
St, Laurence, Ludlow + St. John the Evangelist, Ludlow + St Giles, Ludford +



Ludlow and Ludford

Parishes Magazine

St. John St. Giles

St. Laurence

Keeping us all together with the news…

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2 College Street, LUDLOW, Shropshire. SY8 1AN

Telephone: 01584 872073

e-mail: [email protected]


The Office is staffed and phone calls responded to each day,

but is only open to the public on Mondays and Fridays between 10.00 am and 12.00 noon.

Parishes’ Secretary Julia Hall 872073

Parishes’ Administrator Sue Bremner 872073

Book-keeper Lyddia Pearson 872073

CLERGY (Days off are shown in brackets)

Rector Designate: The Venerable Colin Williams (Thur) 872001 Rector’s Office direct: (e-mail: [email protected]) 875907

Team Vicars Revd Maree Wilson (Thur) 856731

Revd Kelvin Price (Fri) 831886 Assistant Priest Revd Prebendary Ann Barge (Wed) 877307

Associate Minister Pastor Brigitte Malik (Fri) 878464


St Laurence 8.00 am Holy Communion BCP

9.30 am Parish Eucharist 3rd Sunday Sung Eucharist

11.30 am 2nd and 4th Sunday Choral Matins 3.30 pm 1st and 3rd Sundays Choral Evensong

(No 3rd service on the 5th Sunday of the month)

St John 9.30 am Holy Communion with Hymns

St Giles 11.15 am Holy Communion

- 1st Sunday Family Service



Sunday Services & Bible Readings for September Insert sheet

Pattern of Daily Worship 4

Weekly Calendar & Thought for month 5

Parish Events Calendar 6

Clergy Letter 7

From the Bishop 8

From the Registers 9

Notes from the Rector 9

Churchwardens’ Corner 11

St Laurence Lighting Works 14

News from St John’s and News from St Giles’ 15/16

Hans Willi Büttner Retirement 18

Children’s Pages for September 19/20

Messy Church & Conservation Trust 21

Lifts to Church 22

Mother’s Union 24

Christian Aid & Ludlow Food Bank 26

Christian Aid Harvest Appeal 27

Life & Learning @ Ludlow 28

CTAL Monthly Meetings & Survey 30/31

Ludlow Concert Band & Cakes Unlimited 32

Magazine deadline dates and Guidelines 33

Advertisers 34-38

Contact List 39




Monday 8.00 am Morning Prayer

8.30 am Holy Communion

5.30 pm Evening Prayer

St Laurence

Ashford Carbonell

Tuesday 8.00 am Morning Prayer

8.30 am Holy Communion

5.00 pm Evening Prayer

8.00 am Morning Prayer

5.30 pm Evening Prayer

St Laurence

Ashford Carbonell

Wednesday 8.00 am Morning Prayer

8.30 am Holy Communion

11.30 am Holy Communion

5.00 pm Evening Prayer

5.30 pm Evening Prayer

St Giles

St Laurence

St Laurence

Ashford Carbonell

Thursday 8.00 am Morning Prayer

8.30 am Holy Communion 5.00 pm Evening Prayer

5.30 pm Evening Prayer

St Laurence

Ashford Carbonell

Friday 8.00 am Morning Prayer

8.30 am Holy Communion

5.30 pm Sung Compline

St John

St Laurence


Happiness is the result of circumstances,

but joy endures in spite of circumstances.

“ thy presence is fullness of joy, and at thy right

hand there is pleasure for evermore.”

( Psalm 16:11 )

Calendar of Weekly Activities & Events




(SJL=St John; SLL=St Laurence; SGL=St Giles LMC = Ludlow Mascall Centre)

Monday 08:00 - 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)

15:15 – 16:15 Junior Choristers Teas (SLL) 16:30 – 17:30 Junior Choristers Practice (SLL)

19:30—21:30 Bells Practice (SLL)

Tuesday 08:00 - 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)

17:00 - 17:30 Evening Prayer (SLL) 18:00 - 19:15 Handbells (SLL)



09:45—11:15 Toddler Group (SLL)

11:30—12:15 Holy Communion (SLL) 17:00—17:30 Evening Prayer (SLL)

Thursday 08:00 - 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)

16:00—17:00 Simple Service of Psalms & Silent Prayer (SJL) 17:00—17:30 Evening Prayer (SLL)

18:00—20:00 Choir Practice (SLL)

Friday 08:00 - 09:00 Morning Prayer and Holy Communion (SLL)

09:45—11:15 Toddler Group (SLL) 17:30—18:00 Compline (SLL)

Saturday 11:30 – 12:30 Guided Church Tours (SLL)

Sunday 08:00 - 08:45 Holy Communion (SLL)

09:30—10:45 Parish Eucharist (SLL) 11.30 Matins OR 15.30 Evensong (SLL)


CALENDAR OF PARiSH Events – September

Date Event Details

Every Wed and


Toddlers Group (SLL) 09:45 – 11:15



Church Tours 14:15 – 15:15 Please check board for

details on the day (SLL)

6 – 21 Sept

Festival of Churches (Shropshire)

8 - 13 Sept

Viewing for public auction of pinnacles and stonework removed from St Laurence’s Church, Ludlow during the

recent restoration. 10:00am – 5:30pm Monday to Saturday

Sat 13 Sept

10:00 – 16:00 Autumn Bazaar (SLL) Fancy goods and art. Tea, coffee and cake served.

