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January 1, 2009

Completing the Cosmic Course

Too bad you can't get frequent-flier miles for the hundreds of millions of miles you

journeyed last year. Steve Mirsky reports. (Originally published January 1, 2008)

Happy New Year! And don’t feel bad about taking today off. After all, you’ve traveled far.

And I’m not talking about the trip home from the party last night. According to NASA,

just by being on the planet Earth in the last year, you’ve zipped about 584 million miles

around the sun to get back where you were. At an average speed of about 67,000 miles

per hour. Again, not talking about the drive home last night.

Of course, the trip was not a perfect circle. As Kepler showed, the Earth’s orbit is an

ellipse, with the sun at one of the two focal points. He also figured out the planet goes

faster when it’s at perihelion, nearer the sun, than when it’s at aphelion, its farthest

distance—which would explain why summer seems to zip by, except the seasons are a

function of the tilt of the Earth’s axis, not its different distances from the sun. And the

Earth rotated 365 and a quarter times during its sweep around the sun. The trip took

8,766 hours. Or 31,557,600 seconds. Or 525,960 minutes just like this one.

—Steve Mirsky

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January 2, 2009

Infecting Mosquitoes Before They Infect Us

A study in the journal Science shows that infecting disease-carrying mosquitoes with the

bacteria Wolbachia could be an effective way to cut their lives--and infectious

capacity--short. Cynthia Graber reports

Mosquitoes carry nasty diseases—dengue fever, West Nile, malaria. But the microbes that

cause those diseases don’t attach themselves to the mosquitoes and then immediately

latch onto their next victim. They need time to grow and replicate in the mosquito before

migrating to the bug’s salivary glands. For example, the dengue fever virus takes about

two weeks to incubate.

So researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia and Central China Normal

University are looking at a way to shorten the lives of mosquitoes—and thus curtail their

disease-transmitting ability.

Researchers worked with a bacterial parasite called <i>Wolbachia</i> that infects

numerous insect species. They spent three years adapting it to infect the Aedes

aegypti mosquito, which carries dengue fever. It cut the lives of the mosquitoes by more

than half. Those results were reported in the January 2nd issue of the journal

<i>Science</i>. The scientists say that because <i>Wolbachia</i> shortens a mosquito’s

life, the insects are that much less likely to pass on the diseases they carry. So a relatively

inexpensive and effective human disease prevention program could be to mass-infect

mosquitoes with <i>Wolbachia</i>. Which should make the medical community buzz.

—Cynthia Graber

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January 5, 2009

Milky Way Now in Larger Size!

A study presented at the meeting of the American Astronomical Society finds that we're

moving 100,000 miles per hour faster in our galactic orbit than we thought, and that the

Milky Way Galaxy is half again as massive as previously believed. Steve Mirsky reports

We residents of the Milky Way should have a little extra skip in our step today. Turns out

our home galaxy is much bigger and moving a lot faster than we previously thought.

That’s what researchers from the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics reported

January 5th at the meeting of the American Astronomical Society.

Older studies of our galaxy’s structure and motion used indirect measurements. But we

can now use radio telescopes to directly observe certain features of the galaxy when we’re

in very different places in our orbit around the sun. And using traditional surveying

methods, such as triangulation, researchers came up with the new figures.

First, we’re moving about 600,000 miles per hour in our galactic orbit, a lot zippier than

the old estimate of 500,000. And the Milky Way’s total mass is about half again as much

as we used to think. Which means we’re about as massive as the nearby Andromeda

Galaxy. The Milky Way’s bigger mass does mean a greater chance of a gravity-driven

collision with Andromeda. But if that clash occurs, at least now we’re in the same


—Steve Mirsky

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January 6, 2009 | 2 comments

Dead Stars Tell of Rocky Planets

A study presented at the meeting of the American Astronomical Society finds that the

debris surrounding white dwarf stars is similar to the content of rocky planets--which

means that rocky planets could be common to stars like our sun. Cynthia Graber reports

If we want to learn more about our planet and other planets in the universe, we can get

some help from stars that are long dead and gone. That’s what U.C.L.A.’s Michael Jura

said at the American Astronomical Society meeting January 5th. His team used

observations from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope to investigate dead white dwarf stars.

Dust and debris swirl around young stars. The pieces clump together to form asteroids

and bigger planets. When a star like our sun finally dies, it blows itself up, bright red.

Then it shrinks down into a skeleton of its former self—a white dwarf. The gravitational

pull of these white dwarfs can attract nearby asteroids that then get pulverized.

