
LISTENING ACTIVITY: TWILIGHT.1. Write the correct answer:Youre imposibly _______________ and _____________________.Your skin is _______________ white and cold.Your eyes _______________ colour.And sometimes you speak like you are from a __________________ time.You never eat or drink anything. And you dont go out in the ____________________.How _________ are you? - 17 - How long ________________________seventeen?A while. I ___________________ what you are.__________ it! Out _____________! ________________it!Vampire! Are you ________________? No!Then, ask me the most _______________-question. What do we ______________?You wont ________________ me2. Answer the question or complete the answer.- Why are they growing up in the mountain? Because Edward wants Bella to see ____________________________.- According to Bella: What is his skin like? - It's like ___________________________________________________- According to Edward: It's the skin of a ______________________________________________________- According to Edward: What does Bella believe? - She believes the- What invites Bella in? - Everythingabout Edward, his _________________, his ___________________ , and even his _____________________________________- Has Edward ever killed people before?- Did he want to kill Bella?- Why did he want to kill her? He never wanted a _____________________ so much in his life.- Does she believe in Edward?- Why is Edward's family different from others of their kind? Because they only _________ animals and they learned

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