10:00 – 17:30 Exhibition on the Vision Project (SLL) 15:00 pm Public Auction of pinnacles and stonework

(Auctioneer Mark Stafford-Lovatt, Nock Deighton) (SLL)

Wed 17 Sept

St Johns Bereavement Coffee Morning

Sat 20 Sept

14:15 (tbc) St Lazarus Service (SLL) Further details to follow

Sat 27 Sept

19:30 – 21:30 Ludlow Concert Band evening concert

Sunday, 14th September at 4.00 pm "Festival of Churches" at St Giles

Singing of German Hymns and Folksongs in the Church - (with or without knowing German!)

Some of the tunes will be well known to English people. It will be fun … do come and join us.


Clergy Letter

September is a glorious month, at its beginning the countryside is

resplendent in its abundance, as the promise of the preceding seasons comes to fulfilment in the harvests of grain and fruit, by its end the trees

may be aflame with the colours of Autumn as the land prepares for the

onset of the colder and darker part of the year. The poet John Keats personified it as a drowsy season, with perhaps a hint of wistful

melancholy in its richness. It is certainly a month when we are aware of the natural world and its changes and rhythms, its beauty and perhaps

its vulnerability too.

In recent years there has been a moment, partly inspired by the

leadership of the head of the Eastern Orthodox Churches, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, to view September as a season when Christians

celebrate the wonder of God’s creation and seek to meditate upon

ways by which it might be protected and cherished. Christians have

been involved in a series of dialogues including representatives of other

world faiths on this theme, in the city of Assisi in Northern Italy.

The location was chosen because Assisi was of course the home of St

Francis, a man who besides enriching the church in so many other ways,

had a highly developed sense of reverence for the beauty of the world that God has given to us. We may know the hymn ‘All creatures of our

God and King’ based on St Francis’ ‘Canticle of the Sun,’ with its

celebration of the response of nature to the Creator:

Dear Mother Earth, who day by day Unfoldest blessings on our way,

O praise him, alleluia !

The flowers and fruits that in the grow,

Let them his praise also show,

O praise him, O praise him, Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Let us love our earth and its beauty and give thanks, alleluia indeed.

Kelvin Price


From the Bishop

The late Isaac Asimov, scientist and author of science fiction wrote

“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” He wrote this prior to the digital

revolution in which access to information and communications

exploded through the internet and technology. If it were true when he wrote, how much more so now as information on almost any

subject can be accessed at the touch of a button and an entry into a search engine such as Google.

Of course having that ability to access information is a wonderful

resource and many have found it to be an enriching aspect to their

lives. However knowledge and information alone do not necessarily change lives for the better. Throughout the summer, the news has

made clear over and over again that technology, information and

knowledge do not of themselves make the world a safer place. Indeed

recent polls suggest that many people feel less safe now than in years

past. The rise of militancy, the use of information to exploit others and the inability of differing peoples to agree and find peaceful

solutions, all point to the difficulty. While many understand that

information is power there is a tendency to forget that power can be

used either for good or for ill.

William Shakespeare in his play ‘As you like it’ penned these words:

the fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself a fool. As

Shakespeare alludes there is a distinct difference between wisdom and

knowledge. Knowledge is about information and power while wisdom

is about their application for good and not for ill. Wisdom requires self knowledge and experience that is honest about the human heart,

our motivations and propensities to both evil as well as good. The

Christian tradition has long linked wisdom to love and to the God

who is the source and author of both. True knowledge of God brings

wisdom. Many things done in the so called name of God fail this test. St Paul in his letter to the Corinthians explores true wisdom and

points to Jesus Christ as the one in whom the power, love and wisdom of God are fully embodied. Wisdom is something we and our

world desperately need. The book of Proverbs puts it like this:


Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will

watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get wisdom. (Proverbs 4:6-7)



From the Registers

Baptisms / Services of Thanksgiving

29.6.14 Taylor James Thomas St Laurence

29.6.14 Lily Rose Martin St Giles

6.7.14 Frederick Michael Holtom St Giles

13.7.14 Brooke Audrey Pauline Bennett St Laurence

13.7.14 Oliver Ashley Hamblin St Giles 3.8.14 Ava Louise Harris St Giles

10.8.14 Bay Primrose Flynn St Laurence

10.8.14 Harley Robin Griffiths St Giles

17.8.14 Marnie Marie Ann Ward St Giles


26.7.14 Daniel Thomas & Tracey Doyle St Giles

2.8.14 Jonathan Cook & Anita Francis St Giles


1.7.14 Pamela Halliday St Giles

3.7.14 Jean Bursnell St Laurence

4.7.14 Edith Turnball Hereford Crematorium

10.7.14 Constance (Barbara) Marler St Giles 4.8.14 Martin Powell Bevan St Laurence

5.8.14 Beryl Tetsall St Laurence


Notes From the Rector

Marjorie Waite Marjorie – a long-standing member of the

congregation at St. John’s, former deputy head of what is now Ludlow CE Secondary School and a leading citizen of Ludlow – celebrates her


100th birthday on Wednesday, 1 October. As we go to press,

preparations are in hand for a service and celebration in St. Laurence’s so that Marjorie’s many friends and admirers can come together to

mark her one hundredth birthday. Details will be announced as they are confirmed. In the meantime, I am sure that all readers of ‘The

Towers’ join together in offering our congratulations to Marjorie.

St. John’s Mission Action Plan For the last few months, with the

help of diocesan officials, a Steering Group has been working hard to

meet the challenge set to the whole congregation last December to set out its vision for the future of St. John’s. The Action Plan has now

reached an advanced stage and the time has come to share it with

members of the congregation, so that as many as possible of the family

of St. John’s have the opportunity to reflect and comment in it. There will be a presentation of the Action Plan to St. John’s congregation

during the 9.30 am. Service at St. John’s on Sunday, 21 September.

Do make a point of being in church that day if you possibly can.

Harvest Sunday at St. Laurence’s is on Sunday, 5 October.

