Download - location recce


First location – Art and design white wall.

I think using a white wall will be a good idea because in many rock music magazines it is a common convention to have a plain white background. This is so that the cover lines and the main image will stand out and entice the reader to read the magazine. However the downside to using this location is that the lighting isn’t very good – for example the lights are on the ceiling. Therefore it makes shadows on the subjects face making it more difficult to see who it is in the image.

Second location – Photography studio in art and design.

I like this location because it will enable me to take professional photos of my subject to use in my magazine. Although it has the most safety hazards, it will enable me to experiment with different lighting and different camera shots and angles that would be used on a rock music magazine. Therefore I feel this would be a good location to take my photos.

Last location – Hampton brick wall.



My last location I have chosen is Hamptons brick wall. I like this because it will give a bit of background to the image on my cover page. I also think it gives a bit of an outside rustic look which many rock singers have. However I the disadvantage is that it will be difficult to make my main image and cover lines stand out from the wall. Also I think the bricks will make it look too busy on the page and so distract the reader from what they should be focusing on (the masthead, main image and main cover line).

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