  • 8/17/2019 Lymphatic Filariasis in the Philippines.ppt


    Lymphatic Filariasis in the


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    LF causing disabilities/deformities of

    the limbs

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    LF affecting the

    reproductive organs

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    •one of the neglected tropical diseases in

    the Philippines affecting poorest of thepoor•LF also known as Elephantiasis or Tibakin the local language•43/44 provinces are endemic in the 11regions• provinces have reached elimination level

    namel!"#$Le!te%#orsogon%&iliran%&ukidnon% 'omblon% (gusan del#ur and )inagat *s$

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     Prevalence of Microfilaremia /MF Rate Baseline (1998): 9.7 % per 1000 population

     +645,232 Filipinos infected with LF(2005)

    +30 M Filipinos are at risk of thedisease

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     !isa"as 2#


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    + The $lo%al &ro'rae to liinate L"phaticFilariasis ($&LF)

    + +Launched b! the *orld +ealth r'anization(*+) (in partnership with $la-o.ith/line)in "ear #1 held at $enea

    + +Following advances in diagnosis and treatment on LFthrough !ears of scientific research% classif!ing it in 1,,as eradicable or potentiall! eradicable$

    + +-alling all 2 si'ned states (includin'&hilippines) to initiate steps in eliinatin' LF as

    a pu%lic health pro%le

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    The $lo%al lliance to liinate L"phaticFilariasis ($LF)+Formed in 2000 at a eetin' in .pain inresponse to the *orld +ealth r'anization(*+)s $&LF+Proposing a pu%licpriate partnership aon'leaders of the LF 7ounit"+Partners included" The Spanish Government !" #epartment for $nternational #evelopment (#F$#)

    The Bill % Melin&a Gates Fo'n&ationGlaoSmith"line Merc % *o+ $nc+ the ,orl& Ban,-. an& vario's G.s

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    + 89:8L .7L;

    + +The

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    The ational Filariasis Elimination Programspecificall! aims to"

    1$'educe the prevalence rate to elimination levelof less than 12

    $Perform mass treatment in all establishedendemic areas

    3$)evelop a filariasis disabilit! in all establishedendemic areas

    4$-ontinue surveillances of established endemicareas !rs after mass treatment

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    Program strategies

    + Endemic mapping

    + -apacit! &uilding

    + 5ass treatment

    + #upport control

    + 5onitoring and supervision

    + Evaluation+ ational certification

    + *nternational -ertification

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    + #elective treatment 6 treating individuals foundto be positive for microfilariae in nocturnal blood e7mination

    )rug" )ieth!lcarbame8ine -itrate.9mg/kg bod! wt$in 3 divided doses for 1 consecutive da!s

    • 5ass treatment. giving the drugs to allpopulations from 1 !rs old and above in allestablished endemic areas

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    Lymphatic Filariasis


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    + 1$1: billion people in countries worldwide remain threatened b!

    l!mphatic filariasis and re;uire preventive chemotherap! to stop the

    spread of this parasitic infection$

    + *n ::: over 1: million people were infected% with about 4:

     million disfigured and incapacitated b! the disease$


    + L!mphatic filariasis can be eliminated b! stopping the spread ofinfection through preventive chemotherap! with single doses of

    medicines for persons living in areas where the infection is present$$93 billion treatments have been delivered to stop the spread ofinfection since :::$

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    + 314$ million people no longer re;uire preventive chemotherap! due tosuccessful implementation of strategies$


    + -urrentl!% 1$1: billion people in countries are living in areas thatre;uire preventive chemotherap! to stop the spread of infection$

     (ppro7imatel! ?:2 of these people are living in the following 1:countries" (ngola% -ameroon% -@te dA*voire % )emocratic 'epublic ofthe -ongo% *ndia% *ndonesia% 5o8ambi;ue% 5!anmar% igeria and theBnited 'epublic of Tan8ania$

    +Cloball!% an estimated million men suffer with genital disease andover 1 million people are afflicted with l!mphoedema$ Eliminatingl!mphatic filariasis can prevent unnecessar! suffering and contribute tothe reduction of povert! 

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    WHO’s response

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    WHO’s strategy

    &ased on components"

    1$ #topping the spread of infection throughlarge.scale annual treatment of all eligible peoplein an area or region where infection is present$

    $ The suffering caused b! l!mphaticfilariasis through increased morbidit!management and disabilit! prevention activities$

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    !uccess in "#"# will be achieved if patients have

    access to the following minimum pac$age of care% +Treatment for episodes of adenol!mphangitis 0()LD

    +Cuidance in appl!ing simple measures to manage l!mphoedema andh!drocele to prevent progression of l!mphoedema and debilitating%inflammator! episodes of ()LD

    +#urger! for h!droceleD

    +Treatment with antifilarial medicines to destro! an! remaining

     worms and microfilariae b! preventive chemotherap! or individualtreatment$

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