At St. Laurence’s we will be inviting members of the congregation to

make a harvest gift in one or more of three ways: • By bringing a gift of food items to be passed on to the Ludlow

Food Bank at the Rockspring Centre, [See page 26...Ed.] • By bringing plants to be given out to housebound members of the

congregation, By making a contribution to the Christian Aid Harvest Appeal

which this year is focusing on the needs of the hungry, deprived

people of South Sudan – which in recent months has become the forgotten Third World humanitarian crisis. [See page 27...Ed.]

There will also be Harvest Evensong at 5.30 pm followed by Harvest

Supper - the churchwardens write about that elsewhere. [p. 13...Ed.]

Langwasser Jürgen Bridstrup writes elsewhere [p. 18... Ed.] of the

visit which he and I (and Bishop Michael Bourke) made to Langwasser at the end of July in order to represent the Ludlow Team Ministry at

the farewell service for our good friend Hans-Willi Büttner. We took

the opportunity to talk with representatives of the parish about their

hopes and dreams for the partnership with Ludlow – and it is clear that


there is still a strong will for the partnership between Ludlow and

Langwasser to be renewed and revived. We will work further on that in the months to come.

Bishop of Hereford. Most people will know by now that the Rt Revd Richard Frith, currently serving as Bishop of Hull, has been

appointed by Her Majesty the Queen to serve as the next Bishop of

Hereford. Bishop Richard and his wife Kay will be moving to Hereford in the Autumn and Bishop Richard will be installed as Bishop at a

service in Hereford Cathedral on Saturday, 22 November (attendance by invitation only). Please remember them both in your prayers as

November draws near. We hope it will not be too long before

Bishop Richard finds his way to Ludlow.

Installation as Prebendary As most people know by now, I am to

be installed as Prebendary of Hereford Cathedral during Cathedral

Evensong at 5.30 pm on Thursday, 2 October. A coach is being

arranged for any who would like to support me on that day – please

look out for announcements.

Congratulations to Lilly Hallam and to

Barbara Newman, both of whom attained the

age of 90 during the summer.

Colin Williams


Churchwarden’s Corner

Looking back over the summer:

A number of excellent concerts and recitals were held in St Laurence’s

over the summer holidays. The fortnightly Saturday lunchtime organ

recitals again proved popular. Our thanks go to the recitalists who put the splendid Snetzler organ through its paces, and to those organising

the recitals (beforehand, and on each day).

The Georgia Boys Choir (America) sang a varied selection of music on

25th July; sacred music in the first half and secular in the second. We


are grateful to the Conservation Trust for organising a most enjoyable

evening. BISOYC (a European youth orchestra) performed an impressive

concert of music by Vaughan Williams, Britten and Mussorgsky on 2nd August. This year, for the first time, they were joined by a choir. The

choir, a scratch local one ably managed by Robert Bunting, sang A

Dirge for Two Veterans from Vaughan Williams’ Dona Nobis Pacem.

The choir excelled itself both in Ludlow and Leominster Priory the

following evening. The orchestra was as always superb. In view of the dates of the concerts it was particularly moving to see young

people from all over Europe employing instruments of music rather

than instruments of war as their forebears had 100 years ago at the

same age.

Three events to raise money for the church lighting were held during

July and August. These were mostly arranged by the choir. Our

thanks go to the choir and indeed all our friends who supported the

events by attending, buying raffle tickets, etc. The first event was a

BBQ held on 11th July. This was well attended, a balmy summer’s

evening helped. Particular thanks go to Sally and Matthew for the loan

of their BBQ. Thanks also to those who helped serve food and drink

that night. The second event was the rector’s tea party held inside St

Laurence’s on 19th July due to inclement weather. A good sum was

raised from the sale of tea and cakes plus in some people’s eyes, an

unusual raffle. To me, raffle tickets in straws were commonplace

having done this for many events in Nottinghamshire, but they sold

well! Again, many thanks go to those who baked or donated cakes as

well as raffle prizes and to those serving teas on the day. Finally there

was a very enjoyable quiz night on 6th August. Particular thanks go to

Jonathon Ormond for setting and presenting the quiz and to the staff

at Ludlow Brewery for making everyone feel so welcome. [See page

22 for picture...Ed.] In total, these events raised just over £640 net of

expenses for the church lighting, an excellent outcome.

Looking forward to the autumn:

We offer heartfelt thanks to all who have given financial support to

this essential work and trust that the new lighting will be installed


with minimum disruption, given all the careful planning that has taken

place. Some details from a flyer already distributed to all St Laurence’s congregations follow this piece; these include the management of the

project from 1 – 12 September. [See page 13 .. Ed.]

Festival of Churches

On Saturday, 13 September St Laurence’s makes its contribution to this

year’s events organised by the dioceses of Hereford, Shropshire and Worcester. The planned events will be as follows:

VISION exhibition and Early Autumn Bazaar from 10.00 am to

5.00 pm, featuring:

Exhibition of St Laurence’s restoration, past and future (in the

South Transept) Public auction at 3.00 pm of stone pinnacles from the roof

Stalls with fancy goods & art Tea, coffee and cake served all day

Volunteers will be needed throughout the day to help welcome visitors,

serve refreshments and provide back-up; assist stall holders as required and help to clear the church after 5.00 pm.

Could you offer to help? Please contact Jane Robinson (875694) or Jim

Hooper (878766)

Harvest Festival and Young at Art

These two events will coincide. Harvest will be on Sunday 5 October with a Harvest

Supper following 5.30 pm Evensong.

Donations from the 9.30 Eucharist will be made to the Christian Aid Harvest appeal.

More details will be announced and provided at the back of church from 14 September.

The 2014 Young at Art exhibition will be

held from 3 – 6 October in the South aisle.

