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for Business

Your guide to getting started

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Table of contents



01 03

06 Why choose LinkedIn? 34Hire: let the talent economy propel your business

Getting started begins with you 09


Market: build relationships with the world’s professionals04 20

02 Sell: engage the world’s decision makers05 28

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01Transforming the way companies hire, market and sellThe world of work has changed.

The Internet has transformed how people communicate, consume information and build relationships.

As a result of this global phenomenon, the way the world works is fundamentally changing:

decisions in order to perform in this accelerated

online networking platforms.

professionals consume and share content.

The future of work is in these networks.

McKinsey Global Institute estimates suggest that by fully implementing social technologies,

interaction workers—high-skill knowledge workers, including managers and professionals—by 20 to 25 per cent.

20% to 25%

through social technologies LinkedIn for Business | 3

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Enter LinkedInThere is now a single, global community of professionals from which a wealth of new data emerges. LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network on the Internet with more

and territories, growing at a rate of about two new members per second. As you read this, millions of professionals are adding information to their profiles, sharing important insights and connecting with each other on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn has accomplished this as a result of the convergence of two key factors:

1. A scalable infrastructure that connects hundreds of millions of people in milliseconds.

2. The increasing importance of online professional

information and finding the right experts can transform not only their careers, but also the trajectory of their companies. And that’s where LinkedIn is focused: fundamentally transforming the way the world works.

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Companies that engage on LinkedIn drive relationships and superior results.

2xmore likely to purchase and recommend1

Company Followers

4xTwitter and Facebook2

B2B Conversions

50%more likely to purchase from a company they engage with on LinkedIn3

Company Presence

Relationships count

Relationships matter. They matter online and offline. For companies, relationships mean more

For years, LinkedIn has helped professionals forge mutually beneficial relationships with other professionals – thereby enabling them to build

new business opportunities.

Your employees are some of your organization’s

information and news to employees, companies can reduce the friction inherent in traditional communication channels and subsequently increase the likelihood that the right messages are shared with the right audiences at the right time.

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01Relationships matter, so does context

professional network.

games or entertainment.

information that will help them work smarter and make better decisions.

on networking and searching for new opportunities.

happiness, goals and security.

On a professional network, members build knowledge to strengthen their identity, making them more purposeful and goal oriented in their careers. In this context, people actually expect to

companies and brands that they want to work for or do business with. In fact, they’re 26 percent more likely to want to hear from a company in a

in LinkedIn than in other networks1


of users keep their professional and personal networks separate


LinkedIn reached 225M members in 2013 and is adding approximately 6M new members per month

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We’re on a Mission

“To connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.”

an online identity, share insights and be accessible

What does this mean for your business?

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The functions of hiring, marketing and selling are crucial to the success of any enterprise, large or small.

Whether it’s finding the right talent, securing a warm introduction to a target customer, engaging the right professional with the right brand message or closing the sale, the needs are the same. You

Identify the right person.

Engage them with content that is compelling.

Spur them to action.

LinkedIn is not only fundamentally changing how companies find talent, but also how they market

millions of professionals, and the graph of how they’re connected to each other, is a critical



Engage the world’s decision makers


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Getting started begins with you


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LinkedIn counts

Fortune 500 companies as members

Your employees are brand ambassadors

increasingly using and relying on LinkedIn. Your

you with significant opportunities to showcase your brand with potential candidates and customers.

Your employees are conduits who can help your

news and information to the right audiences. Each time an employee changes their profile or shares an update, members of their network are

brand messages out to key decision makers and prospects.

create or complete your own LinkedIn profile. This sets the stage for your company’s talent ambassadors to engage on LinkedIn, where they can showcase your company, products, and brand.

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A complete LinkedIn profile establishes your professional brand online

Today finding the right people, locating the right

increasingly occurs online. As the world’s most powerful professional network, LinkedIn is a


qualifications and credentials

with your internal and external business contacts

As a valuable professional resource, LinkedIn:

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Building a strong network Quality is more important than quantity. Your network is an important part of your professional

connections will yield better results than a broad, but shallow network of unrelated connections or distant acquaintances. Keep your network useful and meaningful by connecting with people you know and trust.

