Page 1: Living with God May 26, 2019


Trinity’s Ushers can help you with:

Sound Amplification Devices

Family” Room & Nursery Locations

Large Print Bibles and/or Bulletins

CD’s of our services are available to check out through Trinity’s Library; sermons can be heard on our webpage:

CHILDREN’S SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:20 to 10:40 am - Nursery available for children birth thru age 2.

Children (preschool—5th grade) join their families in the Sanctuary for worship before proceeding downstairs for class after “Learning with our Children” time. If your and your little one would be more comfortable, our “Family Room” is to the right. Nursery care (downstairs) continues to be available for children through age 2. On 1st Sundays, our Preschool thru 5th graders will return to the Sanctuary with their leaders to sit with their families for Communion. The sign-out sheet will be on the cart outside the center Sanctuary doors.

Feel free to visit our classrooms! Please do not leave children unattended before class and pick them up promptly following worship. Thank you for supporting our teachers in this way.













You go nowhere by accident.

Wherever you go, God is sending you.

Wherever you are, God has put you there.

God has a purpose in your being there.

Christ lives in you and has something

he wants to do through you

where you are.

Believe this and go in the grace and love and power of Jesus Christ.

Rev. Richard Halverson

Living with God at the Center

Trinity Presbyterian Church 7755 Vance Drive, Arvada, CO 80003


May 26, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend

Prelude O Worship the King Leslie Dove Armed Forces Medley

Special Music The Star Spangled Banner Nate Stuart

Patriotic Anthem Battle Hymn of the Republic Choir

Hymn O Beautiful for Spacious Skies # 564

Celebrating Life at Trinity Pastor John Anderson Learning With the Children

The children are now dismissed. Please remember that all children need to be signed in now and then after worship, picked up by a parent or guardian.

Call to Worship Michael McLane, Worship Leader Leader: ‘Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.’ People: ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.’ Leader: ‘In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets.’

Prayers of Praise

Song 10,000 Reasons Projected

Scripture Reading Matthew 7:7:11 front cover

Confessing our Sin Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew my spirit. Wash me, and make me whole again. I want to be holy. I want to please you with the ways I think, feel, and act. I want to please you with my words. I have not done this. Grant me your strength and power, and enable me to love with your love. *

Song More Love, More Power Projected

Scripture Reading Matthew 6:19-21 front cover

Sermon “Storing Up Mercy” John Anderson

Prayers for the World & The Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Anthem I’ll Fly Away Choir

Offertory America the Beautiful

Commissioning El Salvador Mission Team, Remar Orphanage, June 16-23

Tom Olschner, Amy Dempsey, Memory Wollenweber, and Russ Coley

Hymn Here I Am, Lord # 525

Benediction center back / projected


* from Canyon Road by Kari Kristina Reeves)

Matthew 7:7-11 7 ‘Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. 8For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. 9Is there anyone among you who, if your child asks for bread, will give a stone? 10Or if the child asks for a fish, will give a snake? 11If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him!

Matthew 6:19-21 19 ‘Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; 20but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Highlands has something for everyone this summer

Adventure Camps

MAD Camps (Music Arts and Drama)

Traditional age group camps

Night Owl Camps (where you stay up late)

Arts Camp (taking youth art to the next level)

CIT (Counselor in Training)

Mission Work Camps (for your whole youth group to come)

Family Camp

You and Me Camps

This summer at Highlands our theme is "Peace Works" . . . empowering our campers to be the next generation of


Each day we'll explore concepts of peace from around the world . . . Aloha, Ubuntu, Shalom, Agape, Heiwa and Si Se Puede. Each of these diverse concepts of peace is grounded in scripture and together we'll explore how Christ's example and teachings are just as relevant today, here, now and everywhere.

Register now . . . for a summer to remember!

