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  • 1. Lets TalkAbout Books!

2. Just like people, books havevery important parts! 3. Just like you haveskin to protect theparts inside youA book has a partthat protects ittoo! 4. Its called a COVER! The booksCOVER is the outside part of the book! 5. All books havea FRONT COVER and aBACK COVER. 6. The FRONT COVER and theBACK COVER work togetherto keep the book safe. 7. The FRONT COVER hasimportant information on it. 8. Like the TITLE of the book! 9. The TITLE is the books name. Italmost always appears near the TOPof the books cover. TITLE: The Very Hungry Caterpillar 10. The TITLE of a book can help youpredict or guess what the book willbe about. TITLE: The Very Hungry Caterpillar 11. What do you think thisbook is about? 12. This book is about a caterpillar. Wecan tell because the word caterpillaris in the books TITLE. 13. There is also a picture of a caterpillar on the cover of the book. 14. The COVER of a book also hasthe name of the AUTHOR on it. 15. The AUTHOR is the person whowrote the book. 16. The AUTHORS name usually appearssomewhere below the books TITLE or near the bottom of the book. 17. Green Eggs and Ham waswritten by Dr. Seuss! He is theAUTHOR! 18. Sometimes the cover of a book willalso have the name of the personwho drew the pictures in the book. 19. The person who draws the picturesis called the ILLUSTRATOR. 20. TheILLUSTRATORof this book isFelicia Bond. 21. Who do you think Laura Numeroff is? 22. Laura Numeroff is the AUTHOR.She wrote If You Take A MouseTo School. 23. Sometimes the same person writes the story and draws the pictures. They are both the AUTHOR and ILLUSTRATOR!Maurice Sendak wroteWhere the Wild ThingsAre and drew thepictures! 24. What is the TITLE of this book? 25. Is it:YummyMy Favourite NurseryStories Or Lucy Cousins? 26. The TITLE of this book is: YummyMy Favourite Nursery Stories 27. The TITLE of this book is: YummyMy Favourite Nursery StoriesLucyCousins istheAUTHOR. 28. Another important part of abook is the SPINE. 29. The SPINE of a book connects theFRONT COVER to the BACK COVER . 30. You have a SPINE too!Your SPINE is very strong. It keeps your body straight and holds you up! 31. A books SPINE works the same way. It holds the book together. 32. But a books SPINE is not asstrong as your SPINE!It can get damaged if you drop thebook, or dont handle it with care. 33. The SPINE of a book also has importantinformation on it! 34. Like the TITLE of the book! 35. And the name of the AUTHOR! 36. And if its a library book, the SPINE willhave a special label on it called aCALL NUMBER! 37. A CALL NUMBER is the address of the book. It tells you exactly where thebook lives on the shelf! 38. Just like your address tells everyonewhat house you live in on your street. 235 39. You will learn more about CALLNUMBERS when you get older! 40. ??? WHAT TOREMEMBER ???For now, all youneed to knowabout CALLNUMBERS isthat they are onthe spine oflibrary books. 41. So always make sure when youput a book back on the shelf.The SPINE of the book is facing you! 42. So you can see.The CALLNUMBER 43. So you can see.TITLEof thebookThe CALLNUMBER 44. So you can see.And thename of TITLEthe of theAUTHOR. bookThe CALLNUMBER 45. Now you know all about theimportant parts on the OUTSIDEof a book. 46. There are important parts inside a book, too.But we will save that for another day! 47. SPINES OUT!

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