It’s important to establish rapport with customers and prospects before sending them connection requests. Rapport helps frame your connection requests as natural relationship building rather than a sales tactic.

on LinkedIn. What is the extent or reach of their

your employees sharing their business insights? Who are they connected to?

your organization

Connected employees:

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leadership and amplify your

your network and extending your company’s reach. Ensuring your employees keep their

important, but so is the content they share since

engagement with their professional network,

Encourage your employees to talk about exciting changes in your business, to share industry

sponsor, or attend.

Fostering a sense of community through your

Groups makes strategic business sense. LinkedIn

employees to connect with peers, collaborate with other professionals, and engage potential customers.

Fostering a sense of community

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Hire: let the talent economy propel your business


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03Engage the world’s best talent Millions of skilled professionals are on LinkedIn

candidates are too busy changing the world within their current positions, so engaging with these top professionals requires a different approach.

LinkedIn can help your recruiting team find and retain the best talent by matching the right person with the right opportunity. LinkedIn empowers organizations like yours to do more with less by unlocking the world’s largest professional network

roles and to help you build a trusted talent brand. There’s no better way to find quality candidates

real time access to powerful data, analytic and reporting tools to better understand how you compare to your competitors in your recruiting efforts.

“It’s not until someone taps a happily employed top performer on the shoulder with a stronger opportunity that they lift their head up from what they’re doing on a day-to-day basis and consider a change.”

Jim Schnyder

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03Talent is essential to organizational success

for new opportunities.

With the most powerful search

Recruiter, you can expand searches beyond your personal connections to access the entire LinkedIn network.

with powerful filters that help you immediately zero in on ideal candidates.

Expand your reach

– LinkedIn’s trusted messaging

with InMail message templates and one-to-many InMails. Get higher response rates than cold calling and email.

Contact anyone

Build, track, and manage talent you want to hire now or in the future with folders, reminders and smart to do

shared projects, searches, profiles, and candidate notes.

Manage your pipeline

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to best-fit candidates Help your HR team say goodbye to post and pray candidate searches. Imagine if your job postings could do your sourcing for you - with LinkedIn, they can!

openings online – helping you put the right positions in front of only the right candidates.

the world’s largest pool of professional talent.


represent a whole new talent pool. LinkedIn lets you

LinkedIn profile lets you see their job experience, skills and career goals.

Let your jobs find the best candidates

Eighty percent of professionals are open to

homepage, an employee profile, or your careers tab. Automatically target the most

algorithms and profile data.

Get top billing for high-priority jobs

roles with a Sponsored Jobs placement. Bid for premium placement of your roles and only

Reach the best candidates anywhere

websites and enjoy the same, exact targeting ability you enjoy on LinkedIn with Jobs For You Web Ads.




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that appeals to top candidates establish why your company is the best place to work.

for the best and brightest minds on the planet. In this era of increasing transparency, your talent brand is no longer just about recruiting.

on more than the quality of your products and

These qualities, while historically falling under

fold, while also putting HR at the center of building your brand. This is where LinkedIn can help you craft your approach.

Show off

employee testimonials, and more. Keep candidates in the loop by encouraging them to “follow” your company on LinkedIn.

Customize your message

messaging, based on their LinkedIn profiles.


Showcase your most relevant jobs




“A strong employment brand reduces cost per hire by up to 50 percent.”Source (slide 4):

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40,000 new followers. They saw a 100 percent increase

its competitors. Today, Standard’s Talent Brand Index score is up 24 percent – the highest in Asia.

been credited as the number one external source for

fact, employee referral is the number one source of

107,000+ employees for talent branding.

talent far beyond the candidates in their database.

their reputation, L’Oreal also hired the right people faster by reaching out to them directly.

LinkedIn has helped Banco Itau completely transform the way they search and recruit new employees. One of Brazil’s largest banks, Banco Itau, has used LinkedIn to reduce time to hire, cut agency costs, and internalize their recruiting function while building market intelligence and gaining credibility with hiring managers.

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Market: build relationships with the world’s professionals


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relationshipsLinkedIn builds relationships between brands and the world’s professionals to make them both more successful.

