

Venue: SE 125 Time: 1-4pm Date: July 1, 2011 (Saturday) Over-all heads: Angel Espiritu and Ray Francisco Tasks:

• Ray-finances, committee reminder (booths, presentation), race booth overseer • Angel-program flow, certificates, script • Janna-food • Ryan-text brig, icebreaker • Enzo-sandwich, drinks • JR-technicals (PPT, music), Memcom video • Jade-registration • Just, Karla-committee presentation • Angelica, Karla-decorations • Ria-assist Ray in reminding committees • Pat, Car-org choreography • Cocoy-pubmats, app primer

Hosts: Cocoy Vargas and Car Sta. Maria Projector, speakers, registration materials, nametags: Enzo





10:00-1:00 Prodwork/Set-up of decors Angelica, Karla Decors! And prodwork stuff

Tambayan/SE 125

12:00-1:00 Practice choreography for opening number

Pat, Car Last Friday Night Tambayan

1:00-1:30 Registration/Assembly Jade and any Memcom too!

App list, members list, nametags, pens

In front of SE 125

1:30-1:33 Opening Prayer RIa Prayer SE 125 1:33-1:38 Opening number: Last Friday

Night Pat, Car, ALL MEMBERS!

Speakers, music SE 125

1:38-1:40 Welcoming Hosts Script/Guide SE 125 1:40-1:42 Introduction of the Organization Paolo/Enzo Ecosoc ID video SE 125 1:42-1:45 Opening Remarks Paolo Speech SE 125 1:45-1:50 Introduction of Execom Paolo Background music SE 125 1:50-1:55 Comm pres: Acad Reuel SE 125 1:55-2:00 Comm pres: CDC Faye SE 125 2:00-2:05 Comm pres: Echoes Kenneth SE 125 2:05-2:10 Comm pres: Externals Reg SE 125 2:10-2:15 Comm pres: Finance Gilbert SE 125 2:15-2:20 Comm pres: Liai Mads SE 125 2:20-2:30 Icebreaker game: Bahay-baboy-

bagyo (GROUPING OF APPS) *Group all from same kind

(bahay/baboy/bagyo) divided by 2)

Ryan, Hosts Game mechanics, background music

SE 125

2:30-2:35 Comm pres: Memcom Enzo SE 125 2:35-2:40 Comm pres: Seccom Cocoy SE 125 2:40-2:45 Comm pres: Sports Myk SE 125 2:45-2:50 Comm pres: SPEV Jason SE 125 2:50-2:55 Comm pres: Taskforce Sel, Dhiren SE 125 2:55-3:00 Comm pres: Adhoc Pao, Janna SE 125 3:00-3:02 Answering of committee

preference Enzo, hosts Committee

preference paper SE 125

3:03-3:05 Mechanics for race Hosts Mechanics for games

SE 125

3:05-3:13 Station 1 Around Econ 3:13-3:21 Station 2 Around Econ 3:21-3:29 Station 3 Around Econ 3:29-3:37 Station 4 Around Econ 3:37-3:45 Station 5 Around Econ 3:45-3:53 Station 6 Around Econ 3:53-3:57 Back to room Memcom SE 125 3:57-4:10 Eating time + Best booth + Post

analysis of game Hosts, Ray Food, drinks, best

booth paper, post analysis idea

SE 125

4:10-4:15 Closing remarks/Final reminders/Awarding of best


Hosts SE 125

4:15 End! 4:15-5:00 EGRESS MEMCOM SE 125

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