Eight different white dwarf systems were examined. In the surrounding asteroid dust,

there was a mineral similar to olivine, which is common here on Earth. And there wasn’t

much carbon, also similar to the make-up of asteroids and rocky planets in our own solar

system. The results suggest that the same materials that make up Earth and our solar

system's other rocky bodies could be common in the universe. As could be rocky planets

themselves. An insight for which we can thank dead stars.

—Cynthia Graber

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January 7, 2009

Reflected Light Disrupts Animal Behavior

A study in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment notes that reflected

light--off of buildings or roadways--can be as disruptive to animal behavior as the direct

light that attracts sea turtle hatchlings to begin life in the wrong direction. Adam

Hinterthuer reports

Man-made light sources can really throw animals for a loop. Moths can't tear themselves

away from lightbulbs, and newly hatched sea turtles often shun moonlit ocean waves for

the bright lights of inland cities. But a study in January's issue of the journal Frontiers in

Ecology and the Environment says direct light sources are only part of the problem.

Light that reflects off shiny urban surfaces, like roads, parking lots and buildings, has an

equally devastating power to attract. That's because such polarized light means one thing

to most animals—water. For example insects like dragonflies make nocturnal flights to lay

their eggs using horizontally polarized light as a beacon. That light might bring them to a

stream or pond, but a well-lit interstate is equally alluring. If enough insects lay eggs on

the road instead of in the water, the entire food web can be disrupted.

But there are ways to dim our influential lights, the scientists say. Bugs are less attracted

to roadways with white hatch marks on the pavement. And light-colored curtains can

keep birds from slamming into dark buildings. Simple fixes, really, to keep basic instincts

from turning into fatal attractions.

—Adam Hinterthuer

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January 8, 2009

Body Makes Own Aspirin Compound

A study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry finds that humans can

manufacture their own salicylic acid, the major part of aspirin. Another study, in Nature,

shows that plants make their own salicylic acid at wound sites. Karen Hopkin reports

Aspirin is a popular painkiller, and chances are you have some in your medicine chest

right now. You might even have some in your flesh-and-blood, put-a-shirt-on-it chest.

Because a new study suggests that humans can make their own salicylic acid, which forms

the bulk of aspirin’s active ingredient.

Scientists at Scotland’s National Health Service previously observed that people can have

salicylic acid in their blood even if they haven’t recently swallowed an aspirin.

Vegetarians have really high concentrations, which makes sense, given that plants make

salicylic acid, so fruits and veggies are full of it. But their recent study suggests that not all

of the chemical comes from the diet, because humans can take a precursor molecule and

turn it into salicylic acid—results published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food


The researchers say that people might make salicylic acid to fight inflammation or

disease…which would also make sense…because plants make the stuff to fight off

infections. In fact, a recent study published online in the journal Nature shows how

calcium released at the site of an infection tells plants to ramp up production of the

protective compound. Just Mother Nature’s way of saying, “Make two aspirin and call me

when you flower.”

—Karen Hopkin

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January 9, 2009 | 0 comments

Male and Female Mosquitoes Synchronize


A study in the journal Science finds that mosquitoes checking out mates synchronize their

buzzing to the same frequency. Researchers hope to exploit this behavior for insect

control. Karen Hopkin reports

Have you ever turned off your lights and heard [mosquito buzz]? To you it’s a sound that

signals bites in the night. But to a male mosquito it’s a love song, produced by a female

seeking a mate. Now scientists from Cornell University find that males who answer that

call join in the serenade. And the two sing in harmony as they check each other out.

[Mosquitoes buzzing.]

Working with Aedes aegypti mosquitoes—the pests that carry dengue fever—the scientists

tethered individuals to a special insect pin and allowed them to fly past a potential mate.

They found that females on their own whine at a frequency of 400 Hertz. Whereas single

males buzz at about 600. But when the two come together, they perform a duet in which

the beat of their wings reaches a frantic1200 hertz. [Tone.] Isn’t it beautiful? Mosquitoes

seem to think so. Which is a surprise, because researchers had previously thought that

female mosquitoes were deaf. But the Cornell scientists found that mosquito ears are

good up to 2000 hertz, results published in the January 9th issue of Science. Maybe that

harmonizing could be exploited for controlling mosquito populations. Releasing into the

wild males that can’t sing could be a real buzz-kill.

—Karen Hopkin

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January 12, 2009

Judging a Book by Its Genomes

A study to be presented at the meeting of the Bibliographical Society of America shows

that some medieval manuscripts can be tested to establish place and time of

origin--because the pages are made from animal skins that offer up DNA evidence.

