Page 1: Lighting Options You Can Choose For Your Home

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Lighting Options You Can Choose For Your Home

Lighting is one of the most important aspects in homebuilding or home remodelling. Many householders do not pay attention to the lights unless they blink, flicker or fail to light up. It is not just enough to install a fixture on the wall or ceiling and insert any lamps or bulbs. For every light source, one has to know their options.

Page 2: Lighting Options You Can Choose For Your Home

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Imagine your home without light

Can you see, feel safe and secure and create a comfortable environment without it? The way you arrange your lights and the kinds of lamps or bulbs you choose will make a difference in your energy consumption and level of comfort.

Page 3: Lighting Options You Can Choose For Your Home

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Incandescent Bulbs

The incandescent, invented by Thomas Alva Edison nearly 120 years ago, were for long the primary light sources for many homes until their inefficiency was discovered just a few years ago. The technology involved is that electricity heats up the wire filament enclosed in a glass bulb. This causes the bulb to glow and illuminate. That’s where incandescent bulbs are not efficient light sources.

Page 4: Lighting Options You Can Choose For Your Home

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They are also appliances

Your lights and the fixtures (luminaries) in which they operate also use up considerable amounts of electricity, probably 25 percent of your energy use. They are also appliances. Like appliances, lighting can be energy efficient too. They come in various options to meet your need for lighting at home.

Page 5: Lighting Options You Can Choose For Your Home

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90 percent of the energy produced by incandescent is not light but heat.

90 percent of the energy produced by incandescent is not light but heat. The heat which they produce can jump up your electricity bill. Despite that, incandescent bulbs are less expensive and they can still produce good quality light. However, in next year, the United States will no longer manufacture incandescent. Many homes no longer use them and people are ditching incandescent for new cost-effective alternatives.

Page 6: Lighting Options You Can Choose For Your Home

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Light-emitting Diodes

The light-emitting diodes or LEDs are the first in time when it comes to lighting and energy efficiency. A LED lamp depends upon a semiconductor for its light. There are fast becoming on of the most energy efficient types of lamps for use at home. LEDs can fit into any lighting fixtures.

Page 7: Lighting Options You Can Choose For Your Home

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The use of LEDs will increase in the following year

With new and better LED technology and lowering consumer prices, they can provide more energy-saving costs for homeowners and put many power plants out of service.

Page 8: Lighting Options You Can Choose For Your Home

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Halogen Lights

Halogen lights are the modern improved versions of Edison’s incandescent. They last longer than the traditional bulb. With a parabolic aluminised reflector, they improve lighting focus and give off very bright white light.

Page 9: Lighting Options You Can Choose For Your Home

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Fluorescent Lamps

New technology has improved the performance of fluorescents. They no longer flicker or buzz, and are now great for use at any rooms of your house. They now come with new electronic ballasts too, which is why they are one of the most energy-saving lighting options available to users and one of the better performing lights too.

Page 10: Lighting Options You Can Choose For Your Home

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Compact Fluorescent Lamps

A more compact variation of the conventional fluorescent lamp, compact fluorescent lamps or CFLs work the same way only that their tubes are made smaller and folded to fit into areas designed for incandescents. They can fit into the fixtures of incandescent and operate on less energy to give off cooler light. CFLs are one of the longer lasting lighting systems available. What lighting options would work out best for you? Make sure you discuss your lighting needs with your Electrician Sydney so he can come up with the best options and fixtures for you.

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