Download - Mag Issue 7


Editor’s Energizing Thoughts:ENERGY is the power that drives every human being; ENERGY is essential to survive, to succeed and to progress. TAB India’s deep routed experience in Stone processing gives energy to all its constituentsconstituents for learning and development. When we have a goal and we want to reach it, that generates mental energy for every one to achieve their goals. Energy can be generated through many sources and in many ways; One has to keep the fire inside us burning to achieve what one desires to achieve.achieve. Out of ‘NEED’ springs ‘DESIRE’, out of DESIRE springs ‘ENERGY’ and ENERGY stimulates the WILL to WIN; Energy is the power that inspires every human being to triumph. Let every one have their own goals, because goals help you channel your energy into action.”Happy Reading…. V.NAGARAJAN, EDITORVol. 7&8 Dec.2014


Motivating speech by Mr.Sumit Gupta on the occasion of Foundation Day on 19.11.2014

We are all gathered here today to celebrate another achievement together. Together we have completed 11 years of this factory’s birth. Today, exactly 11 years ago, the dream that we had all dreamt of, together, was realized after painstaking efforts from everyone involved at that time. I am very happy and proud to say that MOST of the people involved 11 years ago, are still around and involved in the company. That is the single largest compliment that we should give to ourselves which says a lot about our unique company called TAB INDIA.

On this momentous day, I want to share with you that TAB is growing steadily and we are expanding our production as well as quarrying operations to a new height- and we aim at becoming one of the BEST. For me personally, being the LARGEST in stone business has no meaning. For me being the BEST in whatever we do has a far greater impact than being the largest without any heart and soul.!!TABTAB wants to be the best company to work for, the BEST employer, the BEST work culture, the BEST work environment, the BEST inter -personal relationship provider… and so on. And I think, we are already there, we just need to keep reminding ourselves to continue to give the company our best so that the company can do the same for everyone. LetLet us all make sure that we will put our BEST foot forward, leave no efforts in order to give our 200% to the work that we are given in the company. That we are sensitive towards the company, its resources, its cleanliness, towards each other and those who supervise and guide us. And I assure you no one will even be able to come close to you or TAB if that is the conviction. Once again, I congratulate all of you for being here , being a part of the TAB TEAM and being a TAB INDIAN.  JAI HIND , JAI TAB

The path of growth is challenging and seems difficult but at TAB we have always welcomed challenges with open arms and loved to make impossible seem POSSIBLE. Even the word IMPOSSIBLE says I M POSSIBLE. TAB INDIANS make it happenhappen , everyday and my convition is that we will continue to make it happen and achieve the best always.



A 5S Skit By Employees


(An educative article by Mr.Hanumanth Dolli, Maintenance.)



JUSTICE is a concept that involves people getting what is due to them. In short, the GOOD reaps rewards, the BAD reaps punishment. As you sow so will be the reap. Social Justice, Personal Justice and Supernatural Justice are the three major categories. Social justice includes a government’s legal system, Personal justice is nothing but person’s own ethics and Super natural justice refers to Karma, benevolent Devine.Social Justice:SocialSocial Justice is the largest and most important form of justice for common public. It entails the act of set-ting up a system of laws established by the society itself followed by proper enforcement by the concerned officials. Social justice revolves around the culture, civilization, religion, principles, legal systems and the enforcement authorities. Social justice offers an opportunity for interaction with others in a friendly way. Social justice mostly relates to human society and its organization. The unsolvable issues seek judicial remedies.Personal Justice:It may be relating to an individual, religion or personal cause having the character or nature of a conscious and individual entity. Personal justice arises when someone is referred especially in an offensive way, to somebody’s beliefs, actions or physical characteristics. When someone unfairly remarks or question about others or probes in depth , personal justice arises. Personal justice otherwise called as conscience occurs when an individual has an emotional response to their own actions.Supernatural Justice:It is relating to or attributed to phenomena that cannot be explained by natural laws. It is also relating to or It is relating to or attributed to phenomena that cannot be explained by natural laws. It is also relating to or attributed to a deity. It could be also magical in the sense relating to or attributed to magic or occult. Mostly, Supernatural justice seem to come from a power such as magic that which do not have a natural or scientific explanation. For Hindu supernatural justice is attributed to KARMA for a Christian it is Judgement day.