Cynthia Graber reports

Thousands of medieval European books survive to this day. Authors and scribes carefully

handwrote the works on parchments made of animal skins. But the writers didn’t always

bother to sign and date their works. So we had no way of knowing where and when most

of the documents are from. Until now.

Researchers at North Carolina State University have demonstrated that they can reliably

extract DNA samples from such parchments. Each manuscript offers up, they say, a

wealth of genetic information, because as many as a hundred animals contributed skins

for one book.

The scientists propose recording DNA data from all books for which we do have a reliable

date and place of origin. These reference samples would create a DNA library of dates and

locations. Then the mystery manuscripts could be compared against that DNA database.

The North Carolina investigators are presenting the technique for dating old manuscripts

at the upcoming annual meeting of the Bibliographical Society of America. And they’re

still working on improved techniques to harvest DNA while doing minimal damage to the

original priceless parchments. A way to further illuminate those illuminating books.

—Cynthia Graber

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January 13, 2009

Pterodactyls' Ptough Ptakeoffs

Johns Hopkins researcher Michael Habib contends that the weight carried by most

pterosaurs meant that they needed to push off the ground with all four limbs to achieve

takeoff (in a study published in the German journal Zitteliana Reihe B: Abhandlungen

der Bayerischen Staatssammlung fur Palaontologie und Geologie). Karen Hopkin

reports, with additional analysis by Maria Bamford

A bird in flight is a thing of beauty. Even their takeoffs and landings usually

look effortless. But pterodactyls? Well, that’s another story. Scientists have

long assumed that pterodactyls, also called pterosaurs, flew just like birds, and

launched themselves using their hind legs. Now a biologist at Johns Hopkins

says that can’t be true. Instead, he says that pterosaurs needed all four limbs

for liftoff.

Modern birds use their legs to launch and their wings to stay aloft. Once

they’re in the air, their hind limbs are essentially payload, carried along for the

ride. That arrangement presents a problem. A bird’s legs have to be muscular

enough to get Tweety off the ground, but not so big that they drag him down.

That limits how big a bird can be. Some pterosaurs, on the other hand, were

the size of a giraffe. And looking at the bones of three different pterodactyl

species, the Hopkins scientist concludes that there’s no way those legs were

strong enough to get that bulk airborne. Instead, he says a pterosaur used all

four limbs, leapfrogging forward on its knuckles, to propel itself into the air.

Maybe not a thing of beauty. But it must have been something to see.

—Karen Hopkin

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January 14, 2009

Eavesdropping on Dolphins

Inventor John Stuart Reid has patented a device he calls a CymaScope, which creates

three-dimensional images of sound. He hopes to use it to identify specific dolphin sounds.

Cynthia Graber reports

When we think about how to represent sound visually, most of us probably picture those

volume-dependent sine waves. But that’s not how John Stuart Reid pictures sound. He’s

patented something called a CymaScope. And he’s using it to help us learn more about

how animals like dolphins communicate.

The CymaScope contains a thin film of water—basically a membrane. Sound—even at

frequencies humans can’t hear—is directed at the water. The water vibrates in response,

and a camera records the vibration. The end result is a spherical image of sound patterns.

Reid is working with Jack Kassewitz, a dolphin researcher in Florida. Kassewitz has

recordings of dolphins in specific situations—for instance, what he knows to be distress

calls from a variety of individual animals. Those calls have been imaged by the

CymaScope. Kassewitz also plans to have a number of different dolphins echolocate on a

ball. He hopes that’ll give us a visual picture of how dolphins recognize a ball.

It might sound far-fetched, but Reid and Kassewitz believe these sound images will

provide a library of what we might call dolphin words. Which could one day let us

communicate with them with their own vocabulary.

—Cynthia Graber

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January 15, 2009

Getting a Teeny-Tiny Grip

In a report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, Johns Hopkins

University researchers discuss their invention of a "microgripper," a metallic device the

size of a speck of dust that can float through tissue and latch on to individual cells. Adam

Hinterthuer reports

Forget the scalpel, researchers at Johns Hopkins University have created a tool that can

move easily through tissue, potentially making biopsies much less invasive. They call it a

"microgripper." And the wireless, dust-particle sized device is able to grab single living

cells from hard-to-reach places. Their report appeared in the online early edition of the

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The researchers assembled out of tiny metallic plates a "palm" with six three-jointed

"fingers." This metal hand is truly tiny: just one-tenth of a millimeter in diameter. In the

lab, scientists used magnets to pilot the microgripper through a tube of animal tissue and

up to a living cell. Then, by applying heat as a trigger, the joints softened and the "fingers"

closed around the cell.

