Page 1: Local Government Management Processes



Stream Restoration Projects

Danée McGee P.E., C.F.M.

Page 2: Local Government Management Processes

City of Charlotte Storm Water Services

Program Manager Watershed Area

Managers Project Managers Project Coordinators Construction

Supervisor Construction Inspectors

Program Manager Senior Engineer-PCCO Administration Senior Water Resources Engineer Permitting and Mitigation Bank

Administrator Water Quality Planner Water Quality Administrator Water Quality Educator Water Quality Modeler Wetlands Specialist Senior Water Quality Specialist

Division Manager

Program Manager Senior Engineering Program Manager Drainage Area Supervisors Drainage Specialists Construction Inspectors

Engineering Team Water Quality Team

Maintenance Team

Working Together

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City of Charlotte Storm Water Services

Flood Control: initiates and managesCapital Projects and Minor Capital Projects

Stream Restoration: manages Ponds: manages BMP’s: manages NIP’s and TIP’s: Technical Resource for

E&PM Project Managers Team Assignments: review of management


Permitting Compliance (NPDES)Watershed Planning: initiatesStream Restoration: ranking, monitoring and mitigation bankingPonds: ranking and monitoringBMP’s: monitoring, mitigation bankingWater Quality EducationOrdinance AdministrationWater Quality Modeling

Permitting (401/404): submittals, reviews

Project Types and Personnel Responsibilities

Customer Service RequestsA’s, B’s and C’s

Maintenance for Eteam and WQteam projects- as needed

Engineering Team Water Quality Team

Maintenance Team

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City Council sets Focus Area Goals- “Protect stream corridors, ponds, and wetlands through public acquisition of additional conservation easements and enhancing existing buffers”

Division Manager works with the Program Managers to set Division and Program Goals which include starting a specific number of new projects each Fiscal Year. These goals are based upon: * Projects currently underway and that are to complete construction * Available monies (Operating Budget and Budget Projections)* Available project manager and consultant workload

Program Managers work with their teams and with set criteria to rank the priority of projects to set Team and Individual Project Goals.

City of Charlotte Storm Water ServicesGetting Started:

Ranking Projects and Fiscal Year (FY) Goal Setting

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Projects Currently Underway and to Complete Construction

Division and Program Goals

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Engineering Team:Typical project costs between 3 and 9 million

Maintenance Team:Typical project costs between 20,000 and 50,000

Water Quality Team:Typical project costs between 500,000 and 3 million







Available MoniesFY-11 Operating Budget in Millions of Dollars ($)

Division and Program Goals

Budget Projections- Based upon Spreadsheets updated Quarterly by Project Managers and Program Managers

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Budget Growth by Program

2007 2008 2009 2010 20110.0







19.4 21.9 21.022.2


9.3 9.6 11.4 11.2


3.9 4.0 5.1 4.3 4.4

Flood MaintenanceWater Quality WQ less mitigation fees

+ 24%

+ 50%

+ 13%



Water Qual-ity

5-year growth


Allocation between teams changes as needed

+Storm Water Fee Increases are approved by City Council

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Workload for Project ManagersDivision and Program Goals

There are currently 15 Project Managers and # Projects.

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Project Schedules and Budget:Internal Information Tracking Process

Primavera-Project Manager and Program Manager Overview

Dashboard-City Engineer and Division Manager Overview

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“Stream Restoration Opportunities”

Red = Sampled and impaired watersTan = Lands contributing polluted runoff to impaired waters

Self Mitigation of Flood Control Projects

Self Mitigation of NIP and Tip Projects

Maintenance of Open Channel Areas- Citizen Requests

*Ranked Stream Restoration Projects*-Greatest Potential& Credits are Banked

Working Together

Rank Projects of Priority of need within a basin: Yadkin and/or Upper or Lower Catawba

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Self Mitigation of Flood Control ProjectsProcess:

Site visit at the beginning of planning with the E-team Project Manager, Water Quality Team Wetlands Specialist and Mitigation Bank Permitting Administrator, and the M-team Drainage Area Specialist.

