  • June 2013 Edition


    The Vedas declare, Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahman) and Tat Thwam Asi (That Thou Art). Even these two Vedic

    declarations state two things: I and Brahman, That and Thou. True wisdom lies in seeing oneness. Advaita darshanam

    jnanam (experience of non-dualism is true wisdom). It is a sign of ignorance to see duality ignoring the underlying unity.

    Duality is not the truth. In this manner, Buddha enquired deeply and ultimately got the experience of I am I. That is true realisation. You may do penance for many years, you may do meditation and perform many yogic practices. But all these

    spiritual practices give only temporary satisfaction, not everlasting bliss. Some people talk about meditation. Even Buddha

    advocated the practice of meditation. What is that you have to meditate upon? What is meant by meditation? Does it mean

    concentrating upon a particular object? No, no. That is not meditation at all. To contemplate upon the principle of I am I is true meditation. No other sadhana (spiritual practice) can match this.

    ~ Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba


    National Pilgrimage 2013

    UK National Sai Retreat 2013

    Rudra Ekaadhashini Homam 2013

    Sai Smaran Bhajans


    Gratitude paid by Indian Government ...


    Dr T Ravi Kumar - The Lords Divine Touch: My Experiences in UK and Europe

    Education Wing - SSE Poems

    Education Wing - The Age Link Party

    Region 1 - Buddhism at Brixton Sai Centre

    Region 1 - Dr. T. Ravikumars Talk at Merton Sai Centre

    Region 1 - Easwaramma Day Celebration

    Region 1 - Easwaramma Day Celebrations at Merton Sai Centre

    Region 1 - Events at Tooting Sai Centre

    Region 1 - May Ladies Day at Brixton Centre

    Region 1 - Sathya Sai Aradhana Day

  • Region 1 - Young Adult Programme (YAP): Youth in Service

    Region 2 - Age Link Party

    Region 3 - A View of Swamis Omnipresence

    Region 3 - Ilford Sai Centre Celebrates Buddha Purnima

    Region 4 - Easwaramma Day 2013

    Region 4 - Satcharitra Reading Gujarati

    Region 5 - Buddha Poornima Celebrations and Orientation Day at Warrington

    Region 5 - Narayana Seva at Bradford

    Region 5 - Sri Sathya Sai Group in Liverpool

    Sai Smaran Bhajans

    Sathya Sai Leadership Training Programme Graduation and Alumni Ceremony

    Sri Rudram

    Trust Matters

  • Editorial

    Dear Love and Light Readers

    Jai Sai Ram

    The month of June has the longest day light hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

    We are reminded of the month of May when we celebrated Easwaramma day throughout the

    country which brought devotees together in reverence to remember the blessed mother

    Easwaramma. We were blessed to have the company of Dr T Ravi Kumar (Associate

    Professor, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning and Warden, Brindavan, Whitefield) at

    the National event who inspired everyone with his experiences with our Lord. SSE children

    from all parts of UK also participated in the programme who felt a sense of oneness and were

    inspired to look forward to the next.

    We also had the 4th National Sai Smaran Bhajans and the 2nd Pilgrimage meeting on the

    18th May, where bhajan singers from around the country participated which brought joy to

    everyone. We were fortunate on that day to hear brother Nimish Pandya, Vice-President of

    Sri Sathya Sai Organisation, India who spoke on Sai Mission and our duties in the


    The month also witnessed celebrations of Buddha Purnima, commemorating the birth of

    Gautama Buddha. Several Centres around the UK celebrated this event.

    Embodiments of Love:

    We are celebrating today Buddha Purnima or Buddha Jayanti. What does Purnima (full

    Moon) signify? It signifies fullness. When the mind is filled with love, it achieves fullness. As

    long as the mind is filled with the darkness of evil thoughts, there is no meaning in

    celebrating Buddha Purnima. Get rid of this darkness. Without the light of love in the heart,

    what use is there in having illuminations outside? Light the lamp of divinity in your minds.

    Banish hatred and envy from your hearts. Sanathana Sarathi-May 2013(page 21)

    We have the final Sadhana Meeting in preparation of our National Pilgrimage to Prasanthi

    Nilayam Sai Anandam - in Harmony with Sai (28July 03 August) on 29th June 2013.

    Finally, do not forget to register for the National Spiritual Retreat planned for Friday 30th

    August to Sunday 1st September 2013 in Llandudno, the beautiful Welsh coastal town which

    will provide a perfect setting for an uplifting and elevating experience. By the Grace of

    Bhagawan, we are most fortunate to have Sri R J Rathnakar as our chief guest. Apart from

    being blessed in the family of Bhagawan as His nephew, Sri Rathnakar was an alumnus of

    the SSSIHL and is currently an important member of the Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust,

    Prasanthi Nilayam.

    Jai Sai Ram

    Yoges Yogendran

    Chair, Region 1

  • Gratitude paid by Indian Government ...

    National News

    The Government of India is expressing gratitude to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba for His

    magnanimous humanitarian service projects and for inspiring millions to lead a life based on

    five human values. As a token of love the government of India is releasing a commemorative

    postage stamp in honour of our Lord on His birthday this year.

    Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    Om Sri Sai Ram.

    Hope you are doing well by Swami's Grace. Swamis glory is unfathomable and His leelas (divine sport) are infinite. I am happy to note that the Government of India is expressing

    gratitude to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba for His magnanimous humanitarian service

    projects and for inspiring millions to lead a life based on five human values. As a token of

    love the government of India is releasing a commemorative postage stamp in honour of our

    Lord Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on His birthday this year.

    As devotees we feel happy when His glory is sung or acknowledged. I request you to share

    this news with the Sathya Sai centers and devotees. May His glory be sung in all languages in

    all the worlds. May He shower His grace on all of us so that we realize the true nature of SAI

    BABA by Seeing Always Inside that leads to Being, Awareness, Bliss Atma (Sat Chit


    Jai Sai Ram.

    With lovng regards

    Dr Narendranath Reddy

    Chairman, Prasanthi Council.

  • Dr T Ravi Kumar - The Lords Divine Touch: My Experiences in UK and Europe

    Dr T Ravi Kumar, Associate Professor and Warden,

    Brindavan Campus, SSSIHL India

    Dear Sai Brothers and Sisters!

    In the months of April and May 2013, I had the immeasurable good fortune of visiting Sai

    centres and giving talks, on my experiences with Bhagavan, at various locations in the United

    Kingdom and in Switzerland. It was a delightful and richly rewarding experience for me. As

    Prof Kasturi, in one of his poems, would say What do they know of Puttaparthi, who only Puttaparthi know! Travelling through the various centres I was amazed at the varied and numerous hearts our Lord has touched. Even though He had not visited these regions,

    physically, the tremendous impact, His Presence on planet Earth, and on the lives of so many

    human beings of varied tastes and temperaments, preferences and professions is mind

    boggling. Wherever I had the previlege of visiting and speaking, I noticed the immense love

    devotees of Swami have for Him. It was so evident in the tears that glistened in their eyes as

    they heard the stories( Leelas) of the Lord. The feebleness of the narration of the speaker and

    the limitation of the lexicon of the English language did nothing to diminish their eagerness

    for hearing more and more !

    The Universality of the Message of the Avathar and its relevance in all climes and countries

    was very evident. I noticed that devotees in all parts of England and the wherever I went in

    Europe, sincerely sought to put into practise the message of Sai; that they would change their

    life styles and patterns of thinking to live the Sai way of life, was both a humbling and

  • uplifting experience.

    It was also particularly fulfilling for me to see the students many of whom I had taught occupy pivotal positions of responsibility in the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation and carry out

    their duties with humility, sincerity and deep devotion. I was also able to witness first hand

    the tremendous Love the devotees have for the alumni and the support they extend to them in

    the discharge of their duties.

    Striking a personal note, I must express my gratitude to the innumerable devotees [ and

    ofcourse my very Dear Students!] who drenched me in the deluge of Sai love. I was

    welcomed with great affection and respect into the homes of devotees I had never met before

    like a family member - ofcourse I was one! This brought to my memory, the immortal lines

    of the famous Indian poet, Rabindranath Tagore:

    Thou hast given me seats in homes not my own. Thou has brought the distance near and

    made a brother of a stranger.

    Having had the great good fortune of being contemporaries of the Sai Avathar, let us nurture

    the flame that He has lit in our hearts till it becomes a conflagration reducing to ashes the

    materialism so apparent in this age. We, Humans as a race, have predominantly forgotten that

    the primary purpose of our existence is seeking the Divine within and in the world around.

    The practise of the Sai message is the only panacea for all the ills that plague our societies

    and communities. May the tribe of those practise the Universal message of Love and

    tolerance increase . Let us, as children of Mother Sai, lead the world, to the pellucid waters of


    Let us live our lives for His pleasure!

    With Loving Pranams at The Lotus Feet.

