and deeds are found in order and acceptable h: our legal department 111CISL'

:-our organization is a proprietary firm. an affidavit duly signed in the presence or 11\)t;ll\

I', II·qlllrl'd. Silllil;lrly. if till' P()WLT of' ;Itlorlll':- 11;1';;llrcldy been v(,rified and 1()III1(jacccptahle in the past awarded contracts. if there is no change in earlier accepted (lIle 11\1

fresh power of attorney is required please confirm.

(() (OMPLETION PERIOD:lhc work shall he completed within four months from the date or issue or this letter. i.c.

Oil \)1' before 19.03.20 1:1

(7) I'A YMENTS :1';l\'1llent will he made as pCI' clause 12 page No. 19 or tender document.I ill' above payment are subject to compliance 01"contract obligation» jollo\\ed hy I<I~" III\Vur"s contract which are in brief- signing o lcontract ugrccmcnt u ltcr verification o l

p()\\\'r 01' .utorucy hy f~lys legal department, furnishing valid & current IT(,( '. xccuri tx,kp(lsit. MB cutrics, hill in Rlys standard lorm ctc.

(8) CORRESPONDENCE:I ill' execution or the contract wil] he under the Sr.Section Engine!.:r (("). West Cl"llr;:'

:\,ti i \Hl) . Jabulpur. You sltJ.:l address all your c.irrcrpondcncc r'~!a\L'd t(\ pL\llI1111~'

pr(l~:ress and execution or work to them and matter relating to contr.ict rnax be addrcxsc

to this office .

. K, nd Iy ack no wlcdgc and plan out 1<" execution 0I 'he work. I \ \\Vi)i\: Schedule in 2 pages. (Annex-A) ( \ «:,I ,

Divl. Elect. E t' r leB,),West Central R' iway, Jabalpur

For and on behalf of resident of India

( ','-

('/ -

(',' -


SDCiM/WCRIJBP- for kind information please.Sr. l)FM Jabalpur for information please.

Sr.Scction Engineer/ Electrical (C.),WCR. JBP for infn. & n.a.Assu Labour Commissioner. LEO (C) Civic Centre, Marhatal Jabalpur.

Schedule of quantities and rates forTr-uder No- ,JBP/UTI No 0912012 for the work of Carrying out 2 miscellaneous \\ ork

i) Provision of solar light system at DRM office c:anteen, Jabalpur

i i ) Solar water heater at Running room at KTE &STASchl'dule 1\1'J"(I\'isioll of solar' light systcru at I>H.M office canteen, Jahalpur.


I--I Qty ! Unit

255000\1 I Unit

I 'I 1, 1- --- --

! :2 I N()~;I

Rate Amount

! Provision of Solar lighting system at, IJRiv1 office Canteen Jabalpur. The

: scope of w.9I~covers the follo~i~g:i ti) Suppl). erection, testing &: commissioning of Crystalline Solar PV! Module- 12 V 80 watt as per.MNRL I I

tfrproved source(ii) Supply, erection, testing & 3 Nos

I commissioning of 4 Module mounting

• I structure with theft proof frame--\(iii) Supply. erection. testing & J No

i commissioning or Array Junction BoxI I

I II (/\.1B) ,"- ._. -t-No--'-Hiv) Supply. erection. testing & i II

1 conu nisxioning or Power Conditioning, i,


I Unit (PCU)- 48V DC- 1 KV A- 230 V

Ii AC. 50 Hz

I (v) Supply, erection, testing & I 50 ' Mtrsl commissioning of 2core X 2.5 Sq.mrn. IPVC Cu. Cable. i

------ - JI (vi) Sllppl.y,,~r~\tj.on,Jcstiug &

")iL MtGi

conuuissioninu 'of Zcorc X G.O So.111m.~ .PVC Cu. Cable.1(viij Supply, erection. testing &~~=1Ii Nos

I commissioning of Earthing kit ____-I t viii) Supply, erection, testing s. I Set: commissioning ofl nstallation kit. _. III:; I; Ii I; II i,l/I ~~-" ,;;; 1;1~~-=:i~~~~~~~--~'G7111.'.i::;


. --


ii -,

.....-I,' - ... .i 200M




:n:'Hlll'duk B : Solar' water heater at Runnina room at K" V 4.\l~'d \

I 11iI.111 '

,'uppl:, erection, testing andcommissioning of Solar waterhcntcr with Pl.'} FPClInsuJationS:SS inter tank IOOOLtrs per UU)

c.ipacitv. Min area of collector 18 I ISq mtrs. Electrical h~ater backup

() K v-.: t t' PrO\ isio;'-ofS~1t~~ water tank fo-~ 4 -- -tNC;S- 5500 - I 1237

storage of raw water 1000 Ltrs I!capacity with stand I I--------------r-----tJ-- --.-------:--

I I.a) Illg or cahle I 200 Mtrs I 0 \,+0

: '['hermal PYC insulation 1-5/8" 170 Mtrs 292 I 58

pipe insulation (nitrile) 13 mm! Ithick i ' I

I (~;ipe 25mm diaI3J';-~ _---!17() - ~Ml~S - -T\7l-- t'2,,()l'rovixion oj' three pole 3rhasc I I I !'\os 'I (J2~' i ()2 "'i()

\\ ith neutral link 63 Amp airbreak swich fuse unitlaps. vil\ C~, ctc .

- -

. :.~..'::ll?l~/_180407

! rcctiofI X(J-t() 7

- -I (1737')0

~( )1);


, \'.'1 I 2()(J()

___ ~~ __ ~l __Total ---- -_._----

Total value Schedule A+ Schedule B = Rs 769329/-.vcccptcd rate 7(Yc) below = Rs 715475.97

,! ()( ) 4000


Note:I. The above quantities are approximate and are meant to give renderers (s) ,Ill idea (II' illl'

quantum of work involved,2. The Railway reserve the right to increase/ decrease the above quantities added ordelete from any of the items.J. I he tcndcrcrt s) shall quote his/ their percentage above/below in words and in liglll\_'-li

prescribed pl:1CConly otherwise tender will not be considered-

4. The tenderer shall be presumed to have seen site and read all the p.ipcrx ;1[[;lcIK,d in [Ill'

tender booklet. /'~.I he tenderer shall submit all the documents in support or his claim. V(,. A II the rates should be inel usi vc of "11 t"XCS & duties. . \~A 'V()..b.y\\

"j1-,7 osrDlty ~l3I'


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