Please support this event which aims to

showcase the creative work of young people in Ludlow across a wide spectrum of age and ability. Help in stewarding

during the four days and/or donations towards the cost of mounting this

exhibition would be welcomed.


The 2014 Christmas Mediaeval Bazaar will be held on Saturday

29 November. More details will follow in October. Offers to (wo)man stalls and to assist in other ways would be welcome.

Please contact Jane Robinson (875694) or Jim Hooper (878766)


St Laurence Lighting works

From 1 – 12 September (inclusive) the following arrangements

are likely to be in place - (Together, with good will, we can manage the inevitable disruption):

There will be no electric lighting so if you need to come to church early

or late, please remember to bring a torch. St John’s Chapel will be closed, it will be too dark to use for services;

The Lady Chapel will be closed, electricians will use it to store their materials;

The ‘back of the organ’ will be completely closed to everyone except

electricians; it is vital that they can work there undisturbed;

All materials needed (e.g. for the shop, toilet, cleaning etc.) will be

removed from behind the organ before 1 September; There will (hopefully) be lighting in the shop;

There will be no flowers in church between 1 – 12 September, possibly

extending to 15th (depending on progress);

Tower visits will be curtailed (no lighting);


8.00 am Communion on Sunday, 7 September will be in St Catherine’s

Chapel; 9.30 am Eucharist on Sunday, 7 September will be in the Nave but

provision of coffee will be dependent on electricity supply; 3.30 pm Evensong on Sunday, 7 September will be in the Chancel;

11.30 am Communion on Wednesdays 3 & 10 September will in the

Nave; Daily 8.30 Communion will be in St Catherine’s Chapel;

Daily Morning & Evening Prayer and Friday Compline will be as usual in the Chancel.

Thank you all for your understanding and cooperation!

Jane Robinson and Jim Hooper


News from St John’s

It may seem that nothing has changed at St John’s during the summer

months – but this would not be true. Physically the building is as it has been since the nave was closed last December, but a lot of work has

gone on behind the scenes and we have moved forward. Our Mission

Action Plan, required by the Rector and the PCC before the repairs of

phase one can be activated, is at the refining stage. Heartfelt thanks must go to Brian Childs, who, with the help and guidance of Revd Dr John

Daniels, Diocesan Lay Development Officer, and others, has brought this

document into being. The plan is to present a digest of it to the

congregation for discussion and possible amendment so that we really

feel involved in the development of our church. Members of the Steering Group have been in discussion with Hands Together Ludlow – an

initiative sparked off by the CTAL report “Ludlow Under Pressure”, the

Diocesan Youth Officer and many other agencies. We feel that the

future mission of St John’s must be directed towards greater community

involvement if it is to grow in the 21st century.

Our congregation continue to be active and supportive and our services

are greatly enhanced by the lively singing which issues from the chancel. Being closer together physically has given us confidence and a stronger

feeling of fellowship – so, as often happens when disaster strikes, something positive has come out of the change.

The choir meets regularly under the skilled directorship of Colin Reeves. We are tackling more difficult music and, above all, we have fun. We

shall have performed one anthem in August, and will be preparing another for Harvest on 28 September. We had a successful Garden

Party in the church grounds which was a happy social occasion, raising

much-needed funds for our essential repairs. Our Harvest Lunch will take place in October, details in the next magazine.

The kneelers [9 of them] are now with the upholsterer in Nantwich. The two remaining have been promised for October, but we are still one

short of our total, due to the illness of one of our key members. We are hopeful that someone will be moved to come forward when the beauties

of the finished kneelers are revealed.


Our toddlers continue to meet at St Laurence and some of us also

participated in the ecumenical ‘Messy Church’ in August. We held a Songs of Praise in July, and another is planned for October. For these

initiatives we are indebted to Don Millington and to the Rector for devising the forms of service. The 4.00 pm short service of prayer and

psalms will recommence on Thursdays in September.



News from st giles

One of the important dates for St Giles’ in July was the Coffee

Morning and Sale in aid of church funds. Previous to the day we had been having lots of warm sunny weather but on the all-important day

itself we awoke to thunder and heavy rain. Nothing daunted, the sale went ahead as planned, using the garage for 2 stalls and fitting

everything and everyone inside the Vicarage! We were absolutely

delighted that so many people struggled through the heavy rain to come and join us and we would like to take this opportunity to thank

you all very much indeed for coming, for all the helpers and providers and a special thank you to Brigitte and Christoph for lending us their

home for the event. We had some very kind donations after the event

which brought the total to £357.60. Again thank you all so much.

At the P.C.C. meeting in June it was decided to give a donation of £1,000 to St John’s from St Giles’ as an act of love and support for

their difficult situation. Their income is down considerably due to the

fact that they are not able to hold wedding or funeral services until the roof / ceiling repairs are completed. St John’s sent us a very

appreciative letter of thanks.

A Reminder That on Saturday, 25 October there is to be a

concert by the Craven Arms Choir at the Methodist Church with all

funds being divided between St John’s and St Giles’ churches. Further

details regarding time and tickets will be published in the October magazine. Do please come and enjoy a wonderful musical evening.

St Giles’ Patronal Festival Day will be held on Sunday, 31

August. There is a celebration service in the morning at 11.15 a.m.


when the preacher will be Rev. Kelvin Price followed by a Bring and

Share lunch in the church. In the afternoon from 2.30 - 4.00 pm. there will be music provided by Colin and Amanda Reeves,

strawberry teas, cakes, plants and books for sale. Then, to round off the day, at 5.00 pm. there will be an Evening Service conducted

by Pastor Brigitte Malik. A wonderful day to really enjoy so do

please come along and join our celebrations. Everyone is welcome.