    T.Ravikumar, Brindavan

  • Education Wing - SSE Poems

  • Education Wing - The Age Link Party

  • SSE Focus

    At Pinner Sai Centre, the Education Wings focus was going to be around the importance of SELFLESS SERVICE and with the help from the Service wing, Education Wing planned to deliver a fun and exciting Tea Party for our Very Important Guests from the Age-Link and

    PSC Elderly community. The planning started many weeks back in getting the Theme, Food

    and Entertainment just the way Swami would have liked for his special guest. We wanted the

    elderly guest to share their love and experience with us of all different age group.

    On Sunday the 12th of May, there was an age link party to call all the elderly people because

    they are so often lonely. Pinner Sai Centre thought about how lonely these people are and

    invited them to a party! And what a party it was!! You can probably imagine the faces on the

    elderly people.

    The Entertainment

    The first entertainment was some live music from the SSE children, who played flute and

    keyboard as well as singing two songs from the olden days. This was followed by the Birdie

    song, sung and performed by very

    young children aged about four or five.

    The next song was disco divane; we

    did this twice because the elderly guest

    wanted to join in with the moves. Our

    guest continued to have fun as they

    also joined in the moves in the next

    song and dance called Gangnam style with almost everybody on the stage! When the children came off the

    stage they looked exhausted and very


    The Bingo

    The next entertainment was bingo.

    Each player had one sheet with six

    boxes on it and in the first round the

    players had to get a line. In the second

    round players had to get a full house!

    Daphne won the full house round. Im sure she was delighted to have won.

    The Gifts

    At the very end, all the children gave

    gifts to all of our special guest. No

    matter how little or big, the presents

    were loved by the elderly people who

    appreciated our hard work! Children

  • gave them soap, hand cream, hangers, note pads and so many more things, but whatever we

    gave them, they loved the party the most! People of all ages should have parties, but

    sometimes we forget the elderly and think about ourselves. Everyone put a lot of hard work

    in to make this celebration a success.

    Love Nishika (Pinner Sai Centre) Aged 9

    Sai Smaran Bhajans

    On Saturday 18th May, the National Sai Smaran Bhajans took place Oxhey Wood Primary

    School, South Oxhey, near Watford.

    The programme began with a welcome address by Dr. Kiran Patel, the UK National

    Chairperson, opening prayers and a musical offering (consisting of flute and mridangam).

    This was followed by bhajans which were beautifully rendered with accompaniment by a

    range of musical instruments from the table and harmonium to the flute.

    Sai Anandam Pilgrimage Meeting

    While the bhajans continued, the afternoon saw the 2nd meeting of the UK National

    Pilgrimage taking place in the gymnasium. The meeting began with 3 Aums, followed by an

    introduction from the National Spiritual Coordinator, Dr. Veeru Mudigonda.

    The year 2013 has been designated by the UK Organisation as the Year of Harmony and the pilgrimage has, as part of the theme, been named Sai Anandam (In Harmony with Sai). The

  • pilgrimage will take place from 28th July to 3rd August.

    Dr. Veeru recalled how in January 2011, Swami had said 5 key things:

    1. Be happy

    5. Be happy

    In between,

    2. Remember Me

    3. Love God

    4. Be Good

    Besides being an external pilgrimage from the UK to Prasanthi Nilayam, the aim is also to be

    in harmony with the Sai within us.

    The Sadhana (Spiritual Practise) Plan for the pilgrimage consists of four key aspects:

    1. Learning of prayers including the 108 Names of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

    2. Likitha Japam (Writing of the Name) for 10 15 minutes each day 3. Reading of 3 Vahinis (summaries will be made available)

    4. Practise Ceiling on Desires and utilise the savings for a service programme.

    There followed talks by guest speakers under the title of Dhyana Vahini, covering the

    importance and significance of meditation.

  • The first speaker was Mrs. Kamala Pandya, who conducts SSE training in India. Mrs. Pandya

    began by referring to meditation as opening the doors of the heart and mentioned that we have to be careful of the monkey mind.

    Various techniques for helping to control the mind were given such as:

    1. Likitha Japam

    2. Watching the flow of breath very slowly and rhythmically

    Reference was made to a quotation by Swami:

    Bend the body, mend the senses, end the mind that is the way to God

    1. Bend the body means be humble do not underestimate anyone, do seva (selfless service) and start this at home.

    2. Mend the senses refers to undertaking practises such as Ceiling on Desires and reading to have some control.

    3. How we react to something is important taking approval of the heart links to 3HV.

    Mrs. Pandya also spoke about concentration, contemplation and meditation and mentioned

    that mind is like a radio receiver be silent and sit quietly for 2 minutes.

    When something is offered to Bhagawan it becomes meditation.

    To end with, Mrs. Pandya spoke about colour therapy and led the group through a Jyoti

    meditation session.

    Thereafter, Mr. Nimish Pandya (Vice-President of All India Sathya Sai Service Organisation)

    addressed the group. Some of the key points were as follows:

    1. Going to Prasanthi Nilayam is not a matter of choice, but by His (Swamis) grace. 2. The 9 point code of conduct is sacrosanct when embarking on sadhana to go to the

    Lords feet. 3. When chanting the 108 names of Bhagawan, we should aspire to become the names

    i.e. have the attributes.

    4. Keep unity of Thought, Word and Deed Swami doesnt say Truth, what he says becomes Truth and He keeps His word.

    5. The joy within must be expressed people should be happy in the Sai Organisation. 6. Be present, be happy, and forget the past and the future. 7. There may be many functions, but we should move onto the next without dwelling on

    the previous one.

    8. Listen to the Masters voice within that is the whole purpose of the 9 Point Code of Conduct and Sadhana.

    Mr. Pandya wished the group success on the pilgrimage.

  • Ending remarks were given by Dr. Kiran Patel who mentioned that we have been fortunate to

    be contemporaries of Bhagawan, while others in the future will read about Him.

    Address to Congregation by Mr. Nimish Pandya

    Meanwhile, the bhajans continued in the main hall, and at 4pm, Mr. Pandya gave a talk to the

    whole gathering, which began with a video of Rameshbhai Oza, a spiritual leader from India,

    explaining the respect Rameshbhai has for Baba.

    Mr. Pandya said that this is an important phase in the Sai Organisation and that the UK has

    its part to play and went on to recount how on the Mahasamadhi day in 2012, the various leaders in the All India Sai Organisation resolved to follow the message of Bhagawan in

    action and held a 2 day Sadhana camp.

    Some of the key points covered in the talk to the pilgrimage were again covered such as to

    imbibe the qualities in the 108 names, and to be happy. Other key points were as follows:

    1. One of the hallmarks of devotees in the Organisation is unconditional love. 2. There have been comments that it is harder to render service in the UK compared to

    somewhere like India the response was that it doesnt mean that you have to leave home. The relationship with ones Mother and Father is the biggest seva.

    3. 2015 will mark the Golden Jubilee of the Sai Organisation, the theme of which will be Transforming Self for Transforming Lives Swami had given the instructions Sri Indulal Shah to start small and grow.

    4. Keep Swamis presence with you as you perform actions and ask two questions: 1. Would Swami like this?

  • 2. How would Swami do this? 5. Make the Organisation a happy place smile! 6. Swami was never unhappy. 7. There is joy and peace that we can share with everyone. Spread happiness and the

    fragrance of love in the world.

    8. The mission is more important than the Master. 9. It is important for each one of us to have a persona that is Divine. When people see

    us, they will see love.

    10. Bhagawan started 2 hospitals millions of devotees have been rendered medical service at grassroots level.

    11. We must learn to forget the harm done to us and the good we have done to others.

    Mr. Pandya also shared an anecdote about Swamis visit to Mumbai in 2009. As a result of a packed schedule with several late nights, on His return to Prasanthi Nilayam, Swami had

    commented that it was a tight schedule several times, but on hearing that the devotees were

    happy, He too was happy!

    Prior to ending his talk Mr. Pandya led the congregation with a bhajan Neno ke premadhar, vachano ke premadhar.

    Mr. Pandya said that the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation is the only organisation that encourages

    others to undertake self-effacing service, and recounted a personal experience with Swami

    from which the key learning was that the sense of doer ship is a hindrance between a person

    and God.

    At the end of the talk, Mrs. Vidyulata Narayana, National SSE Coordinator, gave thanks and

    reflected how the key aspects of the talk apply to every moment of our lives. Dr. Kiran Patel

    also gave thanks to the guest speaker and there was a vote of thanks by Mrs. Gayatri Bikoo,

    the National Secretary.

    Thereafter the programme ended with 2 bhajans and the offering of Aarthi to Bhagawan.

    Mahaprasad was served in the canteen.

    The next Sai Smaran Bhajans will take place on 21st September at Sandbach, Cheshire, in

    Region 5.

