
A Martian Sends a Postcard Home Erica ChanCraig RaineCouplet 1: Assuming that this is really a postcard from a martian, I imagine that the perspective of the objects described are different from what they really are, because they are foreign things to it. I am not familiar with the term "Caxton," however, I first assumed that the martian was describing a plane. Yet, the description "with many wings" negated my assumption. I can only think of the martian describing a book, because an opened book looks similar to a bird's wings. Furthermore, "Many wings" must be describing the abundance of pages within the book, because the pages do "fluff up" when opened. Following up my assumption, I also thought that the markings meant the print of the book, or perhaps the illustrations within the book. The "markings" also correspond with what Caxton means. The martian seems to be describing people being fascinated or interested in books. Additionally, the tone of this couplet sounds informative. Because the descriptions are somewhat detailed, i would say that this is a mid-aged martian, or older. Couplet 2: The tone still sounds the same, and now i am convinced that it is as if the martian is carefully observing human activities, and reporting them for other martians at home. Obviously, eyes do not melt. Thus I believe that the martian is trying to describe tears of emotion emitting from people. Moreover, shrieking without pain sounds like either shock or excitement. Couplet 3: This couplet only reassures my assumption, as books are normally held in the hand.Couplet 4: The only things similar to mist are clouds and fog. This description makes me depict the "mist" as clouds in the sky during the day, and fog on the ground sometime after. Couplet 5: The sound of heavy rain is similar to a black and white television screen, so i think the martian is trying to compare them. Rain does make the environment under it very dark, because the dark clouds inhibit sunlight from enlightening the ground.Couplet 6: This could be a description of a model of a car, because the term "model" most likely applies to a car of some sort. A car also needs a key to lock and unlock. Although I am uncertain about what "to free the world" refers to. Couplet 7: I believe this couplet refers to the ease and quickness of turning a movie on, most likely a home recording of past events, because "anything missed" sounds like past events that one needs to catch up on by replaying a video.Couplet 8: In my opinion, the object described can't be anything other than a wrist watch, mainly because the martian says the item "ticks with impatience." This accurately describes the ticking sons of a watch, because whether or not the watch is on the wrist, the watch will continuously tick without halting.Couplet 9: This seems to be describing a baby that is in a deep sleep.Couplet 10: A ghost's wailing could be interpreted as a babies' cry. Plus when a baby wakes up, the mother usually calms its cries with quiet whispers to soothe the baby back to sleep.Couplet 11: This is still describing a baby, in which is played with during the day, because parents tend to tickle their baby a lot.Couplet 12: The "suffering" may be the cries of children or the baby in the house, most likely due to unhappiness or hunger. The punishment room sounds like a room within the house.Couplet 13: This "suffering room" fits the description of a bathroom.Couplet 14: This definitely sounds like someone on the bathroom because of the description of smell. This is the first time that the martian has described the smelling sense, thus i imagine that it must smell horrid.Couplet 15: The martian seems to be describing the day turning to night, because the sunset and daytime in general displays many colors, but night is mainly black. I assume that pairs mean the married couple in the houses sleeping on a bed.Couplet 16: This seems to describe the couple sleeping and dreaming in color about various things. The description that gives it away is the fact that their eyes are shut.

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