A Very Happy Holiday was much enjoyed by Oliver Hunt and Vita Unwin when they visited Taize in France with Rev John

Beesley. It is a wonderful community where young people from all

nationalities meet and take part in worship and prayer. This year

about 3000 young people attended and Oliver and Vita tell us it was

truly awe-inspiring to see so many young Christians worshipping together - a lovely memory to return with.

The Festival of Churches is being celebrated on Sunday, 14

September when many churches in Shropshire are taking part

including St Giles’. Our part of the celebration will be at 4.00 pm. when Pastor Brigitte Malik will be sharing German Hymns and

Folksongs with us. Do come along and share a happy hour with us.



Thanks from US(PG).

I have received a letter from USPG - now known as Us. - thanking

St Laurence, Ludlow for the £333.33 that we raised in 2013 for their

Philippines appeal. Thank you so much to all who contributed.

Sue Bremner


Hans-Willi Büttner retires

after 18 years at our Partner

Church in Langwasser.

Pfarrer Büttner, better known as Hans

-Willi, has retired and Michael Bourke,

Colin Williams and I had the honour and pleasure of being at the Paul

Gerhardt Kirche for his farewell

service and the joyful party that followed. Bishop Mike represented the

Hereford Diocesan Nuremberg committee and Colin and I were there on

behalf of Ludlow. Both Colin and Mike brought greetings and presents, their humorous brief speeches were greatly appreciated by all present. It was also

very good that Colin and Judy Hamer joined us for the afternoon.

Hans-Willi has given much time and effort to the link with Ludlow and worked

untiringly for relations between the Lutheran Nuremberg Kirchenkreis and

Hereford Diocese, ever aware of the still important reconciliation work to be done. He excelled himself when he came and preached at the Remembrance

Service at St Laurence two year ago. I was greatly moved by how he made

friendship the heart of his sermon. Hans-Willi found himself in a very different

culture from his own: the flags, the uniforms and decorations worn, the

National Anthem. He preached a humble sermon from a generous heart. The response from the congregation was a round of applause which moved me


There are other sides to Hans-Willi, he never tired of visiting the UK and even

drove coaches from Nuremberg to Ludlow, North Wales and Chester. He

was a brilliant tour guide for a group from Ludlow who went across for Reformation Day last October. During his time in

Brussels as German Pastor he was involved in War

Cemetery work. He also finds time for alpine

mountaineering, music making and a lovely, large family.

He preached a sermon full of gratitude for what he had been given so far and that farewell means not the end

but opens new vistas. Langwasser will miss him and so

shall many here in Ludlow, yet we haven’t seen the last

of him . He is continuing to work with the Nuremberg Hereford committee.

Watch this space…

If you are interested in the link please contact me:

Tel 01584 876992 email [email protected]

Juergen Bridstrup, Convener of the Ludlow Langwasser group


Children’s pages - September 2014



Can you find all these words about birds and feathers? The words go up, down, backwards, forwards and diagonally and some letters are used more than once.











* blackbird * canary * cockatoo * * dove * feather * heron * jay *

* owl * parrot * peacock * plume * quill * raven * robin * * skylark * tern * wren *

What bird is always out of breath? A puffin.

For children of all ages!


Messy Church

At the last Messy Church we had about

60 people (families and helpers). We had a great time decorating fish with

shiny ‘scales’, decorating photo-frames

with shells, making wooden boats and sand-drizzle patterns and playing with

sand and water. We sang some songs and heard the story of the two builders, (with a wall that really fell down). We wrote some ‘brick’

prayers and fixed them on a wall (that was still standing). Some of the

results can still be seen in St. Catherine’s Chapel.

The next Messy Church is on 12 October at 2.30 pm. in St Laurence’s Church. The topic is still to be decided and will be announced in the

October magazine. We usually have the craft activities until about

3.30 pm. and then we have to clear the tables for tea.

Please reserve the date and if you would like to help with catering or

crafts (or anything else) please let Sue know, otherwise just come along.

Sue Thomas - 01584 874352 Sandi Burley - 01584 873155


THE Conservation Trust

Richard III Day and Concert to Aid St

Laurence Restoration

The importance of Ludlow in the War of the Roses will be explored in a day-long event organised by the

Conservation Trust for St Laurence, and supported by the

Mortimer History Society, Ludlow Historical Research Group, The

Ludlow Civic Society and the Richard III Society.

Richard III, Ludlow and the House of York, held on the 4th October 2014, will feature a number of national and local historians and

authors who will examine Ludlow's role in the civil war between the Houses of York and Lancaster. There also will be tours of


medieval Ludlow and St Laurence Church's 15th century

architecture, stained glass and misericords.

Richard III, Ludlow and the House of York - at Ludlow

Assembly Rooms on Saturday, 4 October 2014, from 9.00am to 5.00pm.

Tickets: £35 (admission limited to 100 participants).

In the evening at St Laurence’s Church the Ensemble Sine Nomine

and IatB Ensemble will present music and songs for the Plantagenet Kings. During the concert a narrator will set the music within the

context of the War of the Roses and the life and death of King

Richard III.

Music from the Age of Richard III - at St Laurence Church on Saturday, 4 October 2014, at 7.30pm.

Tickets: £15 Adults, Children under 16 admitted free.

Tickets for the day-long event and concert are available from the

Ludlow Assembly Rooms box office, 1 Mill Street, Ludlow, either in person, by phone (01584) 878141 or online at

Rory Chase, Deputy Chair of Conservation Trust for St Laurence, Ludlow.