    Jai Sai Ram

    Sathya Sai Leadership Training Programme Graduation and Alumni Ceremony

    On the 25th May 2013 the Sathya Sai Leadership Training Programme held its graduation

    ceremony, entitled The Light of Leadership and saw 15 cohorts from this years programme successfully graduate and go on to join 72 other fortunate graduates of SSLTP.15 individuals

    hand-picked by Bhagawan to partake in this sacred journey of self realisation, self audit and

    self confidence, over the course of 14 months. A journey which draws inspiration from the

  • eternal teachings of Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba with emphasis placed upon His

    Mahavakya (Great Utterance) on leadership:

    To Be : To Do : To See : To Tell

    The graduation ceremony was held at the Chambers Lounge, Harrow Civic Centre. The night

    also welcomed previous graduates of SSLTP (SSLTP Alumni), members of the UK Central

    Council including National Chair, Dr Kiran Patel, National Service Coordinator, Mukund

    Patel and National Youth Coordinator, Shyam Jamnadas as well as 2 keynote speakers.

    The programme commenced with our keynote speakers; Chief Constable of Hampshire

    Constabulary Mr. Andy Marsh, Dr. Richard Giordana and Dr. Kiran Patel, our National

    Chair, lighting the leadership candles to signify the success of the programme to date, those

    graduating and to the leaders of tomorrow; truly setting the scene to what can be described as

    a magical evening.

    This was followed by a procession by the cohorts, led by SSLTP Coordinator, Deviesh

    Tankaria, into the main hall to the sounds of vedic chanting. Prashanti Nilayam was indeed in

    Harrow! This was followed a short video on success of the programme over the past 15


    The first speaker for the evening was our National Chair, Dr. Kiran Patel. Kiran Uncle

    formally opened the evenings programme with his welcome note, highlighting the importance of leadership in our organisation and the benefit of this unique programme which

    has been successfully running for over 15 years. He congratulated all the candidates on their

    sterling achievements and talked about how we should make a difference and undertake in

  • national building projects. Kiran uncle ended his talk by talking about the leaders of all

    leaders, our dearest Swami, and how Swami is a good leader who leads by example

    providing selfless service and setting up numerous humanitarian projects worldwide. A lot

    can be learnt from His life and we should strive to live by His teachings.

    Next we had our first key note speaker for the evening, Chief Constable for the Hampshire

    Constabulary, Mr. Andy Marsh. Mr. Marsh talked about the importance of leadership in

    todays society and related his personal experience as a leader in the police force highlighting the importance of values, ethics, respect, integrity and courage and how all these qualities

    play a fundamental part in leadership. Chief Constable stressed the importance of authentic

    leadership to bring about transformation and the need to be true to yourself, You are successful for who you are not who you pretend to be. He stated that he joined the police force to make a difference and has installed this belief in all his staff by recognising that each

    one of them is a leader and ensuring they are all aware of the core values. Chief Constable

    concluded his speech talking about how in life you will face challenges but a good leader will

    rise above the challenges and seek opportunities. He narrated an example of how he saved

    55 million from his budget and made a positive difference.

    A short video was then showed highlighting the candidates journey over the last 14 months which was then followed by the next speaker of the evening, Deviesh Tankaria, the current

    SSLTP Coordinator. Deviesh commenced his talk by describing how he felt blessed and

    honoured being this years Programme Coordinator and how over the course of 14 months all have been fortunate to have experienced so much love, blessings and guidance from our

    Beloved Lord.

    Deviesh talked about how the application forms for the SSLTP 2012/13 went out across the

    nation to all centres in all regions and how it was evident that Swami picked this years candidates. He went on to talk about the various experiences on this years programme and how there were tears and laughter, doubts and fears, but at the end of the day all united

    showed support and dedication for this unique programme and how it is this same dedication

    which had made this years programme the success that it is.

    Deviesh concluded his speech by summarising this years SSLTP curriculum and announcing two very special awards. Each year SSLTP offer an award for academic excellence for the

    graduate who has performed beyond and above expectations and this years award went to Dr. Ruthra Nagendran. Also presented was the prestigious transformation award which this

    year went out to an individual who truly had transformed from being on this programme, Mr.

    Punit Ghumra.

  • In his final address as SSLTP Coordinator, Deviesh thanked members of the SSLTP Alumni,

    the UKCC and all the previous committee members for all their love, support and guidance

    over the years.

    Our next speaker was a member of the SSLTP cohort for this year, Dr. Dipika Mistry. Dipika

    was one of the fortunate graduates from this years programme and talked about her experience. She commenced her talk by thanking the SSLTP Coordinating Committee, on

    behalf on all the graduates, for their love and assistance throughout the past 14 months. In her

    account Dipika talked about how we all have the capacity to inspire and empower others but

    we must be willing to devote ourselves to our own personal growth as leaders. Dipika

    narrated how SSLTP gave her the tools to self-reflect and dive deep to explore her inner self

    and narrated this by exploring the work of Bill George, Harvard Business Professor.

    The current cohorts then presented a surprise act. Roni Ramdin and Pooja Tankaria

    introduced two videos thanking members of the SSLTP Coordinating Committee for their

    hard work and commitment over the last 14 months. A humorous yet very moving tribute.

    We then had our next speaker for the evening, Dr. Richard Giordana. Dr. Giordano is the

    Programme Leader for the MSc in Leadership and Management in Health and Social Care in

    the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Southampton. In his address he talked

    about how leaders should strive to make a difference and stressed the realisation that we are

    all born good however through habit, society and own experiences we forget this goodness.

    A good leader touches base with his core values. Dr. Giordana went on to talk about the mind, body and spirit and its importance in leadership and how positive spirit helps foster

    good leadership. He concluded his talk narrating a paragraph from Ralph Waldo Emersons Divinity School Address of 1838:

    "When you meet one of those men or women, be to them a divine man; be to them thought

    and virtue; let their timid aspirations find in you a friend; let their trampled instincts be

    genially tempted out in your atmosphere; let their doubts know that you have doubted, and

    their wonder feel that you have wondered."

    The key in that the person you are trying to inspire needs to see that you were once similar to

    them and that they can become like you.

    Prof. Sri Kandiah then took centre stage. Uncle Sri holds Senior Management positions in

    Sales, Marketing, Training and HR. He has coordinated and conducted seminars and

    workshops in the consultancy/teaching field of Leadership, Strategic management,

  • Navigating through change with flair and commercial acumen for the past 20 years as well as

    chairing numerous boards and trusts. He was also one of the founders of SSLTP.

    Uncle Sri shared a few words highlighting the journey of SSLTP over the past 15 years and

    acknowledged the hard work and dedication of all the team past and present. He offered a

    special tribute to Deviesh Tankaria who has been associated with SSLTP since 2004 as he is

    stepping down from his role as Coordinator.

    Uncle Sri went on to say that he also felt very proud of each one of the graduates and how he

    truly believed each one was handpicked by Bhagawan. He narrated a few personal examples

    from his professional life and its importance in society and paid tribute to Bhagawan for the

    love and guidance over the years.

    Uncle Sri stressed that we must lead ourselves first before we can lead others and concluded

    with the analogy of a three leg stool "Lead ourselves, lead others and lead the organisation" - each "necessary for the leader to stand."

    The formal graduation ceremony then followed and we concluded the emotional evening

    with a musical offering by this years graduates consisting of devotional singing.

    Below are some testimonials from some of the candidates in relation to SSLTP

    "I went into the SSLTP course with no expectations, but what an adventure it ended up being.

    So much excitement, growth and development in such a fun and enjoyable way. I am

    certainly looking at life in a different way now. -Yatin Mistry

    "In a time when people are increasingly referring to the need for good role models and good

    leadership, the Sathya Sai Leadership Training Programme is helping to fill the void.

    Focussing on principles, not quick fixes, and by studying the theories of various leadership

    and management authors through a spiritual lens, the Programme has helped me to become

    more self-confident and self-aware. -Roni Ramdin

    Putting spirituality and leadership together is fantastic! The course allowed me to evaluate

    the person I was and who I wanted TO BE. This course is a true reflection of where the youth

    of the organisation should aim to be, by making HIS life our message.

    -Gobika Mohandas

    The Sathya Sai Leadership Programme is a

    unique opportunity to go on a journey taking

    steps towards understanding your true inner

    self whilst becoming ever closer to Swami. The

    focus on constant integrated awareness

    allowed us as a cohort to realise our innate

    core values for our betterment both within and

    outside of the Sai organisation.

    -Punit Ghumra

    As we mark our Lords 87th birthday this year

  • it is rather fitting that to date SSLTP has groomed 87 graduates since 1998. Congratulations

    again to the class to 2013 and thank you to all the volunteers over the years.

    Jai Sai Ram

    With Love,

    Deviesh Tankaria

    SSLTP Coordinator

    Sri Rudram


    It is by the Grace of Swami, that the UK Sathya Sai Organization will be conducting the

    Rudra Ekadashini Homa in Birmingham Balaji Temple. Who would have foreseen that such

    a Vedic ritual would have been consistently possible, year after year, in the UK? We are

    grateful to Swami for making this happen. The best way to express our gratitude to Him is to

    utilise this opportunity by participating in the homa, assisting organizers in conducting it and

    by understanding its significance and thereby reaping the full benefit of its performance.

