
Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church1717 Broadway, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 • 734-665-0105 • [email protected] •

February 19, 20178:45 & 11:15 am • Preacher: Rhonda Workman

Psalm 119:33-40

Loving God, Serving PeopleWe welcome you into our community and our lives. Following this morning’s worship, we invite you to join us for a cup of coffee in the Fellowship Hall.

Babies & Young ChildrenA nursery for children 2 years and younger is next to the kitchen off of the Fellowship Hall. Children, 3, 4, and 5 years old who have not started Kindergarten will be dismissed before the sermon to room 27 for Preschool Church Hour.

Aids to WorshipHearing assistance devices are available in the narthex. Please ask our greeters for assistance.

AACRC StaffJohn Groen, Pastor of Worship Ministries • 734-239-2348 • [email protected]

Ryan Boes, Pastor of Family & Youth Ministries • 734-545-4324 • [email protected] McLaughlin, Worship Coordinator • [email protected] Herrema, Worship Coordinator • [email protected]

Jan Musch, Worship Coordinator • [email protected] Barbara Okonkwo, Parish Nurse, 734-476-4440 • [email protected] Weener, Family & Youth Ministries Coordinator • [email protected]

Carolyn Wurster, Office Manager • 734-665-0105 • [email protected]

*Please stand if you are able.

8:45 worshipWe Gather to Worship God

Prelude: Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word Johann Walther

Choir: God of the Word Red Hymnal 765

Welcome *Call to Worship (responsive) from Deuteronomy 4

He brought you out of slavery with his own presence, and by his great power.Acknowledge and take to heart this day that the Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth below. Keep his decrees and commands so that it may go well with you and your children after you and that you may live long in the land the Lord your God gives you for all time.

There is no other God; we delight in his commands;come, let us worship the Lord, for He is highly exalted!

*Hymn: All Creatures of Our God and King Red Hymnal 551:1,2,5,6*We Receive God’s Greeting and Greet One AnotherChildren’s Time

(Children in the Preschool Church Hour Class dismissed to Room 27.)

We Are Renewed by God’s Grace

Preparation for Confession: Create in Me a Clean Heart Green Songbook 49

Prayer of Confession (unison) Holy God,your law shows us the way of righteousness,but we forsake your commandments.We have not provided for the poor or aided the disabled.We have not been truthful in our daily business;we have been unjust in our judgment of others.We have sought vengeance against our enemies;we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. Forgive us our sinsand rouse us to sincere repentance.By the power of your Holy Spirit, free us to live as your holy peoplewith Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon (responsive) from 1 Peter 2:24

Now hear the good news:This saying is sure and worthy of full acceptance,that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.He himself bore our sinsin his body on the cross,that we might be dead to sin,and alive to all that is good.I declare to you in the name of Jesus Christ,you are forgiven.

Thanks be to God.*Hymn: For the Glories of God’s Grace Red Hymnal 677:1,3*Living Our Thanks According to God’s Word (responsive)

What is the great and first commandment?Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.

What is the second commandment like it?Love your neighbor as yourself.

What does this mean?Love is the fulfilling of the law.

To what does this call us?To a life of faith working through love.

*Hymn: Christian Hearts in Love United Red Hymnal 727Prayers of the People, ending with The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in heaven,hallowed be your name,your kingdom come,your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.Give us today our daily bread.And forgive us our debts,

as we also have forgiven our debtors.And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from the evil one.For yours is the kingdom,

and the power,and the glory, forever.


We Present our Gifts & Offerings for: 1. The Lord’s work through AACRC 2. AACRC Faith & Food Garden

Choral Offertory: Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation Dale WoodRed Hymnal 250

We Are Fed by God’s Word and Table

Responsive Reading of Scripture from Psalm 119:33-40, see insertMessage: “Teach Me How to Live!”*Song: Bless the Lord, My Soul (sing 2x) Red Hymnal 836We Celebrate the Lord’s Supper

*Prayer, see insertThis morning we celebrate communion. All who love Jesus Christ, trust in him alone for their salvation, and agree to be his disciple are invited to join with us in this celebration.

With thanks and joy, take the bread and dip it into the cup. If you are unable to proceed to the front of the sanctuary to partake of communion, remain seated and the elements will be brought to you.