Tel: 01584 878232



There are some jobs that we do for the Church that are somewhat uncomfortable and one of them is asking/cajoling people into offering

lifts to those who cannot get to church under their own steam. Michael Day has been on this job for over ten years and so I have

offered to take over on a temporary basis. So I hope that many good

people will step forward to offer a lift on the odd Sunday, if not on a

monthly basis. The latter is what five noble people have done for over

ten years. So many thanks to Pat and Peter Pardoe, Diana and Peter Corston and Chris Jeffery and also to more recent volunteers Barbara

Atkin, John Holmes, Harriet and Miles Reardon, Mary and John

Williams and Sandi and John Burley. Others have helped from time to


time and to them also thanks are due. Four people depend on these

good people and their Blue Badges does make it somewhat easier to park.

I would like very much to have a list of reserves (with telephone numbers) for regular lifters to be able to contact if necessary. It would

be good to be able to offer lifts to people in temporary difficulties or

who have had to give up their cars and so become more housebound. I know many people walk to church but they might feel it right on

reflection to offer to help.

I do hope this heartfelt plea won't just be skimmed through by readers

and then forgotten. It really is very worthwhile for those who give

lifts and a great kindness to those who depend on them. If you feel you can help, even if it is only once every six months please contact

me to discuss the possibilities.

This is the list of regular lifters for September:

1st Sunday Pat and Peter Pardoe 877086

2nd " John Holmes for Pat Perry 890940 3rd " Harriet and Miles Rearden 01568 750370

Barbara Atkin 879380 4th " Diana and Peter Corston 873778

5th " Chris Jeffery 872022

Jen Pollard 877834 or [email protected] or pigeonhole P!


QUIZ NIGHT! The brains at work..!

[ See the report

on page 11...Ed.]




A force to be reckoned with!

During the weekend of 5th/6th July 2014

the Tour de France reached Yorkshire and

Mothers’ Union members were out in force! The churches of Yorkshire

welcomed and extended friendship and hospitality to visitors from throughout the

world and many Mothers’ Union branches

were part of it within the Dioceses of West Yorkshire & The Dales, York and Sheffield.

MU used this opportunity to work together in the York Province;

They produced 10,000 flyers to publicise Wheels Appeal and promote

Mothers’ Union work. Giving information about distances travelled by

Community Development Coordinators across the world in comparison with the Tour de France distances. Hundreds of Le Tour

Teddy bears were knitted by members and given away to children during the weekend. Some teddy bears were used at First Aid stations

by the medical company used by the Tour organisers.

An especially composed prayer for “Le Church, Le Tour and Le Welcome to Yorkshire” was used by members across the province

before the event. Jean Thurman, representative member for York said: “It was a thoroughly enjoyable weekend and Mothers’ Union were

happy to offer a warm welcome to families visiting our beautiful area”.

Here are just a small selection of the events, ideas and efforts that different branches throughout the province got involved in:

In April, as part of the 100 days Yorkshire Festival leading up to Le

Grand Depart, St Mary’s branch was active during the “Handmade

Parade”. They had a successful outreach day, people reading the flyers

and selling cakes for The Wheels Appeal.

Gomersal had its own Tots Tour de France, for 6 years and under, at St. Mary’s Primary school on the 5th July itself.

St Bartholomew’s, Ripponden was open for refreshments and a Flower


Festival was held on a bicycle theme.

St Thomas’s church, Greetland was directly on the route. Teddies were given away and donations for the Wheels Appeal received.

In Leyburn in North Yorkshire, Mary Storr was the member who has knitted most of the teddies! Leyburn was one of the main hubs

for Le Tour in the Yorkshire Dales.

Branch Wentworth + Harley had a 'Wheelie Quick Cricket Match'. The children did not run between the wickets but used their

bikes, scooters etc! They also had a Family picnic at the same time.

Each year Mothers' Union runs the ‘Wheels Appeal’ to help raise

funds for Community Development Coordinators across the world.

Congratulations to Yorkshire members for such innovative ways of raising funds for the ‘Wheels Appeal.’

Ludlow Branch Members


Old Downton Lodge

Come along and celebrate the arrival of our new Head

Chef Karl Martin by trying our new Tasting Menu!

Our Restaurant is open Tuesday through until Saturday

night from 6pm until 9pm and is offering a set tasting

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We look forward to welcoming many guests from the

surrounding counties and hopefully further afield as our

reputation grows.

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Christian Aid

Please look at the Christian Aid Harvest Appeal on the following

page and consider prayerfully if you might wish to help.

A big “thank you” to all who supported the recent coffee morning - it

raised £549.23 plus £148.00 specifically for the Gaza appeal; this

compares with £471.00 raised last year. A very successful morning. Big thanks from the town committee to all

those involved and to the management and staff of “The Feathers”,

who make this annual event possible.

Future events to note in your diary are:

Street Collection on Saturday 20 December 2014

Christian Aid Week 2015, which is 10-16 May.

Please put those dates in your forward planner NOW!

Please continue to pray for the work of Christian Aid throughout the world, and for all those working in the field. Thank you for your


Claire Wilcox Tel: 01584-877199



Please continue to remember those who depend on

the Rockspring Food Bank at times of crisis. Thank

you to all who have contributed food items to the basket in St Laurence’s - please continue to give as

the need is increasing.

There is still a need for volunteers to help meet the

increasing demand and to increase the number of days the Bank is

open each week.

Please help if you can - if you think you might be able to help,

even if only occasionally, or for more information, please contact Ruth Davies on 07896 706189.



Will you set a place for

Christian Aid this Harvest? This year, our church will stand with communities like Alok, in

South Sudan, that struggle to find enough to eat or a secure shelter

for their families.

Sudan has been plagued by two brutal civil

wars. Two million lives have been lost as a result

of fighting, famine and disease. Millions more

were forced to flee their communities to escape

the violence.