Purpose is to determine the potential impacts of improvements to the open channel areas, potential of enhancement or restoration techniques to the open channel areas and the potential for self mitigation of the project.

Result is to contact the governing permitting agencies, provide the planning phase self mitigation proposal and to work through the review process to ultimately self mitigate the project.

So the project is ranked…Now What?

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Self Mitigation of NIP and TIP ProjectsProcess:

Site visit at during Preliminary Design with the Engineering Service Project Manager and the E-team Project Manager, assigned to review (ETA), Water Quality Team Wetlands Specialist and the M-team Drainage Area Specialist.

Purpose is to determine the potential impacts of improvements to the open channel areas, potential of enhancement or restoration techniques to the open channel areas and the potential for self mitigation of the project.

Result is to contact the governing permitting agencies, provide the project plans for review of self mitigation and to work through the review process to ultimately self mitigate the project.

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Maintenance Team ProjectsProcess:Site visit to determine the problem.

Ranking of the problem .A-Highest Priority Level: Immanent Failure of SystemB-Middle Priority: C-Lowest Priority: Channel Erosion/Bank Stabilization

Result is this within a current flood control or current stream restoration project area? If YES- then assigned to that project.

If NO- then handled by the mteam as a localized fix.

So the priority level is assigned…Now What?

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Flood Control Problems & Maintenance Requests = Water Quality Needs

More Citizen Requests for fixing Channel Erosion Problems “C’s” will come, furthering the maintenance backlog

The flooding problems, the “C requests” and the Quality problems are all associated with one another

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Mitigation Bank Projects: Stream Restoration and BMP’sProcess:Ranking prior to Feasibility.

Site visit during Feasibility with the IRT, E-team Project Manager, Water Quality Team Mitigation Bank Administrator, the Consultant and the M-team Drainage Area Specialist.

Purpose is to determine the potential for mitigation credit which will ultimately be placed in the mitigation bank.

Result is to provide construction documents and reports to the IRT for review and approval and to work through the review process to ultimately receive mitigation credit for the project to utilize for projects which cannot self mitigate.

So the project is ranked…Now What?

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Stream Restoration Projects:Sample Process…Work in Progress

Phase I EA Draft Feasibility Report :Final Feasibility Report IRT Field Walk Meeting Minutes Plats concurrent with Survey/Geotech submittal Workshop # 1 (Only submittal :meeting minutes) – 4 hours - Discuss existing conditions

analysis and proposed design recommendations Workshop # 2 (Only submittal :meeting minutes) – 4 hours - Discuss BMP alternatives

and design issues – agree on path forward for upcoming submittal 30% Plans, E-team tech memo, and SSMP1 (Projects with BMPs will have additional

details included ). The SSMP1 is a prospectus of the project to be provided to the IRT showing how we have addressed their comments from the IRT Field Walk performed after Feasibility. Submit to IRT with 30% plans. 60 Day review period for IRT.

Updated 30% plans based on comments (only if doing condemnations or delayed acquisitions).Easements must be obtained before submitting the SSMP2 to the Corps)

70% Plans and specs, E-team tech memo updates, Restoration Report(SSMP2) Revised 70% plans and SSMP2 - To be submitted to the Corps E&SC permit (if other permits are required determine if submitted earlier) 90% Plans, Specs, E-team Tech Memo, Restoration Report( SSMP2) 99% Plans and Specs – Division Manager Review 100% Plans and specs – FINAL Redlines of Construction Documents Monitoring Report and As-builts

ETA- Helps to manage this process by working with the Mitigation Bank Administrator, Senior WQ Engineer, Watershed Area Managers and Program Managers

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So how are the Program Managers working together?

Past Practices Current Practices

M-Team Utilized their construction contracts

WQ Team Mitigation Bank Administrator handled all reviews

ETA- actively responded to the process

WQTeam utilizes their construction and consultant contracts

Senior WQ Engineer participates in reviews and process review

ETA –actively participates in setting the process

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