Page 1: Living for a Better Tomorro · ‘SUNRISE COLLECTION DAY’ at University of Queensland (St Lucia). If you have extra items which you don’t use, please bring it to us on that day

SU N R I S ELiving for a better tomorrow

We are a group of six students from University of

Queensland. As part of our ‘Entrepreneurship and New

Ventures’ course, we are doing a project called SUNRISE

which is helping homeless people in Brisbane. To run this

project, we collaborate with MICAH PROJECTS which is a

not- for-profi t organisation located in several areas around

Brisbane's inner city.

Living for aBetter Tomorrow

About Us

What specifically are we doing for homeless people?

Homeless people often go without the basic necessities

most of us take for granted. In the struggle to fi nd food and

a safe place to sleep, homeless people find it difficult to

acquire basic items such as soap, shampoo, toothbrushes

and so on. Without the right supplies, simple hygienic

activities such as brushing their teeth or washing their

hands can prove to be a challenge. We offer them

variety of products that they need for their daily life.

For example clothes, blankets and hygiene packs, which

contains toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, sanitary

goods, face towel and shavers. We hope that this little help

will set off for them to start a new life.

We need your help!

Coming 5-7th of May, we will hold the event named

‘SUNRISE COLLECTION DAY ’ a t Un ivers i t y o f

Queensland (St Lucia). If you have extra items which you

don’t use, please bring it to us on that day. All collected

items will be transferred to MICAH to distribute to homeless

people. Your help is much appreciated!

Sunrise Collection day

When; 5-7th May, 2010, 9am-3pm

Where; University of Queensland Union court (St Lucia)

What we need; clothes, blanket, toothbrush, toothpaste,

shampoo, soap, sanitary goods, face towel, shavers...etc

Contact us; [email protected]

$$ $


Living for a better tomorrow

Donations Sunrise MICAH Homeless$$

$$ $



Living for a better tomorrow

DonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonationsDonations SunriseSunriseSunrise MICAH Homeless

from individual

from organisation

from church

Every collected items or

donation go to “Sunrise”.

We will create hygiene

packs or winter packs,

then it will responsibly be

transferred to MICAH

MICAH receives the packs

and distributes them to the

homeless people in


Those who receive the

packs from “Sunrise”

through MICAH, can

reduce their burden so

that they can start a new


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