Nyipock Majak (pictured) fled his home as a young

teenager to start a new life in the north of Sudan. He was able to return home

to South Sudan three years ago, when the region gained independence.

Nyipock is just one of more than 2 million southerners who have since

gone back to live in South Sudan. Many of them arrived with few or no

possessions and have depended on the kindness of local communities to

help them get back on their feet.

In South Sudan, our partners are responding to the current humanitarian

crisis (for more details visit uk/harvest) and also

helping communities to develop in the long term.

Our partner Hope Agency for Relief and Development (HARD) gave

Nyipock a cash grant to build his own house. Nyipock, who prides himself

on working hard, built his own clay oven. Now he rises at six every

morning to bake 600 loaves a day for his community.

He dreams of opening his own restaurant one day, saying, ‘With the profit, I

would buy school uniforms for my children and pay for their school fees. If

they got sick, I would be able to pay for their treatment.’

‘I do help others where I can and let them have bread. It’s mainly

elderly mothers and children, who have very little.

Nyipock has so little, yet gives so much. As we celebrate God’s gifts to us

this Harvest, let us support communities affected by poverty and conflict

around the world. Acting together, we can turn our daily bread into a secure

harvest for some of the world’s poorest people.

Thank you so much for all you can give.


Life & Learning @ Ludlow

The first events of the 2014 – 2015 ‘Life & Learning @ Ludlow’ adult

education programme get under way next month.

On Thursday, 2 October we welcome the Revd the Lord (Leslie) Griffiths to give the opening lecture of the season. Leslie Griffiths spent

most of the 1970s serving the Methodist Church of Haiti, where he was ordained, before returning to Britain to serve in ministries in and

around London. He was President of the Methodist Conference from

1994 to 1995, and has been Superintendent Minister at Wesley's Chapel, London since 1996. The title of Leslie’s lecture is ‘The Power to

Translate: Today's Challenge to Theology’.

This is followed on Thursdays, 23 & 30 October and 6 & 13

November by a series of four sessions on ‘Luther and Lutheranism’ led

by Bishop Michael Bourke, Assistant Bishop in the Diocese and Chair of the Hereford-Nuremberg Link Committee. The course anticipates the

500th anniversary in 2017 of the beginnings of the Reformation, when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the church in

Wittenberg. The Diocese of Hereford is planning a joint pilgrimage “In

the Footsteps of Martin Luther” with the Lutheran Church of Nuremberg in the autumn of 2015.

Other events in the 2014 – 2015 programme comprise:

A talk by the Revd Canon Paul Tongue on ‘Woodbine Willie: A Vicar at

War’ to be given on Thursday, 12 February 2015.

A course of four sessions for Lent entitled ‘The Test of Faith: Science and

Faith Unpacked’ to be given by the Revd Canon Dr Maureen Palmer on

Thursdays, 26 February and 5, 12, 19 March 2015

Overall, the programme has been designed to stimulate the interest of

people of faith who want to reflect deeply on how their faith impacts

on their engagement with the world about them, and also appeal to

those with no strong faith commitment who are interested in exploring the Christian perspective on contemporary issues. Events are open to

all people from the town and beyond, regardless of religious affiliation.

The number that can be accommodated at all events is limited, so those

wishing to attend are encouraged to reserve their place as early as


possible. Full details, with booking form, can be downloaded from

the website ( Copies of the programme can also be obtained at the Welcome Desk in church or

by contacting Barry Forrester on 01584 878872. Barry Forrester


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Presenter: Peter McGugan - Dynamic Canadian film maker.

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Booking, enquiries & more information: [email protected]

Tel. 01684 569948; and You Tube.

Why not let your friends know?


CTAL Monthly Meetings

For many years, CTAL has been holding lunchtime meetings in the Garden Room of the Methodist Church in Broad Street on the last

Friday of each month. The lunch has consisted of soup, bread and cheese in the winter and bread, cheese and salad in the summer,

followed by tea or coffee. The meal has been followed by a short talk on an appropriate subject followed by a discussion. Those attending

have been asked to make a donation to cover the cost of the food

and as a contribution to CTAL’s New Initiatives Fund.

For the last 10 years or more, Jen Pollard and Molly Gooding have

organised the lunches and, with others, provided the food and found the speakers. They have now decided that it is time for them to step

down and hand over the reins to someone new. We owe them and all those who have helped in the past a great debt of gratitude for

their commitment and selfless hard work.

At the last meeting it was decided that, in the absence of volunteers

to take over from Jen and Molly, we would not meet in August, but would plan on meeting on Thursday 25 September at 12.30 pm. It was

agreed that Fridays were not ideal. The September meeting will be a

bring-your-own lunch (sandwiches or a lunch from Wesley’s) and we will only supply tea or coffee. The topic for discussion will be the

proposed legislation on assisted dying. Pam Thompson has kindly agreed to introduce the topic. At the end, we will discuss the way

ahead for the monthly meetings (which may or may not be lunches).

As many people as possible from all the churches are encouraged to

attend, both to take part in the discussion and to decide on how best

to run the monthly meetings in future.

In order to inform discussion about the future of not just lunchtime

meetings, but also other meal and talk meetings (such as the evening

CTAL Outreach Meetings that the Outreach Committee used to

run), please could you complete the short survey on the next page and return it to me electronically or by post before 5 September?

Mike Beazley (CTAL Administrator) Old Gate House, Old Street, Ludlow SY8 1NS, 01584 873570 or

[email protected]



From (Name):…………………………………………………


Address or email:…………………………..


I [am]/[am not] (delete as appropriate) interested in attending regular CTAL meals and talks.

I would prefer meetings to be on

……………………………………………… (day(s) of the week).