Page 2: Living with God May 26, 2019


Sunday, May 26 Memorial Day Weekend

9:30 am Summer Family Worship Service 10:45 am With An Eagle’s Eye (Library) 2:00 pm Divorce Care (301) 4:00 pm Middle High Youth Group 6:00 pm Senior High Youth Group

Monday, May 27 Memorial Day Observance

Church Office Closed

Tuesday, May 28 6:15 pm Film & Faith (Library)

Wednesday, May 29 3:30 pm Yoga w/ Memory (FSH)


Sunday, June 2 9:30 am Summer Family Worship Service 10:45 am With An Eagle’s Eye (Library) 2:00 pm Divorce Care (301) 6:00 pm Combined Youth Group

Monday, June 3 5:30 pm Vacation Bible School

Tuesday, June 4 5:30 pm Vacation Bible School

Wednesday, June 5 9:30 am GLAM Book Club (off-site) 3:30 pm Yoga w/ Memory (FSH) 5:30 pm Vacation Bible School

Thursday, June 6 5:30 pm Vacation Bible School

Saturday, June 8 11:00 am Sensory Concert (Sanctuary) 5:30 pm Dinner Connection (off-site)

Trinity’s Mission Statement : Living With God at the Center

Individually and together, we honor God at the center of our lives by: Meeting Jesus in authentic community-Community.

Seeking to know God better-Communion. Learning God’s truths-Roots.

Serving God’s purposes through our life mission-Mission. Welcoming the deep changes that the Spirit desires within us-Renewal.

We invite others to worship with us and to join us on this journey.

Congratulations to our Trinity Graduates

Trinidy Breci, granddaughter of Terry & Denise Breci, graduated from Pomona High School. She plans to attend Front Range Community College for her basic classes, possibly going into a social services career.

Darren Breci, grandson of Terry & Denise Breci, graduated high school from Pathways Future Center School. He plans to join the Marines and explore his educational options while enlisted.

Mariah Jo Thompson, daughter of Dan & Tonya Thompson, graduated from MSU of Denver with a BS in Biology. God be praised!

NEW TO TRINITY? Helping people to worship God is important to us. We believe that worship is not a passive receiving, but an active encounter with Jesus who stoops to meet us as we worship. The Mostly Liturgical Worship Service at 9:00 am uses liturgy, hymns, worship songs, and silence to guide us in the worship of God. The 10:35 am Church From Scratch Worship Service blends all different types of music, arts, liturgy and free-form worship to help guide newcomers and experienced alike in the worship of God. During the Summer and on Family Worship Sunday, selected Sundays throughout the year, we come together as one worshiping family at 9:30 am.

A Nursery, (downstairs) is available for children two and under at both worship hours. A “Family Room” on the right side of the Sanctuary is available, as well.

Sunday Morning Children’s Christian Education

During the Summer, Children join their families in the Sanctuary for opening worship and “Learning with Our Children”, then proceed downstairs for class. Parents must sign their children in and out of all classes every Sunday and pick them up promptly after worship. The sign-in sheet is located in the main hallway outside the Sanctuary doors; sign-out downstairs in Fellowship Hall.

Thank you for supporting our teachers; you are always welcome to visit our classrooms.

Adult Christian Education Please check the calendar or contact Robin Olschner ([email protected]) for information about what’s available during the summer months.

Youth Ministries No Sunday School during Summer Worship Schedule - All Youth are encouraged to attend worship at 9:30 am through Labor Day weekend.

Youth Group Gatherings Combined Youth Group: 1st Sundays, 6 to 8 pm

Together for dinner and other shared activities Middle School: Sundays, 4 to 6 pm

Senior High: Sundays, 6 to 8 pm Helping With Our Service Today

Senior Pastor: John Anderson, D. Min Director of Music & Worship Arts: Nate Stuart Director of Spiritual Formation: Robin Olschner Director of Youth Ministry: Abby McCubbin

Administrator: Cathy Castleman Piano: Leslie Dove Secretary/Bulletin: Margie Bessler

Treasurer: Lana Hearne

Trinity’s Staff

Worship Leader: Michael McLane Acolyte: Sindra Wolf Ushers: Joan Enget, Marvin Burke, Danny Williams, Linda Walker Greeter: Gary & Jan Wellborn

Security Rover: Dan Yount Monitor: Dan Thompson Openers: Steve & Karen Gustafson Closer: Mark Gillings

Presbytery of Denver’s May Assembly Tuesday, May 28 l Arvada Presbyterian Church

This meeting will be packed with lots to celebrate! With a season of transformation in the air, we will, again, be blending the meal and worship within the business meeting. Highlights will include commissioning the delegates for the Youth Triennium and PZDP will also be commissioning delegates for a trip to Zimbabwe. The meeting, dinner and fellowship will be begin at 5:30 pm. ALL ARE WELCOME!