    Swami has frequently recommended that we understand the meaning of the prayers so that

    we can feel the presence of God as we pray. Towards that end, we present below our humble

    effort in understanding the significance of Sri Rudram so that we can ruminate on it during

    our participation in the homa.

    Vedic prayers use many symbolisms in their expression. Therefore it is important that the

    Vedas be learnt from a Guru who is well versed in them and whose mind is well established

    in God. Only such a Guru can unravel the profound meaning behind the symbolism. We

    admit that our attempt here is only a modest effort. We seek Swamis blessings for a deeper understanding.

    Let us remind ourselves, before we proceed, that the only thing to be known through Vedas is

    God. This will help us to keep our minds focussed on God throughout our entire study of the

    Vedas and the practice of its teachings.

    Lord Sri Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita (15.15): I alone am to be known through all the Vedas.

  • Om Namo Bhagavate Rudraaya

    (Salutations to Lord Rudra)

    The meaning of Sri Rudram is vast and profound. We cannot fathom its full significance,

    much less restrict it to a few pages. We can at best explore a few facets of its significance.

    The entire chant or text has eleven chapters (anuvakas). The opening lines of this hymn is

    Om Namo Bhagavate Rudraaya. In many ways, this opening line is the summary of the content of Sri Rudram. So, we can take the approach of understanding the meaning of the

    entire text, by understanding the significance of the first line. Just as a sip of seawater can

    give us a taste of the entire sea, so also understanding the opening line will reveal to us the

    magnificence of the entire hymn.

    OM The universal prayer

    The best upadesha (spiritual instruction) is the Pranava, the sacred syllable OM, which

    summarises many principles of theology, philosophy and mysticism. Little children just

    learning to toddle about are given a three-wheeled contraption which they push forward,

    holding on to the cross-bar. The OM is such a 'vehicle' for the spiritual child. The three

    wheels are a, u and m, the three components of the mantra. OM is the primal sound inherent

    in the life breath.

    - Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 4/10/1965; SSS 5-46

    OM is single-syllabled and represents Brahman (God).

    - Bhagavad Gita 8.13

    OM is a universal prayer to all forms of God. Phonetically, OM is composed of three sounds

    a, u and m. The sound a arises from the inner most part of the vocal apparatus (gut), the sound m from the outer most vocal apparatus (lips) and the sound o is representative of all of the sounds from the rest of the vocal apparatus. Thus the combination of all three

    represents all possible sounds. Since names are words and words are sounds, OM contains in

    it all the names of God (irrespective of the religion). Each name of God is associated with

    some form or concept of God. So when one chants OM, it has the same effect as chanting all

    the names of God of all forms. Thus OM is the most universal of all prayers to God.

    In the Vedic tradition OM is considered as the harbinger of auspiciousness. It is believed that

    Lord Brahma (name used to address God when viewed as performing the task of creation)

    uttered the word OM and then began the task of creation. Hence chanting OM before

    beginning any task will augur well for the successful completion of the task.

    Sri Krishna said: ( Bhagavad Gita 7.8 and 10.25 respectively)

    I am OM in all the Vedas.

    Among words, I am the single-syllable OM.

  • Namaha The complete surrender

    You have nothing in you or belonging to you that you can claim as yours to offer to God.

    Then, what does surrender of the self, signify or imply? To experience God as Omnipresent,

    to be aware of nothing other than God this is true surrender. To see God in everything,

    everywhere, at all times, is true sharanaagathi (surrender). He gives, He enjoys, He


    -Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 8/10/1981; SSS 15-28

    The word namo is the same as the word namaha. The word namaha under certain rules of phonetic conjunction is pronounced as namo. They are the same.

    The meaning of the word namaha is reverential salutation. The word namaha is derived from

    the root word nam in Sanskrit which means to bow. Even though that is the etymology from the linguistic perspective, the spirit behind the word is the attitude of na mama or not mine which is a concise way of expressing the subordination of ones individual preferences and prejudices to the will of God.

    The first part of Sri Rudram is called Namakam because of the repetition of the word

    namaha or namo that occurs after every utterance of a glory or attribute or name of the Lord or His manifestation. This repeated utterance indicates the attitude with which one

    should pray to God, namely not mine, but Thy will be done.

    Vedic tradition recommends that the reverential salutation be done in the form of prostration

    with eight limbs namely the knees, the feet, the palms, the chest, the mind, the forehead, the

    speech and the sight. Among all these, Swami has laid particular emphasis on the mind being

    the most important aspect of reverential salutation. Sri Rudram too mentions about the

    worship in ones mind (prabharamahe matim we worship you in our minds; in the 10th anuvaka). It also talks of worship being done with an attitude of surrender (namasaa vidhema te we worship you with surrender; in the 10th anuvaka).

    One of the main purposes of chanting Rudram is to inculcate the spirit of surrender to God as

    elucidated by Swami (quoted above) namely by recognizing that God is immanent in all life

    and matter and there is nothing other than God. Sri Rudram goes beyond saying that there is

    only one God, by showing that there is only God.

    Sri Krishna said:

  • Seek refuge in Him (God) alone with all your being, O Arjuna (scion of Bharata dynasty).

    Through His Grace you will attain supreme peace and eternal abode.

    - Bhagavad Gita 18.62

    Bhagavan The Supreme Lord

    What is the inner meaning of the expression, Bhagavaan? The Vedas say, Bhagavaan

    principle is the same as Brahman, Paramaatma. Bhagavaan is the Ultimate, the Full. Bha

    means having full auspiciousness and prosperity. Ga means deserving praise and adoration.

    In the Raamaayana, Bhagavaan is described in clear terms. He sustains the Universe using

    His creative power as the means. He creates and fosters what is created. So, He is

    Sambhartha or Bhartha, He who raises, He who rules and saves. Bha also means light,

    splendour. Bhagavaan is He who sheds and spreads Light. Bhagavaan is embodiment of

    Light, Effulgence. Since He can and does illumine all things and beings everywhere at all

    times, He is Bha-ga-vaan.

    - Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 5/4/1981; SSS 15-4

    The word bhagavate is the dative case (4th declension) of the word bhagavan. The word bhagavate means unto bhagavaan (supreme lord). It means that the salutations (namaha) are unto Rudra who is Bhagavan. The word Bhagavaan in the Vedic tradition means the one who has the following six attributes: lordship, power, fame, wealth,

    knowledge and dispassion all in full measure without any deficiency or defect.

    In this sacred hymn Rudra is praised as the "pati" or Lord of various beings. He is presented

    as having complete lordship over them (example: pashuunaam pataye namaha - lord of all beings; in the 2nd anuvaka). The list of beings mentioned is meant to be only to be

    illustrative and not exhaustive. In such verses, one finds repeated mention of the words

    "pataye namaha" which means "salutations unto the Lord". Such praises are meant to

    highlight that the Lord is in complete control of all life forms and their destinies. Recognizing

    this helps the devotee to worship God seeking His protection with faith and surrender.

    The hymn further explains that all forms (animate and inanimate) are manifestations of

    Rudra. The creation is not different from the Creator. Just as the pot is never separate from

    the clay, the wave never separate from the sea, so also the creation is never separate from the

    Creator. Creation is a collection of names and forms. By presenting the very same Rudra as

    manifest in different names and forms, the hymn teaches us that though names and forms

    may be many, their truth is one and that is God. Therefore, worship of creation is really a

    worship of the Creator provided their identity is understood. Thus, Rudra is worshipped as

    the material cause of the universe.

    While worshipping Rudra as manifested in various forms, both good and bad are equally

    worshipped (example: namo grutsebhyo - salutation to the greedy, and namo mahadbhyaha - salutation to respectable people; both in the 4th anuvaka). This teaches that while God is the Creator the universe, He is also unaffected by creation. Just as all life

    becomes active in the presence of sunlight and yet the sunlight is never affected by the

    activities performed in it, so also all creation (good and bad; animate and inanimate) comes to

    being because of God and yet He remains unaffected by them. Even though God manifests in

    various forms, He is limited neither to those forms nor by those forms. And hence, He is able

    to be both just and merciful. As a dispenser of the law of karma, He is just and when

  • devotees repent for their wrongdoings and surrender to Him, He is merciful.

    Rudra is also worshipped as the very force that governs the universe. Not only matter, but

    also the various natural laws that govern the universe are also manifestations of Rudra.

    Rudra, the one and only God, is worshipped as many Rudras to indicate that the one God

    manifests as various forces that govern the lives of beings (namo rudrebhyaha - salutations to the Rudras; in the 11th anuvaka). In this way, Rudra is worshipped as the efficient cause of

    the universe.

    Rudra is in everything; in fact everything is Rudra. He is proximate and profound. He is full

    and free. Rudra is Bhagavan. When the devotee comprehends this glorious vision of

    Bhagavan, he or she learns to spontaneously Love All, Serve All.

    Beholding the Cosmic Form revealed by Sri Krishna, Arjuna praised Him as follows:

    You are the primal deity; the ancient being; the supreme refuge of this universe; you are both

    the knower and what is ought to be known; and the supreme abode. O Thou of infinite forms,

    the universe is pervaded by Thee.

