
Introduction: - Correct line out and building setting are two important and basic requirements of starting any project successfully.Mistakes in line out can cause considerable losses, leading to demolition of certain part of the structure. Architect should always crosscheck line- out and N.O.C. should be obtained.Steps involve in line-out and building setting? Cleaning the site and leveling it with minor cutting & filling.? Demarcation of the plot & marking the actual boundaries with the help of theodolite survey. ? Proposed layout of the marked in the actual demarcation drawings and check the feasibility of accommodation at site.? Contour survey to be prepared.? Finalization of all levels with reference to a fix bench mark.? Checking and approval of all drawings with concerned authorities.? Checking of the center line drawings carefully.? To start the boundary wall construction.? To start preliminary line out of building and other structure and check the required dimensions and set backs? After confirmation, start a detail line out of the project at site for all the building and all other structures.? Individual building / structure line out.? Necessary precaution to be taken while doing line out and building setting. Requirements for line out work? Layout drawings? Instruments & materials Theodolite, line sting, plumb, hammer, pegs, nail, measuring tapes 30meters (at least 2 no.) , level tubs, mortar pans (ghamela ), spade(phavada), pick axe( tikav), right angle, trowel(thapi), marking stones, bricks, cement, sand(for pillar construction ), oil paint, brush etc.? Site cleaning & leveling.PRELIMINARY LINE-OUT Decide on the permanent structure/fixed bench mark, that was considered during contouring survey work. Locate this structure on the plan. As per the drawing measure the various distances from this structure. Now, mark straight line on the ground parallel to compound wall or building. Fix up any corner of the building. Before fixing the face of the building, the base line, e.g. the line parallel to the front road should be fixed. This line mark on the center of the road, taking into consideration future road widening. From, this base line, with minimum set-back from the road as per the layout drawing, a building is fixed. Setup the theodolite on any one corner and by taking perpendicular measurements; finalize all fore corners of the building. At this stage, check the required set backs for locating all the building, as shown in plan. Check the area of open space and distance between the different buildings after preliminary line-out, compound wall can be constructed for security, it will also act as a fixed reference of boundaries, to avoid any encroachments by the adjacent plot owners.

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