
Long Distance DevOpsBridget Kromhout


Bridget Kromhout

Operations Engineer @DramaFeverMinneapolis, Minnesota





Docker, Packer, ChefPython (Django) main website

Go microservices (video analytics ingest, on-the-fly image processing,

bookmarking…)Upstreams routed via nginx

Celery + SQS for async tasksCDNs for video delivery




I live about 1,185 miles from the DramaFever New York office. (It’s probably definitely fine.)

So, where do remote workers work?

Co-working spaces...




Even at home!



group chat

visibility into daily work

consistentenvironmentsvideo chat

“Github is where we record decisions and notes from meetings or Slack.”

“Listen to the #tech channel on Slack.”

tech team communication


Group chat: we use Slack

But anything you like works

If you all use it.


a slack haiku


Working remote…

...but not isolated.


Collaborative culture: Pull requests to change policies & procedures.


Misunderstandings happen.


Over-communicate; it’s better than being hurt or angry for no reason.

“There's a lot of "sausage-making" exposed here, so keep in mind the goal on these is to do blameless post-mortems with the goal of creating a culture of continuous improvement.”

Tim Gross@bridgetkromhout

Blameless culture: focus on improvement


OKRs (or, Work: the Game!)

being remote-friendly helps everyone, including those who live near an office



more accessibility!




In 2014, I only just made it to 25K miles.In 2015, I’m almost there on May 1st.


From sharing a desk... sharing the stage.


Harder to go through an entire batch of cookies. (USPS Priority Mail helps.)

Connecting across teams is made easier by serious business tooling.


Empathy is defined by connecting and caring, not by distance.


Thank you!

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