    - Bhagavad Gita 11.38

    Rudra The fierce and auspicious

    ...In the context of Shiva, one of these aspects has been described as Mangalaakaara

    (auspicious form) or one who gives prosperity and good. There is an opposite side of it called

    Rudra Aakaara (fierce form). These two aspects differ in form and appearance, but we have

    not tried to realise the oneness or unity that is present in both aspects. Not only in God do we

    see these two aspects of anger and peace, we see them also in the whole created world

    occurring side by side. The aspect that one really notices depends totally on the attitude of

    ones mind.

    When the fearsome Narasimha (incarnation of God in the form of man-lion), emerged out of

    the pillar, Prahlada (a great devotee) witnessed His form but enjoyed the serenity enshrined

    within. Prahlada was deeply immersed in happiness when he looked at this peaceful attitude.

    To Hiranyakasipu (demon father of Prahlada), who regarded himself as an enemy of God, the

    very same Narasimha appeared in an angry mood. That the same was seen by one as Shiva

    and another as Rudra has to be interpreted by saying that these two aspects are not intrinsic to

    God but arise from the different attitudes which the devotees themselves possess.

    - Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba: Summer Showers in Brindavan 1974, Part 1

    The name Rudra is derived from the root word "rud" which in Sanskrit means to cause

    anguish (literally, to cause to cry). In the first anuvaka, Rudra is depicted as the fierce one

    who is ready to dispense the results of one's karma. The depiction of Rudra as fierce is

    merely a reflection of the devotee faced with the consequences of past actions, the results of

    which are inexorable. The root word "rud" also means one who removes sorrow. This twin

    interpretation is very appropriate to the Lord, since it is the very same Lord who is about to

    unleash the fury in the form of karmic results is also the one who can relieve us from the

    results of our actions. Thus Rudra as the dispenser of karmic results is fierce, but as the

    saviour from the law of karma, He is auspicious.

  • The prayer in the first anuvaka implores Rudra to show mercy on all beings including oneself

    ("maa himsih purusham jagat" - may thou not harm me and the world, and "shivo nah

    sumanaa bhava" be thou of benevolent disposition to us; both in the 1st anuvaka). Here, the devotee recognizes the painful consequences of one's own karma and seeks refuge in God

    (Rudra) for protection. Then between the 2nd and 9th chapters the glory of Rudra as

    Bhagavan is described which is for contemplation by the devotee. Then in the 10th and 11th

    anuvaka, there is further prayer to seek His protection and to request that He bless one and all

    with peace and bliss.

    In this sacred hymn, the devotee seeks to transform Rudra from one who causes anguish to

    one who removes all anguish. When a person is immersed in worldly life and is unmindful of

    the consequences of one's actions, He beholds Rudra as the fierce one. But when that person

    realizes the higher potential of human existence and reaches out to God (Rudra) for help, the

    very same Rudra appears as auspicious. This transformation of Rudra is really a

    transformation of the individual.

    Thus, the chanting of Sri Rudram is said to be very conducive to spiritual progress. And

    because it is a prayer on behalf of both oneself and all beings, it invokes the blessings and

    protection of God on all.

    Sri Krishna said:

    Even if a man of very bad conduct worships Me with single-hearted devotion, he is to be

    considered good for he has resolved rightly.

    Bhagavad Gita 9.30


    Thus, we see that Sri Rudram is a universal prayer to the Supreme Lord with complete

    surrender seeking His protection for oneself and for all beings in the creation.

    When performed as a ritual with selfless motives and for the benefit of the world, it takes the

    form of karma yoga. When the glories of Bhagavan are chanted and reminisced, it serves as

    bhakti yoga. When one enquires into the unitary principle behind all diversities, as pointed

    out by the prayer, it is conducive to jnana yoga. Thus Sri Rudram is a complete prayer and

    truly the crest jewel among the several hymns in the Vedas.

    The Vedic tradition says that just as the entire tree is nourished when its roots are watered, so

    also all forms of God are as though worshipped when Rudra is worshipped. The chanting of

    various glories of God in this hymn is the most ancient and original form of Namasmarana or

    Japa (contemplation on the various names of God). Sri Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita

    (10.25): Among the rituals, I am the ritual of japa.

    Swami has emphasised the study of Vedas and within Vedas the study and chanting of

    Rudram. That it would please Him if we study the Vedas, chant, understand the meaning and

    practice it, should be sufficient motivation for us to encourage and enthuse ourselves in this

    noble endeavour.

    Let us conclude by reminding ourselves of what Swami said about the Vedas: Bhagavan Sri

    Sathya Sai Baba, 9/8/2006;

  • A regular study of the Vedas and practice of Vedic injunctions confer all forms of wealth on

    the human beings. The fundamental principles governing human life and destiny are

    contained in the Vedas. The Vedas are the gift of God for the welfare of the entire humanity.

    The Vedas make no distinction whatsoever on the basis of religion, caste, nationality, etc.

    The Vedic mantras can be chanted by one and all It is Swami's wish that the Vedas be spread to every country, so that every human being, irrespective of religion, caste,

    nationality, etc., learns Vedas and chants them...The Vedas remove all types of sorrow.

    Krishna Subrahmanian

    Alumnus, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning

    Chairperson, Mill Hill Sai Centre, Region 3, SSSSO UK

    Trust Matters

    Sri Sathya Sai Charitable Trust UK Update

    In London in April 2013, the Trustees had the honour of meeting Dr Pal Dhall, the head of

    the International Sathya Sai Education Committee who was appointed in February 2013. Dr

    Dhall made several visits within the UK, including one to Sathya Sai School, Leicester, under

    the auspices of Mr Kishin Khubchandani, who is both our Trust Chairperson and the Zone

    Chair of the United Kingdom, Ireland, Africa and the islands of the Indian Ocean (excluding

    Sri Lanka), along with Dr Kiran Patel, the SSSSO UK Chairperson.

    Trust Meetings:

    The Trust met on April 24th 2013 in London and has had very regular communications via

    email both before and since that meeting.

    Sri Lanka Flood Victim Housing Update:

    As was mentioned in the February edition of Love and Light: In liaison with Dr Visvanathar Jeganathan, the Chairman of the Sri Sathya Sai Service Organisation of Sri

    Lanka Central Council, the Trust in February sent 20,000 from its Tsunami Fund to assist

    the Sai organisation in building low-cost permanent homes for some of the displaced flood


    Since then, we have seen the plans and approved them, subject to a change in the roofing

    material from asbestos to a healthier substitute.

  • In Sri Lanka, the SSSSO SL has been working hard. It has had to revise the original house

    plan and cost estimate, which did not cover the inclusion of piped water or a toilet, it also did

    not allow for the cost of plastering and painting.

    The cost of building the newly-designed houses will be an estimated SLR 680,000 to 700,000

    per house, depending on the area of location of the house. Therefore, the 20,000 that we

    donated will probably support the construction of about six to seven houses. Each house will

    therefore average between 2,800 and 3,300 build cost.

    These are homes that will provide a proper, permanent and more modern lifestyle for

    distressed families.

    Dr Jeganathan tells us that the selection of beneficiaries is being done very carefully, based

    upon the following criteria:

    They must have been affected by the December 2012 - January 2013 floods They must be from an income Group - below the poverty line (using Sri Lankan index) They must currently have no permanent house in which to live The number of family members - particularly children - is important, and is taken into account

    The family does need to have a source of income and an average income per month

    Once the beneficiaries are selected, the SSSSO SL goes into legal matters. The following

    documents are then drawn up, scrutinised carefully and secured:

    1. A copy of the deed of ownership of the land certified by the GS (the village headman),

    confirming the identity and eligibility of the beneficiary as a flood-affected household.

    2. A letter from the beneficiary consenting to the housing proposal by the Sai Organisation

    including a sign-off on the proposed plan.

    3. A building plan approved by the necessary local authority.

    4. A contract to be signed by the contractor for the stipulated house.

    Accordingly, two beneficiaries have been selected in the District of Batticaloa, foundation

    stones have been laid and construction work is in progress.

  • Beneficiary Family 1:

    This is composed of a grandmother, with five school-going grandchildren, who is now living

    with them in a temporary hut thatched with coconut leaves and cooking outside. The current

    source of water is a dug well. The grandmother goes to the nearby beach when the fishing

    boats reach the shore, begs for a few fish, and sells them in the village earning a few rupees,

    which is hardly enough for a meal a day. The father of the children left the family a few years

    ago and is now living with another wife far away. The mother of the children has apparently

    gone abroad, seeking a job, and her whereabouts are completely unknown.

    Beneficiary Family 2:

    A family of three comprising a father, mother and their three year-old daughter. The father is

    permanently in a wheel chair with paralysis of both legs and weakness of both arms. They

    live in a hut, with thatched roof. The source of water is a dug well. Their source of income is

    very small-scale, inadequate for a basic livelihood.