I would prefer meetings to be (delete as many of the following as appropriate):

Coffee mornings (tea, coffee, biscuits and cake).

Lunchtime meetings (soup, bread and cheese or bread,

cheese and salad, tea and coffee).

Lunchtime meetings (meal purchased from Wesley’s, tea and coffee provided).

Lunchtime meetings (bring-your-own lunch, tea and coffee


Teatime meetings (tea, coffee, biscuits and cake).

Evening meetings (a two course meal followed by tea or coffee).

Evening meetings (a bring and share meal followed by tea or


I would be happy to volunteer to (delete as many of the following

as appropriate):

Organise meetings and/or speakers.

Organise the catering for meetings.

Assist with setting up and/or clearing away (e.g. washing up). Assist with buying food/drink.

Assist with cooking/preparing food. Bring my own food.

Speak at meetings.


Ludlow Concert Band 5th Anniversary Concert

Adults £5 Children £2.50

St Laurence’s Church, 27th September, 7.30 p.m.

Tickets available from The Ludlow Laundry, Tower Street, from Band members or on the door.


Beautifully decorated delicious hand made cakes for all

your special celebrations. Weddings, Christenings, birthdays

or any occasion that

needs an eye-catching centrepiece.

Contact Sue on 01584 318263

email [email protected]


Thank you to all our contributors.


Material arriving after the preferred date cannot be guaranteed to be

included. Material arriving after the final date will definitely

NOT be included until the following month:

Issue Preferred Date Final Date

October 2 September* 9 September*

*[Please note earlier dates - due to Editor’s holiday]*

November 7 October 14 October

December / January 4 November 11 November

February 2015 6 January 13 January

Please send articles by email to [email protected]

Please send information about events and subjects that you would like to

appear in the magazine. We ask contributors to limit their articles to:

No more than two A5 pages or 600 words (Gill Sans 12pt)

There may be special circumstances when more space is required but we ask that you please check with the Editorial Committee and request

larger space at least two weeks ahead of the submission date to

determine if sufficient space will be available in that month’s issue.

Editor’s Note

Opinions expressed in contributed articles in this magazine are those of the contributor and do not necessarily represent the position or opinions of the

PCC or the Editorial Committee.

Towers Editorial Committee

The present members of the Towers editorial committee are:

Sue Bremner - Parishes Office 872073

Diana Thomas - Tallis House, Overton 878719

John Burley - ‘Burleys’, 72 Dahn Drive , Ludlow 873155


THANK YOU to these local retailers and businesses who have supported us by purchasing advertising space:

Diocesan News Service for Magazine Editors.

Copy in writing for October issue by 1 September 14 to:

Anni Holden, Communications Officer,

The Palace, Hereford HR4 9BL

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Parishes’ Office 872073

Churchwardens Dr Jane Robinson, 6 Clifton Court, Ludlow 875694

Mr Jim Hooper, 37 Beech Close, Ludlow SY8 2PD 878766

Deputy Churchwardens Mrs Maureen Stinton, 28 Friars Gardens, Ludlow 873445

Mr Brian Gardner, 29 Lower Broad Street, Ludlow 318020

PCC Secretary Mrs Val Hardwick, Culmington 861658

Electoral Roll Parishes Office 872073


8am Sidesmen’s Rota Mr and Mrs R Burns, 8 Poyner Road, Ludlow 872419

Children’s Church Children’s Committee, Parishes Office 872073

Communion Rota Mrs Fay Carson, Fairfield, Linney, Ludlow 879155

Conservation Trust Mr John Aitken, St Leonards Cottage, Linney, Ludlow 877279

Director of Music Mr Shaun Ward, Parishes’ Office 872073

Flowers Mrs Liz Gardner, 29 Lower Broad Street, Ludlow 318020

Gift Aid Secretary Mrs Sue Bremner, Parishes Office 872073

Pastoral Links Vacant

Sacristan / Servers Sec. Mrs Antonia O’Kennedy, 17 Friars Garden, Ludlow 877309

Stewarding Mrs Fay Carson, Fairfield, Linney, Ludlow 879155

St Laurence Shop Mrs Di Corston, 13 Whitbatch Close, Ludlow 873778

Tower Captain Tony Greatrex, Church House, Bell Lane, Orleton 01568 780764

Tower Floodlighting Forms at St Laurence Shop

Treasurer Mr Terry Curthoys

Verger Mr Paul Harris, c/o Parishes Office 872073


Deputy Wardens Mrs Sheila French, 4, Coach House Fields, Livesey Rd 876142

Dr Brian Childs

Treasurer Mr Peter Phelps, Hill Crest, Gravel Hill, Ludlow 873179

Secretary Mr John French, 4, Coach House Fields, Livesey Road 876142

Organist SJL/SGL Mr Colin Reeves 875608


Churchwardens Mrs Barbara Foster, 6 James Close, Ludlow SY8 1UH 318298

Mr Merlin Unwin, 8 Corve Street, Ludlow 872987

Treasurer Mrs Barbara Foster, 6 James Close, Ludlow SY8 1UH 318298

Secretary Vacant

Minutes Secretary Mrs Karen Unwin, 8 Corve Street , Ludlow 872987

Electoral Roll Mr Rob Downes, 30 Wheeler Road, Ludlow 874095

Flowers Ms Elizabeth Woodall

Wedding Flowers Vacant


Bible Reading F’ship Penelope Bridstrup, 4, The Vineyard, Lower Broad Street 876992

M.U. Leader Mrs Barbara Penson, 31, Henley Orchards, Ludlow 875956

Towers Editorial Com. Sue Bremner / Diana Thomas / John Burley 872073 / 873155


LARGE PRINT Copies in large print are available from

Sue Bremner at the Parishes Office –

01584 872073.

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