The researchers hope the device will have applications beyond cell retrieval. It could be

used to manufacture microchips or deliver medicine to specific locations in the body. But

first, they must refine its motor skills. Right now, the microgripper can only grab—it can’t

let go. And we're still years away from shrinking Raquel Welch to go in after it.

—Adam Hinterthuer

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January 16, 2009

Mars Is Alive! (Geologically, Biologically or


A study in the journal Science finds that methane is being released at specific places on

Mars--which means that Mars has geologic activity, biological activity or both. Cynthia

Graber reports

There’s definitely methane on Mars—and there are seasonal variations of how much is

being released into the thin Martian atmosphere. Which means that Mars is still active

geologically. Or that deep underground, something is or was alive. Or both. NASA and

university scientists report the finding in the January 16th issue of the journal Science.

Researchers studying the Martian atmosphere discovered and measured methane levels

over the last few years, using telescopes with infrared spectrometers. These instruments

identify chemical compounds by analyzing their unique light absorption properties.

They found that Mars methane is being released as concentrated plumes at specific

latitudes. Such plumes could come from various kinds of geological events. Underground

bacterial communities could also be producing the methane. Or now-extinct living

systems could have produced the methane long ago, with it only now being released

through pores or fissures created by seasonal temperature variations.

On earth, 90 percent of the methane in the atmosphere comes from the biochemical

activity of life. The rest is produced by geochemical processes. The Mars methane’s

specific isotopic makeup could reveal whether its origins are biochemical or geological.

—Cynthia Graber

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January 19, 2009

Gene Lowers Infection Chance by Changing


A study in the journal Science finds that roundworms with a particular gene have lower

rates of infection--not because they have stronger immunity, but because they prefer to

live in environments with fewer microbes. Karen Hopkin reports

A new study with worms shows that some have a gene that helps them stave off infections.

Not through some kind of biochemistry—but by changing their behavior.

Scientists were studying two strains of the roundworm C. elegans, one strain that is

commonly used in the laboratory, another that was isolated in Hawaii. The laboratory

strain got fewer infections than the Hawaiian strain. That’s because the lab worms have a

particular version of a gene called NPR-1. But the way the gene works is a bit of a surprise.

You might think that a gene involved in fighting infections must somehow enhance an

animal’s immune response.

But you would be wrong. Because a current study, published in the January 16th issue of

Science, shows that’s not the case. Instead, the scientists showed that the NPR gene found

in healthier worms made them picky about their location. They stayed clear of places

where oxygen is scarce. As it happens, those are the neighborhoods where bacteria hang

out, including the bugs that can cause disease. So the gene made the worms prefer

germ-free locales.

So, take a tip from a worm. If you want to avoid what’s out there this winter, just don’t go

out there.

—Karen Hopkin

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January 20, 2009

Bacteria Can Use Viruses to Spread Toxin


A study in the journal Science shows that staph bacteria are able to use viruses to insert

their dangerous genes into the genomes of other species of bacteria. Karen Hopkin


For years, scientists and physicians have been up in arms about the rise in antibiotic

resistance. Seems that many bacteria, devious buggers that they are, are able to share

genetic information—including, say, the instructions for destroying penicillin. Well, if

that’s not bad enough, scientists from the N.Y.U. School of Medicine have found that

some bacteria can use viruses to help them pass along the recipe for their favorite toxin,

results published in the journal Science.

Like humans, bacteria are also prone to infection by viruses. And most of these

viruses—called bacteriophage, or phage for short—make their bacterial victims sick. Or

even dead. But in the laboratory, the scientists discovered that Staphylococcus aureus,

the bug that causes toxic shock syndrome among other things, can actually co-opt phage,

using them to shuttle the gene for toxic-shock toxin to another bacteria, in this case

Listeria. That’s doubly nasty, because Listeria on its own causes food poisoning, so if it

added toxic shock to its repertoire, well, that would be one seriously bad bug. Whether

Staph aureus can pull off this stunt outside the lab’s not clear. But in this particular battle,

ya gotta hope the viruses come out on top.