  • Further Beneficiary Families:

    Two more beneficiary families have been identified in the District of Trincomalee. Matters

    pertaining to ownership of the building plots are under legal investigation. Very soon, these

    legalities will be completed and construction will commence.

    Updates on the progress of the project are being sent to us by the SSSSO SL National Service

    Coordinator, Mr Hari Darshan, he is in charge of the implementation of this very useful, life-

    changing project. He tells us, We hope, by Swami's grace, that the first two houses will be completed during the month of July and be ready for handing over.

    It is often raised that merely helping a handful of people does not warrant the expenditure of around a few thousand pounds, and that maybe such sums could be used to benefit greater

    numbers. This is true of so many things. However, this project will radically change these

    beneficiaries lives forever and bring them together safely under their very own roof in a substantially built home that will hopefully last for a few generations to come.

    A grandmother, suddenly thrust into the position of being totally responsible in every way,

    for five grandchildren will naturally pour out her motherly and protective love on them.

    For any grandmother, regardless of her economic status, to suddenly be responsible for every

    single aspect of her five grandchildrens upbringing, going far into the future, is a very daunting and stressful task. If, in addition, that grandmother has little or no financial means to

    support them, then the task is overwhelmingly difficult.

    If, further, that grandmother has also just been through terrible floods with those children,

    then her fortitude and spirit have been severely tested. Let us pray that this dwelling will be

    propitious and provide a security and stability that will enable this family to grow, prosper

    and flourish, long into the future.

    The disabled father may feel disempowered and inadequate as a husband and parent, let us

    pray that there is an uplifting quality that comes with receiving this house that is both

    enabling and dignifying for this family of flood victims.

    My mothers school motto was: Do one thing supremely not many things indifferently. Certainly, I believe that is the case here.

    Article submitted by Rev Rosemary Perry on behalf of the Sri Sathya Sai Charitable

    Trust UK

  • Region 1 - Buddhism at Brixton Sai Centre

    The month of May saw the members of Brixton Sai Centre interact with the Buddhist religion

    in two particular ways: first a visit by the SSE students to a Buddhist temple; then the

    celebration of Buddha Poornimaa.

    On Sunday 26 May 2013, the Centre celebrated Buddha Poornimaa. The proceedings started

    just before 11.30am with the reading of the Thought of the Day from Prashaanti, followed by

    a few minutes of silent sitting, recitation of multi-faith prayers, group devotional singing for

    about 1 hour, the aaratee and a few minutes of meditation.

    A short talk was given by one of the Nursery SSE students (Ria Neerohoo) about Siddhartha

    Gautama, the Buddha. She narrated how Buddha Poornimaa is the most sacred day in the

    Buddist calendar and that it celebrates the birth, enlightenment and the death of Lord Buddha.

    It is believed that Lord Buddha was born and left the world on the same date after living for

    80 years. By finding the path to enlightenment, away from the pain of suffering and rebirth,

    Siddartha became known as the Buddha or Awakened One. Ria also outlined the five

    principles of Buddhas teachings, which are: (1) not to take life; (2) not to steal; (3) not to lie; (4) not to drink alcohol; and (5) not to be disloyal. The teachings of Lord Buddha are as true

    today as they have always been. They give complete peace of mind and help any person to

    have peace and harmony in life.

    The programme ended with the recitation of Tibetan Buddhist hymns dedicated to the 21

    Taaraas (female Buddhas) by brother Rajendra, after a brief explanation of their significance

    and the meaning behind the different colours they wear. A special altar had been arranged for

  • the occasion, focussed on the Green Taaraa representing enlightenment.

    Jai Sai Raam.

    Region 1 - Dr. T. Ravikumars Talk at Merton Sai Centre

    Om Sri Sai Ram

    On the evening of May 5th, 2013, the devotees from Region 1 were fortunate to listen to the

    talk delivered by Dr. T. Ravikumar, Warden, Brindavan Campus. Dr. T. Ravikumar had been

    speaking at various Regions across the UK for over a week by then and some of his

    experiences had already reached the ears of the devotees at Region 1 making them yearn for

    more. The devotees had gathered in the Sai Mandir for bhajans which was to be led by

    Balvikas (SSE) children that day. The altar was beautifully decorated with tall lamps at both

    ends and Swamis chair placed right at the centre. The children were seated in the front and were all ready to sing the glory of our Lord. The children sang the bhajans beautifully for

    nearly an hour and Dr. T. Ravikumar also participated in that by playing the tambourine

    towards the end.

    Following that, he started his talk by narrating on how the tambourine led him all the way to

    the door step of Swamis room during his student days. He went on to highlight that Swami can use any instrument at His will to achieve His goals. He then spoke about how Swami

    answered the prayer of a young student by building the hostel at Brindavan within the ashram

    premises instead of building it elsewhere according to the original plan. This showed the

    value of a prayer and how God was willing to move buildings or even mountains just for the

    sake of His devotees. Dr. T. Ravikumar also mentioned about how Swami cured his fathers stroke in a flash when he was unsure if he would be able to continue to serve at the university

    should his fathers ailment become worse. In this instance, he described how a simple prayer in front of Swamis photo moved the merciful Lord to perform a miracle on his father who was elsewhere in Bangalore. His incidents were very simple yet conveyed the glory of our

    divine Lord in an elegant manner. After all, the most important aspect of an experience is

    neither the experience nor the devotee but the Lord Himself.

  • Dr. T. Ravikumar had to extend his talk twice at the request of the devotees but had to

    unfortunately conclude as it was getting late. Listening to him describe the glory of our Lord

    was so nectarine that everyone including the Balvikas children (some of them under 7 years

    of age) were rooted to their seats for more than two hours. The evening was extremely

    enriching and left everyone contemplating on the selfless, compassionate and ever-loving

    nature of our Lord Sai.

    Merton Centre

    Region 1 - Easwaramma Day Celebration

    On Saturday 11th May 2013, Region One congregated to celebrate Easwaramma Day at

    Norbury Manor Business and Enterprise College for Girls, Kensington Avenue, Thornton

    Heath. The SSE students, smartly uniformed in white, took their positions and conducted a

    march past and offered their humble salutations to both Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and

    beloved mother Easwaramma. Each child placed either a values or a faith symbol placard in a

    vase which reminded everyone of the core-values (truth, right conduct, peace, love and non-

    violence) Bhagawan has gifted us all with.

  • The opening ceremony commenced with all the children from various centres chanting the

    Vedas and multi faith prayers followed by Bhajans by nursery children that uplifted us all

    with divine vibrations.

    Swami has said, Tell inspiring stories and make the children enact plays. What they do, they will never forget. The SSE children aged four to sixteen from each centre in Region One made magnificent offerings in forms of dramas and devotional singing. There were

    meaningful values presented in each performance.

    It was an honour to hear two guest speakers, sister Vidyulata, the National SSE coordinator

    and Brother Kiran, the National Chairman, who greatly inspired the SSE students, parents

    and teachers. The day was filled with something special for all.

    During the programme, the youth of region one assembled small gift bags filled with a token

    of love for the SSE children whilst Group-4 (LOTTUS) students compared very eloquently.

    As the programme drew to a close, the SSE students of group four offered devotional songs

    which concluded with the bhajan Subramanyam Subramanyam in Bhagawans golden voice, followed by Mangala-arati.

  • was truly wonderful to see the SSE students, teachers, parents and youth working together in

    unity to commemorate one of the most auspicious occasions.

    Respect your mother, obey her commands. Give her the utmost importance in human life. There may be a wicked son, but not a wicked mother. It is because of the noble feelings of

    the mothers that children become virtuous, intelligent, attain exalted positions and earn name

    and fame. The mother fosters you, nourishes you, knows your choices, preferences and fulfils

    all your needs. So, be grateful to your mother always. Mother protects and helps her children

    always, in many ways and even after her death. Never disrespect your mother or disappoint

    her or hurt her feelings. Try to satisfy her in all respects. Only then will the seed of devotion

    sprout in you. Everyone should follow the dictum, Mathru Devo bhava (Mother is God) in

    letter and spirit and receive their mothers love. Also never look down upon women. They are embodiments of Nature and most virtuous. With all the sacred feelings in your heart,

    respect women and be respected. - Sri Sathya Sai Baba

    Region 1 - Easwaramma Day Celebrations at Merton Sai Centre

    It is as a part of the SSE curriculum, that the children are encouraged to take part in plays as

    part of group activities. During the practices the children imbibe qualities such as co-

    operation, helpfulness and team work. Swami has said Tell inspiring stories and make the children enact plays, He said, What they do, they will never forget.

    With practices for the plays having started at the end of February, and with a great deal of

    hard work put in by the teachers, parents and children; on 6th May 2013, Easwaramma day

    was celebrated at Merton Sai Centre with various presentations of bhajans, prayers and plays.

  • The programme began with invocatory prayers and bhajans being led by nursery children

    aged between 4 and 6 years. This was followed by a drama by Group 1 boys, entitled All religions are one which depicted incidences from the four major world religions, showing that they all lead to the same God.