Communion SongsChoir: All Who Are Thirsty Red Hymnal 807 All: In Sweet Communion, Lord, with You Red Hymnal 346

*Prayer of Thanksgiving

We Go Out in God’s Peace

*We Receive God’s Parting Blessing*Hymn: My Friends, May You Grow in Grace Red Hymnal 938*Postlude: All Creatures of Our God and King Chris Rice

Preacher: Rhonda Workman; Liturgists: Pastor John Groen, Michael McGowanOrgan/Piano: Jan Musch; Choir: Paul Herrema

Songs used with permission UBP OneLicense A-703004 & CCLI #224005

We Gather to Worship God

Song of Invitation: Gather Us In Red Hymnal 529Welcome *Call to Worship (responsive) from Red Hymnal 505

We have heard the glowing stories of the things that God has doneOf his power and his glory, of his love in Christ, his Son.

God of human transformation, for your presence now we prayLead us ever on the journey as we gather here today.

*Song of Praise: Halle, Halle, Hallelujah! Green Songbook 44:1-3*We Receive God’s Greeting and Greet One AnotherChildren’s Time

(Children in the Preschool Church Hour Class dismissed to Room 27.)

We Are Renewed by God’s Grace

Preparation for Confession: Create in Me a Clean Heart (sing 2x)Green Songbook 49

Time of Silent Prayer of Confession

Coming Out of Silence: Create in Me a Clean Heart (sing 1x)Green Songbook 49

*Remembering God’s Faithfulness with Thanks from The Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 90-91

Hear the Good News from 1 John:This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you,that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.If we say that we have fellowship with himwhile we are walking in darkness,we lie and do not do what is true;but if we walk in the light as he himself is in the light,we have fellowship with one another,and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.Thanks be to God, we have been delivered …

From misery; from guilt; from our old selvesIn our new lives in Christ, we offer our love And we delight to live according to the will of GodBy doing every kind of good work: Those that are done out of true faith,Those that conform to God’s law And done for God’s glory. Amen.

11:15 worship

*Please stand if you are able.

*Song of Thanksgiving: We Are Marching in the Light of God Green Songbook 293Prayers of the PeopleWe Present our Gifts & Offerings for:

1. The Lord’s work through AACRC 2. AACRC Faith & Food Garden

Offertory: Take My Life and Let It Be

We Are Fed by God’s Word and Table

Responsive Reading of Scripture from Psalm 119:33-40, see insertMessage: “Teach Me How to Live!”*Song: Bless the Lord, My Soul (sing 2x) Red Hymnal 836We Celebrate the Lord’s Supper

*Prayer, see insertThis morning we celebrate communion. All who love Jesus Christ, trust in him alone for their salvation, and agree to be his disciple are invited to join with us in this celebration.

With thanks and joy, take the bread and dip it into the cup. If you are unable to proceed to the front of the sanctuary to partake of communion, remain seated and the elements will be brought to you.

Communion SongThere Is a Redeemer Red Hymnal 833

*Prayer of Thanksgiving*We Receive God’s Parting Blessing*Sending Song: My Friends, May You Grow in Grace Red Hymnal 938*Postlude

Preacher: Rhonda Workman; Liturgists: Pastor John Groen, Michael McGowan

Worship Team: Victor Chen, Cathy Green, Veena Kulkarni, Chase Lancaster, Jenelle Newman, Teressa Streng, Mike Wilson, Joe Yunkman

Songs used with permission UBP OneLicense A-703004 & CCLI #224005

inside a2crc February 19, 2017

today next sunday • feb 26Sunday Morning • 8:45 & 11:15 am

Preacher: Rhonda Workman, Chaplain in the St. Joseph Mercy Healthcare System.

Scripture: Psalm 119:33-40

A special offering will be received during morning worship for the Faith & Food Garden.

Youth MinistryPreschool Church Hour class will meet during this morning’s worship services in Room 27 for children 3-5 years of age who have not started Kindergarten. The children will be dismissed to their class during the worship service.

9:55–Sunday School (pre-K through 1st grade) in RM 28

9:55–Sunday School (2nd – 5th grade) in RM 23

9:55–Savior Servant Singers in RM 18

10:15–Middle School Sunday School in RM 12-13

10:15–REACH in Youth Room

Adult Sunday SchoolIn Room 24, led by representatives from the CRC, see inside.

In Room 19, study of 1 Corinthians, led by Tom Trevethan and George Lindquist.

Downstairs in Room 17, BESEL Sunday School, studying the book of Mark in English, sing Gospel songs in different languages. Teachers: Mark and Naomi Nah Schult, Yang Liu.

Sunday Morning • 8:45 & 11:15 amPreacher: Pastor Ryan Boes

Scripture: Matthew 6:24-34

Youth MinistryPreschool Church Hour class will meet during this morning’s worship services in Room 27 for children 3-5 years of age who have not started Kindergarten. The children will be dismissed to their class during the worship service.

9:55–Sunday School (pre-K through 1st grade) in RM 28

9:55–Sunday School (2nd – 5th grade) in RM 23

9:55–Savior Servant Singers in RM 18

10:15–REACH in Youth Room

Adult Sunday SchoolIn Room 24, led by representatives from the CRC, see inside.