—Karen Hopkin

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January 21, 2009

"We Will Restore Science to Its Rightful


Pres. Obama's inaugural address noted the importance of science, a coherent energy

policy and basic curiosity. Produced by Steve Mirsky

Pres. Barack Obama:

“Our health care is too costly…and each day brings further evidence that the ways we use

energy strengthen our adversaries and threaten our planet…

“We will build the roads and bridges, the electric grids and digital lines that feed our

commerce and bind us together. We will restore science to its rightful place and wield

technology's wonders to raise health care's quality and lower its costs. We will harness the

sun and the winds and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories. And we will

transform our schools and colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new age…

“Our challenges may be new, the instruments with which we meet them may be new, but

those values upon which our success depends, honesty and hard work, courage and fair

play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism—these things are old. These things

are true.”

—Produced by Steve Mirsky

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January 22, 2009

Does fMRI See the Future?

In a study published in the journal Nature, researchers find that functional magnetic

resonance imaging may measure not only what the brain is doing, but what it is about to

do. Karen Hopkin reports

For decades, scientists have used an imaging technique called functional magnetic

resonance imaging, or fMRI, to chronicle the brain in action. But a study in the January

22nd issue of Nature suggests that fMRI might show more than what the brain is

doing—it might reveal what the brain’s about to do.

FMRI studies assume that blood flow in the brain correlates with neuronal activity. Active

brain cells need nutrients, which are brought to the cells by freshly oxygenated blood. But

in the new study, scientists found that fMRI also detects increased blood flow in brain

regions that aren’t active—but that may be in the near future.

The researchers trained monkeys to perform a specific visual task. And they found that,

even when the animals were sitting in the dark waiting for the test to begin, fMRI

nevertheless revealed an increased blood flow to the monkeys’ visual cortex.

The study suggests that fMRI data may be a lot more interesting than we thought.

Scientists may be looking at their imaging data in a way that’s too simplistic. And fMRI

may not be measuring exactly what we thought it did. What will they think of next?

Maybe fMRI can tell.

—Karen Hopkin

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January 23, 2009

Crickets Con Connubial Conquests with


In a study published in the journal Biology Letters, researchers found that male crickets

impress their dates with gifts of food that are light on nutrition but heavy on appetite

stimulants. Karen Hopkin reports

As Valentine’s day approaches, remember, it’s the thought that counts. Just ask a

decorated cricket. Because according to a study published in the January 21 issue of the

journal Biology Letters, the nuptial gift that male crickets use to woo their women is just

a handful of amino acids—in a whole lotta water.

Many insects use a food offering to win over a potential mate. For crickets, the giftbag

serves to distract the female while the actual sperm transfer takes place. As long as she’s

busy eating, she won’t reach around and remove that little packet of swimmers. And the

longer she feeds, the more sperm will make it through. And, presumably, the more little

crickets that male will sire.

But the male, of course, wants to get the biggest bang for his buck. So his goal is to

minimize what he lays out in his token of appreciation. The solution? The cricket’s gift

contains a small sampling of amino acids, mostly nonessential glycine, and 84 percent

water. But those amino acids act as an appetite stimulant, which causes the female to

spend more time enjoying her nutritionally empty snack. It’s a cheap gift, but it works.

Because nothing says “be mine” like a gooey glob of glycine.

—Karen Hopkin

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January 26, 2009

South Asia Brown Cloud Is Homemade

In a study published in the journal Science, researchers found that a brown pollution

cloud over south Asia and the Indian Ocean is largely the result of burning wood and

dung for cooking and heating. Cynthia Graber reports

There's a huge, gunky brown cloud that lingers over south Asia and the Indian Ocean

each winter. It’s been known to cause respiratory diseases and even cancers in India and

China. But scientists didn't really know what was in it. Now they do. Researchers from

Stockholm University and colleagues published the results in the January 23rd issue of

the journal Science.

The cloud contains black particles called carbonaceous aerosols—basically carbon soot.

The team used radiocarbon analysis to figure out what parts of the soot come from

biomass and what comes from fossil fuels. Biomass typically comes from burning forests

for agriculture or burning wood in stoves. And fossil fuel particulates come from sources

such as diesel engines or burning coal.

The investigators were surprised to discover that a large percentage of the soot, from

almost half to two-thirds, comes from burning biomass like wood and dung for cooking

and heat, rather than from coal power plants. Scientists say the good news is that these

particles only remain in the atmosphere for a few days or weeks at a time. So once

societies can figure out how to reduce biomass burning, that brown sooty haze—and the

illnesses it causes—might disappear.

