Page 1: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986



小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

11 月 9 日考试口语点题

Page 2: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


TASK 1 What's your favorite toy or game in your childhood?

TASK 2 Do you like to be taught by experienced teachers or by new teachers?

Page 3: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


Task 1 Describe a most unforgettable success in your life. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.

Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is never too late for an old person to receive high education and to get a university degree. Use specific reasons to support your answer.

Page 4: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


Task 1 Among the following three professions, which do you think make the biggest contribution to society? Nurse, Elementary school teacher, artists.

Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following question. In order to stay happy, you must do a job that you love.

Page 5: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


Task 1 If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.


Task 1 Describe your favorite room either of your own house or in other places and explain why.

Page 6: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


Task 1 plan 1Advantage and disadvantage of eating in class.

Task 1 plan 2 What kind of food do you recommend to add to food menu on campus cafeteria? Use Examples and details to support your response.

Page 7: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


Describe a food you would introduce to the foreign visitor.

Page 8: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


Task 1 plan 3What are some of the features of your hometown?

Task 1 plan 4 有些大学把 paper books 或者 magazines 给卖掉了 , 取而代之的是 electronic books, 你觉得可行不可行。

Page 9: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


Task 1 plan 5If you were to choose a place to live, what kind of location would you prefer and why? 1. A place close to school 2. A place close to your family 3. A place close to a transportation hub (airport or bus terminal, etc.)

Page 10: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


Task 2 plan 1Reading books or listening to audio books ?

Task 2 plan 2Some people like collecting old things such as newspaper. How about you, explain.

Page 11: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


Task 2 plan 3Some people like to buy new but expensive books while others prefer to buy old but cheap ones. Which would you prefer?

Task 2 plan 3Is it better to attend a large school or small school?

Page 12: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


Task 2 plan 4Government 该不该 spend money on encouraging citizens to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Task 2 plan 5Do you agree or disagree with school’s arrangement for out-door curriculums like visiting museums and zoos? Why?

Page 13: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


Task 2 plan 6Some people think the best way to study is to attend a lecture. Others say that it’s better to read by yourself. Which way do you prefer and why?


Task 2 Do you prefer an assignment that requires you to write a long essay, or an assignment that asks you to give a speech in front of the class?

Page 14: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


Task 1 What is your favorite outdoor place to do exercise in a nice day?

Task 2 Some people like to have a break or get a job during summer vacation. Others think it is better to take a class. Which do you prefer and why?

Page 15: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


Task 1 What country or culture do you want to learn about the most? Explain why you want to learn about this country or culture.

Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Electronic books will not replace printed books.

Page 16: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


Task 1 Childhood, teenage-hood and adulthood, which do you think is the most difficult period of life for you?


Task 2 Do you prefer to take courses related to a specific career, or do you prefer to take a variety of courses?

Page 17: Lizzy 小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

小马公开课 400-663-1986


The EndLizzy

小马过河 托福口语 杨博君

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