From all across today’s increasingly connected digital landscape, LinkedIn has earned the genuine trust of global professionals. Your brand

generating awareness, building community,

That’s because your campaigns will resonate more if they’re targeted to specific professionals with

published in the professional context. And you can extend through the social sharing that happens naturally on LinkedIn, and extend authentic LinkedIn data to your branded channel.

Brands build relationships by using LinkedIn to target, publish, and extend:

Target with accuracy to reach a high quality audience1

in a professional context2

Extend through social sharing and extend quality traffic and data to a brand’s sites3

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04targeting to reach a high quality audienceaccurate targeting is the foundation of the LinkedIn social platform.

With LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, you can target our full suite of products to a global population of the most influential, educated, and affluent on the web. LinkedIn enables companies like yours to engage with professionals in unprecedented ways – by seniority, functional area, type of company, size of company, geography, as well as who they know in their network,

LinkedIn’s targeting is accurate because it draws from

by our 225 million members.

In this way, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions helps brand marketers capture “the personal in the professional”

within the most affluent, influential, and educated audience on the social web.

median household income of a LinkedIn member1


business decision makers 2


the other top 5 social media sites3


a college or graduate degree4


LinkedIn’s premium audience at a glance:

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We know that content marketing is an important way for brands to engage with professional audiences.

the people and brands they trust. But what does that really mean for your business?

Simply stated, content marketing comes down

important to your customers and prospects.

But not all audiences are created equal. With our

seeking content in a professional context, LinkedIn

Sharing among a high quality professional audience

than 1.3 million publishers connected to LinkedIn. Our members then share this compelling content through the network.

We help brands and organizations like yours to

your audience. Marketers use our data and content marketing solutions to publish tailored content and

And they enhance the relationship building with a combination of paid and organic solutions.

marketers at B2B and

in some form of content marketing now.1


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Establish a company presenceAs you build relationships with professionals, a

your company’s home on LinkedIn.

millions of professionals. It’s the one, centralized source for millions of LinkedIn members will stay in the loop on your company news, products


Spread the word

Your team can easily post status updates, stay top of mind

and promote career opportunities through your LinkedIn

Status updates empower you to engage directly with existing customers and prospects. Spread the word

around a hot topic in your industry or share an

Customer recommendations

doing business with you.

Career opportunities can be showcased, along with

company’s culture.

Build meaningful relationships

your page, and create new leads and customers.

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04Extend engagement on and off LinkedinBrands on LinkedIn don’t simply tell their stories

and brand exposure across the world’s largest professional network.

designed for social engagement. Once published

experiences work to reach specific audiences

continually endorsed and socialized from brand

You can also extend the quality traffic of LinkedIn professionals to your own branded sites.

LinkedIn ensures the flow of influential, affluent and educated professionals to your other

experiences that allow members to sign in to an app using their LinkedIn login. This enables you to tailor their experience and it simplifies the need for them to enter additional data.





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Analyze and refineSuccess depends on your ability to measure performance and optimize efforts. LinkedIn’s analytics tools empower your organization to do

to strengthen your relationships.

Take note: what content drives conversation?

For example, the best way to increase content engagement and amplification is to experiment with different kinds of content. Once you understand what works, you can easily refine your approach. You gain access to statistics (engagement rate, impressions, likes, shares and comments) below each status update 24 hours after each post.

Measuring engagement

engagement rate – the ratio of clicks, likes, comments, and shares to total update impressions. This is an important metric for understanding how often members take action on your updates. If you include a link in an update, be sure This way you can keep track of total click-throughs.

Measuring amplification

As you post updates, you can see which subjects and

With insights into engagement, you understand how often members are amplifying your content. For example,

might tell you that many of your followers are interested in

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campaign on LinkedIn to build relationships with early adopters and influencers with a passion for consumer

its most desired audiences, acquiring 165,000 new followers and boosting word-of-mouth for its latest products.

follow Samsung Mobile only on LinkedIn and not on other social platforms.

makers who are highly engaged and

informed with new brand messages,

reaches precise audiences in 15 target markets and their followers are 2.5x

professional women the best curated original content as well as resources on topics that matter most to them.

about business and financial topics

It attracted 43,000 highly engaged

months with 30-50 percent returning

other LinkedIn Group.