Conclusion:Assuming that Supernatural justice is real, then people don’t need to worry about justice at the social or personalpersonal level because it is taken care already by the individuals themselves. It is obviously beneficial to all because in the end every one will get what they deserve whether it be good or bad.

The management of TAB INDIA have been aiding the children studying in the Board-ing school for Child Labour near Thally in Krishnagiri district by providing facilities for food. This school is headed by one Mr.Sivaprakasam, a social thinker. Mr.Sivaprakasam has been running this boarding school with a purpose to eradicate child labour which is highly prevalent in Lakshmipuram village near Thally. TAB is helping the Boarding school by supplying provision items to facilitate the school to provide Breakfast and Dinner to the boarding students. In this school, children who are abandoned by their parents and also children who hail from poor peasant fami-lies are provided free education upto 8th std.

Mr.C.Sivaprakasam represented to TAB management to extend financial help to pay Tuition and Hostel fee to 2 students by name V.VIJIKUMAR and M/s S.DEVI who hail from a poor family and whose parents could not afford higher education for them . They had secured 441/500 and 359/500 in their SSLC examinations respectively. If financialfinancial support is not provided to them by some broad minded people or institution these students will be sent by their parents as coolies in construction jobs as they cannot afford to spend for their Higher secondary studies. The TAB management came forward to help these students to bear their school fees and hostel fees as a part of CSR activity apart from showing humanitarian consideration for these students to come up in their lives and also to discourage child labour.

These 2 students have got admission in John Britto Higher Secondary school, Anniyalam, Denkanikota to continue their Higher secondarysecondary studies. Their parents are willing to send them to school provided they are helped by institutionsinstitutions like TAB. Photo taken at the factory with these two children and the school authorities are attached. 4

Amitji’s Birthday Celebration

Sumitji’s Birthday Celebrations




Congratulations on completing ten years

Mr.Jakka Narayanan (Exports) Mr.Ravi Dubey (Finance- Jaipur)

Mr.Ajesh Kumar (Exports) Mr.Shankaran (Production-Slab)

Mr.Upadhaya (Production-Slab) Mr.Puttaraju (Despatch)

Mr.Vadivel ( Maintenance) Mr.Bala Murali (Production-Slab) 7

BACKPAIN EXERCISE – By Mr.Dinesh Gupta (Accounts)


MULBERRY AND ITS USES –By Ms.Ashwath Kumari (QC-Tiles)


“ USES & Benefits of Mulberry” Mulberry fruit is used to treat weakness, dizziness, Tinnitus, Fatigue, Anemia and Incontinence.Its leaves are used to promote sweating and the branches and bark help lower blood pressure.ItIt can help treat chronic diseases of the digestive tract, improve digestion, stimulate the appetite, promote gastric juice secretion and eliminate constipationWhite mulberry leaves are used as feedstock for silkworms. They are also cut as food for livestock such as cattle and goats especially in areas that experience dry season, restricting the availability of fodder. The fruits of Mulberry plant are eaten raw and also used to make wine by drying them.TheThe fruit has much significance in traditional Chinese medicine which uses it to treat prematurely graying hair. It is also used to purify blood and treat constipation and diabetes in Chinese medicine.The bark is used to remedy cough, wheezing edema, fever, headache, and red, dry sore eyes. It also promotes urination.The leaves of the plant work to stimulate the nervous system and help in maintaining proper function on of the digestive tract. I t also has a positive effect on the respiratory and cardiovascular system as well as the uterine system,. respiratory and cardiovascular system as well as the uterine system,.