In Room 19, study of 1 Corinthians, led by Tom Trevethan and George Lindquist.

Downstairs in Room 17, BESEL Sunday School, studying the book of Mark in English, sing Gospel songs in different languages. Teachers: Mark and Naomi Nah Schult, Yang Liu.

Adult Ed, Feb. 19 & 26 Church Between Borders

On February 19th and February 26th in Adult Ed, representatives from the CRC will lead an interactive workshop to spark thought and discussion for Christians interested in engaging immigration from a Biblical perspective. If you’ve ever wondered “Why don’t immigrants just get in line?” or, “My grandparents came the legal way, why don’t they?” You’ll find practical, fact-based, and hopeful answers to those questions.

Rotating Shelter WeekFor many years our church has supported the Shelter Association of Washtenaw County ( by participating in its Rotating Shelter Program, which involves hosting 25 men who are without a home at our church for one week. This year our church is hosting during the week of March 6-13. Volunteers are needed to provide transportation, stay overnight, and provide snacks/meals for our guests at church. We encourage you to prayerfully consider how you can participate in this ministry to our community. A sign-up board is available in the Fellowship Hall, and you can also sign up using the shared Google Spreadsheet available at: (the link is also on the church website). If you have questions or would like more information please contact Todd Redder ([email protected], 734-660-3479) or Scott Stephenson ([email protected]).

Ash WednesdayCome join us for CONNECT night programming on March 1, Ash Wednesday, as we gather for a meal and begin our Lenten journey together. There will be a simple meal of soup and bread beginning at 5:45 PM and we’ll move to the sanctuary at 6:30. There will be NO youth programming that night.

Let’s Talk, Let’s PrayThursday, February 23rd. 8:45 to 9:45 am. Join us to reflect on and pray through scripture, issues around the nation & world, and for mutual understanding throughout the AACRC and beyond. In the downstairs prayer room. Contact [email protected] for more information.

E–mail AddressLauris Kaldjian, who spoke last week in Adult Ed, offered to let us e-mail him with questions. His e-mail is: [email protected].

Preventing Falls is for Everyone!Recently Dave Cummins received news from a cousin whose son was about to propose marriage to his girlfriend. The son fell down hotel stairs and never woke up. So family and friends found themselves invited to a funeral instead for celebrating an engagement.

An International doctoral student and member of our church community fell down stairs. When she awoke, she found she could not get up. She saw her phone was within reach so she could call for help. With months of therapy she regained her speech, vision and walking. Her head wounds healed; she passed her special driver’s license test, and she was like her old self.

Stair railings are for everyone. Use them. Do not tempt the Lord your God to send his angels to bear you up lest you strike your foot against a stone. (See Mt. 4:10-12)

announcements & reminders

Adult Ed, Feb. 19 & 26 Church Between Borders

On February 19th and February 26th in Adult Ed, representatives from the CRC will lead an interactive workshop to spark thought and discussion for Christians interested in engaging immigration from a Biblical perspective. If you’ve ever wondered “Why don’t immigrants just get in line?” or, “My grandparents came the legal way, why don’t they?” You’ll find practical, fact-based, and hopeful answers to those questions.

Rotating Shelter WeekFor many years our church has supported the Shelter Association of Washtenaw County ( by participating in its Rotating Shelter Program, which involves hosting 25 men who are without a home at our church for one week. This year our church is hosting during the week of March 6-13. Volunteers are needed to provide transportation, stay overnight, and provide snacks/meals for our guests at church. We encourage you to prayerfully consider how you can participate in this ministry to our community. A sign-up board is available in the Fellowship Hall, and you can also sign up using the shared Google Spreadsheet available at: (the link is also on the church website). If you have questions or would like more information please contact Todd Redder ([email protected], 734-660-3479) or Scott Stephenson ([email protected]).

Ash WednesdayCome join us for CONNECT night programming on March 1, Ash Wednesday, as we gather for a meal and begin our Lenten journey together. There will be a simple meal of soup and bread beginning at 5:45 PM and we’ll move to the sanctuary at 6:30. There will be NO youth programming that night.

Let’s Talk, Let’s PrayThursday, February 23rd. 8:45 to 9:45 am. Join us to reflect on and pray through scripture, issues around the nation & world, and for mutual understanding throughout the AACRC and beyond. In the downstairs prayer room. Contact [email protected] for more information.

E–mail AddressLauris Kaldjian, who spoke last week in Adult Ed, offered to let us e-mail him with questions. His e-mail is: [email protected].