—Cynthia Graber

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January 27, 2009

Eat Less, Remember More

In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers

showed that elderly women who ate low-calorie diets improved their memories. Karen

Hopkin reports

You may have noticed that as you get older, you start forgetting more stuff: like, where

you left your glasses, or the names of your children. Well, if you’re fed up with those

senior moments, put down that pastrami sandwich. Because a new study, published in

the January 27th issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shows

that cutting calories actually improves memory in older folks.

Calorie restriction lets lab animals live longer. And these hungry critters tend to be

healthier, too: with lower cholesterol, better insulin sensitivity, and even slower cognitive

decline. But these diets can be draconian. And it hasn’t been clear whether they’d offer

the same benefits to people.

In this study, scientists asked 50 elderly women to cut the number of calories they

consumed by a third. After three months, the researchers found that the dieters were not

only slimmer, but they were better than they had been at memorizing lists of words. They

also had better insulin levels and fewer markers of inflammation, which suggests that

keeping those things under control may help keep the brain fit. It’s one of the cruel

ironies of aging: if you want to remember your favorite restaurants, the less you should

eat at them.

—Karen Hopkin

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January 28, 2009

Horning In on Triceratops

In a study published in the journal PLoS ONE, researchers conjecture that the three

horns of Triceratops were often used for fighting--because museum specimens show

much more scarring than in the horns of a related species. Cynthia Graber reports

Triceratops, as the name suggests, were huge dinosaurs adorned with three horns on

their heads. Scientists now say those horns may have been a sort of battle bludgeon.

Andrew Farke is a curator at the Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology in California.

He became curious about that headgear. Farke and colleagues wanted to investigate

whether Triceratops fought each other with their horns. Which posed a problem:

obviously, we can’t go back in time to watch the animals interact. So the researchers

resorted to some techniques out of a Cretaceous CSI.

They examined more than 400 museums specimens of Triceratops and another closely

related one-horned dinosaur called Centrosaurus. They scanned the skulls for injuries

around where Triceratops might have locked horns and wrestled. Their assumption was

that if the horns were just for display, both species would show few scars.

But the Triceratops had 10 times more skull injuries than their Centrosaurus cousins.

The most likely explanation is that they probably jabbed each other in the head while

fighting. The researchers published their findings in the journal Public Library of Science

ONE. They also caution that the horns could have served more than one

purpose—perhaps fighting and flaunting.

—Cynthia Graber

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January 29, 2009

Wireless Networks Are Soft Virus Targets

In a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers

warn that viral attacks on wireless networks can easily spread to tens of thousands of

routers. Karen Hopkin reports

We’ve all gotten e-mails warning us about nasty computer viruses. Maybe you even have

antivirus software installed on your machine. Well, now scientists say that our wireless

networks are particularly vulnerable to infection, especially in densely populated urban


The use of Wi-Fi routers has become increasingly commonplace, as more people get

online at home, at school, at the coffee shop. And these wireless networks are an excellent

target for computer viruses, because they’re always on, always connected to the Internet,

and don’t have specific software to protect them.

The scientists simulated the infection of real wireless networks in a handful of U.S. cities,

including San Francisco, Chicago, New York and Boston. They found that the infection of

just a small number of routers triggered an outbreak, with the virus spreading to tens of

thousands of routers within a week, most within the first 24 hours. The results are

published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Wireless networks are weakened by a general lack of security, including a failure to

change the default password. So if you want to keep your network virus-free, at the very

least choose a password that’s hard to guess. Like Bosco.

—Karen Hopkin

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January 30, 2009

New Brain Cells Get Time-Stamped

A study published in the journal Neuron indicates that newborn neurons in the

hippocampus get a sort of time stamp. So events that occur at the same time are forever

linked in our minds. Karen Hopkin reports

You probably remember exactly what you were doing when you first heard the news on

9/11. That’s because the brain has ways to file information so that things that happen at

the same time are forever linked in our minds. Now a study published in the journal

<i>Neuron</i> says that newborn cells in a structure called the hippocampus help us

remember concurrent events.

The hippocampus is part of the brain that allows us to lay down new memories. And

about ten years ago, scientists were surprised to find that new neurons pop up in this

region every day, even in adult animals and people. But what do these new cells do?

Scientists turned to computer modeling to help them find out. They put in what they

knew about the behavior of these new cells, which start out like puppies that get totally

excited over every little thing, and eventually mature into more discerning members of

neuronal society.

And they found that the hyperactivity of these excitable young cells, which react with

great gusto to everything that goes on, could help stamp memories with a sort of “time

code” that indicates which things happened together. So if you still remember what you

were eating when you dumped your loser boyfriend, you can thank your newborn


—Karen Hopkin

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