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Sell: engage the world’s decision makers


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A new generation of sales success LinkedIn helps companies increase sales through relationships and insights. It empowers sales professionals to find the right person, the best path in, and the right thing to say.

A typical sales team gets up to 30% of its leads

reps need to fill their own pipeline with high-quality prospects.

capabilities, enabling sales professionals to

find the best and most efficient path to higher quality prospects. By instantly and automatically broadening a sales professional’s network to

increase the number of reachable prospects exponentially.

information allows reps to know more about prospects before reaching out.

What do I say?

LinkedIn’s TeamLink helps sales teams find decision

reach higher quality prospects more quickly.

How do I get in?

the right prospect.

Who’s the right person?

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Identify and engage the best prospects Finding the right person is half the battle, and LinkedIn streamlines that process to make sales

professionals with a fast and easy way to identify

people simultaneously cast a wide net and pinpoint the right person to talk to.

In addition to searching, sales professionals can

identify new prospects. These insights about

discussion with a potential customer.

LinkedIn members are purchasing decision-makers



LinkedIn is fundamentally transforming the way the world works and the way companies do business. The stats speak

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Sales is a team sport powerful team sport. Through LinkedIn, a sales

networks can help teams reach new people and open new doors.

hidden connections to find the best path to higher quality prospects more quickly. By instantly broadening a sales professional’s network to

exponentially increase the number of reachable

team, helping you focus on the best prospects.

“The best reps are not just present in social media, they position themselves as FUHGLEOH�DQG�LQÀXHQWLDO�VRXUFHV�LQ�FXVWRPHU�networks.”

Sales Executive Council

“The B2B social buyer relies on social media and online communities during the purchase process.”


“Effective use of sales intelligence increases revenue productivity per sales rep by 17%.”

CSO Insights

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Scalable social selling day for prospecting and networking, but only

scalable social selling programs. With enterprise

program across their company with confidence.

coaching opportunities.

Insights Sell with social sales intelligence


EngagementGet in touch with decision makers


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With 400 employees worldwide, Eloqua

has grown steadily since it was

insights that inform marketing and

by 25% and reduced cycle times by

exceeding their quotas.

“LinkedIn Sales Navigator is the best tool that our sales team has for our social and target account selling initiative.”

Dennis Dresser

its new customer

accurate information about prospects

and shorten sales cycle times. LinkedIn’s TeamLink also enables them to expand the power of sales team connections and helped raise

from 20% to 50%.

“LinkedIn Sales Navigator has enabled our sales organization to conduct prospecting faster and more precisely. The net result is a higher quality pipeline, which helps us capture a greater share of our marketplace.”

Eric Marcy

The industry standard for legal,

needed to forge deeper connections with key decision makers and enhance prospecting and lead qualification. They selected LinkedIn

lead qualification, profiling, and

integration between LinkedIn and Salesforce enhances their sales

time access to companies, profiles,

“More than 80 per cent of our reps found important LinkedIn information that they would not have known otherwise because of LinkedIn’s seamless integration with Salesforce.”

Bob DeSantis

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Why choose LinkedIn?


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market and sellLinkedIn has already fundamentally changed how companies find talent. As the three

millions of professional profiles and the graph of how they are connected to each other will be a critical tool that helps companies succeed at all of them.

Get started today at

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List all jobs on LinkedIn to maximize strong talent brand

Maximize recruiters using LinkedIn to find and engage



A checklist to get you started today

Brand, connect and engage your employee’s profiles

your community (see the company page guide book)

Build your presence



Encourage sales reps to continue to grow their professional network and build their professional brand

Gather and contribute insights


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Want more?

Top tips to establish a rock star profile.

, which includes 5 Steps to engaging followers.

Sales solutions information.

Employer Brand for the 5 steps to crafting a highly

social talent brand.


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So, that’s it! Ready to get started? Great!

Go to to begin your journey today.

And remember – we’re always here to help!

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