    Next, came a drama by the girls of Group 1 on the life and teachings of Gautama Buddha.

    The play depicted the most significant teaching of the noble eightfold path, which showed the

    way towards the ending of suffering and the beginning of self-awakening.

    This was followed by a play by boys from Groups 2 and 3, on Advaita Vedanta as

    propounded by Sri Adi Shankara. The play showed the early life of Sri Adi Shanakara up to

    the time he met his guru, Sri Govindapada. The play included a recitation of the Nirvana

    Shatakam summarising Advaitic philosophy, which was sung by Shankara in reply to his

    guru who questioned him Who are you?

  • Finally, the Group 2 and 3 girls presented a play entitled The religion of love based on the life of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Sri Ramakrishna in his lifetime, proved the reality of

    God and the truth of religion. As Swami declared in 1968, Believe that all hearts are motivated by the one God; that all faiths glorify Him alone; that all names in all languages

    and all forms man can conceive denote the one Supreme Being; His adoration is best done by

    means of love. The play showed how Sri Ramakrishna pined to have the vision of his beloved Divine Mother and how, after attaining the vision of mother Kali, he followed the

    different religions exclusively and subsequently attained the visions of the deities of those


    The programme came to a happy conclusion with a few bhajans, Aarthi and distribution of


    It was commendable that all the wings of the Merton Sai Centre including SSE, Spiritual,

    Service and youth wings along with the parents of the SSE children worked together for

    nearly three months to make this event spiritually vibrant and enjoyable.

    Jai Sai Ram

    Region 1 - Events at Tooting Sai Centre

    Easwaramma Day celebrations were held on 5th May with the commencement of bhajans

    followed by performances from children of four different classes . A lot of preparation went

    into the plays and the teachers , children and parents did a wonderful job to make the

    programme a resounding success. Events such as these really do bring out the Communal

    Spirit of the Centre as the day before a number of parents helped to set up the Hall, Stage and

    the Altar in readiness for the event for the following day whilst the children were doing their

    rehearsals at the same time.

    The nursery children did a medley of nursery rhymes and actions to the song ' Let my head

    feel peace, Let my eyes see good, Let my mouth speak only truth, Let my hands always help,

    Let my feet move to serve, Let my heart be full of Love. Another play on 'Are we really

    Loving' was based on Mother Teresa who always gave her Love to all no matter who they

    were, what they looked like, what they dressed like or what they ate. The third play was a

    story, song and prayers on Hanuman who allowed himself to be used as an instrument in the

    Divine Mission of Rama. So like Hanuman, we should surrender to God and become his

    instruments. The final play was on' Gautama Buddha's prescription' and reminded us to keep

    our words, thought and actions under control and set a good example to others.

  • The values of all that they represented were obvious in the plays and it was no coincidence

    that the five values of Truth, Peace, Love, Right Conduct and Non-Violence were constantly

    felt throughout the morning.

    In tandem with the multi-faith and Sai Family Values, Tooting Sai centre has held two Study

    Circles in March and April to elaborate on these points and what they mean to us as a Centre.

  • With over 25 attendees, we discussed on what constitutes a family, why devotees come to the

    Centre, what do they hope to gain in their spiritual journey, how we can benefit each other &

    the wider society, the equality of all at the Centre, the non-judgemental approach of devotees

    towards each other, similarities between our Centre and say, a Church, how we put into

    practice what we have learnt at the Centre. The next steps naturally are to put into practice

    what has been learnt.

    The Centre further celebrated Buddha Purnima on Sunday 26th May where the altar included

    the Eight Auspicious Symbols of Buddhism.

    An explanation was given for each of the eight symbols ( Conch, Umbrella, Victory Banner,

    Golden Fish, Dharma Wheel, Endless Knot, Lotus flower, Vase of Treasure) and how they

    also correlate to Sai teachings. The Conch, for example is representative of the awakening

    from the deep sleep of ignorance , the Golden Fish represents us swimming fearlessly and

    without drowning in an ocean of suffering, the Lotus flower is for purity of body, speech and

    mind and in a similar way the deeper meanings of the other symbols were explored. The end

    point of Buddhism, as with Swami's teachings, was the attainment of self-realisation and


    Tooting Sai Centre

  • Region 1 - May Ladies Day at Brixton Centre

    On the 19th May 2013, Brixton Sai Centre celebrated Ladies Day. This day was dedicated to all the women around the world.

    The programme started with multi-faith prayers sang by everyone. Lovely group devotional

    songs were sung afterwards. During these, Swami blessed us with his presence. Afterwards,

    the gentlemen left the room for a study circle of their own, to allow the ladies to carry out the

    activities planned for themselves. These started with a quiz conducted by Alisha Manandhar,

    with the ladies divided into two groups: Satya and Dharma. The topic was Swaami's life.

    After listening to a talk by Phyllis Krystal in Prashaanti, given on Ladies Day last November, the activities ended with our brainstorming our ideas on the concept of unity.

    Everyone had really nice ideas, all written out and decorated on paper.

    To finish off, some snacks prepared by the ladies were served to all, including the gentlemen.

    We were very fortunate to feel Swaami's presence that day: it made us realise that we are

    indeed in good company and we are ever so grateful to Swaami for being with us and guiding

    us in our lives.

  • Region 1 - Sathya Sai Aradhana Day

    The devotees from region 1 came together for the 24 hour Sathya Sai Aradhana day at the Sai

    Mandir on Effra Road, Wimbledon, hosted by Merton Centre. The proceedings started at

    8.00 PM on 23 April 2013 with Vedic chanting and bhajans. At 10.00 PM the youth of the

    region took over and invigorating bhajans followed for over 2 hours. The rest of the night

    flew past as devotees from the region sang Multi-Faith bhajans, chanted the Sai Gayathri and


    At 3.00 AM all present were requested to chant Aum Bhagwan shri Sathya Sai Baba nahama and at approximately 3.10 AM (UK time two years ago when Bhagwan left His physical form) floral arrangements on the photo of our beloved Bhagwans lotus feet dropped,

    I guess signalling to some devotees who witnessed this that He is pleased and with us


    Dawn beaconed and Sri Sathya Sai Suprabhaatam was invoked at 5.30 AM. Proceedings

    continued throughout the day with bhajans and 2 hours of Hunaman Chalisa chanting. From

    4.30 PM to 6.00 PM the SSE children energised all with singing the glories of God.

    The 24 hour prayers concluded at 8.00 PM on 24 April 2013 with aarti and Region 1

    devotees are looking forward to next year Aradhana day.

  • Region 1 - Young Adult Programme (YAP): Youth in Service

    YAP (Young Adults Programme), is a regular Youth Satsang held across the country. In

    Region 1, youth meet every third Friday of the month to discuss Sai Teachings and how we

    can implement in our daily lives.

    YAP is a platform where Youth can come and discuss topics dear to them, in an open

    environment. In our Region, we always have the kind loving support from the Sai Mandir at

    the Ganapathy Temple to allow us to use their venue to host our YAP sessions.

    After taking in all the feedback from our youth, we decided to dedicate this months YAP on a topic where a lot of interest was shown: Seva (Service). We aimed to echo the interest that

    had been shown on the topic of service, by taking action on this interest. The evening proved

    to be a very successful method of providing a guide for the future, for our youth to set

    realistic targets for our spiritual progress.

    Just like all YAP sessions, we started by introducing ourselves and had an ice breaker. We all

    recalled something new that we had done in the last 3 months. It was very interesting that we

    forget about the various new aspects in our lives in such a short space of time. We all

    probably do something new each and every day, but when we try to recall it, our monkey

    mind finds it difficult to focus.

    From here we then decided to address the fundamental aspects of service, or lack of service.

    So we had an open discussion about; What is service? Why do we do service? How do we

    feel when doing service? What motivates us to do service?

    What is Service? came to a quick consensus, that any act done with love and self-sacrifice can be considered as service, and sometimes we take for granted the finer aspects of service.

    Why we do service? Interlinked with the succeeding questions of; how do we feel when doing service and what motivates us to do service. Generally everyone felt that service was

    done to help other people unconditionally, but through further discussion, we realised that it

    is also to help ourselves spiritually progress. We felt that instead of thinking about how we

    have helped the other party, we should also be introspecting and realising how our action, has

    changed us. We concluded that we should not expect any reward for the actions we do,

    however praise is inevitable, but we should make sure it does not add to our egos. We

    strongly agreed that service to man is service to God, and we should permanently imprint that

    in our mind, while doing any act of service.

    We then split up into two groups, to discuss: What service activities does our centre/region

    currently do? Why do we do them? What problems do we face in maintaining the project?

    What service activities do we actually want to do?

  • Both groups covered all the service activities which the region do, on a centre level as well as

    regional, ranging from general centre activities, to Bingo for the elderly, to collecting

    Christmas presents for children hospitals, plus many more activities. However we realised that these service activities are either one-off projects, such as collections for various

    holidays, or they are not very recognised service projects throughout the region. From this we

    tried to find out the reason why people got involved with these service activities; which

    resulted in personal fulfillment, the opportunity to give back the wonderful values we have

    learnt, the desire to help people who need it and the aspect of conquering a challenge.

