
Anatomy Anatomical Principles of Local Flaps Commonly used Local Flaps

From inside out

From inside out

From inside out

From inside out

From inside out

From inside out

When do we need Reconstruction?

Use depends on what part of the leg is to be reconstructed

Posterior Calf Fasciocutaneous Flap

Superficial branch of popliteal artery

Gastrocnemius Musculocutaneos Flap

Either of the two muscle bellies

Soleus Flap

Either of the two muscle bellies bases on their sural artery pedicle

superficial sural artery flaps based on the vascular axis of the sural nerve.

The Distally Based Lesser Saphenous Venofasciocutaneous Flap

retrograde perfusion of the accompanyingarteries of the lesser saphenous vein.

Peroneal Artery Island FlapAnterior Tibial Artery Island FlapPosterior Tibial Artery Island Flap

Perforator Flaps in the Lower Limb

Lower Extremity Muscle Perforator Flaps

Dr.Anshul Govila



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