Preventing Falls is for Everyone!Recently Dave Cummins received news from a cousin whose son was about to propose marriage to his girlfriend. The son fell down hotel stairs and never woke up. So family and friends found themselves invited to a funeral instead for celebrating an engagement.

An International doctoral student and member of our church community fell down stairs. When she awoke, she found she could not get up. She saw her phone was within reach so she could call for help. With months of therapy she regained her speech, vision and walking. Her head wounds healed; she passed her special driver’s license test, and she was like her old self.

Stair railings are for everyone. Use them. Do not tempt the Lord your God to send his angels to bear you up lest you strike your foot against a stone. (See Mt. 4:10-12)

Assisting This Week 2/19

Coffee Servers 8:45 Larry & Louise Gruppen

Myung Kim & Jihee Ahn Kim

11:15 Mark Schult & Naomi Nah Schult Ryan & Melissa Swieringa

Nursery 8:45 Kerry De Kraker

Sean Kim, Dré Hubers

SS Ron & Sharon Reimink

11:15 Sue De Zeeuw Nicole Michmerhuizen

Preschool Church Hour 8:45 Grant Schoenebeck

Audrey Stob, Dane Hubers

11:15 Lyndsey Chisholm Melisa & Kaleb Swieringa

Assisting Next Week 2/26

Communion Servers 8:45 Tom & Claudia Larson

Dan & Anita Lautenbach

11:15 Sean & Jenelle Newman Sue & Darren De Zeeuw

Offering Assistants 8:45 Anita Lautenbach

11:15 Sue De Zeeuw

Coffee Servers 8:45 Don & Marie Heys

Todd & Rachel Redder

11:15 Victor Chen & Jill Fenske David Lin & Karen Tieng

Nursery 8:45 Kellie Steen

Martha Kooistra, Helen Brush

SS Nicole Michmerhuizen

11:15 Kaylin Wiersma Megan Boes, Darian Karr

Preschool Church Hour 8:45 Tim & Kate Costello

Anika Lautenbach

11:15 Rita Aagenas, Yang Liu Kira Brehob

1717 Broadway, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 • 734-665-0105 • [email protected] •

Ann Arbor Christian Reformed Church

AACRC Weekly CalendarToday, February 198:45 and 11:15 AM Morning WorshipMonday, February 206:30 AM New Awakenings Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Room 19 7:30 PM Council Leadership TeamTuesday, February 216:30 AM New Awakenings Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Room 19 9:30 AM Coffee Break 1:15 PM Coffee Break 5:30 PM Samaritas Fostering Informational Meeting 7:00 PM Tuesday Night Dinner & Conversation at the Lindquist home 7:30 PM Praise Team Rehearsal with Roots MusiciansWednesday, February 226:30 AM New Awakenings Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Room 19 6:30 AM & 8:00 AM Men’s Prayer and Study 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal, BalconyThursday, February 236:30 AM New Awakenings Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Room 19 8:45 AM Let’s Talk, Let’s Pray, Prayer Room 10:00 AM Weekly Prayer Group in the Prayer RoomFriday, February 246:30 AM New Awakenings Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Room 19 7:30 PM FaHoLo Chinese FellowshipSaturday, February 25No events scheduledSunday, February 268:45 and 11:15 AM Morning Worship 12:30 PM Soup Group 12:45 PM BESEL Monthly Lunch

Worship Insert Responsive Reading of Scripture from Psalm 119:33-40 Women: Teach me, Lord, the way of your decrees, that I may follow it to the end. Men: Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart. All: Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight. Men: Turn my heart toward your statutes and not toward selfish gain. Women: Turn my eyes away from worthless things; preserve my life according to your word. Pastor: Fulfill your promise to us, your servants, so that you may be feared. Take away the disgrace we dread, for your laws are good. How we long for your precepts! In your righteousness preserve our lives.

Prayer (responsive) The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. Most worthy are you of praise, Lord God, for your abundance is beyond all we could dream or desire. ... And so, with your people on earth and with angels and archangels and all the company of heaven, we join their unending hymn. Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest. Indwelling God, in your Son you have given us to eat and drink of your very self in abundance for eternity. ... Great is the mystery of faith. Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again. Restoring God, you bear the cost of the love that makes us yours. Give your children faith to turn the other cheek, ... with every abundance, every justice, and every joy, ever-living God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen

Mission Focus – Sara W. Chang InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (U of M, EMU, WCC)

Reflecting on the past year, Sara writes:

Looking ahead to resuming her Area Director responsibilities, Sara writes:

Pray that Sara will be able to find office space for 4-5 staff to work in and for her efforts to raise scholarship money for students to attend conferences.

Missions Team Contact: Teressa Streng

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