    Furthermore, we also established that these activities would start, but eventually the buzz

    would slowly fade away. This was due to various other commitments; both personally and

    within the centre/regions and nationally. It was also felt by some, that some of the service

    activities become too monotonous/boring and results in less engagement to participate.

    Some of these aspects are difficult to address, but a lot of them funneled down to greater

    levels of organisation required, including communication at all levels from centre to regional

    to national. This tied in with the fact that with the lack of communication, we cease to see the

    end result, or the ongoing benefits of a service activity. When a service project becomes

    boring or monotonous, we shouldnt continue to do the activity in that way, but at the same time we shouldnt stop the activity. The best solution seemed to be to add a different aspect to the service project, to make it different to the regular weekly/monthly visits to the elderly

    homes and try to mix it up with a different activity to do with the elderly people. Swami has

    said Himself life is a game, play it; why dont we make every aspect of our life an enjoyable game like, creating a game to find out who can find out the most interesting thing,

    one of the elderly citizens has done in their life. Creating a long term benefit can always help,

    by setting a target to work towards with any service project. Having realistic milestones set,

    provides motivation for everyone to work together to achieve them. Another thing we

    observed is that the youth work very well when we endeavor to undertake a large scale


    The session provided a lot of information for us to work with over the coming months, but to

    keep the energy charged, we have decided to immediately partake in a few activities. First

    being Spires, a homeless shelter in South London, which is an ongoing project where each

    centre in the reigon collect food ingredients, and then two youth from each centre will help

    prepare the food to be distributed. This is an ongoing quarterly based project, that the youth

    will be taking lead in throughout the region. Secondly, the youth will be leading the Food

    Bank program where all the centres will donate non-perishable food items, and then these

    items are collected and provided to the Trussell trust, who run the UK Foodbanks.

  • Another project we are currently working on, is to go to Evelina Childrens Hospital at St

    Thomas hospital, and host various party events for the kids. We have a team of youth who

    are liaising with the hospital currently, and arranging specific dates where our Youth can go

    and help put a smile on these lovely children, who are undergoing various treatments. This is

    a very exciting project which we hope will become a regular occurrence.

    We were also very lucky to have had the

    Regional Service Coordinator, Rajendrabhai

    Manandhar and Regional Chair, Yoges uncle

    attend our YAP session, where they have

    showed great interest in our plans and

    initiatives for the future, and have agreed to

    help us in any possible way. They also

    encouraged us to get more involved and

    aspire for more, as we underestimate our

    own capabilities.

    The best way to conclude this article is by

    finishing with Swamis own message on Service:

    Many social workers visit hospitals to do service. Most of the work done, like fanning patients, writing letters for them and singing bhajans, appears mechanical. It is done as that is

    what is defined as service and done without paying heed to what the patient really needs!

    That is incorrect. Service must be done with the full cooperation of the mind, gladly,

    intelligently, and reverentially. The patient should not feel disgusted at the fussiness of the

    social worker, but indeed look forward to their arrival, as that of someone near and dear! If

    you do not like one type of service, do not engage in it. Do not burden your mind by the

    unpleasantness of a task. Work done mechanically is like the flame of an oil-less wick. Your

    mental enthusiasm is the oil, pour it and the lamp will burn clear and long".

    - Divine Discourse, Mar 25, 1958.

    Written by Region 1 Youth Team

    Region 2 - Age Link Party

    Tea and cucumber

    sandwiches anyone?

    An afternoon tea party for our respected senior


    Sunday 12th May was a glorious afternoon;

    the sun was shining down beaming its golden

    rays over Oxhey Wood Primary School, the

    venue for an Afternoon Tea Party for Elderly

    and infirm people who generally get to see

  • very few people because they live alone and rarely get visitors.

    We arrived at the venue an hour before our guests, eager to make things perfect for the party

    and preparations were under way instantly. Our SSE students, teachers, parents and centre

    members alike, were all buzzing around like joyful busy bees. Setting up chairs, laying the

    tables with beautiful fresh flower arrangements, hanging up bunting and balloons,

    transforming the otherwise normal school dining hall into a truly beautiful party venue.

    Nothing was too much trouble when it came to looking after our divine guests.

    No sooner had the final touches been made,

    than our guests began to arrive. They were

    lovingly shown to their seats with a helping

    hand from our volunteers and senior

    students. Two of our SSE students decided

    to sing to welcome them as they arrived,

    totally impromptu and straight from the

    heart. We are so proud of all our SSE

    students and the care with which they looked

    after these new grandparents.

    As soon as all the guests were made

    comfortable, they were served with cups of tea and coffee accompanied with an array of

    delicious food items all lovingly prepared, by our all too willing volunteers. There were

    sandwiches, savouries, pastas, pastries, scones with jam, cakes, crisps and crackers and of

    course no Indian tea party would ever be complete without dhoklas and samosas. This was followed by generous helpings of strawberries and cream, double of course! The glow on the

    faces of our guests showed us that words were not needed to know how appreciative they

    were about the attention that had gone into every


    While our guests enjoyed their afternoon tea they

    were entertained with a variety of acts all performed

    by our very talented SSE students which included

    the birdy song performed by our nursery children,

    followed by some Old Time Music Hall songs which

    our guests were very willing and happy to sing along


    Some of our guest even got up to lead some songs

    themselves; what a great thing for our children to

    see; people of their grandparents age abandoning the fear of standing in front of an audience. When it

    came to showing off their dancing skills there was

    no holding some of our Guests back, I think they

    could even show our younger members a move or

    two especially when it came to dancing the

    Gangnam Style!

    This was then followed by a game of Bingo; it got

    very exiting as we neared the first completed line

  • and then the Full House! Wow! We had a winner, and another...

    And... there were prizes for all our winners. Of course, in our tea parties every single one of

    our guests is a winner; they were all presented with a token gift for giving us the opportunity

    to serve. So in fact, the real winners were all our students and volunteers Hands that Help are Holier than Lips that Pray!

    As it neared the end of the afternoon carriages and escorts where waiting to take our guests

    home. There was almost a reluctance to go because we were all having such a spiritually

    uplifting time. Still, we waved them off with all our love and appreciation for sharing their

    Sunday afternoon with us, filling it with fun, laughter and most of all, Love... Cant wait for the next one!

    Ami Tanna (Age 11) and Beena Tanna Pinner Sai Centre Region 2

    Region 3 - A View of Swamis Omnipresence

    On a cold wintry morning in the month of May (No surprise in the UK) , a local plumber

    visited our home to rectify a leak in the plumbing ( No surprise again )...

    After completing the job, he came into our kitchen to return a cup (I had offered him a cup of

    tea to stop him from freezing!!). As he walked in, he noticed a small picture of Swami that

    we had placed on the doorframe. He kept looking at the picture intently and, after taking a

    deep breath, said to me I will never forget this person. He saved my life once!! On hearing this, I asked him if he had been to India and met Swami. He said that he had never seen

  • Swami in person but had felt his presence. He proceeded to tell me his story...

    About a year ago, he was called to an Indian familys home to repair a leaking pipe. In that home, there was an old mother and her young daughter. He had to use an electric drill in

    order to conduct the repair. When he pressed the switch on the drill, he was electrocuted by a

    massive power surge and became semi conscious!!! He could not speak. He had no sensation

    or movement below his neck. He was, however able to breathe, see and hear things going on

    around him.

    The daughter called the emergency services immediately. Meanwhile, the old mother quickly

    went upstairs. She rushed back to me with some white powder and some water in a cup. She also brought a small picture of Swami and put it by his side. She said to him in a loud

    voice Swallow this powder and drink this holy water. This is the best medicine for you now. My Swami will cure you immediately. He saw the conviction in her eyes and felt the strength in her voice as he swallowed the powder and water that she gave him. As he lay

    there, she started chanting Swamis name again and again. He felt an unusual peace within himself and unbelievably... started recovering!!

    By the time the ambulance personnel arrived, he was sitting up and talking!! He explained

    what had happened to the emergency personnel. When they examined him, they could not

    find anything wrong!! He had recovered completely!!One of the emergency personnel told

    him that he may have just been confused due to the shock and may have imagined that he

    could not feel anything or move anything below his neck. He then suggested that they check

    the electric drill for faults. When they did so, they found that there had been a short circuit

    and he would probably have received a shock, which could have been three times the limit of

    fatality!! My hairs stood on end as I listened to this. Tears welled up in his eyes.

    He asked me for a picture of Swami and also then prayed in silence in front of HIS picture.

    As he left I asked him if he prayed to Swami regularly. To this he replied, I do not know his name or where he is. But whenever I face a problem, I think of him and the problem gets

    solved easily. To this I said, He is Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and he is EVERYWHERE.



    Spiritual Coordinator Milton Keynes Sai Centre Region 3

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