Please pre-register at First Sunday of the Month — this will be a time when ALL of our youth come together for dinner and other good times together.

Middle School Youth Group — Sunday afternoons from 4 to 6 pm. We start by gathering upstairs in the middle school room, share about our week, then dive into a series looking at the Gospels from The Bible Project ( and end our time in the Fellowship Hall with some games. Be sure to invite your friends to join us!

Senior High Youth Group — Sunday evenings from 6 to 8 pm. We are exploring different ways to listen for God. With such a diverse group of people in the Church, there are diverse ways to hear from God.

For more information about Youth Ministries at Trinity, contact Abby McCubbin 303-218-0028 or [email protected]



have been sponsored by Joan Enget in memory of Andy Pfaff

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 3 thru 6 l 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Join us for this super fun VBS experience! At ROAR, kids and adults will explore God’s goodness and celebrate

a ferocious faith that powers them through this wild life.

$35 for children entering grades 2 through 5 in August 2019 and for learning adults. $30 for children in Preschool through entering first grade.

Registration fee includes dinner each evening and a t-shirt!

Checks and cash will be accepted at Registration the first night of Vacation Bible School. Please make checks payable to “Trinity Presbyterian Church” (“VBS” in the memo line).

You can also register online using the link on the children’s ministry page of our church website:

Can you help? For a successful VBS, we are in need of specific supplies.

We had a wonderful response last week, but still need a few more items. Please stop by the table in the Lobby and take a few slips of paper with items you’d be willing to provide and can get to the church by Tuesday, May 28. Thank you so much!

Beginning today, May 26 (through Labor Day weekend), we will worship together as one church family with one service each week at 9:30 am. There will be a variety of children’s programs offered throughout the summer during worship.

Malone’s Grill 14455 W. 64th Ave

Saturday, June 8 5:30 pm

Please RSVP to Ruthanne or Frank Nekvasil at 303-421-1115 before June 4th.

Thanks and hope to see you there.



"Sensory Friendly" Concert Saturday, June 8 at 11 am

Trinity will be hosting a "Sensory Friendly" concert on Saturday, June 8 from 11 am to noon, presented by members of Ensemble Faucheux who are Denver-area professional musicians!

This concert is especially created for neurodiverse individuals and their care circles, but anyone can come, which makes this a wonderful opportunity for young families and anyone else who would like to enjoy a casual but high level concert experience featuring music for bass clarinet and string instruments. After the concert, there will be an opportunity to touch and try musical instruments in the church lobby.

Tickets are just $3! Contact Robin Olschner for more information.

April Financial Update All numbers are year-to-date as of April 30, 2019.

Operating Building Year to Date Income $129,905.27 $14,667.55 Year to Date Expense -$136,644.04 $15,761.08 2019 Deficit/Surplus -$ 6,738.77 -$ 1,093.53

We are 1/3 of the way through our financial year. Tracking finances in a church is a bit like riding a roller coaster! At the end of the first quarter (March 31) our giving had exceeded our expenses. At the end of April, our spending has exceeded our giving. While giving is seldom consistent from month to month, the faithfulness of God is! Please continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to lead us as we seek to the do the will of Jesus through our church.

Book “Sale”

May 26 & June 2

Our Library Team recently cleaned out some books from our Library shelves and are making them available for you to go “shopping”. Stop by the table just outside the Library doors this Sunday and next. Feel free to take what you want; if possible, please leave a free will offering. All proceeds will be used to buy new books and resources for Trinity’s Library.

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