(An informative article by Mr.Vimal Selvam, HRD)


STRESS is the feeling of being under too much mental or emotional pressure. Pressure turns into stress when you feel unable to cope up with. People have different ways of reacting to stress, so a situation that feels stressful to one person may be motivating to someone else. Many of life’s demands can cause stress, particularly work, relationships and money problems. And, when you feel stressed, it can in the way of sorting out these demands, or can even affect everything you do. Stress can affect how you feel, think, behave and how your body works. In fact, common signs of stress includeinclude sleeping problems, sweating, loss of appetite and difficulty in concentrating. You may feel anxious, irritable or low in self esteem and you may have racing thoughts, worry constantly or go over things in your head. You may notice that you lose your temper more easily, drink more or act unreasonably. You may also experience headaches, muscle tension or pain or dizziness. Stress causes a surge of hormones in your body. These stress hormones are released to enable you to deal with pressures or threats- the so called “fight or flight” response. Once the pressure or threat has passed, your stress harmone levels will usually return to normal.   However, if you are constantly under stress, these hormones will remain in your body leading to the symptoms of stress. MANAGING STRESS IN DAILY LIFE Stress is not an illness itself, but it can cause serious illness if it is not addressed. It is important to recognizerecognize the symptoms of stress early. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of stress will help you figure out ways of coping and save you from adopting unhealthy coping methods such as drinking or smoking. Spotting the early signs of stress will also help prevent it getting worse and potentially causing serious complications such as high blood pressure. There is little you can do to prevent stress, but there are many things you can do to manage stress more effectively,effectively, such as learning how to relax, taking regular exercise and adopting good time-management techniques. Studies have found that mindfulness courses, where participants are taught simple meditations across a series of weeks can also help to reduce stress and improve mood. Live stress-free life and prolong your longevity.


PHYSICAL EXERCISES for Computer users- By Mr. Venkatesan, (IT)


ExercisesI have to use computer for a long time everyday. Would you recommend some simple physical exercises to relax myself during a break?DuringDuring a break, you may follow the following recommended exercises to relax yourself. This can prevent early fatigue and musculo-skeletal disorders. You may repeat each exercise for several times. However, should you really have a health complaint, you should consult a physician

Conversion of slurry into solid blocks is an innovative thinking which TAB Engineers have thought of and successfully implemented. The process of conversion of slurry into solid block is rather scientific involving crucial elements / ingredients to give shape of a sturdy block. The slurry which is otherwise dumped in waste yard or to fill the hilly areas is being put to use which in one way saves the mother earth from pollution and contamination of water resources. The slurry which generates during the processing of stones while it is dressed or given the desired shape is either in powder form or as small stone pieces.TheseThese small pieces of stones are crushed to powder form and the slurry powder generated from the stone processing are used to make the solid brick blocks. Drying, Sieving, Mixing, Adding chemical and cement in the right proportion and putting mould to get the shape of a solid block is rather a tedious process which one has to undertake. Pavers, slabs, solid blocks of desired shape are the fruits of the slurry conversion.-Presented and moulded by Mr.Samir Tapriya(F&O) and Mr.Anandan, (Civil)




The name 'India' is derived from the River Indus, the valleys around which were the home of the early settlers. The Aryan worshippers referred to the river Indus as the Sindhu.The Persian invaders converted it into Hindu. The name 'Hindustan' combines Sindhu and Hindu and thus refers to the land of the Hindus.Chess was invented in India.Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus are studies, which originated in India.TheThe 'Place Value System' and the 'Decimal System' were developed in India in 100 B.C.The World's First Granite Temple is the Brihadeswara Temple at Tanjavur, Tamil Nadu. The shikhara of the temple is made from a single 80-tonne piece of granite. This magnificent temple was built in just five years, (between 1004 AD and 1009 AD) during the reign of Rajaraja Chola.India is the largest democracy in the world, the 7th largest Country in the world, and one of the most ancient civilizations.The largest employer in India is the Indian Railways, employing over a million people.The largest employer in India is the Indian Railways, employing over a million people.India was one of the richest countries till the time of British rule in the early 17th Century. Christopher Columbus, attracted by India's wealth, had come looking for a sea route to India when he discovered America by mistake.The four religions born in India - Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, are followed by 25% of the world's population.





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